The Review Process

The Review Process

The complete review process is expected to take two to three months but can take longer depending on the number of papers currently in review. Authors can expect to hear from the journal editor or communications director within three weeks of submission of your manuscript.


(Step 1) The completed manuscript in a soft copy (Word doc) format should be submitted to the IJHSRP via DergiPark system.

(Step 2) The manuscript is then submitted to the editor to be assigned for review to two (2) reviewers considered to have the expertise in the subject area of the manuscript for a careful dispassionate review. The identity of the authors and their institutional affiliations will be concealed from the reviewers. They will review the paper for technical content, relevance, timeliness, and value to the readership.

(Step 3) The manuscript will be adjudged into one of four categories: 1) accepted for publication 2) accepted with minor modifications, 3) accepted with major modifications and 4) not accepted. The results of the review will be communicated to the editor for onward transmission to the authors.

(Step 4) If required, authors are to modify the manuscript in light of the reviewers' comments and suggestions and resubmit the manuscript within two weeks.

When the manuscript is finally accepted for publication, the editor will schedule the publication and inform the authors of the particular number and volume of the journal in which the article will be published.

Last Update Time: 7/10/20, 10:11:11 AM

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