A. Istanbul Medipol University Faculty of Law Review (IMUFLR) is published biannually (June, December) and scanned by TR Index (ULAKBIM), SOBIAD and Index Copernicus International indexes, as well as HeinOnline, ICI World of Journals, and EBSCO databases. The evaluation of the studies is carried out in according to two blind peer-review process.
B. The review accepts and publishes academic studies in the form of articles, decision reviews, and legislative reviews written in Turkish, English, French, and German.
C. The studies submitted to the review should not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication. By sending a work, the author is deemed to have committed this issue. The work can be sent via DergiPark (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/imuhfd) or to the address "hukukfakultesidergisi@medipol.edu.tr" in Word format (.doc, .docx). In all studies submitted to the journal for evaluation, authors must obtain an ORCID number (Scientific Researcher Identification Number) and indicate their ORCID number in their studies.
D. The opinions put forward in the article published in the review belong to the author. Istanbul Medipol University Faculty of Law and the Editorial Board do not assume any responsibility in this regard.
All academic studies to be submitted for publication in the journal should be prepared according to the form requirement given below.
- Submitted studies should be prepared in Times New Roman character, the main text should be 1.5 line spacing, 12 pt. justified, footnotes should be 10 pt. single line spacing and justified. Footnotes should be shown at the bottom of the page.
- The titles of the submitted studies should be written in Turkish and English. If the article is written in another language, the title in the language in which the article is written should also be added. Headings are prepared in 12-font size, single line spacing, and justified.
- Title numbering should follow the systematics of "I. - A. - 1. - a.". In the Introduction and Result/Evaluation sections numbering should not be done. In addition, there should not be any indent at the beginning of the paragraph, including in-article headings.
- The name of the author and surname should be justified under the title in capital letters. The title of the author, duty, ORCID number, and contact information should be written in the footnote by putting a "*" at the end of the last name.
- Under the author's information, Turkish abstract should be written. "Abstract" (in English) should be placed after the Abstract (in Turkish) section. If the language of the article is French or German, “Résumé” (French abstract) or “Zusammenfassung” (German abstract) should be written after the Abstract (in English) section. These parts should be between 150-200 words and summarize the article. At the end of the abstract part, there should be a "Keywords" part. “Keywords” should be written at the end of the Abstract (in English) section. If an abstract is written in French or German, "Mots-clés" or "Schlüsselwörter" (keywords) should be added at the end. Articles should include at least 5 different keywords.
- An abbreviation used in the article should be written in its long-form in the first use, and the abbreviation should be specified just after in parentheses. An independent scale of abbreviations should not be added to the end of the article.
- For references and annotations, footnotes should be written with a single line spacing in 10-font size, and in the text, a small number (1,2,3…) should be placed above the line in the relevant place. Footnotes are shown at the bottom of the page.
- Throughout the article, surnames' only first letter should be capitalized. If the author has more than one surname, "-" must be put between the surnames.
- For reference to books in the footnotes, the procedure of " [name of the author, name of the book, volume number (if any), the edition of the work, the name of the publisher, the place of publication (if any), the publication year, page number] " should be followed. e.g.: Mehmet Akif Aydın, Türk Hukuk Tarihi, 16. Bası, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2019, s. 45.
- For reference to book chapters in footnotes, the procedure of [name of the author, “chapter name”, Ed. name of the editor, name of the book, volume number (if any), which edition of the work, name of the publisher, place of publication (if any), publication year, page number] should be followed. e.g.: Andrea Atteriano, Maria Beatrice Deli, “An Overview of International Sanctions’ Impact on Treaties and Contracts”, Ed. Natalino Ronzitti, Coercive Diplomacy, Sanctions and International Law, Brill | Nijhoff, Leiden, 2016, s. 210.
- For citing articles in footnotes, the procedure of [name of the author, "article name", journal name, volume number, issue number, publication year, page number] should be followed. e.g.: Cevdet Yavuz, “Arsa Payı Karşılığı İnşaat Sözleşmesinde Yasal Önalım Hakkının Kullanılması Sorununa Dair Görüşler”, İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 4, Sayı 2, 2017, s. 110.
- For reference to online sources in footnotes, the procedure of [(if any) name of the author, (if any) page title, full address, date of access in parentheses] should be followed. e.g.: Chris McGreal, 70 Years and Half a Trillion Dollars Later: What Has the UN Achieved?, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/07/what-has-the-un-achieved-united-nations (01.12.2019).
- For reference to encyclopedia articles in footnotes, the procedure of [name of the author, "article title", encyclopedia name, (if any) volume number] should be followed. e.g.: F.V. Garcia-Amador, “Organization of American States”, Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Cilt 6, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 1983, s. 277.
- For reference to dissertations in the footnotes, the procedure of [name of the author, name of the thesis, nature of the thesis, university institute, and department information, year, page number] should be followed. e.g.: Halit Eyüp Özdemir, Kamu İhale Kanununda Düzenlenen İhale İşlemleri, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü̈ Kamu Hukuku Anabilim Dalı, 2005, s. 73.
- In translated works, the name of the translator is written in parentheses (as Translator's name and surname) right after the name of the author. e.g.: Klaus Tiedemann (Terc. Ayşe Nuhoğlu), Ekonomi Ceza Hukuku, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara 2017, s. 89.
- For reference to the same work, the procedure of [Author's surname, page number] should be followed. e.g.: Aydın, s. 95.
- If more than one work of the same author is to be used, the abbreviation of the relevant work should be indicated in parentheses at the end of the first reference to this work, and the procedure of [author's surname, abbreviation of the work, page number] should be followed in repeating citations. e.g.: Cevdet Yavuz, “Arsa Payı Karşılığı İnşaat Sözleşmesinde Yasal Önalım Hakkının Kullanılması Sorununa Dair Görüşler”, İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi,Cilt 4, Sayı 2, 2017, s. 110, (Görüşler). e.g.-2: Yavuz, Görüşler, s. 110.
- In case of reference to the first editions of the works, edition information is not to be specified. e.g.: Ergun Özbudun, 1924 Anayasası, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 2012, s. 50.
- For works with more than one author, "," should be used between the names of the authors.
- In case of citing more than one source in a footnote, ";" should be used between the sources.
- The bibliography should be at the end of the article. This part; should be titled "Kaynakça" in Turkish articles, "Bibliography" in English articles, "Bibliographie" in French articles, and "Literatur" in German articles. Sources used should be listed according to last names.
- In terms of the works in the bibliography, first the surname of the author and then the name should be written. A comma must be put between the last name and the name. In terms of works with more than one author, ";" should be used between the authors’ names. In other matters, the rules specified for the footnotes are also valid for the bibliography.