e-ISSN: 2651-2696
Founded: 2018
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International Journal of Leadership Studies: Theory and Practice, is a peer-reviewed journal published in August 2018 and aims to present research in the field of leadership and management to the service of the university and its sciences.

Journal; It is published three times a year, in April, August and December, and is an Open Access journal. Additional numbers can be edited as they appear


Dergi Yönetimi tarafından alınan karar gereğince 10.05.2022 tarihinden itibaren Türkçe tam metin makaleler için İngilizce uzun özet zorunluluğu getirilmiştir. 


Authors who will submit articles to our journal must obtain ethics committee approval from the relevant commissions and boards of their institutions. Information regarding the article's ethics committee and statements should be included in the Method part. Submission of the ethics committe approval to the journal is also a prerequisite.