Journal of Islamic Civilization Studies is a scientific, peer-reviewed, electronic journal that aims to contribute to the widening of the circle of scientific knowledge by publishing research in the basic field of theology within the framework of Islamic civilization.
The journal is indexed by Ebsco, DOAJ, Erih Plus and TRDizin.
The journal is always open for submissions and published three issues per year, in April, August and December.
The journal is published in both Turkish and English and publishes only research articles. Articles are accepted from the following fields, provided that they are within the scope of Islamic Civilization.
History of Islam and Islamic ArtsPlease visit our Writing Rules page before submission.
The average acceptance period is 75 days. The first decision is given in about 10 days.
To get information about the process and the Dergipark author system please visit our Process Guide for Authors page.
Research Article
Acâibü'l-Mahlûkât ve Ğarâibü'l-Mevcûdât Nüshalarındaki Basra Körfezi ile Hazar Denizi’nde Yaşayan Tuhaf Hayvan ve Yaratıkların TasvirleriResearch Article
غريب الحديث عند الإمام البزَّار في مسنده البحر الزَّخَّار دراسةٌ نظريَّةٌ تطبيقيَّةٌResearch Article
Tarihsel Süreç Açısından Erken Dönemde ve Eş‘arî Kelâm Sisteminde İlâhî Sıfatların Tasnifi