e-ISSN: 2147-4524
Founded: 1983
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Journal of Communication Theory and Research is an electronic, peer-reviewed, academic journal and it is published triannual.

Applications can be sent through Dergipark to be evaluated in our upcoming issues.

Important Note: All studies submitted to our journal for publication must comply with the APA 7.

Articles that do not comply with the journal writing rules cannot be evaluated.

Journal of Communication Theory and Research is indexed and searched in ULAKBIM-Tr Index and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Journal of Communication Theory and Research, which has been publishing since 1983, publishes theoretical and practical academic studies on all areas where social sciences and communication discipline intersect. In this context; it accepts short introductions and reviews of communication products such as articles, forums, books, films, television programs, art presentations, and national/international event reviews.

2024 - Issue: 68

Review Article

The Meaning World of Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns through Semiotic Analyzes