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International Journal of Energy Studies (IJES) is an international peer-reviewed journal accepting all aspects of energy studies that include combustion and fuels, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, renewable energies such as solar, wind, biomass, hydro, hydrogen and etc., fuel cells, nuclear technologies, smart gird, and more efficient electrical machines. For all systems, any study on energy efficiency is also accepted. IJES also cover storage and conservation of energy in line with climate change issues. Within the scope of IJES, there are policy implication of growing share of renewable energy in energy mix, structuring of energy market, regulations, incentives, technological innovation, and sustainability of energy sector. The journal welcomes papers topics on research in any kind of energy study and environmental issues as well as analysis, modelling, and management of energy. 
International Journal of Energy Studies (IJES) is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed, and free of charge journal. When you submit a paper to International Journal of Energy Studies (IJES), at least two independent reviewers are assigned for evaluation of your paper. Language for International Journal of Energy Studies (IJES) is English. Please prepare and submit your paper in English. The papers that are prepared in other languages are going to be rejected before evaluation.
  • International Journal of Energy Studies (IJES) is indexed in Google Scholar
  • International Journal of Energy Studies (IJES) is indexed in TR DİZİN

Contact Journal History

2025 - Volume: 10 Issue: 1

Dergi Yeni Adı

Turkish Journal of Energy Policy

Derginin 2017 ve sonrası arşivine buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.