Articles should be written in the following format and according to the stated technical rules.
- Title: Maximum 12 words summarizing the topic, Times New Roman, 14 fonts, bold, centered and only first letters are capital.
- Author(s) information: No information about the author(s) (name, institution etc.) should not be included on the manuscript. However, after the approval of the manuscript, when a file is sent to the author to add information such as the name(s) and contact information, the following conditions should be taken into consideration: The name(s) and surname(s) of the author(s) need to be written clearly under the title, centered, in “Times New Roman”, “12 fonts”, bold and with a line spacing. The title(s) of the author(s), affiliated institute(s) and contact information should be written as (*) foot note, in “Times New Roman”, “10 fonts” with 1 line spacing.
- Abstract: Turkish and English abstracts giving general information about the article need to be written. The length of the abstracts should be at least 150 and at most 250 words. Turkish abstract and English abstract should be written in “Times New Roman”, “10 fonts” and with 1 line spacing. Within the abstract, the purpose, method, main findings and general result of the article should be introduced.
- Key Words: In this section, minimum 3 and maximum 7 key words need to be written. Key Words should be written in “Times New Roman” and “10 fonts”.
- Main Sections: They should be written in “Times New Roman”, “12 fonts” and with 1.5 line spacing.
Introduction: It includes information about the purpose, significance, conceptual – theoretical framework and study in general.
Method: It gives information about the method and the process followed in the study.
Findings: It is the main section in which the collected data and findings are discussed.
Result: It is section where the conclusion reached through findings is presented.
Discussion: It is the section referring to similar studies about the same topic and discussions in literature.
Suggestions: It includes the suggestions made in light of the findings and discussions.
Note: The sequencing of the main sections may vary depending on the field and type (theoretical, empirical etc.) of the study; however, inclusion of method, discussion and suggestions sections is an obligation for empirical studies.
Both in-text referencing and list of references at the end should be organized according to APA 6 style.
In-text referencing
- If there is a general reference within the text and reference is made to the whole text, it is enough to write surname, year.
Example: Yavuz, 2013
- If there is a citation made from a certain page, then it is written as follows (Arpacı and Kuyu, 2010, s. 72), (Arpacı, Kuyu and Huysuz, 2000, s. 12-13).
- In the sequencing of the citations within a parenthesis, alphabetical order is followed.
Example: (Arpacı, 2013; Arpacı and Kuyu, 2010, s. 15; Karman, 2000; Zengin, Warrant, Güner, Aykut and Karpat, 2013)
- The studies of the same writer with the same publication year should be written as follows; Turgut, 2009a and Turgut 2009b.
- If the number of authors is between three and five, in the first citation, the surnames of all the others need to be written and in the following citation of the same source, only the surname of the first writer needs to be written.
Example: In the first citation (Kejanlıoğlu, Adaklı and Çelenk, 2004); in the following citations (Kejanlıoğlu et al., 2004).
- In articles having six or more authors, in the first citation, only the surname of the first author is written.
Example: (Abisel et al., 2005).
- If there is a double citation, the following format is followed;
Example: (Sancar cited in Zizek, 2009). While Sancar (2009) is included in the list of references with all the related information, Zizek is not given in the list of references.
- Abbreviations are given in a parenthesis when given for the first time, then not given in the parenthesis.
Example: The first citation within the text is shown as Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB, 2012), the first citation within a parenthesis is shown as (Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı [MEB], 2012).
- If not necessary, footnote should not be used. If it is necessary, then it should used as follows; (Surname, Publication Date: Page Number)
- Direct quotations are written within “”. If the direct quotation is longer than 40 words, then it should be written without using “” as a separate paragraph, indented and in 10 fonts.