- Page Layout Top: 5.8 cm, Bottom: 5.8 cm, Right: 4.5 cm, Left: 4.5 cm space should be left.
- The main title of the article should be in 12-point Baskerville Old Face font and all capital letters. The title should be center-aligned.
- Manuscripts should be written in A4 size in MS Word compatible program in 11 point Baskerville Old Face font.
- The author'sname and surname should be written below the main title in 11 pt, white, uppercase and center aligned. Title, address and e-mail information should be given at the bottom of the page with (*) sign in 9 pt.
- The abstractshould be written as “Öz:” and its English version as "Abstract: ” in bold font.
- The line spacing in the “Öz:” and “Abstract:” texts should be “At least 3 pt.” (Select the entire “Öz:” and “Abstract: ” texts and right click on the paragraph option from the menu that appears. Select the “At least” option from the line spacing section at the bottom and enter the number “3” in the value next to it.)
- The text should be in “Baskerville Old Face” typeface, 11 pt, Paragraph style “Left Align”.
- Line spacing in the textshould be 1 cm.
- Main and subheadings can be used in the text. Main headings should be 11 pt, capitalized, bold and left justified.
- Subheadingsshould be written in 11 pt, bold, lower case and left justified.
- Spacing between headingsand paragraphs should be 6 pt.
- Paragraphspacing should be 6 pt and paragraph indentation should be 1 cm.
- When quotationsexceed 5 lines, they should start 1 cm from the paragraph indent and should be written 1 point smaller in quotation marks.
-All headings, including the introduction section, and line starts in the text should be of the following value:
Alignment: Recumbent
Outline Level: Body Text
Indentation: Left 0 cm, Right 0 cm
Special: First line
Value: 1 cm
Range: First 0 nk, Then 6 nk
Line Spacing: Single
Value: This part will be left blank
(Right-click on the headings and the line headings in the text and select the paragraph option from the menu that appears. Enter the values given above in the required sections)
- Footnotesshould be written in 9 pt. single spacing.
- When giving references in footnotes, book and journal names should be italicized.
- Article names should be given in plain quotation marks.
- In footnotes, the full citation should be given at the first mention of the source, and then it should be written with abbreviations determined by the author such as a.g.e., a.g.m., or a.g.t.
- If more than one book or article by oneauthor is used, the surname of the author should be given after the first use of the second work, followed by the full or abbreviated name of the book or article.
- In the first mention of multi-authorreferences, all authors should be written, and the following references should be abbreviated.
- There should be no footnoteseparator line.
- References in the textshould be numbered starting from 1 as footnotes at the bottom of the page.
Book: Micheal Rywkin, Russia in Central Asia, Collier Books, New York, 1963, p. 30.
Book Chapter: Adeeb Khalid, “The Management of Islam in the Late Soviet Period”, Central Asia Contexts for Understanding, Ed. Douglas Northrop, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, 2021, p. 165.
Article: Michal Wanner, “Alexander Bekovich Cherkassky’s Campaign to Central Asia and İndia in 1714-1717”, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Új-és Jelenkori Egyetemes Történeti Tanszék, No 1, 2014, p. 11.
Thesis: Jeffrey Eric Eden, Slavery and Empire in Central Asia, Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Cambridge, 2016, p. 51.
-In bibliography writing; Author's Last Name should be written first (all capital letters), Author's name should be written after. Other rules for writing references are the same as those for footnotes.
Rywkin, Micheal, Russia in Central Asia, Collier Books, New York, 1963. (Book)
Khalid, Adeeb, “The Management of Islam in the Late Soviet Period”, Central Asia Contexts for Understanding, Ed. Douglas Northrop, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, 2021, pp. 163-167. (Book Chapter)
Wanner, Michal, “Alexander Bekovich Cherkassky’s Campaign to Central Asia and İndia in 1714-1717”, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Új-és Jelenkori Egyetemes Történeti Tanszék, No 1, 2014, pp. 9-32. (Article)
-When giving source information under the heading “REFERENCES”:
Alignment: Recumbent
Outline Level: Body Text
Indentation: Left 0 cm, Right 0 cm
Special: Hanging
Value: 1.25 cm
Range: First 6 nk, Then 6 nk
Line Spacing: Single
Value: This part will be left blank
(!Select the text under the bibliography heading and right click on it, then click on the paragraph option from the menu that appears. Enter the values given above in the alignment, indentation and line spacing sections!)