Writing Rules

Article Submission

  • The responsibility of verifying the authenticity of the information belongs to the author(s).
  • The authors are required to suggest at least 2 names and contact information of potential reviewers (e-mail address, telephone and affiliation). The editors may choose other reviewers.
  • Suitability and general scientific merit of the submitted articles are evaluated by the field editor. Each article is evaluated independently by the reviewers. The comments and recommendations of the reviewers are sent to the editor-in-chief by the field editor. The corresponding author must clearly outline responses to the reviewer(s)' comments and recommendations in a seperate file. The chief editor reviews the referee's evaluations and responses to the reviewer(s)' comments, and recommends that the editorial accept or reject the article. At the last stage, the field editor informs the author about the acceptance or refusal of the manuscript.
  • After the acceptance of the article, "Article Submission and Copyright Transfer Form" must be signed and sent to the journal. Once the "Article submission and copyright transfer right" form (It can be downloaded from journal page) has been filled in and signed by the responsible author, it must be scanned and uploaded to the online system as pdf file. With the signing of the copyright transfer form, the authors waive their rights by transferring to IZU Institute of Science and Technology the right to legally reproduce, reprint and distribute all or part of the article in addition to publication of the article on journal's web page.
  • In case an Ethics Committe Approval is needed, it is the responsibility of the corresponding author to upload the approval.

Preparing the Manuscript  

  • The article to be submitted must be typed in Times New Roman font size 12 pt, 2 lines, in Microsoft Word format. The author (s) should make sure that the article is written in a fluent manner in accordance with basic grammar rules.
  • It is recommended that the manuscript should be checked by either a native English speking expert or an experinced scientist. The margins should be 2.0 cm from each edge. Research and review papers should nor exceed a total of max 22 pages, including charts and figures, Short articles, should not exceed 8 pages. Short notes can be up to 2 charts, either 2 figures, or 1 chart and 1 figure. The editor may wish to shorten the article. All pages outside the cover page should be numbered, but they should not refer to a specific page number within the text.The lines should be numbered.
  • The main title of the article should be written as centered and bold. All titles should be left-aligned big font with the first letter. Titles should be appropriately numbered. The order of titler in an article should be as follows: First page including main title, authors and affiliations, Abstract (150-250 words) and Keywords (minimum 2, maximum 7); 1. Introduction, 2. Material and Method, 3. Results and Discussion, 4. Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References. In addition tables (giving each sheet a separate sheet page number, name and description if provided as footnotes) and figures (each figure is given as a figure number, name, and footnotes, if any) should be given in seperate pages. Figures and tables should not be placed in the text, but the place in the text must be clearly indicated. The author responsible for the correspondence must be marked with a star symbol and the phone number and e-mail address should be given as footnotes at the end of the first page. Addresses (if different) of other authors should be specified by giving the superscript number after the author's name.
  • The necessary abbreviations should be explained in brackets at the first place. Equations should be given a sequence number. The SI system (Systeme International d Unites) should be used in all scientific data. In the case of units, it should be preferred to use mg/ml, not mg.ml-1, for example mg/kg and μg/kg instead of ppm and ppb, respectively, . Descriptors should be indicated by a dot rather than a comma (for example 9.86, not 9.86), one thousand separations should be avoided in large numbers (eg 10000 or 10 thousand instead of 10,000 or 10 000). Exponent numbers should be displayed without spaces before and after the x symbol representing the multiplier, for example, 3.5x105. Temperatures should be expressed in °C. The statistical analysis results should be included in the discussion, and the probability should be indicated by capital letter and italicized P, followed by a space after P (eg P<0.05).


  • The references in the article will be given according to the American Psychology Association (APA) 6.0 style. Sources used within the text should be given the surname of the author and the year of publication. Unknown sources should be identified as "Anonymous". If there are more than two writers in the source cited, "after" should be written after the first one.


  • ... (Colmenero et al., 1996; Tabarestani and Tehrani, 2014; Killinger, 2015). According to Anonymous (2015) and AOAC (2014) .... . Journal articles on the resource list; the surnames of the authors (s), the first letters of their names, the year of publication, the name of the article, the name in italics of the magazine, the volume, the number and the beginning and ending page numbers. In the books; author (s) surnames, first letters of names, year of publication, name of the book written in italics, printing house, place of publication and if possible ISBN number should be given. Below are several examples. Unknown publication: Anonymous (2000). Turkish food codec. Notification of meat products (2000/4). Ministry of Agriculture and Welfare. Official Gazette dated February 10, 2000 and numbered 23960, Ankara. Anonymous (2007). On emergency measures suspending the use of E 128 Red 2G as food color. L 195/8 EN Official Journal of the European Union, Commission Regulation (EC) No 884/2007 of 26 July 2007.
  • ... (Colmenero et al., 1996; Tabarestani and Tehrani, 2014; Killinger, 2015). According to Anonymous (2015) and AOAC (2014) ....
  • Journal articles on the resource list; the surnames of the authors (s), the first letters of their names, the year of publication, the name of the article, the name in italics of the magazine, the volume, the number and the beginning and ending page numbers. In the books; author (s) surnames, first letters of names, year of publication, name of the book written in italics, printing house, place of publication and if possible ISBN number should be given.

        Below are several examples.

        Unknown publication:

  • Anonymous (2000). Turkish food codec. Notification of meat products (2000/4). Ministry of Agriculture and Welfare. Official Gazette dated February 10, 2000 and numbered 23960, Ankara.
  • Anonymous (2007). On emergency measures suspending the use of E 128 Red 2G as food color. L 195/8 EN Official Journal of the European Union, Commission Regulation (EC) No 884/2007 of 26 July 2007.


  • The tables should be written in MS Word program using Times New Roman font and should be avoided as much as possible by using a font lower than 10. It must be included in the text by following the sequence number. Plots should be clearly indicated in the text, but the charts should be given at the end of the text and preferably on one sheet per page. The table names should be written on the chart, and the bottom notes should be written on the chart. The charts should be prepared for the vertical page. In the Turkish research articles, the title of the table and all the bottom notes and the Turkish words placed on the chart should be written in italics in English.
  • If some or all of the chart in the chart is printed elsewhere, it is the writers' responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce the chart from the copyright holder and to transmit it to the IZUJIST.


  • Photographs, graphics, etc. should be expressed in "Figure" and should appear in the text by following the sequence number. Figures should be clearly indicated in the text, but they should be given at the end of the text and preferably in one figure per page. The figure names should be written below. Figures must not exceed 14 × 16 cm under any circumstances. Photographs should preferably be clear in TIFF or JPEG format. The Turkish words in the Turkish research articles should be written in italics in English, as well as the shape title and all the bottom notes.
  • If part or all of the form contained in the article has already been printed elsewhere, it is the authors' entire responsibility to obtain the permission to reprint the form from the copyright holder and to transmit it to the IZUJIST. The editorial may request that the figure be removed.
  • Corrections and final control need to be done by authors before online publication


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