Research Article
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Exploring the relationship between leaf water potential, defoliation, and grape berry physical properties of Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.) grapevine

Year 2023, , 517 - 532, 30.09.2023


The aim of this study was to examine the impact of leaf water potential and defoliation treatments on the physical properties of grape berries. The research was conducted over two consecutive years (2019-2020) using ‘Merlot’/41B graft combination grapevines grown in the Chateau Kalpak vineyards located in Tekirdağ, Şarköy. The experiment involved four distinct water stress levels (S0, S1, S2, and S3), which were determined based on leaf water potential measurements. These stress levels were subjected to different irrigation levels. Additionally, defoliation treatments were applied, including Control (C), Full Window (FW), Right Window (RW), and Left Window (LW). The results showed that the effects of water stress and defoliation treatments on berry physical properties were statistically insignificant. However, in the second year of the study, the FW treatment was observed to have led to changes in the desired direction for grapevines. This was likely due to the cumulative decrease in water reserves caused by reduced precipitation over multiple years, making the effects of FW treatment more prominent. Moreover, the study found that both current and past vegetation period conditions influence vine production year, leaf water potentials (Ψleaf), and stress levels. Finally, the data revealed that berry weight and % dry weight increased with higher stress levels.


This study is a part of the master's thesis of the 4th author. The authors would like to express their gratitude to Mr. Bülent KALPAKLIOĞLU, the owner of Kalpak Tarım Ürünleri Ltd., for providing permission to conduct this research in his vineyard for two years.


  • Aktaş, F.B. (2021). The management of maturity indices by through leaf water potential and leaf removal and their effects on yield and quality of grape in cv. Merlot (in Turkish with English abstract) [M.Sc dissertation]. Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Universtiy, Tekirdağ. 325.
  • Alço, T. (2019). The effects of leaf removal practices at different periods on oenological maturity of cv. Gamay (in Turkish with English abstract) [M.Sc dissertation]. Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Universtiy, Tekirdağ. 175.
  • Alço, T., Candar, S., Bahar, E., Korkutal, İ. (2023). The effects of defoliation methods and stages on cluster and berry characteristics on cv. Gamay (Vitis vinifera L.) (in Turkish with English abstract). Bahçe, 52, 339–349.
  • Alem, H., Rigou, P., Schneider, R., Ojeda, H., Torregrosa, L. (2019). Impact of agronomic practices on grape aroma composition: a review. J. Sci. Food Agric., 99, 975-985.
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  • Bahar, E., Korkutal, İ., Öner, H. (2018). Effects of different culturel practices on must composition in cv. Cabernet sauvignon (in Turkish with English abstract). Selcuk J. Agric. Food. Sci., 32, 1-7.
  • Barbagallo, M.G., Guidoni, S., Hunter, J.J. (2011). Berry size and qualitative characteristics of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah. S. Afr. J Enol. Vitic., 32, 129-136.
  • Blancquaert, E.H., Oberholster, A., Ricardo-da-Silva, J.M., Deloire, A.J. (2019). Effects of abiotic factors on phenolic compounds in the grape berry- A Review. SAJEV, 40, 92-105.
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  • Bubola, M., Lukić, I., Radeka, S., Sivilotti, P., Grozić, K., Vanzo, A., Bavčar, D., Lisjak, K. (2019). Enhancement of Istrian Malvasia wine aroma and hydroxycinnamate composition by hand and mechanical leaf removal. J. Sci. Food Agric., 99, 904-914.
  • Bubola, M., Sivilotti, P., Rossi, S., Bestulić, E., Plavša, T., Radeka, S. (2022). Impact of canopy management practices on phenolic composition and sensory profile of cv. Teran wine. BIO Web Conferences. 44, 02001.
  • Candar, S. (2018). Effects of different canopy microclimates on physiological responses and quality of cv. Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.) (in Turkish with English Abstract). [Doctoral dissertation]. Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, Tekirdağ. 487
  • Candar, S. (2022). The effects of water restriction on leaf morphological characteristics and vegetative growth components in Vitis vinifera L. cultivars. 5th Agriculture, Environment and Health Congress, Aydın Adnan Menderes University, 17-19 February 2022, Aydın/Turkey. p:83-95.
  • Candar, S., Açıkbaş, B., Korkutal, İ., Bahar, E. (2021). The effects of water deficit on leaf and stoma morphological properties of wine grapes in Thrace Region (in Turkish with English abstract). KSU. J. Agric. Nat., 24, 766-776.
  • Candar, S., Alço, T., Ekiz, M., Korkutal, İ., Bahar, E. (2020b). The effect of pruning type and abiotic factors on physiological activities in some local wine grapes selected from National Collection Vineyard (in Turkish with English abstract). J. of Agric. Fac. of Ege Univ., 57, 173-184.
  • Candar, S., Bahar E., Korkutal, İ. (2020a). Impacts of leaf area on the physiological activity and berry maturation of Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.). Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res., 18, 1523-1538.
  • Candar, S., Bahar, E., Korkutal, İ., Alço, T., Gülcü, M. (2019). The effects of different green pruning applications on berry maturaton in Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.) (in Turkish wtih English abstract). Adnan Menderes Uni. J. of Agric. Sci., 16, 53-61.
  • Candar, S., Korkutal, İ., Bahar, E., (2022). Changes of vine water status and growth parameters under different canopy managements on cv. Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.). JOTAF, 19, 1-15.
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Year 2023, , 517 - 532, 30.09.2023



  • Aktaş, F.B. (2021). The management of maturity indices by through leaf water potential and leaf removal and their effects on yield and quality of grape in cv. Merlot (in Turkish with English abstract) [M.Sc dissertation]. Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Universtiy, Tekirdağ. 325.
  • Alço, T. (2019). The effects of leaf removal practices at different periods on oenological maturity of cv. Gamay (in Turkish with English abstract) [M.Sc dissertation]. Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Universtiy, Tekirdağ. 175.
  • Alço, T., Candar, S., Bahar, E., Korkutal, İ. (2023). The effects of defoliation methods and stages on cluster and berry characteristics on cv. Gamay (Vitis vinifera L.) (in Turkish with English abstract). Bahçe, 52, 339–349.
  • Alem, H., Rigou, P., Schneider, R., Ojeda, H., Torregrosa, L. (2019). Impact of agronomic practices on grape aroma composition: a review. J. Sci. Food Agric., 99, 975-985.
  • Bahar, E., Öner, H. (2015). Effects of different culturel practices on yield in cv. Cabernet-Sauvignon (in Turkish with English abstract). Bahçe. 45, 591-598.
  • Bahar, E., Korkutal, İ., Kabataş, İ.E. (2017). Effects of different leaf water potentials (Ψleaf) and cluster thinning Applications on cluster and berry characteristics in cv. Sangiovese (in Turkish with English abstract). Mediterr. Agric. Sci., 30, 85-90.
  • Bahar, E., Korkutal, I., Kurt, C. (2011). Water deficit effect on different phenologic growth stages in grape berry growing, development and quality (in Turkish with English abstact). TUJNS, 12, 23-34.
  • Bahar, E., Korkutal, İ., Öner, H. (2018). Effects of different culturel practices on must composition in cv. Cabernet sauvignon (in Turkish with English abstract). Selcuk J. Agric. Food. Sci., 32, 1-7.
  • Barbagallo, M.G., Guidoni, S., Hunter, J.J. (2011). Berry size and qualitative characteristics of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah. S. Afr. J Enol. Vitic., 32, 129-136.
  • Blancquaert, E.H., Oberholster, A., Ricardo-da-Silva, J.M., Deloire, A.J. (2019). Effects of abiotic factors on phenolic compounds in the grape berry- A Review. SAJEV, 40, 92-105.
  • Blaschek, M., Roudier, P., Poggio, M., Hedley, C.B. (2019). Prediction of soil available water-holding capacity from visible near-infrared reflectance spectra. Scientific Report, 9, 12833.
  • Bondada, B., Shutthanandan, J. (2012). Understanding differential responses of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaf and fruit to water stress and recovery following re-watering. Amer. J. Plant Sci., 3, 1232-1240.
  • Bowen, P. (2009). Foundations of canopy management: the contributions of Dr. Mark Kliewer. In: Recent advances in canopy management. Proceedings of W.M. Kliewer Symposium. 16, Davis, CA, pp. 1-6.
  • Bubola, M., Lukić, I., Radeka, S., Sivilotti, P., Grozić, K., Vanzo, A., Bavčar, D., Lisjak, K. (2019). Enhancement of Istrian Malvasia wine aroma and hydroxycinnamate composition by hand and mechanical leaf removal. J. Sci. Food Agric., 99, 904-914.
  • Bubola, M., Sivilotti, P., Rossi, S., Bestulić, E., Plavša, T., Radeka, S. (2022). Impact of canopy management practices on phenolic composition and sensory profile of cv. Teran wine. BIO Web Conferences. 44, 02001.
  • Candar, S. (2018). Effects of different canopy microclimates on physiological responses and quality of cv. Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.) (in Turkish with English Abstract). [Doctoral dissertation]. Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, Tekirdağ. 487
  • Candar, S. (2022). The effects of water restriction on leaf morphological characteristics and vegetative growth components in Vitis vinifera L. cultivars. 5th Agriculture, Environment and Health Congress, Aydın Adnan Menderes University, 17-19 February 2022, Aydın/Turkey. p:83-95.
  • Candar, S., Açıkbaş, B., Korkutal, İ., Bahar, E. (2021). The effects of water deficit on leaf and stoma morphological properties of wine grapes in Thrace Region (in Turkish with English abstract). KSU. J. Agric. Nat., 24, 766-776.
  • Candar, S., Alço, T., Ekiz, M., Korkutal, İ., Bahar, E. (2020b). The effect of pruning type and abiotic factors on physiological activities in some local wine grapes selected from National Collection Vineyard (in Turkish with English abstract). J. of Agric. Fac. of Ege Univ., 57, 173-184.
  • Candar, S., Bahar E., Korkutal, İ. (2020a). Impacts of leaf area on the physiological activity and berry maturation of Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.). Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res., 18, 1523-1538.
  • Candar, S., Bahar, E., Korkutal, İ., Alço, T., Gülcü, M. (2019). The effects of different green pruning applications on berry maturaton in Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.) (in Turkish wtih English abstract). Adnan Menderes Uni. J. of Agric. Sci., 16, 53-61.
  • Candar, S., Korkutal, İ., Bahar, E., (2022). Changes of vine water status and growth parameters under different canopy managements on cv. Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.). JOTAF, 19, 1-15.
  • Carbonneau, A., Moueix, A., Leclair, N., Renoux, J. (1991). Proposition d’une mèthode de prélèvement de raisin à partir de l’analyse de l’hétérogénité de maturation sur un cep. Bull. OIV. 679–690.
  • Chen, W.K., He, F., Wang, Y.X., Liu, X., Duan, C.Q., Wang, J. (2018). Influences of berry size on fruit composition and wine quality of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. South Afr. J Enol. Vitic., 39, 67-76.
  • Chitwood, D.H., Susan, M.R., Darren, Y.L., Quaneisha, L.W., Tommy, T., Yu, J.R.L., Daniel, G., Julie, K., Jason, P.L. (2016). Climate and developmental plasticity: Interannual variability in grapevine leaf morphology. Plant Physiol., 170, 1480–1491.
  • Dai, Z.W., Ollat, N., Gomès, E., Decroocq, S., Tandonnet, J.P., Bordenave, L., Pieri, P., Hilbert, G., Kappel, C., Van Leeuwen, C., Vivin, P., Delrot, S. (2011). Ecophysiological, genetic, and molecular causes of variation in grape berry weight and composition: A review. Amer. J. Enol. Vitic., 62, 413-425.
  • De Orduna, R.M. (2010). Climate change associated effects on grape and wine quality and production. Int. Food Res. J., 43, 1844–1855.
  • Deloire, A., Ojeda, H., Zebic, O., Bernard, N., Hunter, J.J., Carbonneau, A. (2005). Influence de l’état hydrique de la vigne sur le style de vin. Progrès Agric. Vitic., 21, 455-461.
  • Dimovska, V., Bozinovic, Z., Hristov, P., Beleski, K., Boskov, K., Markovska, B. (2000). The influence of ampelotechnical measures and bioregulators on productivity and quality of Beogradska besemena grape variety. Yearbook of the faculty of agriculture of Skopje, 45, 7-15.
  • Flexas, J., Medrano, H. (2002). Drought-inhibition of photosynthesis in C3 plants: Stomatal and non-stomatal limitations revisited. Annals of Botany, 89, 183-189.
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There are 76 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Horticultural Production
Journal Section Research Articles

Serkan Candar 0000-0002-2608-8691

İlknur Korkutal 0000-0002-8016-9804

Elman Bahar 0000-0002-8842-7695

Fatma Betül Aktaş 0000-0002-6507-1905

Publication Date September 30, 2023
Submission Date April 10, 2023
Acceptance Date August 1, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Candar, S., Korkutal, İ., Bahar, E., Aktaş, F. B. (2023). Exploring the relationship between leaf water potential, defoliation, and grape berry physical properties of Merlot (Vitis vinifera L.) grapevine. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 7(3), 517-532.

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