Writing Rules

Attention should be paid to presenting the articles submitted to International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies (IJISEF) as follows. If a condition that does not comply with the following rules is detected during the pre-check phase, the article is returned to the author without being sent to the referees, and is requested to be framed by the following rules:

1. All papers must include an abstract of no more than 200 words. If the article is written in Turkish, there should be also a title and abstract of the article in English. It is strongly advised that the length of the article should not exceed 9000 words including references and footnotes. In addition, in Turkish articles, an Extended Abstract with a minimum of 700 words and a maximum of 1000 words should be written and added to the end of the study.

2. All papers must include minimum 3, maximum 6 keywords and minimum 1 JEL code. (JEL codes)

3. Referencing must follow APA Style (APA Style Sixth Edition)

4. Margins are as follows:
Paper Size: A4
• Top : 2.5 cm
• Bottom : 2.5 cm
• Left : 2.5 cm
• Right : 2.5 cm
• Gutter : 0”
• Gutter Position : Left

5. Title page:
a. Paper title 14pt, bold and centered
b. First letter of all words are capital

6. Author’s name on the title page:
a. First letter of name and surname are capital, e.g. Hakan Aslan
b. Centered
c. Author’s info (title, affiliation, email address ve Orcid number) in the footnote on the title page, left aligned and 10pt

7. Abstract, keywords, jel codes and the main text of the paper:
Main text:
a. Palatino Linotype font, 11pt, justified
b. Paragrafh spacing: before and after 6pt, line spacing: 1,15
Abstract, keywords, jel codes:
a. Palatino Linotype font, 10pt, justified
b. Paragrafh spacing: before and after 6pt, line spacing: 1,15

8. Heading
a. Left aligned, title case, numbered (excluding introduction, results and references), bold
b. Main headings and subheadings must numbered as follows: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1,…

9. Table, figure, graph, exhibit or chart: e.g. Table 1: Style Guide for Authors
a. Numbered
b. Above the table, figure, graph…
c. Bold, e.g: Graph 1:
d. Title case

10. References must be written alphabetically according to the surname of the author.

11. Illustrations, pictures and graphs, should be supplied with highest quality and in an electronic format that helps us to publish your article in the best way possible.

12. Papers should not include headers, footers and page numbers.


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