Research Article
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Year 2023, , 136 - 147, 27.03.2023



  • Akcura, M., Kokten, K. (2017). Variations in grain mineral concentrations of Turkish wheat landraces germplasm. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 9(2): 153-159.
  • Akinwale, R., Fakorede, M., Badu-Apraku, B., Oluwaranti, A. (2014). Assessing the usefulness of GGE biplot as a statistical tool for plant breeders and agronomists. Cereal Research Communications, 42(3): 534-546.
  • Boureima, S., Abdoua, Y. (2019). Genotype by yield* trait combination biplot approach to evaluate sesame genotypes on multiple traits basis. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 24(2): 237-244.
  • Gholizadeh, A., Dehghani, H. (2016). Graphic analysis of trait relations of Iranian bread wheat germplasm under non-saline and saline conditions using the biplot method. Genetika, 48(2): 473-486.
  • Gholizadeh, A., Ghaffari, M. (2022). Simultaneous selection for seed yield and agronomic traits in sunflower. Isfahan University of Technology-Journal of Crop Production and Processing, 11(4): 1-15.
  • Hamid, A.E., Aglan, M., Hussein, E. (2019). Modified method for the analysis of genotype by trait (Gt) biplot as a selection criterion in wheat under water stress conditions. Egyptian Journal of Agronomy, 41(3): 293-312.
  • Hu, J., Seiler, G., Kole, C. (2010). Genetics, genomics and breeding of sunflower. CRC Press, Routledge, USA.
  • Kendal, E. (2019). Comparing durum wheat cultivars by genotype× yield× trait and genotype× trait biplot method. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 79(4): 512-522.
  • Malik, S.R., Bakhsh, A., Asif, M.A., Iqbal, U., Iqbal, S. (2010). Assessment of genetic variability and interrelationship among some agronomic traits in chickpea. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 12(1): 81-85.
  • Mohammadi, R. (2019). Genotype by yield* trait biplot for genotype evaluation and trait profiles in durum wheat. Cereal Research Communications, 47(3): 541-551.
  • Mousavi, S.M.N., Bojtor, C., Illés, Á., Nagy, J. (2021). Genotype by trait interaction (GT) in Maize hybrids on complete fertilizer. Plants, 10(11): 2388.
  • Purwati, R., Anggraeni, T., Machfud, M. (2022). Genotype by yield* trait biplot analysis to evaluate Jatropha curcas genotypes based on multiple traits. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 974:012013.
  • Rahmati, M., Ahmadi, A. (2020). Assessment of interrelationship between agronomic traits of wheat genotypes under rain-fed conditions using double and triple biplots of genotype, trait and yield. Iranian Dryland Agronomy Journal, 9(1): 1-20.
  • Sincik, M., Goksoy, A.T. (2014). Investigation of correlation between traits and path analysis of confectionary sunflower genotypes. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 42(1): 227-231.
  • Torres, V., Davila, J., Mendoza, A., Godina, F., Maiti, R. (2004). Importance of agronomic characteristics in the grain yield of maize under irrigated and rainfed conditions. Crop Research, 27(2): 169-176.
  • Yan, W. (2001). GGEbiplot-a windows application for graphical analysis of multienvironment trial data and other types of two-way data. Agronomy Journal, 93(5): 1111-1118.
  • Yan, W., Frégeau-Reid, J. (2018). Genotype by Yield* Trait (GYT) Biplot: a Novel approach for genotype selection based on multiple traits. Scientific Reports, 8(8242): 1-10.
  • Yan, W., Kang, M.S. (2002). GGE biplot analysis: A graphical tool for breeders, geneticists, and agronomists. CRC press. DOI:
  • Yan, W., Rajcan, I. (2002). Biplot analysis of test sites and trait relations of soybean in Ontario. Crop Science, 42(1): 11-20.
  • Yue, H., Wei, J., Xie, J., Chen, S., Peng, H., Cao, H., Bu, J., Jiang, X. (2022). A study on genotype-by-environment interaction analysis for agronomic traits of maize genotypes across Huang-Huai-Hai Region in China. Phyton,91(1): 57. DOI: Zeinalzadeh-Tabrizi, H., Amiri Oghan, H. (2021). Selection of superior spring rapeseed genotypes using new approach: Genotype by Yield×Trait biplot (GYT). Proceedings of the 7th Iranian Plant Physiology Conference. Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran. September 1-2, 2021. Pp 170-173.

Comparison of genotype × trait and genotype × yield-trait biplots in Sunflower cultivars

Year 2023, , 136 - 147, 27.03.2023


The selection of genotypes based on various characteristics is a critical challenge in plant breeding. An experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) in three replications over two crop years, 2018-2019, to compare the effects of genotype × trait (GT) and the genotype × yield-trait (GYT) methods as well as investigate the relationships between grain yield and different agronomic traits. Plant materials ten sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes. Based on the combined analysis of variance, there was a significant difference in parameters except leaf length. The effect of year × genotype was significant in all traits except plant height, stem diameter, and leaf length (P≤ 0.01). Gabur, Azargol and Favorite genotypes were ranked as genotypes in the years of the experiment. Based on the graphical analysis performed on the effect of genotype × trait (GT), Zaria genotype was selected as the best and stable genotype. The genotype × yield-trait (GYT) biplot ranked genotypes by yield and other desired trait levels and depicts their trait profiles, or strengths and weaknesses. The correlation biplot revealed positive correlations between most traits with grain yield. This method is pictorial, objective, effective, and simple compared to the genotype × trait (GT) method. The GYT biplot technique is based on the paradigm shift that genotypes should be assessed by their yield levels in combination with other variables rather than individually. The graphical analysis of the effect of genotype × yield-trait (GYT) revealed that Gabur and Armavirski genotypes were selected as the best for all traits investigated and could be recommended for cultivation in the Karaj location.


  • Akcura, M., Kokten, K. (2017). Variations in grain mineral concentrations of Turkish wheat landraces germplasm. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 9(2): 153-159.
  • Akinwale, R., Fakorede, M., Badu-Apraku, B., Oluwaranti, A. (2014). Assessing the usefulness of GGE biplot as a statistical tool for plant breeders and agronomists. Cereal Research Communications, 42(3): 534-546.
  • Boureima, S., Abdoua, Y. (2019). Genotype by yield* trait combination biplot approach to evaluate sesame genotypes on multiple traits basis. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 24(2): 237-244.
  • Gholizadeh, A., Dehghani, H. (2016). Graphic analysis of trait relations of Iranian bread wheat germplasm under non-saline and saline conditions using the biplot method. Genetika, 48(2): 473-486.
  • Gholizadeh, A., Ghaffari, M. (2022). Simultaneous selection for seed yield and agronomic traits in sunflower. Isfahan University of Technology-Journal of Crop Production and Processing, 11(4): 1-15.
  • Hamid, A.E., Aglan, M., Hussein, E. (2019). Modified method for the analysis of genotype by trait (Gt) biplot as a selection criterion in wheat under water stress conditions. Egyptian Journal of Agronomy, 41(3): 293-312.
  • Hu, J., Seiler, G., Kole, C. (2010). Genetics, genomics and breeding of sunflower. CRC Press, Routledge, USA.
  • Kendal, E. (2019). Comparing durum wheat cultivars by genotype× yield× trait and genotype× trait biplot method. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 79(4): 512-522.
  • Malik, S.R., Bakhsh, A., Asif, M.A., Iqbal, U., Iqbal, S. (2010). Assessment of genetic variability and interrelationship among some agronomic traits in chickpea. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 12(1): 81-85.
  • Mohammadi, R. (2019). Genotype by yield* trait biplot for genotype evaluation and trait profiles in durum wheat. Cereal Research Communications, 47(3): 541-551.
  • Mousavi, S.M.N., Bojtor, C., Illés, Á., Nagy, J. (2021). Genotype by trait interaction (GT) in Maize hybrids on complete fertilizer. Plants, 10(11): 2388.
  • Purwati, R., Anggraeni, T., Machfud, M. (2022). Genotype by yield* trait biplot analysis to evaluate Jatropha curcas genotypes based on multiple traits. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 974:012013.
  • Rahmati, M., Ahmadi, A. (2020). Assessment of interrelationship between agronomic traits of wheat genotypes under rain-fed conditions using double and triple biplots of genotype, trait and yield. Iranian Dryland Agronomy Journal, 9(1): 1-20.
  • Sincik, M., Goksoy, A.T. (2014). Investigation of correlation between traits and path analysis of confectionary sunflower genotypes. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 42(1): 227-231.
  • Torres, V., Davila, J., Mendoza, A., Godina, F., Maiti, R. (2004). Importance of agronomic characteristics in the grain yield of maize under irrigated and rainfed conditions. Crop Research, 27(2): 169-176.
  • Yan, W. (2001). GGEbiplot-a windows application for graphical analysis of multienvironment trial data and other types of two-way data. Agronomy Journal, 93(5): 1111-1118.
  • Yan, W., Frégeau-Reid, J. (2018). Genotype by Yield* Trait (GYT) Biplot: a Novel approach for genotype selection based on multiple traits. Scientific Reports, 8(8242): 1-10.
  • Yan, W., Kang, M.S. (2002). GGE biplot analysis: A graphical tool for breeders, geneticists, and agronomists. CRC press. DOI:
  • Yan, W., Rajcan, I. (2002). Biplot analysis of test sites and trait relations of soybean in Ontario. Crop Science, 42(1): 11-20.
  • Yue, H., Wei, J., Xie, J., Chen, S., Peng, H., Cao, H., Bu, J., Jiang, X. (2022). A study on genotype-by-environment interaction analysis for agronomic traits of maize genotypes across Huang-Huai-Hai Region in China. Phyton,91(1): 57. DOI: Zeinalzadeh-Tabrizi, H., Amiri Oghan, H. (2021). Selection of superior spring rapeseed genotypes using new approach: Genotype by Yield×Trait biplot (GYT). Proceedings of the 7th Iranian Plant Physiology Conference. Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran. September 1-2, 2021. Pp 170-173.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Seyedhabib Shojaei 0000-0003-1648-1227

Khodadad Mostafavi 0000-0001-8093-8717

Isa Ansarifard 0000-0003-0501-5618

Mohammadreza Bihamta 0000-0003-0614-0963

Hossein Zeinalzadeh-tabrizi 0000-0002-2319-005X

Ali Omrani 0000-0002-0507-0759

Merve Göre 0000-0001-9350-5910

Seyed Mohammad Nasir Mousavi 0000-0001-8057-0086

Publication Date March 27, 2023
Submission Date November 16, 2022
Acceptance Date December 14, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Shojaei, S., Mostafavi, K., Ansarifard, I., Bihamta, M., et al. (2023). Comparison of genotype × trait and genotype × yield-trait biplots in Sunflower cultivars. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 7(1), 136-147.

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