Research Article
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Evaluation of database and some soil characteristic of Kumkale Agricultural Enterprise soils in GIS

Year 2023, , 223 - 233, 27.03.2023


General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises (GDAE), which has been operating since 1994, is a state institution whose aim is to protect the gene resources as well as the production of seeds, breeding and raw materials for agriculture and agriculture-based industry. There are more than 30 agricultural enterprises established for similar purposes in Türkiye. One of these enterprises is Kumkale Agricultural Enterprise (KAE) located within the borders of Çanakkale province. The aim of this study is to reveal the current potentials of KAE lands, for which detailed studies have been made before, to create a database in Geographic Information System (GIS) and to produce various thematic maps. In this study, important soil characteristics such as slope, soil depth, surface stones, drainage, as well as soil series and physiographic units included in the survey report were mapped and the areas covered were calculated in GIS. With the digitization has determined that the agricultural enterprises lands in question are spread over an area of 7309 decares in total. In terms of soil series, the highest distribution area belongs to Karabatak series (948.2 da), while Alluvial soils (3094.8 da) have the highest distribution area in terms of physiographic units. In addition, most of the lands consist of 0-2% slope (4478.9 da), deeper than 120 cm (5936.8 da), stone-free (5677.2 da) and without drainage problems. As a result, it will be useful to examine both the temporal and spatial changes of the lands of GDAE, which has a significant production capacity in Türkiye, to make new field studies and compare them with the old survey studies in terms of guiding future studies.


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  • Kanber,R.,Ünlü,M., Tekin, S., Koç, L., Kapur, B.(2007). AkdenizİklimKoşullarındaKimiTarlaBitkilerininSuKullanımRandımanlarınınİrdelenmesiTürkiye VII. TarlaBitkileriKongresi, 25-27 Haziran2007, Erzurum (Poster Bildiri).(in Turkish)
  • Kırda, C., Topaloğlu, F., Topçu, S., Kaman, H.(2007). Mandarin Yield Response to Partial Root Drying and Conventional Deficit Irrigation. Turkish Journal of Agriculture For 31. 1-10 .
  • Özdemir,A.(2008).ÇokelektrotluJeofizikRezistiviteÖlçümlerininYeraltısuyuveJeotermalAramaAlanlarındakiUygulamalarınınDeğerlendirilmesi. http:// www. belgeler. com/ blg/2um4/ok-elektrotlu-jeofizik-rezistivite.(in Turkish)
  • Panigrahi, P., Sharma, R. K. Hasan, M. and Parihar, S. S. (2014). Deficit irrigation scheduling and yield prediction of Kinnow mandarin (Citrus reticulate Blanco) in a semiarid region. Agricultural Water Management, 140: 48-60.
  • Perez-Perez,J.G., Robles,J.M.,Botia,P.(2014).Effects of Deficit İrragation İn Different Fruit Growft Stages on"StarRuby"Grapefruit Trees İn Semi-Aridconditions. Agricultural Water Management 133. 44-54.
  • Stegman, E.C., B.G. Schatz, J.C. Gardner.(1990). Yield Sensitivities of Short Season Soybeans to Irrigation Management. Irrigation Sci. 11(2):111-119.
  • Tomar, N.S., Singh, R., 1986. Effect of various moisture regimes on photosynthesis and photorespiration in plant lemon. Indian J. Hort. 43 (1 & 2), 46–50.
  • Ünlü, M., Kanber , R., Kapur , B., Koç, D.L., Tekin, S. (2008).TarımsalSulamadaSuArtırımı: KısıntılıSulamaYaklaşımı 5. DünyaSuForumuBölgeselHazırlıkSüreci DSİ YurtiçiBölgeselSuToplantılarıSulama – DrenajKonferansıBildiriKitabı 81-95.(in Turkish)
  • USSL,( 1954). Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils,Agriculture Handbook, No:60, 160s., USA.
  • Vu, J.V., Yelenosky, G., 1988. Water deficit and associated changes in some photosynthetic parameters in leaves of ‘Valencia’ orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck). Plant Physiol. 88, 375–378.
  • Westwood, M.N.(1978). Fruit and Nut Species. In: Temperate-Zone Pomology, M.N. Westwood (Ed) Chapter.3, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco CA, Pp. 41-76.
  • Wiegand, C. L., Swanson, W. A.(1982).Citrus Response to Irrigation. III Tree Trunk and Canopy Growth. J. Rio Grande WalleyHortic. Soc. 35: 97-107.
  • Zhihui, C., Liangcheng, Z., Guanglin, W.U., Shonglong, Z., 1990. Photosynthetic acclimation to water stress in citrus. In: Proc. Int. Citrus Symp., 5-8 November, 1990, Guangzhou, China, pp. 413–418.
Year 2023, , 223 - 233, 27.03.2023



  • Abdel-Messih, M.N., El-Nokrashy, M. A. E. G.(1977) Effect of Different Soil Moisture Levels on Growth, Yield and Quality of Washington Navel Orange. Egypt Agric. Res. Rev. 55(3): 47-57.Agricultural Water Management96:565–573.
  • Chalmers, D.J., Mitchell P.D, Van Heek, L.( 1981). Control of Peach Tree Growth and Productivity by Regulated Water Supply, Tree Density and Summer Pruning. J.Am. Soc. Hor. Sci.106:307–312.
  • Dasberg, S., Bielorai, H., Erner, Y.(1981).Partial Wetting of The Root Zone and Nitrogen Effect on Growht and Quality of Shamouti Orange. ActaHortic. 119: 103-105.
  • Doorenbos, J., Kassam A.H. (1979). Yield Response to Water.FAO United Nations, Irr. and Drain. Paper, No. 33,Rome, 193 S.
  • Engısh, M.J., Musick, J.T., Murty, V.V.(1990). Deficit Irrigation. Management of Farm Irrigation Systems, Edit. G.J. Hoffman., T.A. Howell., K.H. Solomon."Chap. 17. An ASAE Monograph,St. Joseph, MI, 631-663 S.
  • González,A.P., and Castel, J.R. (2000). Regulated Deficit İrrigation in Clementina De Nules’ Citrus Trees. II.Vegetative Growth. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology75:388–392.
  • Kanber, R., Köksal, H., Yazar, A., Özekici, B., Önder, S. (1999).Effects of Different Irrigation Programs on Fruit, Trunk Growth Rates, Quality and Yield of Grapefruit Trees. Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 23, 401-411.
  • Kanber,R.,Ünlü,M., Tekin, S., Koç, L., Kapur, B.(2007). AkdenizİklimKoşullarındaKimiTarlaBitkilerininSuKullanımRandımanlarınınİrdelenmesiTürkiye VII. TarlaBitkileriKongresi, 25-27 Haziran2007, Erzurum (Poster Bildiri).(in Turkish)
  • Kırda, C., Topaloğlu, F., Topçu, S., Kaman, H.(2007). Mandarin Yield Response to Partial Root Drying and Conventional Deficit Irrigation. Turkish Journal of Agriculture For 31. 1-10 .
  • Özdemir,A.(2008).ÇokelektrotluJeofizikRezistiviteÖlçümlerininYeraltısuyuveJeotermalAramaAlanlarındakiUygulamalarınınDeğerlendirilmesi. http:// www. belgeler. com/ blg/2um4/ok-elektrotlu-jeofizik-rezistivite.(in Turkish)
  • Panigrahi, P., Sharma, R. K. Hasan, M. and Parihar, S. S. (2014). Deficit irrigation scheduling and yield prediction of Kinnow mandarin (Citrus reticulate Blanco) in a semiarid region. Agricultural Water Management, 140: 48-60.
  • Perez-Perez,J.G., Robles,J.M.,Botia,P.(2014).Effects of Deficit İrragation İn Different Fruit Growft Stages on"StarRuby"Grapefruit Trees İn Semi-Aridconditions. Agricultural Water Management 133. 44-54.
  • Stegman, E.C., B.G. Schatz, J.C. Gardner.(1990). Yield Sensitivities of Short Season Soybeans to Irrigation Management. Irrigation Sci. 11(2):111-119.
  • Tomar, N.S., Singh, R., 1986. Effect of various moisture regimes on photosynthesis and photorespiration in plant lemon. Indian J. Hort. 43 (1 & 2), 46–50.
  • Ünlü, M., Kanber , R., Kapur , B., Koç, D.L., Tekin, S. (2008).TarımsalSulamadaSuArtırımı: KısıntılıSulamaYaklaşımı 5. DünyaSuForumuBölgeselHazırlıkSüreci DSİ YurtiçiBölgeselSuToplantılarıSulama – DrenajKonferansıBildiriKitabı 81-95.(in Turkish)
  • USSL,( 1954). Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils,Agriculture Handbook, No:60, 160s., USA.
  • Vu, J.V., Yelenosky, G., 1988. Water deficit and associated changes in some photosynthetic parameters in leaves of ‘Valencia’ orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck). Plant Physiol. 88, 375–378.
  • Westwood, M.N.(1978). Fruit and Nut Species. In: Temperate-Zone Pomology, M.N. Westwood (Ed) Chapter.3, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco CA, Pp. 41-76.
  • Wiegand, C. L., Swanson, W. A.(1982).Citrus Response to Irrigation. III Tree Trunk and Canopy Growth. J. Rio Grande WalleyHortic. Soc. 35: 97-107.
  • Zhihui, C., Liangcheng, Z., Guanglin, W.U., Shonglong, Z., 1990. Photosynthetic acclimation to water stress in citrus. In: Proc. Int. Citrus Symp., 5-8 November, 1990, Guangzhou, China, pp. 413–418.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Soil Sciences and Ecology
Journal Section Research Articles

Yavuz Şahin Turgut 0000-0002-8566-6375

Yakup Kenan Koca 0000-0001-9285-1416

Publication Date March 27, 2023
Submission Date November 24, 2022
Acceptance Date January 5, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Turgut, Y. Ş., & Koca, Y. K. (2023). Evaluation of database and some soil characteristic of Kumkale Agricultural Enterprise soils in GIS. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 7(1), 223-233.

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