Year 2023,
, 135 - 168, 31.12.2023
Mustafa Nuri Tatbul
Massimo Brizzi
Giovanni Ricci
Antonio Abate
Tayyar Gürdal
Luisa Musso
- Allison, P. (eds.) (1999). The Archaeology of Household Activities. London: Routledge. google scholar
- Binford, L. R. (2002). In the Pursuit of the Past: Decoding The Archaeological Record. Berkley, California: University of California Press. google scholar
- Blankholm, H. P. (1991). Intrasite Spatial Analysis in Theory and Practice. Aarhus University Press. google scholar
- Brizzi, M., Ricci, G. & Abate, A. (2021). Final Report of the 13th Campaign of Archaeological Investigations at Area V, Zımbıllıtepe, Pompeiopolis. (Unpublished Excavation Report 2021). google scholar
- Camardo, D. (2011). Case Study: Ercolano: La Ricostruzione dei Sistemi Fognari. In Jansen, G. C. M., Koloski-Ostrow, A. O. & Moormann, E. M. (Eds.), Roman Toilets: Their Archaeology and Cultural History (pp. 90-93). Leuven-Paris-Walpole, MA: Peeters. google scholar
- Cappers, R. T. J. & Bekker, R. M. (2013). A Manual for the Identification of Plant Seeds and Fruits. Groningen: Barkhuis. google scholar
- Clarke, D. L. (1977). Spatial Archaeology. Boston: Academic Press. google scholar
- Fourcade, P. T. (1811). Memoire surPompeiopolis ou TachKouprou, Maltebrun'sAnnales des Voyages, 14, 30-59. google scholar
- Hodder, I. & Orton, C. (1976). Spatial analysis in archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
- Jacomet, S. (2006). Identification of Cereal Remains from Archaeological Sites. Basel University. google scholar
- La Motta, V. M. & Schiffer, M. B. (1999). Formation Processes of House Floor Assemblages. In Allison, M. P. (Ed.), The Archaeology of Household Activities (pp. 19-29). London: Routledge. google scholar
- Marek, C. (2001). s.v. Pompeiopolis. In Der Neue Pauly (DNP). Band 10. Stuttgart: Metzler. google scholar
- Meneghini, R. (2017). Roma medievale e i Fori Imperiali. In Meneghini, R. & Bernacchio, N. (Eds.) I Fori dopo i Fori. La vita quotidiana nell’area dei Fori Imperiali dopo l’antichita. Roma: Gangemi Editöre. google scholar
- Musso, L., Bertolotto, G., Brizzi, M. & Westwood, B. E. (2011). L’edificio abitativo alle pendici orientali dello Zımbıllı Tepe. In Summerer, L. (Ed.) Pompeiopolis I. Eine Zwischenbilanz aus der Metropole Paphlagoniens nach Fünf Kampagnen (2006 - 2010) (pp. 75-120). Beier & Beran. google scholar
- Neef, R., Cappers, R. T. J. & Bekker, R. M. (2012). Digital Atlas of Economic Plants in Archaeology. Groningen: Barkhuis. google scholar
- Özbal, R. (2012). The Challenge of Idetifying Households at Tell Kurdu (Turkey). In Parker, B. J. & Foster, C. P. (Eds.) New Perspectives on Household Archaeology (pp. 321-346). Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns. google scholar
- Parker, B. J. Prieto, G. & Osores, C. (2018). Methodological advances in household archaeology: an application of microartifact analysis at Pampa La Cruz, Huanchaco, Peru, Nawpa Pacha. Journal of Andean Archaeology, 38, 57-75. google scholar
- Parker, B. J. & Foster, C. P. (Eds.) (2012). New Perspectives on Household Archaeology. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns. google scholar
- Rainville, L. (2012). Household Matters: Techniques for Understanding Assyrian Houses. In Parker, B. J. & Foster, C. P. (Eds.) New Perspectives on Household Archaeology (pp. 139-164). Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns. google scholar
- Reid, J. J., Schiffer, M. B. & Rathje, W. L. (1975). Behavioral Archaeology: Four strategies. American Anthropologist, 77, 836-848. google scholar
- Rowan, E. (2014). The fish remains from the Cardo V sewer: New insights into consumption and fishing economy of Herculaneum. In Botte, E. & Leitch, V. (Eds.) Fish & Ships : Production et commerce des salsamenta durant l’Antiquite (pp. 61-73). Nouvelle edition. Aix-en-Provence: Publications du Centre Camille Jullian. google scholar
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- Schiffer, B. M. (1972). Archaeological Context and Systemic Context. American Antiquity, Vol. 37, No. 2, 156-65. google scholar
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- Summerer, L. (2018). Pompeiopolis (Paflagonya) 2016 Yılı Kazı Sonuçları. KST, 39, 2, 205-228. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2017). Pompeiopolis (Paflagonya) 2015 Yılı Çalışmaları. KST, 38, 2, 455-466. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2016). Pompeiopolis (Paflagonya) 2014 Çalışmaları. KST, 37, 2, 143-156. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2014). Pompeiopolis 2012 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları. KST,35, 2, 197-203. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2013). Pompeiopolis 2011 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları. KST, 34, 3, 289-296. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2012). Pompeiopolis 2010 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları. KST, 33, 2, 337-352. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2011). Eine Zwischenbilanz aus der Metropole Paphlagoniens nach fünf Kampagnen (2006-2010). In Summerer, L. (Ed.), Pompeiopolis I: Schriften des Zentrums für Archaologie und Kulturgeschichte des Schwarzmeerraumes (pp. 3-12). Bd 21. LangenweiBbach: Beier and Beran. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2008). Pompeiopolis (Paflagonya) 2006 Yılı Çalışmaları. KST, 29, 2, 243-264. google scholar
- Summerer, L. & Çevik, F. (2015). Pompeiopolis 2013 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları. KST, 36, 2, 191-208. google scholar
- Summerer, L. & von Kienlin, A. (2009). Pompeiopolis 2007 yılı çalışmaları. KST, 30, 3, 77-90. google scholar
- Summerer, L., von Kienlin, A. & Herdt, G. (2010). Pompeiopolis 2008 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları. KST, 31, 1, 421-440. google scholar
- Tatbul, M. N. & Gürdal, T. (2022). Preliminary Analysis of the Macrobotanical Remains from the Late Antique and Byzantine Phases of the Domus at Pompeiopolis. ANADOLU, 48, 181-203. google scholar
- Whallon, R. J. (1973). Spatial Analysis of Ocupation Floors I: Application of Dimensional Analysis of Varaiance. American Antiquity, Vol. 38, No. 3, 266-278. google scholar
- Whallon, R. J. (1974). Spatial Analysis of Ocupation Floors II: Application of Nearest Neighbor Analysis. American Antiquity, Vol. 39, No. 1, 16-34. google scholar
- Wilk, R. R. & Rathje, W. L. (Eds.) (1982). Archaeology of the Household: Building a Prehistory of Domestic Life, American Behavioral Scientist, 25, 6, 611-725. google scholar
Microdebris Analysis of the Central Sewer and the Drainages of the Domus at Pompeiopolis
Year 2023,
, 135 - 168, 31.12.2023
Mustafa Nuri Tatbul
Massimo Brizzi
Giovanni Ricci
Antonio Abate
Tayyar Gürdal
Luisa Musso
In archaeological research, the discard behavior of domestic and industrial spaces can be mostly understood through the inspection of primary refuse contexts such as intra-site garbage pits, cesspits, last activity remains of fireplaces, activity floors, or extramural dumping areas as secondary refuse contexts. Other than these features and refuse contexts in the Late Antique / Early Byzantine period Domus at Pompeiopolis, the central sewer, and the drainage have the potential to provide alternative information related to the consumption, production, and discard behaviors of the households and the community in general. In this paper, microdebris samples taken from the street sewer, the drainage of the Domus, and a direct refuse link from a kitchen space adjacent to the street sewer were analyzed and discussed in consideration of the formation processes of the archaeological record.
- Allison, P. (eds.) (1999). The Archaeology of Household Activities. London: Routledge. google scholar
- Binford, L. R. (2002). In the Pursuit of the Past: Decoding The Archaeological Record. Berkley, California: University of California Press. google scholar
- Blankholm, H. P. (1991). Intrasite Spatial Analysis in Theory and Practice. Aarhus University Press. google scholar
- Brizzi, M., Ricci, G. & Abate, A. (2021). Final Report of the 13th Campaign of Archaeological Investigations at Area V, Zımbıllıtepe, Pompeiopolis. (Unpublished Excavation Report 2021). google scholar
- Camardo, D. (2011). Case Study: Ercolano: La Ricostruzione dei Sistemi Fognari. In Jansen, G. C. M., Koloski-Ostrow, A. O. & Moormann, E. M. (Eds.), Roman Toilets: Their Archaeology and Cultural History (pp. 90-93). Leuven-Paris-Walpole, MA: Peeters. google scholar
- Cappers, R. T. J. & Bekker, R. M. (2013). A Manual for the Identification of Plant Seeds and Fruits. Groningen: Barkhuis. google scholar
- Clarke, D. L. (1977). Spatial Archaeology. Boston: Academic Press. google scholar
- Fourcade, P. T. (1811). Memoire surPompeiopolis ou TachKouprou, Maltebrun'sAnnales des Voyages, 14, 30-59. google scholar
- Hodder, I. & Orton, C. (1976). Spatial analysis in archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
- Jacomet, S. (2006). Identification of Cereal Remains from Archaeological Sites. Basel University. google scholar
- La Motta, V. M. & Schiffer, M. B. (1999). Formation Processes of House Floor Assemblages. In Allison, M. P. (Ed.), The Archaeology of Household Activities (pp. 19-29). London: Routledge. google scholar
- Marek, C. (2001). s.v. Pompeiopolis. In Der Neue Pauly (DNP). Band 10. Stuttgart: Metzler. google scholar
- Meneghini, R. (2017). Roma medievale e i Fori Imperiali. In Meneghini, R. & Bernacchio, N. (Eds.) I Fori dopo i Fori. La vita quotidiana nell’area dei Fori Imperiali dopo l’antichita. Roma: Gangemi Editöre. google scholar
- Musso, L., Bertolotto, G., Brizzi, M. & Westwood, B. E. (2011). L’edificio abitativo alle pendici orientali dello Zımbıllı Tepe. In Summerer, L. (Ed.) Pompeiopolis I. Eine Zwischenbilanz aus der Metropole Paphlagoniens nach Fünf Kampagnen (2006 - 2010) (pp. 75-120). Beier & Beran. google scholar
- Neef, R., Cappers, R. T. J. & Bekker, R. M. (2012). Digital Atlas of Economic Plants in Archaeology. Groningen: Barkhuis. google scholar
- Özbal, R. (2012). The Challenge of Idetifying Households at Tell Kurdu (Turkey). In Parker, B. J. & Foster, C. P. (Eds.) New Perspectives on Household Archaeology (pp. 321-346). Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns. google scholar
- Parker, B. J. Prieto, G. & Osores, C. (2018). Methodological advances in household archaeology: an application of microartifact analysis at Pampa La Cruz, Huanchaco, Peru, Nawpa Pacha. Journal of Andean Archaeology, 38, 57-75. google scholar
- Parker, B. J. & Foster, C. P. (Eds.) (2012). New Perspectives on Household Archaeology. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns. google scholar
- Rainville, L. (2012). Household Matters: Techniques for Understanding Assyrian Houses. In Parker, B. J. & Foster, C. P. (Eds.) New Perspectives on Household Archaeology (pp. 139-164). Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns. google scholar
- Reid, J. J., Schiffer, M. B. & Rathje, W. L. (1975). Behavioral Archaeology: Four strategies. American Anthropologist, 77, 836-848. google scholar
- Rowan, E. (2014). The fish remains from the Cardo V sewer: New insights into consumption and fishing economy of Herculaneum. In Botte, E. & Leitch, V. (Eds.) Fish & Ships : Production et commerce des salsamenta durant l’Antiquite (pp. 61-73). Nouvelle edition. Aix-en-Provence: Publications du Centre Camille Jullian. google scholar
- Schiffer, B. M. (1983). Towards the Identification of Formation Processes. American Antiquity, Vol. 48, No. 4, 675-706. google scholar
- Schiffer, B. M. (1972). Archaeological Context and Systemic Context. American Antiquity, Vol. 37, No. 2, 156-65. google scholar
- Schiffer, B. M. (1996). Formation Processes of the Archaeological Record. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2018). Pompeiopolis (Paflagonya) 2016 Yılı Kazı Sonuçları. KST, 39, 2, 205-228. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2017). Pompeiopolis (Paflagonya) 2015 Yılı Çalışmaları. KST, 38, 2, 455-466. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2016). Pompeiopolis (Paflagonya) 2014 Çalışmaları. KST, 37, 2, 143-156. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2014). Pompeiopolis 2012 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları. KST,35, 2, 197-203. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2013). Pompeiopolis 2011 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları. KST, 34, 3, 289-296. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2012). Pompeiopolis 2010 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları. KST, 33, 2, 337-352. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2011). Eine Zwischenbilanz aus der Metropole Paphlagoniens nach fünf Kampagnen (2006-2010). In Summerer, L. (Ed.), Pompeiopolis I: Schriften des Zentrums für Archaologie und Kulturgeschichte des Schwarzmeerraumes (pp. 3-12). Bd 21. LangenweiBbach: Beier and Beran. google scholar
- Summerer, L. (2008). Pompeiopolis (Paflagonya) 2006 Yılı Çalışmaları. KST, 29, 2, 243-264. google scholar
- Summerer, L. & Çevik, F. (2015). Pompeiopolis 2013 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları. KST, 36, 2, 191-208. google scholar
- Summerer, L. & von Kienlin, A. (2009). Pompeiopolis 2007 yılı çalışmaları. KST, 30, 3, 77-90. google scholar
- Summerer, L., von Kienlin, A. & Herdt, G. (2010). Pompeiopolis 2008 Yılı Kazı Çalışmaları. KST, 31, 1, 421-440. google scholar
- Tatbul, M. N. & Gürdal, T. (2022). Preliminary Analysis of the Macrobotanical Remains from the Late Antique and Byzantine Phases of the Domus at Pompeiopolis. ANADOLU, 48, 181-203. google scholar
- Whallon, R. J. (1973). Spatial Analysis of Ocupation Floors I: Application of Dimensional Analysis of Varaiance. American Antiquity, Vol. 38, No. 3, 266-278. google scholar
- Whallon, R. J. (1974). Spatial Analysis of Ocupation Floors II: Application of Nearest Neighbor Analysis. American Antiquity, Vol. 39, No. 1, 16-34. google scholar
- Wilk, R. R. & Rathje, W. L. (Eds.) (1982). Archaeology of the Household: Building a Prehistory of Domestic Life, American Behavioral Scientist, 25, 6, 611-725. google scholar