Research Article
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Year 2023, , 122 - 125, 27.03.2023



  • Abideen, Z., R. Ansari., Ajmal Khan., M. (2011). Halophytes: Potential source of ligno- cellulosic biomass for ethanol production. Biomass and Bioenergy. 35: 1818-1822. Doi: https://10.1016/j.biombioe.2011.01.023
  • Albayrak, S., Öten., M. (2020). Döl kontrolü parsellerindeki yonca (Medicago sativa L.) genotiplerinin verim ve kalite özellikleri ile genel kombinasyon yeteneklerinin belirlenmesi. Anadolu Tarım Bilim. Dergisi. 20(3): 353-360. Doi: https:// 10.7161/omuanajas.743199. (in Turkish)
  • Albayrak, S., M. Türk., O. Yüksel., Yılmaz., M. (2012). Forage Yield and the Quality of Perennial Legume-Grass Mixtures under Rainfed Conditions. Not Bot Hort Agrobot Cluj. 39(1):114-118. DOI:
  • Anonymous. (2021). Kızılırmak Deltası Araştırma Projesi. T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı. Tabiat Varlıklarını Koruma Genel Müdürlüğü. 604s. Doi: Turkish)
  • Anonymous. (2018). Kızılırmak deltası su ayak izinin belirlenmesi projesi. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı. Ankara. 528s. Doi: Turkish)
  • Cash, D., Bowman., H.F. (1993). Alfalfa hay quality testing, Montguide, Agriculture, MT-9302. Doi:
  • El-Shatnawi, M.K., Mohawesh., Y.M. (2000). Seasonal chemical composition of saltbush in semiarid grasslands of Jordan. J. Range Manage., 53: 211-214. Doi:
  • Ertekin., İ. (2021). Bazı çok yıllık taban merası yem bitkisi türlerinin yem değerleri yönünden karşılaştırılması. 3 Internatıonal Eurasıan Conference On Scıence, Engıneerıng And Technology. 15-17 December 2021 Ankara / Turkey. Doi: Turkish)
  • Esmaeli, N., Ebrahimi., A. (2003). Necessity of determining animal unit requirement based on the quality of forage. Iranian J. Nat. Resourc., 55: 579-596. Doi:
  • Filho, C.V.S., Rodrigues., A. (2001). Evaluatıon Of Ten Tropıcal Grasses In The Northwest Regıon Of The State Of São Paulo-Brazıl. The XIX International Grassland Congress took place in São Pedro, São Paulo, Brazil from February 11 through February 21, 2001.Doi:
  • Heydari, G., A.T. Yansari., Zali., H. (2006). Inspection on Three Plant Spices as an Animal Forage Source in Mazandran Wetland. Pakistan J. of Nutrition. 5(4): 382-386. Doi: https://10.3923/pin.2006.382.386
  • Moınuddın, M., S. Gulzar., I. Aziz., A.R.A. Alatar., A K. Hegazy., M. Khan., A. (2012). Evaluatıon Of Forage Qualıty Among Coastal And Inland Grasses From Karachı. Pak. J. Bot., 44(2): 573-577. Doi:
  • Filho, C.V.S., L.R. de A. Rodrigues. 2001. Evaluatıon Of Ten Tropıcal Grasses In The Northwest Regıon Of The State Of São Paulo-Brazıl. The XIX International Grassland Congress took place in São Pedro, São Paulo, Brazil from February 11 through February 21, 2001. Doi:
  • Robinson, P.H., S.R. Grattan., G. Getachew., C.M. Grieve., J.A. Poss., D.L. Suarez., Benes., S.E. (2003). Biomass accumulation and potential nutritive value of some forages irrigated with saline-sodic drainage water. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 111. 175–189. Doi: https://10.1016/S0377-8401(03)00213-X
  • Suyama, H., S.E. Benes, P.H. Robinson, S.R. Grattan, C.M. Grieve., Getachew., G. (2007). Forage yield and quality under irrigation with saline-sodic drainage water: Greenhouse evaluation. Agricultural Water Management, 88: 159-172.
  • Şahin, B., Aslan, S., Ayyıldız, G., Vural., M. (2013). Kızılırmak Deltasında görülen habitat tipleri. III. Ulusal Sulak alanlar Kongresi. 271-276. 23-25 Ekim 2013. Samsun. Doi: Turkish)

Quality parameters of Paspalum paspalodes in wetland of Kızılırmak delta

Year 2023, , 122 - 125, 27.03.2023


The Kızılırmak Delta, located in the north of Turkey, covers approximately 20,000 hectares and contains seven lakes of various sizes. There are Balık, Cernek, Gıcı, Liman, Uzun and Tatlı Lakes in the east and Karaboğaz Lake in the west and the width of these lakes is around 3,600 hectares. While the lakes have the largest area in the winter months, the water level decreases in the summer months and livestock are grazed in these areas. This study was carried out in the grassland areas formed by the withdrawal of water in the summer period in the south of Balık Lake. Paspalum paspalodes is the powerful plant species that appears with the withdrawal of water in the summer grazing period. In the present study, the CP, ADF, NDF and RFV values of the watergrass plant were found to be 8.92, 36.83, 60.57 and 92.45%, respectively. According to the results of the research; It was determined that Paspalum paspalodes was lovingly eaten by water buffaloes in the Kızılırmak Delta and the forage quality was medium.


  • Abideen, Z., R. Ansari., Ajmal Khan., M. (2011). Halophytes: Potential source of ligno- cellulosic biomass for ethanol production. Biomass and Bioenergy. 35: 1818-1822. Doi: https://10.1016/j.biombioe.2011.01.023
  • Albayrak, S., Öten., M. (2020). Döl kontrolü parsellerindeki yonca (Medicago sativa L.) genotiplerinin verim ve kalite özellikleri ile genel kombinasyon yeteneklerinin belirlenmesi. Anadolu Tarım Bilim. Dergisi. 20(3): 353-360. Doi: https:// 10.7161/omuanajas.743199. (in Turkish)
  • Albayrak, S., M. Türk., O. Yüksel., Yılmaz., M. (2012). Forage Yield and the Quality of Perennial Legume-Grass Mixtures under Rainfed Conditions. Not Bot Hort Agrobot Cluj. 39(1):114-118. DOI:
  • Anonymous. (2021). Kızılırmak Deltası Araştırma Projesi. T.C. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı. Tabiat Varlıklarını Koruma Genel Müdürlüğü. 604s. Doi: Turkish)
  • Anonymous. (2018). Kızılırmak deltası su ayak izinin belirlenmesi projesi. Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı. Ankara. 528s. Doi: Turkish)
  • Cash, D., Bowman., H.F. (1993). Alfalfa hay quality testing, Montguide, Agriculture, MT-9302. Doi:
  • El-Shatnawi, M.K., Mohawesh., Y.M. (2000). Seasonal chemical composition of saltbush in semiarid grasslands of Jordan. J. Range Manage., 53: 211-214. Doi:
  • Ertekin., İ. (2021). Bazı çok yıllık taban merası yem bitkisi türlerinin yem değerleri yönünden karşılaştırılması. 3 Internatıonal Eurasıan Conference On Scıence, Engıneerıng And Technology. 15-17 December 2021 Ankara / Turkey. Doi: Turkish)
  • Esmaeli, N., Ebrahimi., A. (2003). Necessity of determining animal unit requirement based on the quality of forage. Iranian J. Nat. Resourc., 55: 579-596. Doi:
  • Filho, C.V.S., Rodrigues., A. (2001). Evaluatıon Of Ten Tropıcal Grasses In The Northwest Regıon Of The State Of São Paulo-Brazıl. The XIX International Grassland Congress took place in São Pedro, São Paulo, Brazil from February 11 through February 21, 2001.Doi:
  • Heydari, G., A.T. Yansari., Zali., H. (2006). Inspection on Three Plant Spices as an Animal Forage Source in Mazandran Wetland. Pakistan J. of Nutrition. 5(4): 382-386. Doi: https://10.3923/pin.2006.382.386
  • Moınuddın, M., S. Gulzar., I. Aziz., A.R.A. Alatar., A K. Hegazy., M. Khan., A. (2012). Evaluatıon Of Forage Qualıty Among Coastal And Inland Grasses From Karachı. Pak. J. Bot., 44(2): 573-577. Doi:
  • Filho, C.V.S., L.R. de A. Rodrigues. 2001. Evaluatıon Of Ten Tropıcal Grasses In The Northwest Regıon Of The State Of São Paulo-Brazıl. The XIX International Grassland Congress took place in São Pedro, São Paulo, Brazil from February 11 through February 21, 2001. Doi:
  • Robinson, P.H., S.R. Grattan., G. Getachew., C.M. Grieve., J.A. Poss., D.L. Suarez., Benes., S.E. (2003). Biomass accumulation and potential nutritive value of some forages irrigated with saline-sodic drainage water. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 111. 175–189. Doi: https://10.1016/S0377-8401(03)00213-X
  • Suyama, H., S.E. Benes, P.H. Robinson, S.R. Grattan, C.M. Grieve., Getachew., G. (2007). Forage yield and quality under irrigation with saline-sodic drainage water: Greenhouse evaluation. Agricultural Water Management, 88: 159-172.
  • Şahin, B., Aslan, S., Ayyıldız, G., Vural., M. (2013). Kızılırmak Deltasında görülen habitat tipleri. III. Ulusal Sulak alanlar Kongresi. 271-276. 23-25 Ekim 2013. Samsun. Doi: Turkish)
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agronomy
Journal Section Research Articles

Sebahattin Albayrak 0000-0002-4247-7064

Publication Date March 27, 2023
Submission Date October 20, 2022
Acceptance Date November 4, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Albayrak, S. (2023). Quality parameters of Paspalum paspalodes in wetland of Kızılırmak delta. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 7(1), 122-125.

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