Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi meticulously complies with research and publication ethics. The journal has adopted the ethical principles of academic publishing as stated in the open-access guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):

A submitted article should not be published elsewhere and should not include any plagiarism or copyright infringements. The author signs a declaration of originality at the time of submission. The author’s statement is confirmed by ISAM using a special plagiarism program. If a copyright infringement is detected at any stage of review, the process is immediately ceased and the article is returned to its owner. The author is not permitted to submit an article that has been submitted to İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi to any other journal prior to the completion of the reviewing process.

The editor is responsible for examining submitted articles for both originality and coherence with the publication policies and the format of İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi, and then for proceeding with the process of publication. The editor also coordinates the refereeing and other processes for each article. The editor is responsible for maintaining neutrality and for protecting the anonymity of both the author and the other individuals involved in the reviewing process.

The referee examines the article free from prejudice and subjectivity, and guided by academic writing criteria and a respect for copyright. Articles are reviewed in respect to scientific quality, consistency, usage of terminology, language, style, and harmony between the title and content. The referee is expected to use clear sentences and to substantiate arguments.

Editorial Board
The editorial board is the committee which determines publication policies for İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi. All members except for those with justified excuses participate in board meetings and deliver opinions via e-mail when necessary. The editorial board decides to approve or reject submitted articles based on referees’ reviews and authors’ responses. The editorial board also decides in which issue an approved article is placed.

Advisory Board
The advisory board oversees the general direction of the journal and offers guidance related to publication policies. Advisory board members can express their ideas in writing or they may participate in a meeting when called for by the chief editor.


As a journal with the mission of contributing high-quality academic material, spreading academic knowledge and making it accessible to all parts of the society, İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi maintains an open-access policy. All materials published in the journal are accessible, free of charge, through the journal’s website. All materials can be downloaded without a membership or payment. No fee is expected from authors for any reason.