InTraders, which started its publication period in 2018, offers open access. The journal is a publication type of the InTraders Academic Platform, which started its processes with trademark registration in 2017. Platform: It publishes in Congress, journal and book chapter types.
The journal's main subject is international trade. For 2024 and beyond, it accepts economy-based studies outside international trade and original studies on tourism issues.
Authors must upload plagiarism reports and copyright transfer forms to the system along with their work. The work uploaded to the system must be prepared by the journal writing rules. The uploads made outside the spelling rules will be returned at the pre-check stage. Obtaining necessary permissions from ethics committees or commissions for studies that require ethics committee permission (works that require a survey or scale application, contain interviews and observations, documents, pictures, questionnaires, etc., developed by others and require permission to use), specifying these in the study content or must be submitted in addition. Without these permissions, the publication is returned to the author at the preliminary examination stage.
InTraders runs all its processes through Dergipark.
Broadcast range: July-December
Manuscript language: English (Should not include abstracts in languages other than English. ).
The authors allow the Publisher to publish this article under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license allows the work to be shared, copied, and reproduced in any size and format other than for commercial use, including re-editing, transforming, and building upon the original work, provided that it is properly cited.
1-An agreement with EBSCO and ProQuest for our conference books archive page ( Congress abstracts and proceeding books that we have published/in our archive will be open access and free of charge to its stakeholders by EBSCO and ProQuest.
You may load your articles until 1 May 2025 for Volume 8, Issue 1. The issue date is 31 July 2025. The articles loaded to the system after 1 May 2025 will be evaluated for December 2025 Issue.
1- The 13th InTraders International Conference On Social Sciences and Education
Event Link :
Venue: International Balkan University, North Macedonia
Event Date: 21-25 April 2025 (After mentioned date, the submission will be accepted in late registration fee.)
Submission Deadline: 15 March 2025
Event Type: International-Hybrid
2-II. International Filyos Sustainable Development and Logistics Congress (17-19 April 2025), Zonguldak, Türkiye
Event Link:
InTraders International Trade Academic Journal
(InTraders Journal)
Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Adriana BURLEA-SCHIOPOIU, University of Craiova, Romania
Prof. Dr. Tulus Suryanto, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Liza ALILI SULEJMANI, International Balkan University, Macedonia
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali YILDIZ, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Türkiye
Dr. Instructor Sobia HASSAN, Lahore College For Women University, Pakistan
InTraders International Trade Academic Journal by InTraders International Trade Academic Journal is licensed under this Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.