Journal Boards


Ndp Academic Publishing (NDPAP) It is not affiliated with an institution Türkiye Web

NDP Academic Publishing (NDPAP) was founded in 2023 in Mersin, Turkey, with the main goal of promoting open scholarly exchange among all disciplines. NDPA Publishing is a publisher of peer-reviewed, scientific open access journals that supports a fast and rigorous article processing and editing process. As an advocate of open access, we believe strongly in the power of disseminating knowledge. We provide comprehensive resources and guidance to facilitate a smooth and successful publishing journey. Our expert team is here to guide you at every stage, from article submission to post-acceptance processes.

Sports Training, Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled, Sports Science and Exercise (Other), Physiotherapy


Sports Science and Exercise, Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled

Section Editors

Prof. Dr. Young-mee KİM SEOWON UNIVERSITY South Korea Web
Sociology of Sports, Physical Activity and Health, Sports and Recreation, Dance and Choreography
Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled
Prof. Dr. Soon-kwon PARK JEONJU UNIVERSITY South Korea

Soon Kwon Park
Address: 101-1802, 577 Dongdaeguro, Dong-gu, Daegu, South Korea
Cell Phone: 82-10-8982-9680

Work Experience

09/2023 ~ present
Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Counseling Psychology, Jeonju University

03/2015 - 08/2023
Professor, Dept. of Counseling Psychology, Jeonju University

03/2007 - 02/2015
Professor, Dept. of Alternative Medicine, Jeonju University

09/2000 - 02/2007
Research Professor, Dept. of Anatomy, Korea University

07/1998 – 06/2000
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Texas Medical Branch


08/1994 - 02/1998
Ph. D. in Biological Psychology, Korea University

03/1986 - 02/1988
Master’s Degree in in Biological Psychology, Yeoungnam University

03/1979 - 02/1986
Bachelor of Art in Psychology, Yeoungnam University

Academic Activity

Korean Society of Intervention (full membership and director)
Society for Neuroscience (full membership)
Korean Psychological Association (full membership and director)
Korean Health Psychological Association (full membership)
Korean Addiction Psychological Association (full membership and director)
Korean Convergence Society: Wellness subdivision (full membership and director)

Research Interests

Psychosomatic Approach to Health Care
Neuroscience of Learning and Memory
Neurobiology of Stress Response
Neurobiological Mechanism of Neuropathic Pain

Pain, Behavioural Neuroscience, Stress
Lecturer Yulingga Nanda HANİEF State University of Malang Indonesia Web

I am staff member of Faculty of Sports Science, State University of Malang, Indonesia.

Physical Fitness, Injury Prevention

Editorial Board

Physical Activity and Health
Prof. Dr. Betül AKYOL İnönü üniversitesi Türkiye Web
Medical Physiology, Sports Training, Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled, Physical Activity and Health, Motor Control, Rehabilitation

Dr. Valentina Ștefănică is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sciences, Physical Education, and Informatics, Department of Physical Education and Sport at the Politehnica University of Bucharest, Pitești University Center. Her scholarly work includes several notable books such as "The Environment and Organizational Culture in Sports" (2013), "Entrepreneurship in Sports - A Solution for Former Performance Athletes" (2020), and "Sport Marketing" (2023). She has contributed chapters to international publications on topics such as post-pandemic sports preparation and recovery techniques for athletes.

Her research articles are indexed in various databases, with recent publications focusing on the effects of kin ball on muscle strength and endurance, as well as exploring entrepreneurial intentions among sports students. Dr. Ștefănică has also been involved in numerous research and development projects, including Erasmus+ programs and inclusive education initiatives.

In terms of research and development, Dr. Ștefănică has been involved in several projects, including:

2024: Project Coordinator for ERASMUS+ FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, KA131 (2021-2027), focusing on "Leisure Time - Mountain Activities and Teambuilding."
2022-2023: Director of the research project "Development of Inclusive Education of Institutionalized Children through Adapted Psychomotricity."
2019-2021: Director/beneficiary of the Kidsano Romania project in extracurricular marketing activities.
2023: Expert in the Erasmus project "Walking in the Path of Giving: Taking Action for Solidarity, Sustainability, an Inclusive Society, and a Fairer World."
2023: Member of the project "Designing, Testing, and Validating an Innovative Team Building Product for Enhancing Organizational Performance."
2022: Consultant for entrepreneurs in the project "Integrated Activities and Measures for Educational Assistance, Entrepreneurial Counseling, and Mentoring."

Dr. Ștefănică has been actively involved in various professional committees and scientific conferences:

2021: President of the Management Section at the International Scientific Conference “Perspectives in Physical Education and Sport.”
2014-2023: Member of the organizing committee for the Student Scientific Session.
2010-2018: Member of the organizing committee for the International Conference on Physical Education, Sport, and Health.
She has also served as a keynote speaker at several international conferences and workshops, including those focusing on sports entrepreneurship and volunteer management.

Dr. Ștefănică is a member of professional organizations such as the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) and the Romanian Council of Sports Science. Her contributions to the field have been recognized with awards and roles in various projects that aim to advance sports education and management.

Physical Activity and Health
Prof. Il-young CHO Jeonju University South Korea

Dr. IL-YOUNG CHO is currently a professor in the Department of Exercise Prescription at the College of Medical Sciences, Jeonju University. He also holds a professorship at the Graduate School of Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the same university.

Dr. CHO began his professional career in 1996 as an Exercise Prescription Intern at Asan Medical Center, where he gained valuable experience in clinical exercise physiology. This early experience contributed to his foundation in medical science and alternative therapy.

From 2018 to 2021, Dr. CHO served as the Chief of the Ceragem Institute for Spinal Science/Medical Science. Since 2010, he has been the Director and Advisory Member of the Ceragem Alternative Medicine Research Institute.

In 2006, he was a professor in the Department of Alternative Therapy at Gwangju Women's University. From 2001 to 2005, he served as the Vice-President of Suwon Seryu Neuroscience Clinic and other clinics, significantly contributing to the field of neuroscience and medical administration.

Dr. CHO has held various positions in academic and professional organizations. He was the Director of the Institute of Alternative Medicine at Jeonju University from 2012 to 2017 and served as the Deputy Editor of the International Journal of Health Care and Information Technology in 2016. His editorial contributions extend to the Korea Digital Policy Association, where he served as Deputy Editor from 2015 to 2020 and as Editor in Chief since 2021.

From 2015 to 2021, Dr. CHO was the Chairman of the WT Subcommittee of the Korean Convergence Society and has been the Program Chair for the International Conference on Digital Policy & Management (ICDPM) since 2015. He also served as an editor for the Korean Journal of Physical Education from 2015 to 2016.

His dedication to healthcare is reflected in his roles as a Director of the Korean Developmental Disabilities Association since 2008 and the Korea Psychosomatic Movement Society. From 2010 to 2013, he was an Advisory Board Member of the National Assembly Supplemental Alternative Medicine Policy Committee under Congressman Kim, Choon-Jin.

Since 2022, Dr. CHO has been serving as an Evaluation Committee Member of the Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency, and since 2020, he has been a Deliberation Committee Member of the Food Sanitation Advisory Committee for the Korea Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.

Exercise Physiology, Chiropractic, Health Promotion, Physiotherapy
Prof. Dr. H. Ahmet DEVECİ Gaziantep Üniversitesi Türkiye
Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Enzymes, Industrial Biotechnology, Nutrition and Dietetics, Medical Biochemistry and Metabolomics, Biomedical Sciences and Technology, Health Sciences, Health Management, Veterinary Biochemistry
Sports Science and Exercise, Sports Training, Physical Activity and Health
Asst. Prof. Dr. Exal GARCİA-CARRİLLO Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins Chile
Physical Training and Sports, Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity for Disabled People Physical Education and Play

Physical Training and Sports, Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivana SRETENOVİC University of Belgrade Serbia

Child Development, Motor Development, Social Development, Developmental Disabilities, Inclusive Education, Learning Disabilities.

Multi Disabled Education, Special Education and Disability (Other), Motor Control
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angelka KESKİNOVA Faculty of Philosophy Ss Cyril and Methodius University Skopje Macedonia

She graduated in 2008 at the Institute of Special education and rehabilitation, obtained a master's degree in 2012 (master thesis: Socioeconomical status of families with disabled child) and a doctorate in 2014 at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje. After defending her doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Specific learning problems in people with disabilities" she obtained a scientific degree - Doctor of Special Education and Rehabilitation Sciences.
For a period of 7 years, from 2010 to 2017, she worked as a special educator and rehabilitator, as well as coordinator of the Day Care Center for Persons with Mental or Physical Disabilities.
From 2015 to 2018 she worked as a lecturer in various subjects at the Institute for Special Education and Rehabilitation at the Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Tetovo, Republic of North Macedonia.
Since December 2018 she has been employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje at the Institute for Family Studies, as an associate professor in the fields of: Education, Special Education and Rehabilitation (Family and Disability, Special Education and Families, Family and Developmental Disabilities).


Family consoler - unformal education European Family Therapy
Address 1000, Skopje Website
14/01/2021 – 30/03/2021
Policy engagement, Science engagement program - unformal

02/06/2022 – 08/07/2022 Online
Evidence-based Practices in Early Childhood Intervention - unformal education Eur lyAid and UNICEF

MOTHER TONGUE(S): Macedonian
Other language(s):
Listening C1 Spoken production C1
Reading C1 Spoken interaction C1
Writing C1

Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user; B1 and B2: Independent user; C1 and C2: Proficient user
Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Microsoft Powerpoint Social Media Google Drive Microsoft Excel SP SS Statistical Tool Wordpress - Basic Knowledge Excellent Knowledge of Canva Website create Basic knowledge in Design and photo/video editing.

Современото македонско семејство
Monography: Радуловиќ, М., Авировиќ Бундалевска, Ирена., Кескинова А. Современото македонско семејство, Здружение за семејна поддршка ЕСТИА, 2024 ISBN 978-608-67162-0-2, COBISS.MK-ID 62704389 Скопје
Changes in the structure of the Macedonian family (Research on young people’s perceptions of their family of origin)
Radulovic, Makedonka, Avirovic Bundalevska, Irena, & Keskinova, Angelka. 2024. ,,Changes in the structure of the Macedonian family (Research on young people’s perceptions of their family of origin)”. во International Journal of Social Sciences “VISIONS“, Grafiotex, Skopje, Issue No 42 Skopje, ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form; ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form.
Support and education for families of children with disabilities: exploring parental perspectives and recommendation.
Keskinova A., (2023). Support and education for families of children with disabilities: exploring parental perspectives and recommendation. Annuaire, vol.76:843-865, Skopje. ISSN 0350-1892
Situation Analysis on Early Childhood Intervention in North Macedonia
Karovska Ristovska, A., Filipovska M., Ajdinski,G., Chichevska-Jovanova, N., Dimitrova-Radojichikj, D., Rashikj-Canevska, O., Stanojkovska-Trajkovska, N., Keskinova, A., Gjeorgjievska, A., Dukovska, V., Kostadinovska E., Kakabadze, N., Diehl, K., Vargas-Barón, E. (2023) Situation Analysis on Early Childhood Intervention in North Macedonia, UNICEF, Republic of North Macedonia, ISBN ENG 978-608-4787-93-8
Перцепции за бракот и разводот на младите во Република Северна Македонија,Перцепции за бракот и разводот на младите во Република Северна Македонија,
Monography: Авировиќ-Бундалевска, И., Радуловиќ. М., Кескинова. А. (2023) Перцепции за бракот и разводот на младите во Република Северна Македонија, Филозофски факултет, Св.Кирил и Методиј, Скопје ISBN: 978-608-238-230-2

Challenges Faced by Parents of Children with Disabilities
Keskinova, A., Ajdinski G., (2023) Challenges Faced by Parents of Children with Disabilities: Implications for Comprehensive Treatment and Support. 6th International Conference on Social Science Research, Budva, Monte Negro, pp. 37-42, ISBN. 978-625-98911-2-5
Research for Best Practices of Inclusion of Adults with Disabilities on the Labor Market
Monography: Rizova, E., Keskinova, A., Georgievska, S., Stanojkovska Trajkovska, N., Demetriou, K., Borges, F., ... & Lazova, L. (2023). Research for Best Practices of Inclusion of Adults with Disabilities on the Labor Market ISBN: 978-608-245-848-9
Enhancing Employment Opportunities for Persons With Disabilities: the Importance of Inclusive Strategies and Innovative Tools
Keskinova, A., Rizova, E., Stanojkovska-Trajkovska, N., Georgievska, S., Minov, N. (2023). "Enhancing Employment Opportunities for Persons With Disabilities: the Importance of Inclusive Strategies and Innovative Tools". In 6. меѓународна научна конференција 30 години студии по Специјална едукација и рехабилитација. Скопје: Филозофски факултет, pp. 566-582. ISBN 978-608-238-237-1
Adaptation of Students to Distance Learning During the Covid 19 Pandemic. Educational Challenges and Future Prospects
Keskinova, A., Avirovic Bundalevska, I., Radulović, M. (2022). Adaptation of Students to Distance Learning During the Covid 19 Pandemic. Educational Challenges and Future Prospects: Conference Proceedings. International Scientific Conference - 75th Anniversary of the Institute of Pedagogy – Educational Challenges and Future Prospects, Ohrid, 16-18 May 2022. Skopje: Institute of Pedagogy / Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, pp. 265-272
Drawing skills in students with mild intellectual disability
Keskinova, A., Ramo Akgün, N. (2022). Drawing skills in students with mild intellectual disability. HAYEF: Journal of Education., 19(2), 114-121. DOI: 10.54614/hayef.2022.21049
Distance learning in higher education during COVID-19: The role of basic psychological needs and intrinsic motivation for persistence and procrastination
Pelikan ER, Korlat S, Reiter J, Holzer J, Mayerhofer M, Schober B, et al. (2021). Distance learning in higher education during COVID-19: The role of basic psychological needs and intrinsic motivation for persistence and procrastination – A multi-country study. PLoS ONE , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257346
Family Support in the Republic of North Macedonia
Avirovic Bundalevska, I., Radulovic, M., Keskinova, A. (2021) Family Support in the Republic of North Macedonia. Postmodernism Problems 11 (2). pp.157-169., ISSN: 1314 – 3700., DOI: 10.46324/PMP2102157
Accessible museums
Keskinova A., Troshanska J., Ramadani Rasimi T. Georgievski P, (2021). Accessible museums. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current trends and prospects of international tourism”, Macedonia,
pp. 27-35, ISBN 978‐608‐4872‐11‐5
Financial challenges of family of disabled children
Keskinova A., (2021). Financial challenges of family of disabled children. International Conference of the Occasion of the Centennial of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje., Science and Society: Contribution of Humanities and Social Sciences. pp.695-707., ISBN 978-608-238-199-2, COBISS.MK-ID 53318149

Пристапност во туризмот: патувања на лицата со попреченост
Monography: Методијески.Д., Филипоски. О., Кескинова. А., Џамбазовски. К., Талеска. М, Тодоровиќ. Е., Чедомир Димовски. Ч., Мицевски. М., Митева. Е., (2021). Пристапност во туризмот: патувања на лицата со попреченост. Туристика, Скопје ISBN: 978-608-4872-09-2
Specific Learning Problems
Part of the Monography: Keskinova, A. Ramo Akgün, N. (2021). Specific Learning Problems, In Şehriban Koca (Ed). Research and Reviews in Educational Sciences- II. (pp.129-153). Gece Kitaplığı
Students and family functioning during the COVID 19 pandemic, Improving the quality of life of children and youth
Keskinova, A., Radulovic, M., Avirovic Bundalevska, I., Ajdinski., G. (2021). Students and family functioning during the COVID 19 pandemic, Improving the quality of life of children and youth. XI International scientific conference „Improving the quality of life of children and youth”, Bulgaria, pp.333-341
Осврти, рецензии, промоции, кажувања, извештаи, и медиуми за професорот д-р Љупчо Ајдински
Monography: Кескинова А., Осврти, рецензии, промоции, кажувања, извештаи, и медиуми за професорот д-р Љупчо Ајдински, Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 2020
The role of the family educator in early intervention process of children with disability
Keskinova A., (2020). The role of the family educator in early intervention process of children with disability. Annuaire, vol.73: 483-491.
Support to families of children with disabilities
Keskinova, A., Radulovic, M., Avirovic Bundalevska, I., Dragovic, I. (2019). Support to families of children with disabilities. Sixth International Scientific Conference: Social Change in the Global World – Proceedings. Stip: University Goce Delcev. pp. 815-826. ISBN 978-608-244-647-9, COBISS MK-ID 110919178
United Nations’ Contribution to Families (Focus on Family International Day)
Radulovic, M., Avirovic Bundalevska, I., Keskinova, A. (2019). United Nations’ Contribution to Families (Focus on Family International Day). Sixth International Scientific Conference: Social Change in the Global World – Proceedings. Stip: University Goce Delcev. pp. 901-912. ISBN 978-608-244-647-9, COBISS MK-ID 110919178
Family and intellectual disability
Keskinova, A., Radulovic, M., Bundalevska Avirovic, I., Dragovic, I. (2019), Family and intellectual disability. International Scientific Conference: 70 years - organized education, rehabilitation and employment of persons with disability in Republic North Macedonia. Bitola: Association of special educators and rehabilitators of RNM, pg. 223-231. ISBN 978-608-65438-6-0

2021 – 2023
United in Inclusion for employability – UNITY, Erasmus + project
The "United in Inclusion for Employability" project aims to enhance employment prospects for disabled individuals by educating employers and professional staff. It focuses on providing guidance on creating

effective CVs for those with disabilities. The initiative seeks to foster a more inclusive work environment by offering resources and support to both job seekers and providers.e the description...
01/01/2022 – 31/12/2022
Perceptions of marriage and divorce among young people in the Republic of North Macedonia
This study investigated young people's perceptions of marriage and divorce in the Republic of North Macedonia through rigorous data collection and analysis. The research findings were systematically analyzed to identify prevailing attitudes and trends, ensuring the robustness of the conclusions drawn. The culmination of this academic endeavor was the development of a scholarly publication, aiming to enrich the existing literature on marital perceptions within this demographic.
2021 – 2022
Research for National Situation Analyses on Early Childhood Intervention, UNICEF The project embarked on conducting National Situation Analyses concerning Early Childhood Intervention, leveraging both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies to gather comprehensive data. Through meticulous data analysis, the study aimed to synthesize information from diverse sources, enhancing the understanding of the current landscape of early childhood intervention practices. This analytical process was intended to culminate in the development of an extensive report, providing a detailed examination of the findings to inform policymakers and stakeholders in the field.

2021 – 2021
Education for employment in North Macedonia, Detra Center
Functional and training needs analysis of Regional center for vocational education and training - Consulta nt for working with people with disabilities
2021 – 2021
Dyslexia online teaching courses" Erasmus + project
2017 – 2018
USAID and LCIF Children with Visual Impairments Project
Inclusive education coordinator: Coordinating resource centers for visual impairment children in five cities in Macedonia (Skopje, Tetovo, Veles, Shtip, Bitola).
2013 – 2015
Coordination Board for volunteer service, Project - Roma Children Dropout Educator/trainer for Development of educational curriculum - within the project "Inclusion of dropped out and improvement of education process of students from Roma nationality in primary schools"

2014 – 2015
STEP Skills Measurement - research on households, DOO PUBLIK
Coordinator for field research within the project: STEP Skills Measurement - research on companies

2013 – 2015
Conditional Cash Transfers in Republic of Macedonia, DOO PUBLIK
Field coordinator on the project: Subsequent collection of data for evaluation of Conditional Cash Transfers in Republic of Macedonia
2012 – 2014
Support of Roma women to access the labor market in Macedonia, Coordination Board for volunteer service
Educator within the project "Support of Roma women to access the labor market in Macedonia" in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia

2012 – 2014
STEP Skills Measurement, DOO PUBLIK
Project assistant for field research within the project: STEP Skills Measurement - research on households

2012 – 2014
Performance audit of Conditional Cash Transfers, DOO PUBLIK
Research and analysis within the project: Performance audit of Conditional Cash Transfers

Early Childhood Education, Special Education and Disability (Other), Family Care, Mental Health Services
Prof. Dr. Ioannis PAPATHANASİOU Medical University of Plovdiv Bulgaria Web

Cardiac Rehabilitation, Spinal Cord Injury, Rehabilitation Medicine, Rehabilitation, Neurorehabilitation, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing, Physical Rehabilitation, Stroke Rehabilitation, Sports Injuries, Kinesiology, Movement Analysis

Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled, Motor Control, Physiotherapy
Prof. Dr. Feryal SUBAŞI Yeditepe University Türkiye Web
Sports Medicine, Disabled Groups, Rehabilitation
Prof. Dr. Gonca INCE Çukurova Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Türkiye Web

She graduated from Çukurova University, Faculty of Education, Department of Physical Education and Sports with a degree. She completed her master's thesis in Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with the title "Evaluation of respiratory and exercise capacities of allergic asthmatic children with different activity levels".
She completed her doctoral thesis in the field of Physical Education and Sports at Çukurova University, Faculty of Education, Department of Physical Education and Sports with the title "Effects of education and exercise programmes on disease activity and functional status in patients with ankylosing spondylitis".
He has been working in the field of sports in the disabled for about 20 years. He participated in many trainings on sports in the disabled both as a participant and as an invited speaker. These trainings; courses for the sensory development of individuals with disabilities (Sherborne Developmental Movement Education 1-2) and physical education and sports in disabilities, motor development seminars in disabilities, etc. In addition, goalball for the visually impaired, sitting volleyball for the physically disabled, etc. He also has certificates from coaching courses. He has book chapters in many national/international books, articles, papers, journal referees, book editors, panelists and external consultants within TÜBİTAK, especially in the fields of special athletes (attention development in sports, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, down syndrome, mental retardation). He also worked as a trainer in many projects in the field of disabilities. Some of them are; The EU project titled "Sports for Disabled-Enable to Participate" with the number 2008-1-PT1-LEO05-004020 in which 5 countries (Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Finland, Bulgaria) were involved within the scope of Leonardo da vinci Transfer of Innovation in 2009 and the project titled "Autism Spectrum Disorder and Motor Skills" within the scope of TÜBİTAK 2237-A for 2 times in 2020-2022. In recent years, he has been working intensively on the subject of "The Importance of Physical Activity in Individuals with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder", which he has chosen as his speciality. He has carried out about 15-20 projects within the scope of sports course in disabled people. There are currently 10 doctoral and 3 master's students. 

Education for Autistic Children, Mental Disability Education, Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled, Physical Activity and Health, Physical Fitness
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation
Mental Disability Education, Autism and Spectrum Disorder Education, Special Education and Disability (Other)
Child Development Education

Spelling and Language Editors

Sports Training, Exercise Physiology, Physical Activity and Health
Dr. Gökhan UMUTLU University of Kansas Medical Center United States
Sport and Exercise Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, Physical Activity and Health

Statistical Editor

Measurement Theories and Applications in Education and Psychology, Scale Development, Medical Education
Asst. Prof. Dr. Erick BURHAEIN Universitas Ma'arif Nahdlatul Ulama Kebumen Indonesia Web
Special Education and Disabled Education, Sports Science and Exercise, Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled

Advisory Board

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dan Iulian ALEXE ”Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău Romania Web

Dan Iulian ALEXE is an associate professor, Ph.D. at the "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacau (Romania); he holds the position of Dean of the Faculty of Movement, Sports and Health Sciences in Bacau (from 2020) and earned his PhD in Physical Education and Sport in 2009. His research is focused on physical education in the pre-university, university, and private environment, as well as on increasing human performance in sports. To date, he has published 141 articles (49 are indexed in Web of Science) and 15 specialized books and university textbooks. He has h-index value 8 on Web of Science, his articles accumulating over 350 citations, of which 199 citations are only of articles indexed by Clarivate. He reviewed more than 70 articles for journals indexed in Web of Science/Scopus. He is also an athletics coach.

Special Education and Disability (Other), Physical Activity and Health, Motor Control, Exercise and Sports Psychology, Sports Science and Exercise (Other), Physiotherapy
Prof. Dr. Lúcio Fernandes FERREİRA Federal University of Amazonas Brazil Web
Special Education and Disability (Other), Inclusive Education, Motor Control
Prof. Dr. Noor HATEM University of Baghdad / College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences for Women Iraq Web

Sports Training
Prof. Dr. Betül AKYOL İnönü üniversitesi Türkiye Web
Medical Physiology, Sports Training, Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled, Physical Activity and Health, Motor Control, Rehabilitation
Sports Science and Exercise, Sports Training, Physical Activity and Health
Physical Activity and Health
Prof. Dr. Ratko PAVLOVIC University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sports Training, Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled, Physical Activity and Health
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ravi Shankar REDDY King Khalid University Saudi Arabia Web
Dr. Diajeng Tyas Pinru PHYTANZA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Indonesia
Autism and Spectrum Disorder Education, Special Education and Disability (Other), Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled
Prof. Dr. Gianpiero GRECO University of Study of Bari Italy Web
Sport and Exercise Nutrition, Sports Medicine, Development of Physical Education and Education Programs, Sports Law, Sport and Exercise Psychology, Physical Training and Sports Pedagogy, Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled, Physical Activity and Health, Physical Fitness, Sports Science and Exercise (Other)
Prof. Dr. Wilder VİLLAMİL-PARRA Universidad de la Sabana Colombia Web

Physiotherapist, Specialist in Physical Therapy for Critically Ill Adult Patients (UR), Master’s in Sports and Physical Activity Physiotherapy (UNAL), and Ph.D. in Sciences - Biology (UNAL), with a research stay at the Cellular Biology and Immunology Laboratory of the University of Barcelona.

He has extensive experience in clinical care and managing patients with non-communicable chronic diseases. He has served as an undergraduate and graduate professor, academic process leader, and researcher recognized by MINCIENCIAS in the associate category. His research interests focus on physical therapy for critically ill patients, acute and chronic stress responses, exercise physiology, and molecular biology applied to physical therapy.

Respiratory Diseases, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Physical Training and Sports Pedagogy, Physical Activity and Health
Education for Autistic Children, Autism and Spectrum Disorder Education
Prof. Dr. Helmi BEN SAAD University of Sousse Tunisia Web

Pr (MD, PhD).

Physiology and Functional Explorations.

Master: Biological and Medical Sciences

Diploma: Advanced Studies “Sciences of Human Movement”

Interuniversity Diploma “physiopathology of exercise and functional explorations of effort”

PhD thesis

European Driving License in Spirometry Part 1 and Part 2

Guest speaker *** international conferences

Author: > 300 articles

Reviewer: 100 journals

Professor Helmi BEN SAAD (MD, PhD)
PubMed ScholarGoogle Researchgate Webofscience Mendeley Kudos
MD (Faculty of Medicine of Sousse, Tunisia). PhD (Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, France). Physiology and Functional Explorations.
.Laboratory of Physiology and Functionnal Explorations. Farhat HACHED Hospital. Sousse, Tunisia
.Laboratory of Physiology. Faculty of Medicine of Sousse. Street Mohamed KAROUI. Sousse 4000. Tunisia.
.Phone: ++216 98697024.
.Email 1:
.Email 2:

Respiratory Diseases, Physical Activity and Health, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Physioterapyst, Master in Health and Sports Sciences, Doctor in Physical Activity Sciences. Associate Professor of the school of kinesiology at Santo Tomás University. Researcher in the lines of analysis of human movement and physical activity with more than 100 published scientific articles.

Biomechanics in Sports Science, Rehabilitation
Dr. Bojan BJELICA It is not affiliated with an institution Bosnia and Herzegovina Web
Sports Science and Exercise, Sports Training
Prof. Dr. Srećko POTİć University of Belgrade Serbia Web

Srećko Potić

Doctor of special education and rehabilitation. Professor vocational studies of the High Medical School of Professional Studies “Milutin Milankovic”, Belgrade, Serbia. Research Fellow of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation. Director of the High Medical School of Professional Studies “Milutin Milankovic”, Belgrade, Serbia. Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journals “Belgrade School of Special Education and Rehabilitation”.

Member of the Society of Special Education in Serbia, the Society of Special Education in Belgrade, Association of Cognitive Neurorehabilitation, member of the Founding and Supervisory Board of the Alliance of Educators of Serbia, member of the Management Board of the Resource Center for Special Education, Belgrade.

Education: PhD degrees, Special Education and Rehabilitation, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2014.

The sphere of scientific and applied research: Inclusion, Child Development, Developmental Disabilities, Physical Rehabilitation, Disabilities, Early Intervention

Author of more than 150 publications published in Serbia and abroad.

e-mail: 0000-0002-4782-4328

Special Education and Disability (Other), Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Special Education and Disability (Other), Physical Training and Sports, Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled, Motor Control, Movement Education in Sports Science

Researcher in Education field with an emphasis on Physical Education, on the following themes: Public Policies and Management in Physical Education, Sports and Leisure; Sports History; Pedagogical Research and Practice; Psychological Foundations of Education; Teaching Work Conditions; Special Education and Adapted Physical Education.

Learning Theories, Development of Physical Education and Education Programs, Special Education and Disability (Other), Movement Education in Sports Science, History of Sports
Prof. Dr. Sevdzhihan EYUBOVA Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen Bulgaria
Psychological Foundations of Education, Psychology Education, Psychopathology
Dr. Ali Radhi ABDUL HUSSEİN General Directorate of Education in Najaf/ Ministry of Education, Iraq Iraq

- Representative of Iraq in the International Foundation for Early Childhood Education and Research (Canada, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Greece, Uzbekistan, Dubai, Malaysia, Nigeria, Gambia and Somalia).
- Editor in Chief (International Journal of Physiology, Health and Physical Education)
- Editorial board member of SPORT TK-EuroAmerican Journal of Sport Sciences:
- Editorial board member of( International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences):
- Reviewer in the Journal of Coaching and Sports Science in Indonesia.
- Reviewer in the Journal of (Tadbir: Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan) in Indonesia.
- Professional Membership of :International Federation of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports Science Associations (462)
- Honorary Member in International Association of Physical Education and Sports Incorporated.
- Member of the Research Evaluation Committee in the Najaf Education Directorate.
- Writing a book (educational-teaching models in physical education lessons).

Exercise and Sports Psychology
Assoc. Prof. Gönül TEKKURŞUN DEMİR It is not affiliated with an institution United Arab Emirates Web
Physical Training and Sports, Physical Training, Sports and Physical Activity For Disabled, Physical Activity and Health, Exercise and Sports Psychology
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly HASSAN Faculty of Physical Education, Port said University, Egypt Egypt


- PhD in sports psychology, Faculty of Physical Education, Port said University, Egypt (2006-2012).

Thesis Title: "Effect of a Training Program for Psychological Stress Management Skill on Some Mental Aspects and Psychological Variables of the Scuba Diving Players"

-Master in sports psychology, Faculty of Physical Education, Suez Canal University, Egypt (2003-2006).

Thesis Title: "Effect of Fear and Anxiety on Some Physiological Variables and Speed of Learning of Novice Scuba Divers"
-Bachelor’s in physical education, Sports Training Department (Scuba Diving), Faculty of Physical Education, Suez Canal University, Egypt (1998-2002).
Employment History
• Associate Professor, Department of Educational, Psychology, and Social Sciences in Physical Education, Faculty of physical Education, Port Said University (2021- Present).
• Lecturer, Department of Educational, Psychology, and Social Sciences in Physical Education, Faculty of physical Education, Port Said University (2012).
• Assistant Lecturer, Department of Educational, Psychology, and Social Sciences in Physical Education, Faculty of physical Education, Suez Canal University (2006 - 2012).
• Demonstrator, Department of Educational, Psychology, and Social Sciences in Physical Education, Faculty of physical Education, Suez Canal University (2002 - 2006).

Employment Responsibilities

• Undertaking lecturing to undergraduate and postgraduate students of subjects related to psychology, sociology, statistics, and Physiological psychology and research methods.
• Preparation of learning materials, teaching methods and approaches with guidance.
• Participating in the Quality Assurance Programs.
• Setting, marking and assessing work and examinations and provide feedback to students.
• Undertaking formative and summative assessments of students’ work.
• Participating in scientific seminars and conferences.
• Supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students’ research projects and dissertations.
• Providing consultancy within the sports psychology discipline to achieve income targets, knowledge exchange and impact in research.
• Engaging in scholarships to support teaching and research activities.
• Participating in staff development peer-review in conformity with the requirements of University.
• Other administrative responsibilities.

Computing Skills

- Microsoft Office (Word, Access, Excel, Word and PowerPoint).
- Statistical software programs (SPSS, Eviews and MATLAB).
Certified Courses
- Effective Lecturing Skills course, Suez Canal University, Egypt. June 2006.
- Small Groups Teaching Skills course, Suez Canal University, Egypt. June 2006.
- Using Technology in lecturing course, Suez Canal University, Egypt. May 2007.
- Strategic Planning Course, Suez Canal University, Egypt. October 2008.
- Time and Meetings Management course, Suez Canal University, Egypt. November 2008.
- Ethics of the Lecturing Profession course, Port said University, Egypt. April 2011.
- General English Intermediate Evening Course, Language Centre, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom. 30 September to 2 December 2014.
- General English Intermediate Evening Course, Language Centre, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom. 13 January to 17 March 2015.
- General English Intermediate Evening Course, Language Centre, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom. 28 April to 30 June 2015.
- Examination Systems and Students Assessment course, Port said University, Egypt. February 2019.
- "Financial and Legal Aspects in Universities’ Administration course, Port said University, Egypt. January 2019.
- Managing the Research Team course, Port said University, Egypt. February 2019.
- In Universities’ Administration course, Port said University, Egypt. February 2019.
- "Decision Making and Problems solving" course, Port said University, Egypt. October 2020.
- “Creative Thinking Skills” course, Port said University, Egypt. November 2020.
- “Global Databases rules " course, Port said University, Egypt. December 2020.
- “Quality Standards in the Teaching Process” course, Port said University, Egypt. December 2020.
- “Organizing of Scientific Conferences” course, Port said University, Egypt. December 2020.
- “Design and development e-content" course, Port said University, Egypt. December 2020.
- "Creating Impact Reports for Individual Researchers" course, SciVal, October 2020.
- "Does my institution contribute research towards attaining the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)?" course, SciVal, November 2020.
- "Defining and analyzing research areas and topics" course, SciVal, November 2020.
- "Dissertations and Theses Global Database" course, ProQuest, November 2020.
- "How Scopus can enhance your Research?" course, Elsevier, December 2020.
- "Beyond PDF: How Science Direct can enhance your research?" course, Elsevier, October 2020.
- "Nominating for leadership positions" at the university course, Port said University, Egypt. October 2023.
- "Mental Health and Well-Being" course, the digital learning platform of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).November 2023.
- "How to Get Involved in Artificial Intelligence" course, the digital learning platform of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). November 2023.
- "Interpersonal Communication" course, the digital learning platform of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).November 2023.
- "Conflict Management and Resolution" course, the digital learning platform of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). November 2023.
- "Soft Skills Training for Employment" course, the digital learning platform of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). November 2023.
- "Use a search engine" course, the digital learning platform of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).December 2023.
- "Digital Transformation - Impact on our Lives" course, the digital learning platform of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). December 2023.
- "Understand and espouse academic integrity" course, Port said University, Egypt. November 2023.
- "Design and develop case studies of practical" course, Port said University, Egypt. November 2023.
- "How Psychologists Can Bring Their Expertise to End-of-Life Care" course, the digital learning platform of the American Psychological Association (APA), December 2023.
- "Awareness Is a Lifestyle. The Path to Your Own Happiness." course, from Lectera of digital learning platform, December 2023.
- "Stress Management. 40 Techniques: Improving Your Life." course, from Lectera of digital learning platform, December 2023.
- "Read People's Emotions. Psychophysiology and Nonverbal Methods." Course, from Lectera of digital learning platform, December 2023.
- "Perfect Memory: Effective Memorisation Techniques." Course, from Lectera of digital learning platform, December 2023.
- "Leadership Thinking: How to Hit Ambitious Goals." Course, from Lectera of digital learning platform, December 2023.
- "Changing Mindsets. Program Yourself to Succeed." Course, from Lectera of digital learning platform, December 2023.
- "The Path to a Content Life. Go Over Goals and Reach Them." Course, from Lectera of digital learning platform, December 2023.
- "Say No to Your Fears. New Life and New Results." Course, from Lectera of digital learning platform, December 2023.
- "Perfect Productivity. How to Achieve Any Goal." Course, from Lectera of digital learning platform, December 2023.
- "Forgiveness Can Improve Mental and Physical Health. Research Shows How to Get There" course, the digital learning platform of the American Psychological Association (APA), January 2024.
- "Psychological Testing Assessments are Going High-Tech" course, the digital learning platform of the American Psychological Association (APA), January 2024.
- "Using Technology to Captivate Learners: New Research from Psychologists" course, the digital learning platform of the American Psychological Association (APA), January 2024.
- "Are You Burned Out? Here Are the Signs and What to do about them" course, the digital learning platform of the American Psychological Association (APA), January 2024.
- "Professional Speaker. Read People — Win Without a Fight." Course, from Lectera of digital learning platform, January 2024.
- "Metaverse for All: Dive into the Digital Realm." Course, from Lectera of digital learning platform, January 2024.
- "How Psychologists Prepare Patients for Surgery" course, the digital learning platform of the American Psychological Association (APA), January 2024.
- "How Psychology Can Do More to Prevent Abuse of People with Disabilities" course, the digital learning platform of the American Psychological Association (APA), January 2024.
- "How to Make the Most of Telepsychology and Steer Clear of Common Pitfalls" course, the digital learning platform of the American Psychological Association (APA), February 2024.
- "Helping Patients Cope with COVID-19 Grief" course, the digital learning platform of the American Psychological Association (APA), February 2024.
- "Getting started: Essentials for new editorial team members" course, Elsevier, November 2024.

Elsevier Researcher Academy Certified
Courses in Peer Reviewing:

 Modules within Fundamentals of peer review:

- Building trust and engagement in peer review (100 minutes)
- Diversity in peer review (60 minutes).
- Ethics responsibilities for peer reviewers (32 minutes).
- Generative AI in research evaluation (89 minutes).
- Why get involved in peer review (45 minutes).
- Recognizing peer reviewers: A webinar to celebrate editors and researchers (46 minutes).
- Fundamentals of peer review.

 Modules within Certified Peer Reviewer Course:

- Introduction to the Certified Peer Reviewer Course (15 minutes).
- What to expect from the Certified Peer Reviewer Course? (3minutes).
- 1.1 What is peer review? Why peer review? (12 minutes).
- 1.2 Models of peer review (16 minutes).
- 1.3 The typical peer review process (20 minutes).
- 1.4 How to get involved (6 minutes).
- 2.0 I just got a review invite, what’s next? (6 minutes).
- 3.1 How to write a helpful peer review report (25 minutes).
- 3.2 The comments to editors and decision recommendations (17 minutes).
- 3.3 How to peer review a review article (60 minutes).
- 4.0 what next? (10 minutes).
- Certified Peer Reviewer Course Assessment.
- Certified Peer Reviewer Course.

 Modules within Becoming a peer reviewer:
- How to review a manuscript (40 minutes).
- How to become a reviewer and what do editors expect? (56 minutes).
- How reviewers become editors (55 minutes).
- 10 tips for writing a truly terrible review (52 minutes).
- Becoming a peer reviewer.

 Modules within Going through peer review:
- How do editors look at your paper? (31 minutes).
- How to respond to reviewers' comments (37 minutes).
- Going through peer review.


- Organizational Stress Prevention and Management: Responsibilities, Success Stories, and HSE Tools.
- Share the road, share the risk webinar.
- Slips, trips and falls - emerging issues and methods of prevention.
- How to protect all staff in a world of hybrid working?
- Managing psychological health in the workplace: an introduction to the new international standard, ISO 45003.
- A Mobile First Approach to Security.
- Managing Health & Safety Regulations across International Sites.
- October 2023 Legislation Update.
- Case Study: Ensuring & Demonstrating ESG in Your Supply Chain.
- Technology in Health & Safety: Friend or Foe?
- Legal Registers: Your Questions Answered.
- Bullying & Harassment at Work: Prevention and Action.
- Stress & Mental Health: Are you protecting your most valuable resource?
- The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme: What does your organization have to do?
- The Business Consequences of ESG Failures Webinar about.
- Managing International Sites: Case Studies on the Challenges and Practicalities.
- Harnessing a Hybrid Working Model.
- A practical approach to health and wellbeing – measure and change your culture.
- Enhance Health and Safety in Your Supply Chain by Empowering your Contractors.
- The Protect Duty, 'Martyn’s Law' bill - a risk management perspective.
- Resolving workplace conflicts: harnessing the power of mediation for healthier relationships.
- Changing Culture with Data.
- Designing Effective Employee Training & Development Program.
- Live Session - MBA in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics.
- MS Excel Essentials: A Comprehensive Master class.
- Leadership Lessons for NGOs on Culture, Innovation, and Governance.
- International Faculty Development Program on "OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION (OBE) IN NEP 2022".
- MBA Essentials: The All-in-One Management Crash Course.
- Pre-Conference Talk - Build a Facial Recognition Using Python.
- Writing Effective Research Article Writing, Plagiarism Tools/Software and How to make Publication in Reputed Journals?
- The Entrepreneur's Blueprint for Success with Andreas Burger.
- Multiply Your Impact with Effective Mental Wellness Support.
- Practical Methods for Integrating Computer Science into Core Curriculum.
- Predictive Analytics workshop with Python.
- How to Power Your Curriculum with Digital Books.
- MBA Essentials: Boost Your Business IQ.
- The 10 Habits of the Complete Researcher.
- Skill Development Program on "Goal Setting".
- Sustainable Real Estate: Building a Greener Future.
- How to Leverage Virtual Learning: Preparing Students for the Future.
- HR Analytics: Shaping Talent, Culture & Business Strategy for 2024.
- Data Analytics and Modelling with MS Excel.
- How to Lead for Improved Student Outcomes Using Real-Time, Real-Life Insights.
- Harnessing Instructional Science to Achieve Systemwide Learning Gains.
- Strategies for Enhancing Student Engagement.
- Research Integrity: Understanding Ethics in Publishing.
- Participated in the following learning sessions at Panorama's Systems for Change: A Virtual Summit for Student Support & Achievement.
- Maximizing Student Outcomes Using Invention Education.
- Get ready for the journal's peer review process EKB (NP0101MEN).
- Strategies for More Effective Progress Monitoring.
- How to Easily Navigate Through Springer Nature Platform in collaboration with Egyptian Knowledge Bank.
- Essential Strategies to Keep Teachers.
- Higher Education, Simplified: UniAthena's Degree Programs.
- Preparing your conference material.
- Resume Creation Workshop - Part 2".
- Live Edit of a Humanities Manuscript.
- Compliance and Security: why you need both to be HIPAA compliant.
- Disrupting Borders: Considering Transnational Migration, Cultural Transition and Intersectional Identities in the Delivery of Performance and Well-Being Support Services for International Athletes and Professionals.
- Impact of emerging technologies on business transformation.
- Leveraging Student Voice for Teacher Retention & Development.
- Mastering LinkedIn for Career Growth.
- Expert Q&A: Preparing Students and Educators for an AI Powered Future.
- Becoming an international reviewer (NP0105MEN).
- Facebook & Mental Health: A Social Media Case Study.
- Supercharge Your Early Warning System with Relationships.
- Publication ethics and increasing your citations MEA (NP0101MEN)
- Strategies to Keep and Grow Teachers in Your District.
- How to become a case author? MEA (CA0104MEN).
- UniAthena - Higher Education & Short Courses.
- Editor's role in international journals MEA.
- Live Session - Master in Data Science.
- Leading with Ethics: A Guide for Managers.
- Improving the peer review experience for reviewers and authors.
- 10 reasons to get – and use – an ORCID iD (15 minutes)
- Power to the Private Practice: Finding Your Best Path to Private Practice.
- The Evolution of Plain Language Summaries: Embracing New Opportunities & Innovation
- Assessing and Treating First-Episode Psychosis to Improve Functional Outcomes.

- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2011). "Building a Scale of Fear and Anxiety of Scuba Diving Depth for Novice Scuba Divers". Scientific Journal of Researches and Studies in Physical Education, Port Said University. Vol. 21, pp. 129-150.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2011). "Effect of Educational Program on Fear and Anxiety Levels and Some Psychological Variables for Novice Scuba Divers". Scientific Journal of Researches and Studies in Physical Education, Port Said University, Egypt. Vol. 21, pp. 106-128.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2020). "The Relationship between Attention Styles and Psychological Exhaustion for Scuba Divers". Scientific Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Helwan University, Egypt. Vol. 89, Issue 1, pp. 424-496.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2020). "Study the Effect of Psychological Stress on Mood Styles and Emotional Equilibrium for Scuba Divers". Scientific Journal of Sports Sciences and Arts, Helwan University, Egypt. Vol. 22, pp. 190-399.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2019). “Building a Scale of Memory Styles for Scuba Divers”. Sport Sciences Journal, Minia University, Egypt. Vol. 33, pp. 163-247.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2020). “Building a Scale of Communication Skills for Scuba Divers". Assiut Journal of Physical Education Sciences and Arts, Assiut University, Egypt. Vol. 52, Issue 2, pp.530-612.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2020). "The Relationship between Attention Concentration and Decision-Making for Lifeguards". Scientific Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Helwan University, Egypt. Vol. 90, Issue 1, pp. 470-514.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2020). "The Relationship between Risk-Taking Behavior and Decision-Making for Scuba Divers". Scientific Journal of Researches and Studies in Physical Education, Port Said University, Egypt. Vol. 40, Issue 2, pp. 416-503.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2020). "The Relationship between Sensory Perception and Sensory Deprivation for Scuba divers". Scientific Journal of Journal of Comprehensive Education Research, Zagazig University, Egypt. Vol. 6, Issue 13, pp. 57-132
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2021). "Building a Scale of Positive Thinking Patterns for Scuba Divers". Scientific Journal of Sports Sciences and Arts, Helwan University, Egypt. Vol. 48, pp. 83-158.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2023). "Building a Scale of mental energy regulation for Scuba Divers ". Scientific Journal of Sports Sciences and Arts, Helwan University, Egypt. Vol. 74, Issue 2, pp. 80-171.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2023). "Building a Scale of psychological health for Scuba Divers ". Journal of Sports Science Applications, Alexandria University, Egypt. Accepted in 29-9-2023.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2023). “Building a Scale of Personality traits for Scuba Divers”. Assiut Journal of Physical Education Sciences and Arts, Assiut University, Egypt. . Accepted in 1-10-2023.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2024). " Relationship between stress, and some higher cognitive processes of scuba divers (predictive study)". Scientific Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Helwan University, Egypt. Accepted in 8-4-2024.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2024). " Building a Scale of the Self-Efficacy for Scuba Divers ". Scientific Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Helwan University, Egypt. Accepted in 27-5-2024.
- Aly Omar Ebnelkhattab Aly Hassan. (2024). " Relationship between Sensory Deprivation and Attention Styles of scuba divers (predictive study)". Scientific Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Helwan University, Egypt. Accepted in 4-5-2024.
Manuscripts that has been reviewed and evaluated for international scientific journals
- International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences "Indexed by Scopus" (USA). / Title "A Thorough Analysis of Self-Efficacy among Kabaddi and Handball Players in Iraq".
- International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences "Indexed by Scopus" (USA). / Title "Design and standardization of a device to measure attentional control for futsal players".
- International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences "Indexed by Scopus" (USA). / Title "Everyday Assertiveness and its Significance for Overall Mental Well-being".
- International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences "Indexed by Scopus" (USA). / Title " Effects of Aerobics Exercise on BMI and Mental Health Among Obese College Students".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title "The Effectiveness of Dhikr Relaxation in Reducing Academic Stress among First Semester Students of the Islamic Counseling Guidance Study Program".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Academic strategies and behavioral management interventions for children with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). A Survey of Literature".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Exploring mental health of emerging private primary school teachers in Gaborone, Botswana".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title" Araling Panlipunan Game-based Interactive Learning Activity: Boosting the Learning Attitudes of the Students".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title" Sexual health education in primary schools in Benin: acquired tools on some components of teachers in the municipalities of Malanville and Abomey Calavi".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title "Exploring the Link between Parenting Styles and Academic Performance among Grade 12 Learners in Lusaka Zambia".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Justice, Character Development and Self-Correct among School Leaders as Perceived by Teachers".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Navigating Love and Marriage: Cultural Factors, Attitudinal Shifts, Challenges, and Implications for Chinese College Students".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Life Satisfaction and its Impact on Student Performance".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Fostering Lifelong Learning: Strategies for Cultivating a Reading Culture Among Key Stage 3 Students in Sri Lanka".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Exploring Yoga’s Impact on Student Wellbeing: A Thematic Analysis with Implications for Holistic Education".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title "Relationship between Perceived Maternal Rejection and Neuroticism Delinquency Risk Trait among Female Juvenile Delinquents in Selected Rehabilitation Institutions in Kenya".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title "Investigating the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Elementary Students' Behavioral Patterns: an Action Research Study".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Concurrent Triangulation Study on the Impact of Teacher’s Attunement and Academic Leniency to the Career Success of the Psychology Students ".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Bulling in Schools: Patterns, Reactions and Intervention Strategies among Adolescents ".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Perception on the K-12 Program, Emotional and Academic Readiness of First Year College Students".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Empowering Students through Indigenous Knowledge: Benefits of Indigenizing Mathematics Education in Southern Province, Zambia".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Assessing Eudaimonic Factors in Young Urban Indian Students: Gender and Social Media Influence on Resilience".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) among married individuals at Presbyterian church of East Africa (P.C.E.A), Nairobi North Presbytery, Kenya.".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Correlation Between Psychological and Contextual Characteristics Affecting Chemistry Achievement in Senior Secondary Science Education in Sri Lanka.".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Rethinking Psychology: a Review of Contemporary Education and Practice in Nigeria.".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Employees' Knowledge of Mental Health Practices: A Case of a Brick Manufacturing Company in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. ".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Visualizing Victory: Exploring the Influence of Imagery Training on Shooting Precision in Kuching Pétanque Novices. ".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " A Study of Types of Memory in Learning Mandarin. ".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " E-learning and Levels of Interpersonal Relationships among Postgraduate Students in Selected Universities in Kenya. ".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Relationship Between Psychological job demand and the Subjective Well-being Among Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Kisii Central Sub-County, Kisii County, Kenya. ".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences and Delinquency Behavior among Secondary School Students in Kakamega east sub - County ".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Relationship Between Life Skills Training and Retrogressive Cultural Practices Among Adolescent Girls In Marie Adelaide Rescue Center, Ewuasso Oonkidong Ward, Kajiado".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " E-learning and Psychological Wellbeing of Postgraduate Learners in Selected Universities in Nairobi Kenya".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " The Big Five Personality Traits And Marital Satisfaction Among Couples In Kilungu Deanary In Catholic Diocese Of Machakos In Makueni County, Kenya".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Parental Attachment and Emotional Regulation Among High School Students in Kikuyu Sub County, Kenya".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Discharbing Phobia and Panic Disorders Through Therapeutic Photography: Towards Righting Undergraduates Emotional Soft-Skills for Performance in FCE, Kontagora".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Social Support and Work Motivation as Predictors of Public Secondary School Teachers’ Capability in Pursuing Graduate Studies".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Assessing the Influence of Virtual Reality on Industrial Design Students' Performance with Varying Levels of Spatial Ability.
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Developing a Theoretical Framework for Strategic Visual Content in Mental Health Campaigns.
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " The Psychological Crisis: Navigating the Tension Between Home and Homelessness in Philip Larkin.
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " The Effect of Guided Discovery Learning Model on Students’ Mathematical Representation Ability.
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Co-operative Well-Being and Employee Resilience: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature.
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Increasing Learners’ Motivation through STAR (Student’s Token for Active Response)".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " The Implication of Psychopathology among the Jindwi of Mutare in Zimbabwe".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Relationship Between Secondary Traumatic Stress and Social Support Among Healthcare Personnel in Private Hospitals in Juja Sub-County, Kiambu County Kenya."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Feasibility of a Burnout Prevention Module in a Mobile Application for Informal Caregivers of Depressed Individuals: An EEG Study."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Youth stress management."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Analysis of the Determinants and Factors Associated with Teenage Pregnancy in Schools in the Commune of Dixinn, Republic of Guinea."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Parental divorce and psychosocial adjustment of early adolescents in the Bamenda City Council Area, North West Region, Cameroon."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Key Drivers of Undergraduate Success: Emotional Intelligence, Self-Directed Learning, and Beyond in Malaysian Universities."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " A Computerised Adaptive Mental Well-being Scale for University Undergraduates within an African Context."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Relationship Between Dark Personality Traits and Spiritual well-being among Consecrated Men and Women in Western Deanery Archdiocese of Nairobi, Kenya."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Paternal and Maternal Stress in Caring for Children with Learning Disabilities in Inclusive Basic Schools in Abuja, Nigeria"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Pandemic Nanay: Challenges and Coping Strategies of Working First-Time Mothers During the Pandemic"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " The Impact of Infrastructure Limitations on Academic Performance and Well-being: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Science and Technology Students"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Review of Policy Initiatives on Maternal Mortality in Nigeria"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title "Estimation of Psychometric Qualities of Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) Multiple Choice Questions in Basic Science and Technology in Enugu State Using Item Response Theory"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title "Development and Validation of Domain-Specific Grit Scale for Prisoners in Criminal Justice System in Kenya"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Enhancing Psychotherapy Outcomes by Unifying Science and Practice: Integrating Cutting-Edge Research to Develop the Neuro-Linguistic Processing and Reprogramming (NLPR) Language Guidelines "
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Addiction on Technological Devices: Its Influence on the Academic Performance of Grade 10 Learners"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Autonomy of Minangkabau Adolescents: The Role of Motherhood and Mamak in Building an Independent Generation"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on Suicidal Behavior among Refugees in Kakuma Camp in Turkana County, Kenya Counseling Psychology"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Titiksha in Modern Adversity: Exploring Resilience Through the Lens of Vedantic Philosophy"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Modelling the Nexus between Tertiary Learners’ Socioeconomic Background, Social Cognitive Motivation and Achievement-Oriented Behaviour: A Bangladeshi Perspective"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Translanguaging in Counselling Sessions: Exploring Counsellors’ Experiences in Selected Universities in Zambia"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " A systematic literature review on the attitude-behaviour divides in favour of sustainable consumption"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Association between Organisational Commitment, Coping Styles, Locus of Control and Training Attitudes among Military Cadets"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " The Influence of Level of Involvement in Physical Activity on Mental Resilience and Cognitive Function Among UiTM Puncak Alam’s Student"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Mediating Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Relationships between Academician Power Base and Student's Performance in Higher Learning Institution"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Holistic Communication between Mother and Fetus: a New Paradigm of Maternal Care through Soul Communication"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Teachers’ Experience About Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Programmes on Students' Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievements"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Exploring the Influence of Personality Traits on the Academic Proficiency of AB Psychology Students: Basis for Student Profiling and Placement Strategies"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Sources of Career Guidance on Choice of Study Programmes by Female Students in Institutions under TEVETA in Lusaka Province, Zambia"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " The impact of poverty on mental health among rural women a case of Sadza community, Zimbabwe"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Balancing of Freedom of Expression and Community Guidelines for You Tube Content Creators".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Resilience and Demographics as Predictors of Internet Addiction Among Polytechnic Library Users in South-South, Nigeria."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Evaluation of the Impact of Cognitive Psychology and Human Factors Engineering on Mechanical Engineering Product Sustainability."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Personality Traits as a Predictor of Risky Sexual Behaviours among In-school Adolescents in Idah LGA, Kogi State."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " From Displacement to Resilience: Linking Psycho-Social Challenges, Mental Health, and Community Dynamics in IDP Camps in Abuja, Nigeria."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Personality types and their relationship with gender and career choice among first year undergraduate students in a selected public university, kenya."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Examining the Impact of Social Media Usage on Academic Achievement and Emotional Intelligence amongst Science Trainee Teachers"
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " WOMEN'S ANXIETY IN MODERN JAVANESE LITERARY SHORT STORIES."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Prevalence of Teenage Parenthood and Subsequent Burden on Elderly Family Members in Bungoma North Sub-County, Kenya ."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Classroom Environment and Learners’ Motivation in Science."
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) (India). / Title " Relationship of Gadget and Socioemotional Development in Children."
- International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS) (India). / Title " Cultural Preservation and Identity: Exploring Strategies for Preserving Cultural Identity among Refugees, Migrants and Minority Communities While Promoting Integration and Social Cohesion".
- International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS) (India). / Title " The Influence of Language on Perception and Reality: a Multidisciplinary Exploration".
- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) (India). /Title " Burnout in Mining Employees Seen from Resilience and Neuroticism Personality".
- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) (India). /Title " Intimate Partner Violence and Women’s Mental Health in Cross River State, Nigeria".
- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) (India). /Title " Current Socio-economic conditions and mental health of female RMG workers: A narrative review".
- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) (India). /Title " Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Learning and Working Eco-systems: Case Study of a Higher Education Institution".
- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) (India). /Title " Style-based Teaching Strategy in Social Science and its Implication on the Cognitive Engagement of Senior High School students in Las Piñas City".
- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) (India). /Title " Phenomenology of Perceived Resonant Lived Experiences of International Male Shut-Ins Featured in a YouTube Video Anthology on the Global Hikikomori".
- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) (India). /Title " EXPERIENCE OF TERRORISM AND THE MENTAL HEALTH STATUS OF ADOLESCENTS IN NORTH- CENTRAL OF NIGERIA ".
- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) (India). /Title " Perception of Body Image and Eating Disorders among Malay College Female Athletes ".
- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) (India). /Title " Personality of Lecturers and Classroom Management in Edo State: A Counselor’s Perspective ".
- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) (India). /Title " Psychological First Aid for Mpox Victims and Their Families in Niger Delta, Nigeria".
- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) (India). /Title " NINE DECADES OF NIRULA’S NATION, CITY, CLASS".
- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) (India). /Title " Health care workers perceptions and attitudes ".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) (India). / Title" The influence of cyberbullying and self-esteem of Grade 12 students".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) (India). / Title Examination: The Erroneous Mechanism For Measuring Intelligence ".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) (India). / Advance in Age ".
- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) (India). / Breaking Barriers to Pre-Service Teacher’s Engagement Through Universal Design for Learning".
- Journal of Neurophysiology and Neurological Disorders (JNND) Jscholar EMS (USA). /Integrating Biophysics and Psychoanalysis: A Breakthrough in Understanding the Mind ".
- Journal of Mental Health and Psychiatric Disorders (JMPD) Jscholar EMS (USA). / Prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression among post-natal mothers attending Ahmadu Bello University teaching hospital, Zaria, Nigeria.
- Journal of Information Security and Technologies (JIST) Jscholar EMS (USA). / Deploying digital therapists: Evaluating Luna in support of postsecondary student mental health.
- International Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education (IJSSPE) (USA). /Math Anxiety Interventions to Address the STEM Gender Gap for Girls".
International conferences:

1- Investing in Sports Technology in Africa conference, Egypt 20- 10 -2020.
2- Enago See the Future conference, USA 17- 11 -2020.
3- ACM conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO'23) October 30 - November 1, 2023 at Boston University in Boston, MA, USA.
4- 6th International Conference on Recent Trends in Multi-Disciplinary Research (ICRTMDR-2023) held on 10th & 11th November 2023 at Istanbul, Turkey.
5- NEBOSH Online Conference 2023- for professionals, for people held on 21 November 2023, UK.
Proposals that has been reviewed and evaluated for society for the psychological study of social issues (SPSSI) 2024 annual conference held on June 21-23, 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) frontiers of justice: using psychological science to reinvigorate diversity, equity, and inclusion
ID Proposal Title
Submission Type
144699 How does under representation feel? Examining associations with belonging and anxiety.
Poster Presentation
147841 Impact of Universities' DEI policy positionality on Students and Alums.
Poster Presentation
145555 Teaching for Growth: Enhancing College Students' Understanding of Diversity-Related Concepts.
Poster Presentation
148332 Empowering first generation college students through Positive Psychology.
Poster Presentation
148786 Exploring Intersectional Differences in Incoming College Students’ Research Writing Experiences.
Poster Presentation
145439 Latine College Student’ Academic Well-Being at a Hispanic Serving Institution.
Poster Presentation
147457 Promoting the Use of Dialogic Reading among Low-income Families.
Poster Presentation
141084 Proximity Matters?: Exploring Distance & Psychosocial Factors on College Trajectories.
15-Minute Presentation

Proposals that has been reviewed and evaluated for FEPSAC- Congress 2024: Performance under pressure in sports, military/police, performing arts, medicine, business and daily life. European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology held in Innsbruck, Austria, July 15-19, 2024.
Paper Number Proposal Title
797 Are you converting the match point? Self-efficacy and competitive anxiety in (professional) tennis. 15 Emotion
804 Parental Behaviour in Youth Soccer: Perspectives of Athletes and Coaches. 59 Youth
776 Perceived stress as a mediator between mental toughness and burnout in young Polish athletes. 59 Youth
824 Zooming in on Decision-Making in Esports: Exploring the Perceptions of Expert Players and Coaches. 16 E-Sports
750 The relationship between dropout from organized sports and mental health: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 04Clinical sport psychology, clinical issues in sport and physical activity
740 Behavioral and neurobiological effects of soccer heading training in virtual reality. 32Neuroscience
759 Testing the Sport Mental Health Assessment Tool 1 (SMHAT-1) in Elite Polish Track and Field Athletes. 04Clinical sport psychology, clinical issues in sport and physical activity
821 A comparison between internal and external focus of attention instructions on golf putting accuracy over multiple days. 29 Motor control and learning (incl. ecological and dynamic approaches)
746 Learning Anticipation Skill with Kinematic and Contextual Information. 11Decision making and judgment
820 Preliminary psychometric analysis of the Perceived Locus of Causality (PLOC) scale in Czech high school students. 28Motivation
811 Applying research to practice: Helping athletes disclose childhood sexual abuse. 04Clinical sport psychology, clinical issues in sport and physical activity
805 Is thought suppression that bad? An examination of ironic processes of rifle shooting performance under pressure in junior elite biathletes. 35Perception & attention

Reviewers team Member

- British Journal of Sports Medicine" indexed in Scopus Q1" (United Kingdom).

- Journal of Apunts Sports Medicine" indexed in Scopus Q3" (Spain).

- Current Sports Medicine Reports, the official clinical review journal of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) "indexed in Scopus Q3" (USA).

- Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports Journal "indexed in ScopusQ3"(Ukraine).

- ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, an official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM Journals) "indexed in Scopus Q4" (USA).

- Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine", an official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM Journals) "indexed in Scopus" (USA)

- International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences "indexed in Scopus" (USA).

- International Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education (IJSSPE) (USA).

- Journal of Chronicles of Behavioral Psychology (CBP) (USA).

- Journal of Psychology (SCIRP) (USA).

- Journal for Advancing Sport Psychology in Research (JASPR). an official journal of association for applied sport psychology (AASP) (USA).

- Exercise and Sports Sciences Reviews, an official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM Journals) (USA).

- Exercise and Sport Movement, an official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM Journals) (USA).

- Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, an official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM Journals) (USA).

- Journal of Mental Health and Psychiatric Disorders" (JMPD) (Jscholar Journals) (USA).

- International Journal of Innovation in Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJIMES) (Iran).

- International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD) (India).

- Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) (India).

- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)(India).

- International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) (India).

- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) (India).

- International Journal of Current Science ( IJCSPUB) (India).

- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) (India).

- International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS)(India).

- International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS) (India).

- International Journal of Research Publications (IJRP) (Bangladesh).

Publication and Scientific Advisory Board
International Science Committee

- "Spor ve Rekreasyon Araştırmaları Dergisi"(Türkiye) / (Journal of Sports and Recreation Research) (JSRR) (Turkey).

Editor in Chief

- International Journal of New Findings in Health and Educational Sciences (IJHES) (Turkey).
Editorials board team Member

- MOJ Sports Medicine (MOJSM) (USA).

- American Journal of Psychology (AJPO) (USA).

- International Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports (IPRJB Journals) (USA).

- Global Scientific Journals. (GSJ) (Singapore).

- International Journal of Psychology Sciences (India).

- The Journal of Human Psychology (JHP) (USA).

- International Journal of Sports, Exercise and Physical Education (India)

Organizations and Associations

- Member of the American Psychological Association"(APA) (USA).

- Member of Division 1 - Society for General Psychology"(APA) (USA).

- Member of Division 5 - Quantitative and Qualitative Methods."(APA) (USA).

- Member of Division 6 - Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology."(APA) (USA).

- Member of Division 15 - Educational Psychology"(APA) (USA).

- Member of Division 19 - Society for Military Psychology "(APA) (USA).

- Member of Institute for Educational Research and Publication" (IFERP) (India).
- Member of the Egyptian association for Sport Psychology (Egypt).

Research fields

-Sport Psychology.
-Personality Psychology.
-Health Psychology and Health Promotion.
-Emotion, Behavior and Psychological Study.
-Psychometrics and Psychological Assessment.
-Stress and Mental Health.
-Mental Health & Psychological Sciences.
-Depression, Anxiety and Mental Health.
-Psychology & Behavioral Sciences.
-Cognitive Psychology.
-Educational Psychology.
-Applied Cognitive Psychology.
-Behavioral Psychology.
-Cognitive Psychology.
-Counseling Psychology.
-Educational Psychology.
-Health Psychology.
-Psychological Assessment and Evaluation.

Educational Psychology, Sport and Exercise Psychology
Last Update Time: 12/9/24, 11:01:47 PM

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