Research Article
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The impact of hematite on the anaerobic digestion of cattle manure

Year 2023, , 70 - 78, 27.03.2023


A metal-based conductive material, hematite (Fe2O3), was used as an amendment in the anaerobic digestion process to determine the effects on the performance of anaerobic digestion of cattle manure (CM) at mesophilic temperature (350C). The first set of experiments (Set 1) was designed to assess whether there is a need to supplement nutrients for the effective digestion of CM. To this purpose, basal medium (BM) composed of macro nutrients, micro nutrients, reducing agent, and buffer was added to the reactors and a biochemical methane production assay was conducted. The presence of BM showed negative impacts on the anaerobic digestion of CM and its absence caused up to 40% higher methane production yield. In Set 2 experiments, the impact of hematite addition on methane production performance was determined. Two different dosages as 20 mM Fe (Fe20) and 50 mM Fe (Fe50) were applied to the batch reactors. Hematite amendments increased methane yield; at Fe20 (131 ± 2.6 mL CH4/g VSadded) the increase was around 8% and at Fe50 (135 ± mL 0.2 CH4/g VSadded) the increase was around 12% as compared to the control. Further, up to 36% increase in the methane production rate was calculated via Modified Gompertz fitting.

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The authors thank the Science Academy for BAGEP award.


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  • Kato, S., Hashimoto, K., & Watanabe, K. (2012). Methanogenesis facilitated by electric syntrophy via (semi)conductive iron-oxide minerals. Environmental Microbiology, 14(7), 1646–1654.
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  • Kutlar, F. E., Tunca, B., & Yilmazel, Y. D. (2022). Carbon-based conductive materials enhance biomethane recovery from organic wastes: A review of the impacts on anaerobic treatment. Chemosphere, 290.
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  • Wei, L., Qin, K., Ding, J., Xue, M., Yang, C., Jiang, J., & Zhao, Q. (2019). Optimization of the co-digestion of sewage sludge, maize straw and cow manure: microbial responses and effect of fractional organic characteristics. Scientific Reports, 9(1).
  • Ye, J., Hu, A., Ren, G., Chen, M., Tang, J., Zhang, P., Zhou, S., & He, Z. (2018). Enhancing sludge methanogenesis with improved redox activity of extracellular polymeric substances by hematite in red mud. Water Research, 134, 54–62.
  • Yenigün, O., & Demirel, B. (2013). Ammonia inhibition in anaerobic digestion: A review. In Process Biochemistry, 48(5-6), 901–911.
  • Yin, Q., Gu, M., & Wu, G. (2020). Inhibition mitigation of methanogenesis processes by conductive materials: A critical review. Bioresource Technology, 317, 123977.
  • Yin, Q., Miao, J., Li, B., & Wu, G. (2017). Enhancing electron transfer by ferroferric oxide during the anaerobic treatment of synthetic wastewater with mixed organic carbon. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 119, 104–110.
  • Zheng, Z., Liu, J., Yuan, X., Wang, X., Zhu, W., Yang, F., & Cui, Z. (2015). Effect of dairy manure to switchgrass co-digestion ratio on methane production and the bacterial community in batch anaerobic digestion. Applied Energy, 151, 249–257.
  • Zhou, S., Xu, J., Yang, G., & Zhuang, L. (2014). Methanogenesis affected by the co-occurrence of iron(III) oxides and humic substances. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 88(1), 107–120.
  • Zhuang, L., Tang, J., Wang, Y., Hu, M., & Zhou, S. (2015). Conductive iron oxide minerals accelerate syntrophic cooperation in methanogenic benzoate degradation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 293, 37–45.
  • Zwietering, M. H., Jongenburger, I., Rombouts, F. M., van ’ K., & Riet, T. (1990). Modeling of the Bacterial Growth Curve. Applied and Envrionmental Microbiology, 56(6): 1875–1881. 10.1128/aem.56.6.1875-1881.1990
Year 2023, , 70 - 78, 27.03.2023


Project Number



  • Anukam, A., Mohammadi, A., Naqvi, M., & Granström, K. (2019). A review of the chemistry of anaerobic digestion: Methods of accelerating and optimizing process efficiency. Processes, 7 (8), 1–19.
  • Demirer, G. N., Duran, M., Ergüder, T. H., Güven, E., Ugurlu, Ö., & Tezel, U. (2000). Anaerobic treatability and biogas production potential studies of different agro-industrial wastewaters in Turkey. Biodegradation, 11, 401–405.
  • Filer, J., Ding, H. H., & Chang, S. (2019). Biochemical methane potential (BMP) assay method for anaerobic digestion research. Water, 11(5), 921, 1-29.
  • Güngör-Demirci, G., & Demirer, G. N. (2004). Effect of initial COD concentration, nutrient addition, temperature and microbial acclimation on anaerobic treatability of broiler and cattle manure. Bioresource Technology, 93(2), 109–117.
  • He, X., Guo, Z., Lu, J., & Zhang, P. (2021). Carbon-based conductive materials accelerated methane production in anaerobic digestion of waste fat, oil and grease. Bioresource Technology, 329.
  • Huang, X., Yun, S., Zhu, J., Du, T., Zhang, C., & Li, X. (2016). Mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of aloe peel waste with dairy manure in the batch digester: Focusing on mixing ratios and digestate stability. Bioresource Technology, 218, 62–68.
  • Kato, S., Hashimoto, K., & Watanabe, K. (2012). Methanogenesis facilitated by electric syntrophy via (semi)conductive iron-oxide minerals. Environmental Microbiology, 14(7), 1646–1654.
  • Kumar, V., Nabaterega, R., Khoei, S., & Eskicioglu, C. (2021). Insight into interactions between syntrophic bacteria and archaea in anaerobic digestion amended with conductive materials. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 144, 110965.
  • Kutlar, F. E., Tunca, B., & Yilmazel, Y. D. (2022). Carbon-based conductive materials enhance biomethane recovery from organic wastes: A review of the impacts on anaerobic treatment. Chemosphere, 290.
  • Li, J., Kumar Jha, A., He, J., Ban, Q., Chang, S., & Wang, P. (2011). Assessment of the effects of dry anaerobic co-digestion of cow dung with waste water sludge on biogas yield and biodegradability. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 6(15), 3723–3732.
  • Liu, F., Rotaru, A. E., Shrestha, P. M., Malvankar, N. S., Nevin, K. P., & Lovley, D. R. (2012). Promoting direct interspecies electron transfer with activated carbon. Energy and Environmental Science, 5(10), 8982–8989.
  • Lu, T., Zhang, J., Wei, Y., & Shen, P. (2019). Effects of ferric oxide on the microbial community and functioning during anaerobic digestion of swine manure. Bioresource Technology, 287, 121393
  • Martins, G., Salvador, A. F., Pereira, L., & Alves, M. M. (2018). Methane Production and Conductive Materials: A Critical Review. Environmental Science and Technology, 52 (18), 10241–10253.
  • Park, J. H., Kang, H. J., Park, K. H., & Park, H. D. (2018). Direct interspecies electron transfer via conductive materials: A perspective for anaerobic digestion applications. Bioresource Technology, 254,300–311.
  • Rasapoor, M., Young, B., Asadov, A., Brar, R., Sarmah, A. K., Zhuang, W. Q., & Baroutian, S. (2020). Effects of biochar and activated carbon on biogas generation: A thermogravimetric and chemical analysis approach. Energy Conversion and Management, 203, 112221.
  • Rosenberg, L., & Kornelius, G. (2017). Experimental investigation of biogas production from feedlot cattle manure. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 28(4), 1–8.
  • Song, Z., & Zhang, C. (2015). Anaerobic codigestion of pretreated wheat straw with cattle manure and analysis of the microbial community. Bioresource Technology, 186, 128–135.
  • Speece, R. E. (1983). Anaerobic biotechnology for industrial wastewater treatment. Environmental Science and Technology, 17(9), 416A-427A.
  • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. (1999).
  • Uçkun Kiran, E., Stamatelatou, K., Antonopoulou, G., & Lyberatos, G. (2016). Production of biogas via anaerobic digestion. In Handbook of Biofuels Production: Processes and Technologies: Second Edition (pp. 259–301). Elsevier Inc.
  • Wei, L., Qin, K., Ding, J., Xue, M., Yang, C., Jiang, J., & Zhao, Q. (2019). Optimization of the co-digestion of sewage sludge, maize straw and cow manure: microbial responses and effect of fractional organic characteristics. Scientific Reports, 9(1).
  • Ye, J., Hu, A., Ren, G., Chen, M., Tang, J., Zhang, P., Zhou, S., & He, Z. (2018). Enhancing sludge methanogenesis with improved redox activity of extracellular polymeric substances by hematite in red mud. Water Research, 134, 54–62.
  • Yenigün, O., & Demirel, B. (2013). Ammonia inhibition in anaerobic digestion: A review. In Process Biochemistry, 48(5-6), 901–911.
  • Yin, Q., Gu, M., & Wu, G. (2020). Inhibition mitigation of methanogenesis processes by conductive materials: A critical review. Bioresource Technology, 317, 123977.
  • Yin, Q., Miao, J., Li, B., & Wu, G. (2017). Enhancing electron transfer by ferroferric oxide during the anaerobic treatment of synthetic wastewater with mixed organic carbon. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 119, 104–110.
  • Zheng, Z., Liu, J., Yuan, X., Wang, X., Zhu, W., Yang, F., & Cui, Z. (2015). Effect of dairy manure to switchgrass co-digestion ratio on methane production and the bacterial community in batch anaerobic digestion. Applied Energy, 151, 249–257.
  • Zhou, S., Xu, J., Yang, G., & Zhuang, L. (2014). Methanogenesis affected by the co-occurrence of iron(III) oxides and humic substances. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 88(1), 107–120.
  • Zhuang, L., Tang, J., Wang, Y., Hu, M., & Zhou, S. (2015). Conductive iron oxide minerals accelerate syntrophic cooperation in methanogenic benzoate degradation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 293, 37–45.
  • Zwietering, M. H., Jongenburger, I., Rombouts, F. M., van ’ K., & Riet, T. (1990). Modeling of the Bacterial Growth Curve. Applied and Envrionmental Microbiology, 56(6): 1875–1881. 10.1128/aem.56.6.1875-1881.1990
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Yasin Odabaş 0000-0001-8811-4720

Yasemin Dilşad Yılmazel 0000-0001-9223-9681

Project Number 218M854
Publication Date March 27, 2023
Submission Date December 11, 2022
Acceptance Date February 9, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Odabaş, Y., & Yılmazel, Y. D. (2023). The impact of hematite on the anaerobic digestion of cattle manure. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 7(1), 70-78.

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