Research Article
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Performance evaluation of alternate wetting and drying irrigation for rice cultivation

Year 2023, , 778 - 784, 29.12.2023


An experiment was conducted during the 2009-2010 Boro season at the Shahjalal Science and Technology University campus, Sylhet, Bangladesh, to investigate the impact of alternate wetting and drying irrigation (AWDI) on rice production. Using a randomized complete block design (RCBD), four irrigation treatments were applied to a modern variety (MV) of rice (BRRIdhan 28). One control treatment, T0, maintained a continuous standing water depth of 1-5 cm. Water was irrigated to three AWD treatments, T1, T2, and T3 when the water level dropped 10, 20, and 30 cm below ground level, respectively. In spite of the fact that treatment T0 produced the highest grain yield (4.90 t/ha), its water use efficiency was 38.64 kg/ha/cm. Compared to treatment T1, which produced 4.68 t/ha, treatment T1 had a water use efficiency of 41.86 kg/ha/cm. Treatments T2 and T3 yielded 3.96 t/ha and 3.63 t/ha, respectively. When water levels fall below 10 cm below ground level, treatment T1 may be the best option for rice cultivation in conditions of limited water availability.


  • Aguilar, M. and F. Borjas. (2005). Water use in three rice flooding management systems under Mediterranean climate conditions. Spanish J. Agril. Res. 3(3): 344-351.
  • Anbumozhi, V., E, Yamaji and T. Tabuchi. (1998). Rice crop growth and yields as influenced by changes in ponding water depth, water regime, and fertigation level. Agril. Water Mgt. 37:241-253.
  • Arthonoitik Somiksha, (2003). Ministry of Finance. Government of the people’s Republic of Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Balasubramanian, R., J. Krishnarajan and S. Ramesh. (2001). Economical use of water for direct seeded rice. Rice Research for Food security and poverty alleviation. Proceedings of the International Rice Research Conference, Los Banos.
  • Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA). (2007). Achievements of Non-Commodity Technologies; Water saving in rice cultivation. Online publication ( of BINA, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
  • Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI). (2004). Annual progress report of 2003-2004. Posted online publication ( achievements) of BRRI, Joydevpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  • Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI). (2004). Proceedings of the Workshop on Modern Rice Cultivation in Bangladesh. Publication and Public Relation Division, BRRI Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  • Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI). (2007). Annual progress report of 2006-2007. Posted online publication ( activities/ achievements) of BRRI. Joydevpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  • Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI). (2006). Annual progress report of 2005-2006. Posted online publication ( achievements) of BRRI. Joydevpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  • Belder, P., B.A.M. Bouman, R. Cabangon, Lu Guo An, E.J.P. Quilang, Hua. Li Yuan, J.H.J. Spiertz and T.P Tuong. (2004). Effect of water saving irrigation on rice yields and water use in typical lowland conditions in Asia. Agril. Water Mgt. 65(3): 193-210.
  • Bhuiyan, S.I and T.P Tuong. (1995). Water use in rice production: issues, research opportunities, and policy implications. Paper presented at the Water Management Workshop, 29 to 30 September 1995. Intl. Irrig. Mgt. Ins. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  • Cabangon, R.J,.E.G. Castillo, L.x. Bao, G.Lu, G.H Wang, Y.L. Cui, T.P. Tuong, Y.H.Li, C.D Chen and J.Z. Wang. (2001). Impact of alternate wetting and drying irrigation on rice growth and resource use efficiency. Water-saving irrigation for rice. Proceedings of Workshop, Wuhan, China 55-79.
  • Didiek, S. B. (1998). An alternative technique of water saving is through intermittent irrigation systems for rice crops. Tenth ICID Afro Asian Regional Conference on Irrigation and Drainage, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, 19-26 July 1998. A-31. p.8.
  • Guerra, L.C., S.I. Bhuiyan, T.P Tuong and R. Barker. (1998). Producing more rice with less water from irrigated systems. SWIM Paper 5. Colombo Intl. Irrig. Mgt. Inst, Sri Lanka.
  • Hill, R.B. and F.J.C. Cambounce. (1941). Intermittent irrigation in rice cultivation and its effect on yield, water consumption, and anopheles production. American J. Trop. Med 21: 123- 144.
  • Hossain, S.M.I. (2008). Effect of AWD irrigation technique on the production of BRRIdhan 29. Department of Agriculture Engineering. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Agriculture University, Salna, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  • International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). (2003). Annual Report. Intl. Rice Res. Inst. Los Banos, Laguna Philippines pp. 125-131.
  • Islam, M., A.A. Sarkar, M.S.U. Talukder, A.A. Hossain and M.N.H Miah. (2005). Effect of water stress on the yield and water use efficiency of three rice genotypes. Bangladesh J. Agril. Sci. 32(2): 169-174.
  • Jha, S.K., M.K. Hossain and M.S.U. Talukder (2007). Response of transplanted Boro rice under different irrigation practices. Bangladesh J. Agril. Univ. 5(2): 393-398. Bangladesh.
  • Lacey, L.A and C.M. Lacey. (1990). The medical importance of rice land mosquitoes and their control using alternatives to chemical insecticides. J. American Mosq. Cntrl. Assoc. 6(2): 1-93.
  • Lu, B. (1988). Environment management for the control of rice field breeding mosquitoes in China. Vector-borne disease control in humans through rice agroecosystem management. Inc. Rice Res. Inst. Manila, Philippines.
  • Mao, Z. (1996). Environmental impact of water to saving irrigation for rice. In irrigation Scheduling: From theory to practice. Proceedings of the ICID/FAO workshop on Irrigation Scheduling. Rome, Italy.
  • Mao, Z. (1993). Principle and technique of water-saving irrigation for rice. Wu to han University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering. Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China.
  • Mogi, (1993). Effect of intermittent irrigation on mosquitoes and larvivorous predators in rice fields. J. Med. Entom. 30: 309-319.
  • Moya, P., L. Hong, D. Dawe and C.D. Chen. (2001). Comparative assessment of on-farm water-saving irrigation techniques in the Zhanghe Irrigation System. Water saving irrigation for rice: Proceedings of an International Workshop. Wuhan, China. 81-96.
  • Mustafi, B.A.A. and M.A. Samad. (2002). Adoption of Modern Rice Varieties in Bangladesh: A case study for BRRI dhan28 and BRRI dhan29. Bangladesh J. Train. Dev. 15 (1&2): 9- 16.
  • Mutero, C.M., H. Blank, F. Konradsen and W. Van Der Hoek. (2000). Water management for controlling the breeding of Anopheles mosquitoes in rice irrigation schemes in Kenya. Acta Tropica. 76: 253-263.
  • Rashid, M.H. (1997). Manual on Irrigation and Soil-Water Engineering. Irrigation and Water Management Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur.
  • Russell, P. F., F.W. Knipe, and H.R. Rao. (1942). On the intermittent irrigation of rice fields to control malaria in South India. Journal of the Malaria Institute of India. 4: 321-340.
  • Sarkar, S. (2001). Effect of water stress on growth, productivity, and water expenses efficiency of summer rice. Indian J. Agril. Sci. Regional Research Station AICRP on water management, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Biswabdyalaya, Gayeshpur, West Bengal, India. 71:3. 153-158.
  • Tamil Nadu Agriculture University. (1996). Coordinated Project for Research on Water Management (ICAR), Madurai centre, Annual report 1995-1996. Agril. College and Res. Inst. Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Madurai.
  • Won J.G., Soo, L.S. Phil, S. S. Ho and C. Sangh. (2005). Water saving by shallow intermittent irrigation and growth of rice. Crop Sci. Society of Japan. Plant Produce. Sci. 8(4): 487- 492.
  • Yadav, R.S., C. Bushan and C. Bhushan. (2001). Effect of moisture stress on growth and yield of rice genotypes. Indian J. Agril. Res. 35: 104-107
Year 2023, , 778 - 784, 29.12.2023



  • Aguilar, M. and F. Borjas. (2005). Water use in three rice flooding management systems under Mediterranean climate conditions. Spanish J. Agril. Res. 3(3): 344-351.
  • Anbumozhi, V., E, Yamaji and T. Tabuchi. (1998). Rice crop growth and yields as influenced by changes in ponding water depth, water regime, and fertigation level. Agril. Water Mgt. 37:241-253.
  • Arthonoitik Somiksha, (2003). Ministry of Finance. Government of the people’s Republic of Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Balasubramanian, R., J. Krishnarajan and S. Ramesh. (2001). Economical use of water for direct seeded rice. Rice Research for Food security and poverty alleviation. Proceedings of the International Rice Research Conference, Los Banos.
  • Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA). (2007). Achievements of Non-Commodity Technologies; Water saving in rice cultivation. Online publication ( of BINA, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
  • Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI). (2004). Annual progress report of 2003-2004. Posted online publication ( achievements) of BRRI, Joydevpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  • Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI). (2004). Proceedings of the Workshop on Modern Rice Cultivation in Bangladesh. Publication and Public Relation Division, BRRI Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  • Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI). (2007). Annual progress report of 2006-2007. Posted online publication ( activities/ achievements) of BRRI. Joydevpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  • Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI). (2006). Annual progress report of 2005-2006. Posted online publication ( achievements) of BRRI. Joydevpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  • Belder, P., B.A.M. Bouman, R. Cabangon, Lu Guo An, E.J.P. Quilang, Hua. Li Yuan, J.H.J. Spiertz and T.P Tuong. (2004). Effect of water saving irrigation on rice yields and water use in typical lowland conditions in Asia. Agril. Water Mgt. 65(3): 193-210.
  • Bhuiyan, S.I and T.P Tuong. (1995). Water use in rice production: issues, research opportunities, and policy implications. Paper presented at the Water Management Workshop, 29 to 30 September 1995. Intl. Irrig. Mgt. Ins. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  • Cabangon, R.J,.E.G. Castillo, L.x. Bao, G.Lu, G.H Wang, Y.L. Cui, T.P. Tuong, Y.H.Li, C.D Chen and J.Z. Wang. (2001). Impact of alternate wetting and drying irrigation on rice growth and resource use efficiency. Water-saving irrigation for rice. Proceedings of Workshop, Wuhan, China 55-79.
  • Didiek, S. B. (1998). An alternative technique of water saving is through intermittent irrigation systems for rice crops. Tenth ICID Afro Asian Regional Conference on Irrigation and Drainage, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, 19-26 July 1998. A-31. p.8.
  • Guerra, L.C., S.I. Bhuiyan, T.P Tuong and R. Barker. (1998). Producing more rice with less water from irrigated systems. SWIM Paper 5. Colombo Intl. Irrig. Mgt. Inst, Sri Lanka.
  • Hill, R.B. and F.J.C. Cambounce. (1941). Intermittent irrigation in rice cultivation and its effect on yield, water consumption, and anopheles production. American J. Trop. Med 21: 123- 144.
  • Hossain, S.M.I. (2008). Effect of AWD irrigation technique on the production of BRRIdhan 29. Department of Agriculture Engineering. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahaman Agriculture University, Salna, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
  • International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). (2003). Annual Report. Intl. Rice Res. Inst. Los Banos, Laguna Philippines pp. 125-131.
  • Islam, M., A.A. Sarkar, M.S.U. Talukder, A.A. Hossain and M.N.H Miah. (2005). Effect of water stress on the yield and water use efficiency of three rice genotypes. Bangladesh J. Agril. Sci. 32(2): 169-174.
  • Jha, S.K., M.K. Hossain and M.S.U. Talukder (2007). Response of transplanted Boro rice under different irrigation practices. Bangladesh J. Agril. Univ. 5(2): 393-398. Bangladesh.
  • Lacey, L.A and C.M. Lacey. (1990). The medical importance of rice land mosquitoes and their control using alternatives to chemical insecticides. J. American Mosq. Cntrl. Assoc. 6(2): 1-93.
  • Lu, B. (1988). Environment management for the control of rice field breeding mosquitoes in China. Vector-borne disease control in humans through rice agroecosystem management. Inc. Rice Res. Inst. Manila, Philippines.
  • Mao, Z. (1996). Environmental impact of water to saving irrigation for rice. In irrigation Scheduling: From theory to practice. Proceedings of the ICID/FAO workshop on Irrigation Scheduling. Rome, Italy.
  • Mao, Z. (1993). Principle and technique of water-saving irrigation for rice. Wu to han University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering. Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China.
  • Mogi, (1993). Effect of intermittent irrigation on mosquitoes and larvivorous predators in rice fields. J. Med. Entom. 30: 309-319.
  • Moya, P., L. Hong, D. Dawe and C.D. Chen. (2001). Comparative assessment of on-farm water-saving irrigation techniques in the Zhanghe Irrigation System. Water saving irrigation for rice: Proceedings of an International Workshop. Wuhan, China. 81-96.
  • Mustafi, B.A.A. and M.A. Samad. (2002). Adoption of Modern Rice Varieties in Bangladesh: A case study for BRRI dhan28 and BRRI dhan29. Bangladesh J. Train. Dev. 15 (1&2): 9- 16.
  • Mutero, C.M., H. Blank, F. Konradsen and W. Van Der Hoek. (2000). Water management for controlling the breeding of Anopheles mosquitoes in rice irrigation schemes in Kenya. Acta Tropica. 76: 253-263.
  • Rashid, M.H. (1997). Manual on Irrigation and Soil-Water Engineering. Irrigation and Water Management Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur.
  • Russell, P. F., F.W. Knipe, and H.R. Rao. (1942). On the intermittent irrigation of rice fields to control malaria in South India. Journal of the Malaria Institute of India. 4: 321-340.
  • Sarkar, S. (2001). Effect of water stress on growth, productivity, and water expenses efficiency of summer rice. Indian J. Agril. Sci. Regional Research Station AICRP on water management, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Biswabdyalaya, Gayeshpur, West Bengal, India. 71:3. 153-158.
  • Tamil Nadu Agriculture University. (1996). Coordinated Project for Research on Water Management (ICAR), Madurai centre, Annual report 1995-1996. Agril. College and Res. Inst. Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Madurai.
  • Won J.G., Soo, L.S. Phil, S. S. Ho and C. Sangh. (2005). Water saving by shallow intermittent irrigation and growth of rice. Crop Sci. Society of Japan. Plant Produce. Sci. 8(4): 487- 492.
  • Yadav, R.S., C. Bushan and C. Bhushan. (2001). Effect of moisture stress on growth and yield of rice genotypes. Indian J. Agril. Res. 35: 104-107
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Md. Mahadi Morshed 0000-0002-7292-4478

Early Pub Date December 16, 2023
Publication Date December 29, 2023
Submission Date April 9, 2023
Acceptance Date October 13, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Morshed, M. M. (2023). Performance evaluation of alternate wetting and drying irrigation for rice cultivation. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 7(4), 778-784.

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