Tokat Ilmiyat Journal Writing Rules
1. Submitted articles should not exceed 9000 words including title, abstracts, bibliography.
2. Isnad 2nd Edition should be used for titling, citation, transcription, abbreviations and bibliography.
3. The article should be written using Isnad Font font. The article must have a title, English title, 200-300 word abstract in Turkish and English, and at least 5 keywords. After the article is accepted for publication, an extended abstract will not be requested from the author. When translating the person(s), work names and important concepts mentioned in the abstract into English, Isnad 2nd Edition translation alphabet should be taken into account. In articles written in a foreign language, the subtitle must also be in Turkish.
4. In the text of the article, there should be absolutely no information about the author's name-surname, imprint information, conflict of interest and author contribution rates (in studies with more than one author), if the article is produced from thesis, project, communiqué, etc. In studies derived from graduate theses, the author with the highest contribution rate must be the author of the thesis. All of this information should be in the Cover Letter and should be sent separately from the article. The Cover Letter should be downloaded from the system during the uploading phase of the article and uploaded in the first application after filling in the necessary information. Click here to access the article submission files.
5. Ethics Committee Permission
Our journal requires that the relevant ethics committee decision must be obtained for all studies in all disciplines that require ethics committee permission. In this context, information about the ethics committee permission (name of the committee, date and decision number) should be clearly stated in the text of the article.
In line with the regulations implemented by Ulakbim TR Index since 2020, studies that do not have ethics committee permission are not evaluated in our journal.
Studies Requiring Ethics Committee Approval
In our journal, researches that require ethics committee permission include the following studies:
• All research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that involve collecting data from participants through methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, experiments and interview techniques,
• Studies in which humans and animals (including materials or data) are used for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Clinical trials conducted on humans,
• Scientific research on animals,
• Retrospective studies within the framework of the Personal Data Protection Law.
In order for such studies to be included in the evaluation, the relevant ethics committee permissions must be obtained and these permissions must be clearly stated in the text of the article.
6. Article page layout:
All margins: 2.5 cm
All Line Spacing: Single
Text Size: 10 point
Paragraph indent: 1 cm and rectilinear
Paragraph Spacing: 6 pt before, 6 pt after
Footnote Size: 8 point
Footnote indentation: 0.5 cm
Footnotes must be written according to the Isnad 2 citation system.
The information of the work should not be missing in the footnote and bibliography.
If the source information is missing, the Isnad 2nd Edition should be consulted.
7. Headings:
The font of all headings should be Isnad Font, 10 pt. and Bold.
Only the first letter of all titles should be capitalized.
There should not be any numbering in the Introduction and Conclusion.
Other headings should be numbered as 1., 2., (1.1., 1.2. 1.1.1., 1.1.2. if applicable).
8. All citations must comply with the ISNAD Citation System.
Manuscripts that do not fulfill these conditions will not be included in the peer review process.
You can contact e-mail address for any problems you encounter.