Research Article
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Phenological, morphological and physicochemical characteristics of some local olive varieties grown in Mardin (Derik)

Year 2023, , 448 - 457, 29.06.2023


This study was carried out between 2016–2017 to identify local olive varieties grown in the Derik district of Mardin province and their distinguishing characteristics. In the study the growing strength of the trees of eight local olive species, pomological characteristics of their leaves, inflorescence, fruit, and seeds, phenological development periods, total oil content, fatty acid composition, and sensory characteristics of their oils were examined. It was found that the “Mavi” variety had the highest values for fruit weight, width, and flesh ratio among the varieties examined. The variety with the highest fruit oil content (30.0%) was “Derik Halhalı”, followed by the “Melkabazi” variety with oil content of 26.0%. The most abundant fatty acid in the oils of local olive varieties was cis-Oleic acid (57.60–73.51%), followed by Palmitic acid (12.90–18.57%), cis-Linoleic acid (7.97–17.76%), and Stearic acid (2.48–3.30%). It has been determined that growing “Derik Halhalı” and “Melkabazi” as oil genotype is suitable, while growing “Zoncuk”, “Mavi”, “Kejik”, “Belluti”, “Hursiki” and “Gulleki” as table genotype is suitable

Supporting Institution

Scientific Research Projects Commission of Harran University (HUBAK)

Project Number



This work was supported by HUBAK (the Scientific Research Projects Commission of Harran University) under project number 16022. The authors thank the commission for the financial support.


  • Acar, S. (2016). Mardin History Bibliography. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Social Sciences Institute, Master Thesis, Bilecik, 302p.
  • Akıllıoğlu, M., Özen, Y.A., Akay, Z., Özen, H., Aksu, B., Dizdaroğlu, T., Özilbey, N., Arsel, H., Özahçı E. (2000). Olive Report. In: VII. Five-year development plan, herbal production specialization commission, fruit growing group. Olive Research Institute, İzmir. (in Turkish)
  • Baktır, İ., Salman, A., Ülger, S. (1995). A research on the determination of growth and development characteristics of some domestic and foreign olive varieties in Antalya conditions. Turkey II. National Horticultural Congress, 3-6 October, Adana, 703-705.
  • Barranco, D., Cimato, A., Fiorino, P., Rallo, L., Touzani, A., Castaneda, C., Serafn, F., Trujillo, I. (2000). World catalogue of olive varieties. International Olive Oil Council, Madrid, 360p.
  • Bayramer, G. (2015). An Evaluation of Turkey’s Table Olive and Olive Oil Export Problems. Adnan Menderes University, Agricultural Faculty, Master Thesis, Aydın, 160p.
  • Biagnami, C., Natali, S., Menna, C., Peruzi, G. (1993). Growth and phenology of some olive cultivars in Central Italy. Acta Horticulturae, 356: 106-109.
  • Biricik, G.F., Başoğlu, F. (2005). The Composition of Olive Varieties (Samanlı, Domat, Manzanilla, Ascolana) Selected for Olive Adaptation Trial in Marmara Region and Suitability of These Varieties to Green Olive Brine. The Journal of Food and Feed Science and Technology, 8, 1-10.
  • Bolat, İ., Güleryüz, M. (1995). A research on some pomological characteristics of olive cultivars grown in Çoruh Valley. Turkey II. National Horticultural Congress, 3-6 October, Adana, 736 740.
  • Caner, S. (2018). The Determınatıon of Fruıt and Oıl Propertıes of Some Olıves whıch are Cultıvated in Şırnak and Mardin. Şırnak University, Department of Horticulture, Master’s Thesis, Şırnak, 67p.
  • Canözer, O. (1991). Standard Olive Varieties Catalogue. T.R. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, TÜGEM Publications General No.:334. (in Turkish)
  • Dağdelen, A. (2008). Determination of Some Physicochemical Properties, Fatty Acid Composition, Tocopherol and Phenolic Compound Amounts of Olive Cultivars Commonly Grown Around Edremit (Balıkesir) Bay, During Maturation. Balıkesir Univesity, Institute of Science, Department of Biology, Ph.D. Thesis, Balıkesir, 123p.
  • Demir, G. (2018). Pomological and Biochemical Characteristics in Local Olive Cvs Grown in the Ist Origin. Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Master Thesis, Ankara, 54p.
  • Dıraman, H., Dibeklioğlu, H. (2009). Characterization of Turkish virgin olive oils produced from early harvest olives. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 86(7), 663-674.
  • Doran, İ., Koca, Y.K., Pekkolay, B., Mungan, M. (2008). The Nutrient Status of the Olive Trees Grown in Derik Province. Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture, 21(1), 131-138.
  • Dölek, B. (2003). Determination of morphological, phenological and pomological properties of table and oily olive varieties and types growing in Erdemli, Silifke and Mut district. Çukurova University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Master Thesis, Adana, 80p.
  • El Riachy, M., Hamade, A., Ayoub, R., Dandachi, F., Chalak, L. (2019). Oil content, fatty acid and phenolic profiles of some olive varieties growing in Lebanon. Frontiers in nutrition, 6, 94.
  • Eskiyörük, D. (2016). Olive and Olive Oil in the Ancient Age: Cilicia Region Example. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 4(Special Issue 1), 228-243.
  • Gündeşli, K.T, Küden, A.B. (2020). Determination of the chilling requirements and fruit quality characteristics of some local and foreign olive cultivars. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 35(3), 285-291. doi: 10.7161/omuanajas.655591
  • International Olive Council (IOC). (COI/T.20/15/2007). Sensory Analysis of Olive Oil Method for the Organoleptic Assessment of Virgin Olive Oil. COI/T.20/Doc. No 15/Rev.4 Madrid.
  • Kadaster, I.E. (1960). Agricultural Chemistry Practice I. Feed analysis. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications, 113, 50-63.
  • Kaleci, N., Gündoğdu, M.A., Doğan, E., Nergis, O. (2016). Investigation of Changes in Pomological and Some Biochemical Characteristics of Some Foreign Origin Olive Varieties During Maturation. Journal of Olive Research Institute, 6(2), 119-124.
  • Kaplan, M., Arıhan, S.K. (2012). A Healing Source of Antiquity to the Present: Usage of Olive and Olive Oil in Folk Medicine. The Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography, 52(2), 1-15.
  • Karanfiloğlu, H., Mete, N., Çetin, Ö. (2017). Research on Olive Gene Resources in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 54(4), 453-457.
  • Kaynaş, N., Sütçü, A.R. Fidan, A.E. (1996). Adaptation in Olive (Marmara Region). Atatürk Horticultural Research Institute, Scientific Research and Investigations, Yalova, 82-27.
  • Kaya, H., Tekintaş, F.E. (2006). Characterization of the Yamalak Sarısı Domestic Olive Cultivar Grown in Aydın Province. Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(2), 69-76.
  • Kaymak, H. (2011). Determination of some characteristics of olive types located in Osmanbey Campus, Sanliurfa. Harran University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Şanlıurfa, 83p.
  • Kritioti, A., Menexes, G., Drouza, C. (2018). Chemometric characterization of virgin olive oils of the two major Cypriot cultivars based on their fatty acid composition. Food research international, 103, 426-437.
  • Kutlu, E., Şen. F (2011). The effect of different harvest time on fruit and olive oil quality of olive (Olea europea L.) cv. Gemlik. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 48(2), 85-93.
  • Önal, B., While, P. Hammond, E. (2006). Effects of Linoly oleae on soybean oil flawour and quality in a frying application J. Amer. Oil. Chem. Soc., 84,157-163.
  • Özkaya, M.T., Cakir, E., Gokbayrak, Z., Ercan, H. Taksin, N. (2006). Morphological and molecular characterization of Derik Halhali olive (Olea europaea L.) accessions grown in Derik Mardin province of Turkey. Scientia Horticulture, 108:205 209.
  • Özkaya, M.T., Tunalıoglu, R., Eken, S., Ulas, M., Danacı, A., İnan, N. Tibet. U. (2010). Turkey’s Olive Growing Problems and Solutions. Turkey Agricultural Engineering Technical Congress, 13-15 January, Ankara, 25(2), 89-99.
  • Sakar, E., 2015. Determinatıon of Morphological, Pomological and Physicochemical Properties of Olive Genetic Resources in Gaziantep Province. Atatürk Univ., J. of the Agricultural Faculty, 46(2): 85-92.
  • Sakar, E.Ç, 2009. Selection based breeding and genetic characterization of selected olive (Olea europaea L.) genotypes from Adiyaman, Mardin, Şanlıurfa ve Şırnak provinces. Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Ph.D Thesis, Ankara, 200p.
  • Sakar, E., Çelik, M., Ergül, A., Ulaş, M., Ünver, H., Ak, B.E., Özkaya, M.T. (2013). Morphology, Pomology and Fatty Acid Composition with SSR Based Molecular Analysis of Olive Genotypes in Sanliurfa. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 8(2): 98-110.
  • Sakar, E., Ünver, H., Ulaş, M., Ercişli, S. (2017). Morphological and Pomological Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Olive Genetic Resources in Şırnak Province. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 21(3): 299-308.
  • Sevgin, N., Caner, S. (2020). The Determination of Fruit and Oil Properties of Some Olives Which are Cultivated in Mardin and Şırnak. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 7(1), 54-59.
  • Stefanoudaki, E., Kotsifaki, F., Koutsaftakis, A. (1999). Classification of virgin olive oils of the two major Cretan cultivars based on their fatty acid composition. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 76(5), 623-626.
  • Şahin, U., Şeker, M. (2022). Pomological Characteristics of Olive Varieties Cultivated in Eceabat Region of Çanakkale. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research, 6(2), 94-106.
  • Şahin, Z., Aydoğdu, M.H. (2021). Olive and Olive Oil Market Analysis of Turkey in Recent Period. Euroasia Summit 1st International Applied Sciences Congress, 20-21 March, Georgia-Batumi, 58-67.
  • Şeker, M., Gündoğdu, M.A., Gül, M.K., Kaleci, N. (2012). Pomological Characteristics of Local Olive Varieties at Eastern Blacksea Region. Journal of Olive Research Institute, 3(2), 91-97.
  • Toplu, C., Önder, D., Önder, S., Yıldız, E. (2009). Determination of fruit and oil characteristics of olive (Olea europaea L. cv.‘Gemlik’) in different irrigation and fertilization regimes. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(7), 649-658.
  • Turanoğlu, İ.M. (2015). Research of Ayvalık olive variety morphological, phenological pomological and biochemical properties of growing in Şanlıurfa conditions University of Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticultural Plants, M.Sc. Thesis, Kahramanmaraş, 72p.
  • Tutar, M. (2010). Determination of different types in Erkence olive cultivar. Ege University, Horticulture Dept., Ph.D. Thesis, İzmir, 73p.
  • TÜİK (2023). Turkish Statistical Institute. (Access date: 03.05.2023)
  • Tüzün, Y.T. (2003). Effects of Periodicity in Olive Production on Olive Oil Economy. Turkey I. Olive Oil and Table Olive Symposium, 2-3 October, Çiğli-İzmir, 32-37. (in Turkish)
  • Ulaş, M., 2001. Studies on the pomological, fenological and morphological characteristics of some table olive and olive oil cultivars in Çukurova region. Çukurova University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Master Thesis, Adana, 94p.
Year 2023, , 448 - 457, 29.06.2023


Project Number



  • Acar, S. (2016). Mardin History Bibliography. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University Social Sciences Institute, Master Thesis, Bilecik, 302p.
  • Akıllıoğlu, M., Özen, Y.A., Akay, Z., Özen, H., Aksu, B., Dizdaroğlu, T., Özilbey, N., Arsel, H., Özahçı E. (2000). Olive Report. In: VII. Five-year development plan, herbal production specialization commission, fruit growing group. Olive Research Institute, İzmir. (in Turkish)
  • Baktır, İ., Salman, A., Ülger, S. (1995). A research on the determination of growth and development characteristics of some domestic and foreign olive varieties in Antalya conditions. Turkey II. National Horticultural Congress, 3-6 October, Adana, 703-705.
  • Barranco, D., Cimato, A., Fiorino, P., Rallo, L., Touzani, A., Castaneda, C., Serafn, F., Trujillo, I. (2000). World catalogue of olive varieties. International Olive Oil Council, Madrid, 360p.
  • Bayramer, G. (2015). An Evaluation of Turkey’s Table Olive and Olive Oil Export Problems. Adnan Menderes University, Agricultural Faculty, Master Thesis, Aydın, 160p.
  • Biagnami, C., Natali, S., Menna, C., Peruzi, G. (1993). Growth and phenology of some olive cultivars in Central Italy. Acta Horticulturae, 356: 106-109.
  • Biricik, G.F., Başoğlu, F. (2005). The Composition of Olive Varieties (Samanlı, Domat, Manzanilla, Ascolana) Selected for Olive Adaptation Trial in Marmara Region and Suitability of These Varieties to Green Olive Brine. The Journal of Food and Feed Science and Technology, 8, 1-10.
  • Bolat, İ., Güleryüz, M. (1995). A research on some pomological characteristics of olive cultivars grown in Çoruh Valley. Turkey II. National Horticultural Congress, 3-6 October, Adana, 736 740.
  • Caner, S. (2018). The Determınatıon of Fruıt and Oıl Propertıes of Some Olıves whıch are Cultıvated in Şırnak and Mardin. Şırnak University, Department of Horticulture, Master’s Thesis, Şırnak, 67p.
  • Canözer, O. (1991). Standard Olive Varieties Catalogue. T.R. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, TÜGEM Publications General No.:334. (in Turkish)
  • Dağdelen, A. (2008). Determination of Some Physicochemical Properties, Fatty Acid Composition, Tocopherol and Phenolic Compound Amounts of Olive Cultivars Commonly Grown Around Edremit (Balıkesir) Bay, During Maturation. Balıkesir Univesity, Institute of Science, Department of Biology, Ph.D. Thesis, Balıkesir, 123p.
  • Demir, G. (2018). Pomological and Biochemical Characteristics in Local Olive Cvs Grown in the Ist Origin. Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Master Thesis, Ankara, 54p.
  • Dıraman, H., Dibeklioğlu, H. (2009). Characterization of Turkish virgin olive oils produced from early harvest olives. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 86(7), 663-674.
  • Doran, İ., Koca, Y.K., Pekkolay, B., Mungan, M. (2008). The Nutrient Status of the Olive Trees Grown in Derik Province. Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture, 21(1), 131-138.
  • Dölek, B. (2003). Determination of morphological, phenological and pomological properties of table and oily olive varieties and types growing in Erdemli, Silifke and Mut district. Çukurova University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Master Thesis, Adana, 80p.
  • El Riachy, M., Hamade, A., Ayoub, R., Dandachi, F., Chalak, L. (2019). Oil content, fatty acid and phenolic profiles of some olive varieties growing in Lebanon. Frontiers in nutrition, 6, 94.
  • Eskiyörük, D. (2016). Olive and Olive Oil in the Ancient Age: Cilicia Region Example. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 4(Special Issue 1), 228-243.
  • Gündeşli, K.T, Küden, A.B. (2020). Determination of the chilling requirements and fruit quality characteristics of some local and foreign olive cultivars. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 35(3), 285-291. doi: 10.7161/omuanajas.655591
  • International Olive Council (IOC). (COI/T.20/15/2007). Sensory Analysis of Olive Oil Method for the Organoleptic Assessment of Virgin Olive Oil. COI/T.20/Doc. No 15/Rev.4 Madrid.
  • Kadaster, I.E. (1960). Agricultural Chemistry Practice I. Feed analysis. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications, 113, 50-63.
  • Kaleci, N., Gündoğdu, M.A., Doğan, E., Nergis, O. (2016). Investigation of Changes in Pomological and Some Biochemical Characteristics of Some Foreign Origin Olive Varieties During Maturation. Journal of Olive Research Institute, 6(2), 119-124.
  • Kaplan, M., Arıhan, S.K. (2012). A Healing Source of Antiquity to the Present: Usage of Olive and Olive Oil in Folk Medicine. The Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography, 52(2), 1-15.
  • Karanfiloğlu, H., Mete, N., Çetin, Ö. (2017). Research on Olive Gene Resources in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 54(4), 453-457.
  • Kaynaş, N., Sütçü, A.R. Fidan, A.E. (1996). Adaptation in Olive (Marmara Region). Atatürk Horticultural Research Institute, Scientific Research and Investigations, Yalova, 82-27.
  • Kaya, H., Tekintaş, F.E. (2006). Characterization of the Yamalak Sarısı Domestic Olive Cultivar Grown in Aydın Province. Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(2), 69-76.
  • Kaymak, H. (2011). Determination of some characteristics of olive types located in Osmanbey Campus, Sanliurfa. Harran University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Şanlıurfa, 83p.
  • Kritioti, A., Menexes, G., Drouza, C. (2018). Chemometric characterization of virgin olive oils of the two major Cypriot cultivars based on their fatty acid composition. Food research international, 103, 426-437.
  • Kutlu, E., Şen. F (2011). The effect of different harvest time on fruit and olive oil quality of olive (Olea europea L.) cv. Gemlik. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University, 48(2), 85-93.
  • Önal, B., While, P. Hammond, E. (2006). Effects of Linoly oleae on soybean oil flawour and quality in a frying application J. Amer. Oil. Chem. Soc., 84,157-163.
  • Özkaya, M.T., Cakir, E., Gokbayrak, Z., Ercan, H. Taksin, N. (2006). Morphological and molecular characterization of Derik Halhali olive (Olea europaea L.) accessions grown in Derik Mardin province of Turkey. Scientia Horticulture, 108:205 209.
  • Özkaya, M.T., Tunalıoglu, R., Eken, S., Ulas, M., Danacı, A., İnan, N. Tibet. U. (2010). Turkey’s Olive Growing Problems and Solutions. Turkey Agricultural Engineering Technical Congress, 13-15 January, Ankara, 25(2), 89-99.
  • Sakar, E., 2015. Determinatıon of Morphological, Pomological and Physicochemical Properties of Olive Genetic Resources in Gaziantep Province. Atatürk Univ., J. of the Agricultural Faculty, 46(2): 85-92.
  • Sakar, E.Ç, 2009. Selection based breeding and genetic characterization of selected olive (Olea europaea L.) genotypes from Adiyaman, Mardin, Şanlıurfa ve Şırnak provinces. Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Ph.D Thesis, Ankara, 200p.
  • Sakar, E., Çelik, M., Ergül, A., Ulaş, M., Ünver, H., Ak, B.E., Özkaya, M.T. (2013). Morphology, Pomology and Fatty Acid Composition with SSR Based Molecular Analysis of Olive Genotypes in Sanliurfa. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 8(2): 98-110.
  • Sakar, E., Ünver, H., Ulaş, M., Ercişli, S. (2017). Morphological and Pomological Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Olive Genetic Resources in Şırnak Province. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 21(3): 299-308.
  • Sevgin, N., Caner, S. (2020). The Determination of Fruit and Oil Properties of Some Olives Which are Cultivated in Mardin and Şırnak. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 7(1), 54-59.
  • Stefanoudaki, E., Kotsifaki, F., Koutsaftakis, A. (1999). Classification of virgin olive oils of the two major Cretan cultivars based on their fatty acid composition. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 76(5), 623-626.
  • Şahin, U., Şeker, M. (2022). Pomological Characteristics of Olive Varieties Cultivated in Eceabat Region of Çanakkale. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research, 6(2), 94-106.
  • Şahin, Z., Aydoğdu, M.H. (2021). Olive and Olive Oil Market Analysis of Turkey in Recent Period. Euroasia Summit 1st International Applied Sciences Congress, 20-21 March, Georgia-Batumi, 58-67.
  • Şeker, M., Gündoğdu, M.A., Gül, M.K., Kaleci, N. (2012). Pomological Characteristics of Local Olive Varieties at Eastern Blacksea Region. Journal of Olive Research Institute, 3(2), 91-97.
  • Toplu, C., Önder, D., Önder, S., Yıldız, E. (2009). Determination of fruit and oil characteristics of olive (Olea europaea L. cv.‘Gemlik’) in different irrigation and fertilization regimes. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(7), 649-658.
  • Turanoğlu, İ.M. (2015). Research of Ayvalık olive variety morphological, phenological pomological and biochemical properties of growing in Şanlıurfa conditions University of Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticultural Plants, M.Sc. Thesis, Kahramanmaraş, 72p.
  • Tutar, M. (2010). Determination of different types in Erkence olive cultivar. Ege University, Horticulture Dept., Ph.D. Thesis, İzmir, 73p.
  • TÜİK (2023). Turkish Statistical Institute. (Access date: 03.05.2023)
  • Tüzün, Y.T. (2003). Effects of Periodicity in Olive Production on Olive Oil Economy. Turkey I. Olive Oil and Table Olive Symposium, 2-3 October, Çiğli-İzmir, 32-37. (in Turkish)
  • Ulaş, M., 2001. Studies on the pomological, fenological and morphological characteristics of some table olive and olive oil cultivars in Çukurova region. Çukurova University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Master Thesis, Adana, 94p.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pomology and Treatment
Journal Section Research Articles

Ebru Sakar 0000-0001-6622-6553

Mizgin Ay 0000-0002-6561-6071

Mehmet İlhan Odabaşıoğlu 0000-0001-8060-3407

Project Number 16022
Publication Date June 29, 2023
Submission Date June 5, 2023
Acceptance Date June 16, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Sakar, E., Ay, M., & Odabaşıoğlu, M. İ. (2023). Phenological, morphological and physicochemical characteristics of some local olive varieties grown in Mardin (Derik). International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 7(2), 448-457.

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