im: Journal of communication & media studies applies the following standards uncompromisingly for the use of artificial intelligence technologies within the technical, scientific and ethical framework on the basis of transparency and accuracy, adhering to the aims of academic honesty and protection of personal data.
1. Authors should clearly state how and at which stages of their work they use artificial intelligence facilities both in the ethical declaration section that appears on the article application screen they access through DergiPark and in the author information file included in the application files, thus ensuring that both evaluators and readers are informed transparently.
2. The use of artificial intelligence tools should be limited to the level of checking compliance with predetermined rules such as spelling, spelling and article layout; the ethical responsibility should be borne that any scientific argument, argument, discussion and analysis can only be developed with the intellectual and practical labour of the authors.
3. Since the responsibility for incorrect, incomplete and misleading content will belong to the authors, the authors should check the suitability, validity and accuracy of the formal and technical assistance received from artificial intelligence.
4. For the data shared with the tools in the use of artificial intelligence, data collection, processing and storage processes should be operated in accordance with the personal data protection legislation; privacy, confidentiality and security principles should be complied with.
5. To avoid conflicts of interest arising from the use of artificial intelligence, authors should clearly disclose any personal, financial or professional interests and be impartial.
im: Journal of communication & media studies is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0