Research Article
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Year 2023, , 374 - 383, 29.06.2023


Supporting Institution

Ondokuz Mayıs University

Project Number



  • Aydoğan, M., & Demiryürek, K. (2018). The comparison of social networks between organic and conventional hazelnut producers in Samsun province. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 33(3), 216-225. https://doi:10.7161/omuanajas.394923
  • Aydoğan, M., Demiryürek, K. & Abacı, N.İ. (2018). World hazelnut trade networks. Acta Hortic. 1226, 429-436.
  • Aydoğan, M., Demiryürek, K., & Yulafcı, A. (2016). The effects of the collaboration among the agricultural producers’ organizations on organizational success in Samsun province. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 31(2), 215-222.
  • Bandiera, O., & Rasul, I. (2006). Social networks and technology adoption in northern Mozambique. The Economic Journal, 116(514), 869-902.
  • Battke, B., Schmidt, T. S., Stollenwerk, S., & Hoffmann, V. H. (2016). Internal or external spillovers- Which kind of knowledge is more likely to flow within or across technologies. Research Policy, 45(1), 27-41.
  • Brennecke, J., & Stoemmer, N. (2018). The network‐performance relationship in knowledge‐intensive contexts-a meta‐analysis and cross‐level comparison. Human Resource Management, 57(1), 11-36.
  • Carruthers, G., & Vanclay, F. (2012). The intrinsic features of Environmental Management Systems that facilitate adoption and encourage innovation in primary industries. Journal of Environmental Management, 110, 125-134.
  • Colombo, S., & Perujo-Villanueva, M. (2017). Analysis of the spatial relationship between small olive farms to increase their competitiveness through cooperation. Land Use Policy, 63, 226-235.
  • Cook, B. R., Satizábal, P., & Curnow, J. (2021). Humanising agricultural extension: A review. World Development, 140, 105337.
  • de Nooy, W., Mrvar, A., & Batagelj, V. (2018). Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek: Revised and Expanded Edition for Updated Software. Cambridge University Press, London.
  • Demiryurek, K. (2010). Analysis of information systems and communication networks for organic and conventional hazelnut producers in the Samsun province of Turkey. Agricultural Systems 103(7): 444-452.
  • Demiryürek, K., Aydoğan, M., & Abacı, N. İ. (2017). The comparison of pest management information systems and communication networks for organic and conventional hazelnut producers in Samsun Province of Turkey. Organic Agriculture, 7(4), 431-440.
  • Emerick, K., & Dar, M. H. (2021). Farmer field days and demonstrator selection for increasing technology adoption. Review of Economics and Statistics, 103(4), 1-14.
  • Guan, J., Zuo, K., Chen, K., & Yam, R. C. (2016). Does country-level R&D efficiency benefit from the collaboration network structure? Research Policy, 45(4), 770-784.
  • Gulati, R., & Srivastava, S. B. (2014). Bringing agency back into network research: Constrained agency and network action. Contemporary Perspectives on Organizational Social Network, 40(1), 73-93.
  • Hasdemir, M., & Taluğ, C. (2012). The analysis of the factors that affect the adoption of good agricultural practices in cherry growing. Derim (Türkiye), 29(1), 23-36.
  • Isaac, M. E., Erickson, B. H., Quashie-Sam, S. J., & Timmer, V. R. (2007). Transfer of knowledge on agroforestry management practices: the structure of farmer advice networks. Ecology and Society, 12(2):32-46.
  • Joffre, O. M., Klerkx, L., & Khoa, T. N. (2018). Aquaculture innovation system analysis of transition to sustainable intensification in shrimp farming. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38(3), 1-11.
  • Klerkx, L., & Begemann, S. (2020). Supporting food systems transformation: The what, why, who, where and how of mission-oriented agricultural innovation systems. Agricultural Systems, 184, 102901.
  • Klerkx, L., Hall, A., & Leeuwis, C. (2009). Strengthening agricultural innovation capacity: are innovation brokers the answer? International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 8(5-6), 409-438.
  • Kroma, M. M. (2006). Organic farmer networks: facilitating learning and innovation for sustainable agriculture. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 28(4), 5-28.
  • Lin, T., Ko, A. P., Than, M. M., Catacutan, D. C., Finlayson, R. F., & Isaac, M. E. (2021). Farmer social networks: The role of advice ties and organizational leadership in agroforestry adoption. Plos One, 16(8), e0255987.
  • Madureira, L., Cristóvão, A., Ferreira, D., & Koehnen, T. (2019). Actors, roles and interactions in agricultural innovation networks: The Case of the Portuguese cluster of small fruits. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 101 (1), 42-49.
  • Parry, K., van Rooyen, A. F., Bjornlund, H., Kissoly, L., Moyo, M., & de Sousa, W. (2020). The importance of learning processes in transitioning small-scale irrigation schemes. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 36(1), S199-S223.
  • Scott, J. (2011). Social network analysis: Developments, advances, and prospects. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 1(1), 21-26.
  • Skaalsveen, K., Ingram, J., & Urquhart, J. (2020). The role of farmers’ social networks in the implementation of no-till farming practices. Agricultural Systems, 181, 102824.
  • Tang, C., Zhang, Y., & Reiter-Palmon, R. (2020). Network centrality, knowledge searching and creativity: The role of domain. Creativity and Innovation Management, 29(1), 72–84.
  • Tran, T. A., Nguyen, T. H., & Vo, T. T. (2019). Adaptation to flood and salinity environments in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta: Empirical analysis of farmer-led innovations. Agricultural Water Management, 216, 89-97.
  • Turkstat, (2022). Crop Production Statistics. Retrieved May 24, 2023, from
  • Valente, T. (2005). Network Models and Methods for Studying the Diffusion of Innovations. In P. Carrington, J. Scott, & S. Wasserman (Eds.), Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences, pp. 98-116). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Van de Ven, A. H. (2017). The innovation journey: you can’t control it, but you can learn to maneuver it. Innovation, 19(1), 39-42.
  • Van den Broeck, K., & Dercon, S. (2011). Information flows and social externalities in a Tanzanian banana growing village. Journal of Development Studies, 47(2), 231-252.
  • Vissers, G., & Dankbaar, B. (2013). Knowledge and proximity. European Planning Studies, 21(5), 700-721.
  • Wardhana, D., Ihle, R., & Heijman, W. (2020). Farmer cooperation in agro‐clusters: Evidence from Indonesia. Agribusiness, 36(4), 725-750.
  • Weyori, A. E., Amare, M., Garming, H., & Waibel, H. (2018). Agricultural innovation systems and farm technology adoption: findings from a study of the Ghanaian plantain sector. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 24(1), 65-87.
  • World Bank, (2012). Agricultural Innovation Systems: An Investment Sourcebook. The World Bank, DC, USA.
  • Wu, B., & Zhang, L. (2013). Farmer innovation diffusion via network building: a case of winter greenhouse diffusion in China. Agriculture and Human Values, 30(4), 641-651.
  • Yamane, T. (1967). Statistics: An Introductory Analysis (2nd Edition). Harper and Row, New York.

The shortest way to diffuse agricultural innovations: A network study in the paddy sector in Türkiye

Year 2023, , 374 - 383, 29.06.2023


The study revealed the diffusion processes of agricultural innovations and the influential advice sources in the diffusion process by using the network approach. The study sought to answer the questions of how agricultural innovations diffuse in the paddy sector, how agricultural innovations can be delivered to paddy farmers in the most concise form, and what are the typical characteristics of influential advice sources. Data were collected using questionnaires from paddy farmers, input suppliers, rice mills, and other relevant people and organizations in 2017. Social network analysis was used to analyze farmer advice networks, and Ordinal Logistic Regression was used to identify the common characteristics of influential actors in the network. The research results indicated that the farmers were a bridge between innovation creators and other farmers. The local pesticide dealers were the intermediary position among the paddy farmers with the innovation creators. Collective action, membership in agricultural organizations, social status, and project experience were influential factors in being an advice source. The study found that agricultural innovations in the paddy sector can diffuse most quickly from innovation creators to local pesticide dealers and farmers.

Project Number



  • Aydoğan, M., & Demiryürek, K. (2018). The comparison of social networks between organic and conventional hazelnut producers in Samsun province. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 33(3), 216-225. https://doi:10.7161/omuanajas.394923
  • Aydoğan, M., Demiryürek, K. & Abacı, N.İ. (2018). World hazelnut trade networks. Acta Hortic. 1226, 429-436.
  • Aydoğan, M., Demiryürek, K., & Yulafcı, A. (2016). The effects of the collaboration among the agricultural producers’ organizations on organizational success in Samsun province. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 31(2), 215-222.
  • Bandiera, O., & Rasul, I. (2006). Social networks and technology adoption in northern Mozambique. The Economic Journal, 116(514), 869-902.
  • Battke, B., Schmidt, T. S., Stollenwerk, S., & Hoffmann, V. H. (2016). Internal or external spillovers- Which kind of knowledge is more likely to flow within or across technologies. Research Policy, 45(1), 27-41.
  • Brennecke, J., & Stoemmer, N. (2018). The network‐performance relationship in knowledge‐intensive contexts-a meta‐analysis and cross‐level comparison. Human Resource Management, 57(1), 11-36.
  • Carruthers, G., & Vanclay, F. (2012). The intrinsic features of Environmental Management Systems that facilitate adoption and encourage innovation in primary industries. Journal of Environmental Management, 110, 125-134.
  • Colombo, S., & Perujo-Villanueva, M. (2017). Analysis of the spatial relationship between small olive farms to increase their competitiveness through cooperation. Land Use Policy, 63, 226-235.
  • Cook, B. R., Satizábal, P., & Curnow, J. (2021). Humanising agricultural extension: A review. World Development, 140, 105337.
  • de Nooy, W., Mrvar, A., & Batagelj, V. (2018). Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek: Revised and Expanded Edition for Updated Software. Cambridge University Press, London.
  • Demiryurek, K. (2010). Analysis of information systems and communication networks for organic and conventional hazelnut producers in the Samsun province of Turkey. Agricultural Systems 103(7): 444-452.
  • Demiryürek, K., Aydoğan, M., & Abacı, N. İ. (2017). The comparison of pest management information systems and communication networks for organic and conventional hazelnut producers in Samsun Province of Turkey. Organic Agriculture, 7(4), 431-440.
  • Emerick, K., & Dar, M. H. (2021). Farmer field days and demonstrator selection for increasing technology adoption. Review of Economics and Statistics, 103(4), 1-14.
  • Guan, J., Zuo, K., Chen, K., & Yam, R. C. (2016). Does country-level R&D efficiency benefit from the collaboration network structure? Research Policy, 45(4), 770-784.
  • Gulati, R., & Srivastava, S. B. (2014). Bringing agency back into network research: Constrained agency and network action. Contemporary Perspectives on Organizational Social Network, 40(1), 73-93.
  • Hasdemir, M., & Taluğ, C. (2012). The analysis of the factors that affect the adoption of good agricultural practices in cherry growing. Derim (Türkiye), 29(1), 23-36.
  • Isaac, M. E., Erickson, B. H., Quashie-Sam, S. J., & Timmer, V. R. (2007). Transfer of knowledge on agroforestry management practices: the structure of farmer advice networks. Ecology and Society, 12(2):32-46.
  • Joffre, O. M., Klerkx, L., & Khoa, T. N. (2018). Aquaculture innovation system analysis of transition to sustainable intensification in shrimp farming. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38(3), 1-11.
  • Klerkx, L., & Begemann, S. (2020). Supporting food systems transformation: The what, why, who, where and how of mission-oriented agricultural innovation systems. Agricultural Systems, 184, 102901.
  • Klerkx, L., Hall, A., & Leeuwis, C. (2009). Strengthening agricultural innovation capacity: are innovation brokers the answer? International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 8(5-6), 409-438.
  • Kroma, M. M. (2006). Organic farmer networks: facilitating learning and innovation for sustainable agriculture. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 28(4), 5-28.
  • Lin, T., Ko, A. P., Than, M. M., Catacutan, D. C., Finlayson, R. F., & Isaac, M. E. (2021). Farmer social networks: The role of advice ties and organizational leadership in agroforestry adoption. Plos One, 16(8), e0255987.
  • Madureira, L., Cristóvão, A., Ferreira, D., & Koehnen, T. (2019). Actors, roles and interactions in agricultural innovation networks: The Case of the Portuguese cluster of small fruits. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 101 (1), 42-49.
  • Parry, K., van Rooyen, A. F., Bjornlund, H., Kissoly, L., Moyo, M., & de Sousa, W. (2020). The importance of learning processes in transitioning small-scale irrigation schemes. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 36(1), S199-S223.
  • Scott, J. (2011). Social network analysis: Developments, advances, and prospects. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 1(1), 21-26.
  • Skaalsveen, K., Ingram, J., & Urquhart, J. (2020). The role of farmers’ social networks in the implementation of no-till farming practices. Agricultural Systems, 181, 102824.
  • Tang, C., Zhang, Y., & Reiter-Palmon, R. (2020). Network centrality, knowledge searching and creativity: The role of domain. Creativity and Innovation Management, 29(1), 72–84.
  • Tran, T. A., Nguyen, T. H., & Vo, T. T. (2019). Adaptation to flood and salinity environments in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta: Empirical analysis of farmer-led innovations. Agricultural Water Management, 216, 89-97.
  • Turkstat, (2022). Crop Production Statistics. Retrieved May 24, 2023, from
  • Valente, T. (2005). Network Models and Methods for Studying the Diffusion of Innovations. In P. Carrington, J. Scott, & S. Wasserman (Eds.), Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences, pp. 98-116). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Van de Ven, A. H. (2017). The innovation journey: you can’t control it, but you can learn to maneuver it. Innovation, 19(1), 39-42.
  • Van den Broeck, K., & Dercon, S. (2011). Information flows and social externalities in a Tanzanian banana growing village. Journal of Development Studies, 47(2), 231-252.
  • Vissers, G., & Dankbaar, B. (2013). Knowledge and proximity. European Planning Studies, 21(5), 700-721.
  • Wardhana, D., Ihle, R., & Heijman, W. (2020). Farmer cooperation in agro‐clusters: Evidence from Indonesia. Agribusiness, 36(4), 725-750.
  • Weyori, A. E., Amare, M., Garming, H., & Waibel, H. (2018). Agricultural innovation systems and farm technology adoption: findings from a study of the Ghanaian plantain sector. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 24(1), 65-87.
  • World Bank, (2012). Agricultural Innovation Systems: An Investment Sourcebook. The World Bank, DC, USA.
  • Wu, B., & Zhang, L. (2013). Farmer innovation diffusion via network building: a case of winter greenhouse diffusion in China. Agriculture and Human Values, 30(4), 641-651.
  • Yamane, T. (1967). Statistics: An Introductory Analysis (2nd Edition). Harper and Row, New York.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Policy
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Aydoğan 0000-0001-8427-5412

Kürşat Demiryürek 0000-0002-6193-9957

Project Number PYO.ZRT.1904.15.021
Publication Date June 29, 2023
Submission Date May 3, 2023
Acceptance Date May 27, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Aydoğan, M., & Demiryürek, K. (2023). The shortest way to diffuse agricultural innovations: A network study in the paddy sector in Türkiye. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 7(2), 374-383.

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