Research Article
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Year 2023, , 62 - 69, 27.03.2023



  • Akinola, B.D (2014). Determinants of Farmers’ Adoption of Agricultural Insurance: The Case of Poultry Farmers in Abeokuta of Ogun State, Nigeria, British Journal of Poultry Sciences, 3 (2): 36 – 41.
  • Alabi,O.O. and Abdulazeez, I. (2018). Economics of Maize (Zea mays) Production in Igabi Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University 35 (3): 248 – 257.
  • Amanza,P., Mailumo, S., and Silong, A (2021). The Political Economy of the Maize Value Chain in Nigeria, Agricultural Policy Research in Africa (APRA) Working Paper 60, Brighton: Future Agricultures Consortium 1 – 56.
  • Aminu, F.O., Balogun, E.O.S and Oke, O.B (2019). Farm Risk and Management Strategies among Arable Crop Farmers in Odogbolu Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Agrosearch 19(2): 41 – 53.
  • Obike,K.C., Amusa, T.A., and Olowolafe,H.B (2017). Risk Management and Determinants of Farm Output among Smallscale Poultry Farmers in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension 16(2): 9 – 16.
  • Ellis, E (2017). Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Crop Insurance: Evidence from Eastern Ghana. International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development (IJAMAD), 7(4): 447– 463.
  • Egwuma, H., Dutse, F., Oladimeji, Y.U., Ojeleye, O.A., Ugbabe, O.O. and, Ahmed, M.A (2019). Demand and Supply Estimation of Maize in Niger State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology 5(2): 12 – 20.
  • Ggigbi, T.M and Ndubuokwu, G.O (2022). Determinants of Agricultural Insurance Patronage among Crop Farmers in Delta North Agricultural Zone, Delta State, Nigeria. Ege Univ Ziraat Fak. Derg., 59 (2): 235 – 248.
  • Ngango, J., Nkurunziza, F.,and Ndagijimana,J (2022). Assessing Rural Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Crop Insurance Scheme: Evidence from Rwanda. Cogent Economics and Finance 10 (1): 1 – 14 .
  • Nwosu, F.O., Oguoma, N.N.O., Lemchi, J.I., Ben-Chendo, G.O., Henri-Ukoha, A., Onyeagocha, S.U.O., and Ibeawuchi, I.I (2012). Output Performance of Food Crop Farmers under the Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Scheme in Imo State, South East Nigeria. Academia Arena 2(6): 43 – 47.
  • Oparinde, L.O., Amos, T.T., Aturamu, O.A.,and Daramola, G.A (2018). Attitudes towards Risk and Risk Combatting Strategies among Maize and Cassava Farmers in Southwest, Nigeria. Journal of Economics, Management and Trade 21(7): 1 – 12. http://doi:10.97734/JEMT/2018/40755
  • Sulewski,P and Kloczko-Gajewska,A (2014). Farmers’ Risk Perception, Risk Aversion and Strategies to Cope with Production Risk: An Empirical Study from Poland. Studies in Agricultural Economics 116: 140 – 147.
  • USDA (2021). Nigeria’s Maize Production at Highest Level Since Independence by United States Department of Agriculture, Premium Times March 12, 2022.
  • Yanuarti, R., Aji, M.M.,and Rondhi, M (2019). Risk Aversion Level Influence on Farmers’ Decision to Participate in Crop Insurance: A Review. Agricultural Economics-Czech 65 : 481 – 489.

Evaluation of maize farmers’ attitude towards risk management and preference for crop insurance in Nigeria

Year 2023, , 62 - 69, 27.03.2023


This study focused on evaluation of maize farmers’ attitude towards risk management and preference for crop insurance in Nigeria. Multi-stage method of sampling was used. One hundred (100) maize producers were sampled and selected. Primary sources of data were used for this study and the data were collected through the use of well-structured and well-designed questionnaire. Econometrics and statistical tools employed were used for data analysis. The results obtained show that 51% of maize farmers were risk averse, 21% were risk preferring, and 28% were risk neutral. Age, gender, and education level were statistically and significant predictors influencing risk averse attitudes of maize farmers. Age, farm size, household size, gender, risk aversion, education level, and access to agricultural extension services were the statistically and significant predictors influencing preference of maize farmers for crop insurance policy. Garrett index ranking technique employed for risk management strategies and crop insurance policy adopted by maize farmers show that crop diversification was ranked 1st, weather information was ranked 2nd, crop insurance was ranked 3rd, and off-farm activities was ranked 4th respectively. The results of constraints faced by maize producers revealed that lack of extension services was ranked 1st, lack of credit facilities was ranked 2nd, inadequate knowledge of agricultural insurance was ranked 3rd, high premium of agricultural insurance was ranked 4th, while lack of fertilizer was ranked 5th respectively. The constraints retained explained 74.85% of all constraints in the analysis. The study recommends that extension officers should be employed to disseminate research results, innovations and information on risk management strategies and crop insurance to maize farmers. Weather information should be made available to maize farmers, and credit facilities at low interest rate should be provided to maize farmers. Bureaucratic process and cumbersome administrative procedures in accessing credit facilities should be removed.



  • Akinola, B.D (2014). Determinants of Farmers’ Adoption of Agricultural Insurance: The Case of Poultry Farmers in Abeokuta of Ogun State, Nigeria, British Journal of Poultry Sciences, 3 (2): 36 – 41.
  • Alabi,O.O. and Abdulazeez, I. (2018). Economics of Maize (Zea mays) Production in Igabi Local Government Area, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University 35 (3): 248 – 257.
  • Amanza,P., Mailumo, S., and Silong, A (2021). The Political Economy of the Maize Value Chain in Nigeria, Agricultural Policy Research in Africa (APRA) Working Paper 60, Brighton: Future Agricultures Consortium 1 – 56.
  • Aminu, F.O., Balogun, E.O.S and Oke, O.B (2019). Farm Risk and Management Strategies among Arable Crop Farmers in Odogbolu Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Agrosearch 19(2): 41 – 53.
  • Obike,K.C., Amusa, T.A., and Olowolafe,H.B (2017). Risk Management and Determinants of Farm Output among Smallscale Poultry Farmers in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension 16(2): 9 – 16.
  • Ellis, E (2017). Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Crop Insurance: Evidence from Eastern Ghana. International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development (IJAMAD), 7(4): 447– 463.
  • Egwuma, H., Dutse, F., Oladimeji, Y.U., Ojeleye, O.A., Ugbabe, O.O. and, Ahmed, M.A (2019). Demand and Supply Estimation of Maize in Niger State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology 5(2): 12 – 20.
  • Ggigbi, T.M and Ndubuokwu, G.O (2022). Determinants of Agricultural Insurance Patronage among Crop Farmers in Delta North Agricultural Zone, Delta State, Nigeria. Ege Univ Ziraat Fak. Derg., 59 (2): 235 – 248.
  • Ngango, J., Nkurunziza, F.,and Ndagijimana,J (2022). Assessing Rural Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Crop Insurance Scheme: Evidence from Rwanda. Cogent Economics and Finance 10 (1): 1 – 14 .
  • Nwosu, F.O., Oguoma, N.N.O., Lemchi, J.I., Ben-Chendo, G.O., Henri-Ukoha, A., Onyeagocha, S.U.O., and Ibeawuchi, I.I (2012). Output Performance of Food Crop Farmers under the Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Scheme in Imo State, South East Nigeria. Academia Arena 2(6): 43 – 47.
  • Oparinde, L.O., Amos, T.T., Aturamu, O.A.,and Daramola, G.A (2018). Attitudes towards Risk and Risk Combatting Strategies among Maize and Cassava Farmers in Southwest, Nigeria. Journal of Economics, Management and Trade 21(7): 1 – 12. http://doi:10.97734/JEMT/2018/40755
  • Sulewski,P and Kloczko-Gajewska,A (2014). Farmers’ Risk Perception, Risk Aversion and Strategies to Cope with Production Risk: An Empirical Study from Poland. Studies in Agricultural Economics 116: 140 – 147.
  • USDA (2021). Nigeria’s Maize Production at Highest Level Since Independence by United States Department of Agriculture, Premium Times March 12, 2022.
  • Yanuarti, R., Aji, M.M.,and Rondhi, M (2019). Risk Aversion Level Influence on Farmers’ Decision to Participate in Crop Insurance: A Review. Agricultural Economics-Czech 65 : 481 – 489.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Policy
Journal Section Research Articles

Olugbenga Omotayo Alabı 0000-0002-8390-9775

Sheu Bako Makarau 0000-0003-3812-7317

Jeremiah Aluwong 0000-0001-8462-538X

Joseph Bayei 0000-0003-1218-1526

Jummai Sunday Lyocks 0000-0001-5636-7926

Abdullahı Man 0000-0001-7408-8787

Tijani Drisu This is me 0000-0002-2589-0316

Chinwe Edith Anekwe 0000-0003-4186-1694

Godbless Friday Safugha 0000-0002-1634-3337

Funso Alabuja 0000-0002-7579-1041

Cynthia Onyinyechi Obinna- Nwandikom This is me 0000-0003-1401-2187

Publication Date March 27, 2023
Submission Date December 4, 2022
Acceptance Date December 24, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Alabı, O. O., Makarau, S. B., Aluwong, J., Bayei, J., et al. (2023). Evaluation of maize farmers’ attitude towards risk management and preference for crop insurance in Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 7(1), 62-69.

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