Aim & Scope

International Journal of Politics and Security (IJPS) is a scholarly and peer-reviewed academic journal that aims to have a high-quality platform for International Politics and Security Studies by sharing original works and ideas with the academic community. So, academic writings are expected to provide original and significant advances in the general area of International Relations (IR), International Politics (IP), and Security Studies (SS), and their relevant subjects are welcomed by the editor.

IJPS is a publisher of the Association of International Politics and Security Studies (INTPOLSEC).


IJPS is published twice a year in MAY and OCTOBER.

Any fees or charges are not required for manuscript processing and publishing in IJPS.

The author(s) are responsible for compliance with scientific ethics. Any views expressed in the manuscripts which are published by IJPS are the views of the author(s) not the views of IJPS.

IJPS accepts academic works in the fields of International Relations (IR), International Politics (IP), and Security Studies (SS) and publishes issues every May and October as an e-journal that adopts the Open Access Policy.

Submissions of manuscripts are accepted via the Dergi Park platform which TÜBİTAK (National Science Agency of Turkey) gives hosting service. Each step and correspondence between the editor, referees, and authors is registered by Dergipark (an online hosting service and an editorial workflow management system in Turkey).

Before submission, the author(s) should have an ORCID ID. The author(s) who does not possess an ORCID ID, can register via and receive an ORCID ID.

The ultimate and indispensable principle of IJPS is to have a respected, reliable, and independent academic journal that contributes to the epistemological community. So, we cordially invite and encourage you to take part in the referee board of IJPS to contribute to universal scientific development.
Please send your requests and suggestions regarding this topic to  with a brief CV (curriculum vitae) to be evaluated by the Board of Editors.

Period Months
May October
Last Update Time: 1/18/25, 11:50:14 AM



Data Sharing Policy
This journal encourages authors to share the data obtained as a result of their research while remaining within the requirements of the universal and legal criteria for the protection of personal rights with scientific ethics and citation rules. In this context, IJPS adopts the Budapest Open Access Initiative Declaration (2001).