International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences (IJEAS) is a research journal in English published by the Akdeniz University. The objective of this journal is to communicate recent and projected advances in engineering and applied sciences. Purely theoretical and purely experimental papers with no application are discouraged.
The journal presents its readers with broad coverage across some branches of engineering and science of the latest development and application of new solution algorithms, soft computing and artificial intelligent methods, innovative numerical methods and/or solution techniques directed at the utilization of computational methods in solid and nano-scaled mechanics.
International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences (IJEAS) is a refereed international journal whose focus is on application of the numerical and artificial intelligent methods in solid and nano mechanics. This Journal is published four times per year.
Submissions are accepted for double blind peer review. All manuscripts will undergo the refereeing process; acceptance for publication is based on two positive reviews.
All submissions will be scanned by iThenticate® to prevent plagiarism. 
The journal publishes research papers, communications, technical notes and review papers. Authors are welcome, at any time, to address questions to the Editor in Chief, IJEAS.
The Journal does not charge any article submission or processing charges.
IJEAS allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles.

- Civil Engineering: numerical modelling of structures, seismic evaluation, experimental testing, construction and management, geotechnical engineering, water resources management, groundwater modelling, coastal zone modelling, offshore structures, water processes, desalination, waste-water treatment, pavement and maintenance, transport and traffic, laser scanning, and hydrographic surveying, numerical methods in solid mechanics, nanomechanic and applications, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), vibration problems in engineering, higher order elasticity (strain gradient, couple stress, surface elasticity, nonlocal elasticity)
Electrical Engineering: artificial and machine intelligence and robotics, automatic control, bioinformatics and biomedical engineering, communications, computer engineering and networks, systems security and data encryption, electric power engineering and drives, embedded systems, Internet of Things (IoT), microwaves and optics.
Engineering Mathematics and Physics: computational and stochastic methods, optimization, nonlinear dynamics, modelling and simulation, computer science, solid state physics and electronics, computational electromagnetics, biophysics, atomic and molecular physics, thermodynamics, geophysical fluid dynamics, wave mechanics, and solid mechanics.
Mechanical Engineering: machine design, materials science, mechanics of materials, manufacturing engineering and technology, dynamics, robotics, control, industrial engineering, ergonomics, energy, combustion, heat transfer, fluids mechanics, thermodynamics, turbo machinery, aerospace research, aerodynamics, and propulsion.
Period Months