Research Article
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Year 2023, , 607 - 620, 30.09.2023


Supporting Institution

1. Dicle Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri koordinasyonu (DÜBAP) 2. Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü (TAGEM)

Project Number

(DÜBAP) ZİRAAT.21.005 - TAGEM/TBAD/A/22/A7/P1/5088


Bu projeye maddi kaynak sağladıklarından dolayı Dicle Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri koordinasyonu (DÜBAP) ve Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü (TAGEM)'e teşekkür ederiz.


  • Alam, M. N., Mannaf, M. A., Sarker, M. A. Z., Akhter, M.M. (2013). Effect of terminal high temperature imposed by late sowing on phenological traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research, 3, 2, 6-10.
  • Al-Khatib, K., Paulsen, G.M. (1984). Mode of high temperature injury to wheat during grain development. Physiologia Plantarum, 61, 3, 363-36.
  • Al-Otayk, O.M. (2010). Performance of yield and stability of wheat genotypes under high stres environments of the central region of Saudi Arabia, Met.,Env.&Arid Land Agric. 21, 1, 81-92.
  • Asseng, S., Foster, I., Turner, C.N. (2011). The impact of temperature variability on wheat yields. Global Change Biology, 17, 2, 997-1012.
  • Bergkamp, B., İmpa, S.M., Asebedo, A.R., Fritz, A.K., Jagadish, S.V.K. (2018). Prominent winter wheat varieties response to post- flowering heat stress under controlled chambers and field- based heat tents. Field Crops Research, 222, 145 - 152. fcr.2018.03.009
  • Bilgin, O., ve Korkut, K.Z. (2005). Determination of some bread quality and grain yield charactersin bread wheat (Triticum aestivumL.). Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, 1, 58 - 65.
  • Bhuta, W.M. (2006). Role of some agronomic traits for grain yield production in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under drought conditions. Revista Científica UDO Agrícola, 6, 1, 11-19.
  • Castro, M., Peterson, C. J., Dalla Rizza, M., Díaz Dellavalle, P., Vázquez, D., Ibáñez, V., Ross, A. (2007). Influence of heat stress on wheat grain characteristics and protein molecular weight distribution. In: Wheat production in stressed environments. Mar del Plata, Argentina 12, 365–371.
  • Çekiç, C. (2007). Kurağa dayanıklı buğday (triticum aestivum L.) ıslahında seleksiyon kriteri olabilecek fizyolojik parametrelerin araştırılması. Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi, 114. (in Turkish).
  • Chinnusamy, V., Khanna-Chopra, R. (2003). Effect of heat stress on grain starch content in diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheat species. Journal of Agronomy and crop science 189, 4, 242-249.
  • Dereli, T. E. (2016) Çeşitli abiyotik stres faktörleri uygulanmış ekmeklik buğday (Triticum aestivum L.)’da yeni nesil dizileme teknolojisi ile transkriptom analizi Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi, Ankara. 416. (in Turkish)
  • Efeoğlu, B., Terzioğlu, S. (2009). Photosynthetic responses of two wheat varieties to high temperature. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 3, 13, 97-106.
  • Gibson, L. R., ve Paulsen, G. M. (1999). Yield Components of Wheat Grown under High Temperature Stress during Reproductive Growth. crop science, 39, 6, 1841-1846.
  • Jamil, M., Aamir, A., Alvina, G, Awan, A., Napar, A., Amir, İ., Naveed, N., Yasin, N., Mujeeb-Kazi, A. (2019). Genome-wide association studies of seven agronomic traits under two sowing conditions in bread wheat. BMC Plant Biology, 19, 149.
  • Karaman, M. (2017). Makarnalık buğdayda fizyolojik ve morfolojik Parametrelerin verim ve kalite ile olan İlişkisinin belirlenmesi. Dicle Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi, Diyarbakır. 163. (in Turkish)
  • Kaur, J., Sandhu, S.S., Sharma, S. (2021). Yield response of wheat grown under periodic heat stress imposed by using mini heta tents. Journal of agronomy and crop science, 207, 285 – 303.
  • Kılıç, H. (2020). Durum Buğday Genotiplerinin (Triticum durum L.) Yüksek Sıcaklık Şartlarında Verim ve Bazı Kalite Özellikleri Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 6, 1, 17-32. (in Turkish)
  • Kaur, V., ve Behl, R. K. (2009). Grain yield in wheat as affected by short periods of high temperature, drought and their interaction during pre- and post-anthesisstages. Cereal Research Communications 38, 4, 514–520. https://doi/10.1556/CRC.38.2010.4.8
  • Lal, M.K., Tiwari, R.K., Gahlaut, V., Mangal, V., Kumar, A., Singh, M.P., Zinta, G. (2021). Physiological and molecular insights on wheat responses to heat stress. Plant Cell Reports, 1-18.
  • Mirosavljević, M., Momčilović, V., Mikić, S., Trkulja, D., Brbaklić, L., Zorić, M., Abičić, I. (2020). Changes in stay-green and nitrogen use efficiency traits in historical set of winter barley cultivars. Field Crops Research, 249, 107740.
  • Mirosavljević, M., Mikić, S., Župunski, V., Kondić Špika, A., Trkulja, D., Ottosen, C.O., Abdelhakim, L. (2021). Effects of high temperature during anthesis and grain filling on physiological characteristics of winter wheat cultivars. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 207(5), 823-832.
  • Modhej, A., Farhoudi, R., Afrous, A. (2015). Effect of post-anthesis heat stress on grain yield of barley, durum and bread wheat genotypes. Proceedings of the 10th International Barley Genetics Symposium, alexandria, Egypt, 230-235.
  • Nawaz, A., Farooq, M., S.A., Cheema, S.A., Wahid, A. (2013). Differential response of wheat cultivars to terminal heat stress. İnternational Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 15, 6, 1354-1358.
  • Özberk, İ., Özberk, F., Atlı, A., Çetin, L., Aydemir, T., Keklikci, Z., Önal, M. A., Braun H.J. (2005). Durum wheat in Turkey; yesterday, today and tomorrow. Durum Wheat Breeding: Current Aproaches and Future Strategies. (New York 10-49).
  • Özberk, İ., Zencirci, N., Özkan, H., Özberk, F., Eser, V. (2010). Dünden bugüne makarnalık buğday ıslahı ve geleceğe bakış. Makarnalık Buğday ve Mamulleri Konferansı, 17( Ankara, 43-66). (in Turkish)
  • Öztürk, İ. (2011). Ekmeklik buğday (Triticum aestivum L.) genotiplerinde kurağa etkilerinin karakterizasyonu ve kalite ile ilişkileri. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora tezi, Tekirdağ 282. (in Turkish)
  • Pimentel, A.J.B., Rocha, J.R.D.A.S., Souza, M.A., Ribeiro, G., Silva, C.R., Oliveira, I.C.M. (2015). Characterization of heat tolerance in wheat cultivars and effects on production components. Revista ceres, 62, 2, 191-198.
  • Pradhan, G., Prasad, P., Fritz, A., Kirkham, M., Gill, B. (2012a). High temperature tolerance in species and its potential transfer to wheat. Crop Science, 52, 1, 292-304.
  • Roy,T. K., Hafiz, H. R., Islam R., Hasan A., Siddiqui N. (2013). Late planting heat stress on ear growth physiology of wheat. International Journal of Biosciences, 3, 11, 8-19.
  • Stone, P. J., Nicholas, M. E. (1995b). Effect of timing of heat stress during grain filling on two wheat varieties differing in heat tolerance. Aaustralian journal of plant physiology, 22, 6, 927 – 934,
  • Tatar, Ö. (2009). Buğdayda (Triticum aestivum L.) sapa kalkma döneminde meydana gelen kuraklığın başak oluşumu ve bazı fizyolojik parametreler üzerine etkisi, Türkiye VIII. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi ( Hatay, 433-437.) (in Turkish)
  • Tomás, D., Rodrigues, J.C., Viegas, W., Silva, M. (2020). Assessment of high temperature effects on grain yield and composition in bread wheat commercial varieties. Agronomy, 10, 499. https://doi. org/10.3390/ agronomy 10040499
  • Ullah, A., Nadeem, F., Nawaz, A., Siddique, K. H., Farooq, M. (2022). Heat stress effects on the reproductive physiology and yield of wheat. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 208, 1, 1-17.
  • Yang, J., Sears, R. G., Gill, B. S., Paulsen, G. M. (2002). Genotypic differences in utilization of assimilate sources during maturation of wheat under chronic heat and shock stresses. Euphytica, 125, 179-188.
  • Youldash, M. Y. (2017). Yüksek sıcaklığın ekmeklik buğdayda morfo-fizyolojik özellikler ve tane verimine etkisi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoteknoloji Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek lisans Tezi, Adana. 98. (in Turkish)

Determination of the tolerance of physiological, morphological, and yield parameters of landrace durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) to high-temperature stress

Year 2023, , 607 - 620, 30.09.2023


In the South-eastern Anatolia Region, where the climate is favorable to cultivation for durum wheat, there have been notable reductions in both yield and quality due to biotic and abiotic stress factors in the region. Primary one of these stresses is high-temperature stress. High-temperature stress, specifically during the late flowering stage and early grain filling stage, results in substantial reductions in both crop yield and quality. In this study, several practical, easily and rapidly quantifiable physiological, morphological, and yield-related parameters that may be used in durum wheat improvement programs in the region for high-temperature stress tolerance were investigated. Ninety landrace durum genotypes and 4 standard cultivars were used. The study was carried out at GAP (South-eastern Anatolia Project) International Agricultural Research and Training Centre in an air conditioning room according to an augmented design under optimum conditions and stressful conditions where high-temperature stress was created. Compared to optimum conditions, there were reductions in flag leaf greening time by 20%, days to maturity by 7%, spike length by 10%, peduncle length by 18%, grain filling time by 23%, number of spikelets on the spike by 12%, number of grains on the spike by 39%, and thousand-kernel weight by 33%, while grain filling rate increased under high-temperature stress conditions. The genotypes 82, 83, 87, 88, 99, and 103 and the standard varieties Artuklu and Sümerli prevailed in both optimum and stress conditions. The fact that leaf erectness, flag leaf greening time, grain filling time, and leaf chlorophyll content among morphological and physiological characteristics had a significant correlation with yield components under both conditions indicates that these characteristics can be used as selection criteria for tolerance to stressful conditions in the region.

Project Number

(DÜBAP) ZİRAAT.21.005 - TAGEM/TBAD/A/22/A7/P1/5088


  • Alam, M. N., Mannaf, M. A., Sarker, M. A. Z., Akhter, M.M. (2013). Effect of terminal high temperature imposed by late sowing on phenological traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research, 3, 2, 6-10.
  • Al-Khatib, K., Paulsen, G.M. (1984). Mode of high temperature injury to wheat during grain development. Physiologia Plantarum, 61, 3, 363-36.
  • Al-Otayk, O.M. (2010). Performance of yield and stability of wheat genotypes under high stres environments of the central region of Saudi Arabia, Met.,Env.&Arid Land Agric. 21, 1, 81-92.
  • Asseng, S., Foster, I., Turner, C.N. (2011). The impact of temperature variability on wheat yields. Global Change Biology, 17, 2, 997-1012.
  • Bergkamp, B., İmpa, S.M., Asebedo, A.R., Fritz, A.K., Jagadish, S.V.K. (2018). Prominent winter wheat varieties response to post- flowering heat stress under controlled chambers and field- based heat tents. Field Crops Research, 222, 145 - 152. fcr.2018.03.009
  • Bilgin, O., ve Korkut, K.Z. (2005). Determination of some bread quality and grain yield charactersin bread wheat (Triticum aestivumL.). Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2, 1, 58 - 65.
  • Bhuta, W.M. (2006). Role of some agronomic traits for grain yield production in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under drought conditions. Revista Científica UDO Agrícola, 6, 1, 11-19.
  • Castro, M., Peterson, C. J., Dalla Rizza, M., Díaz Dellavalle, P., Vázquez, D., Ibáñez, V., Ross, A. (2007). Influence of heat stress on wheat grain characteristics and protein molecular weight distribution. In: Wheat production in stressed environments. Mar del Plata, Argentina 12, 365–371.
  • Çekiç, C. (2007). Kurağa dayanıklı buğday (triticum aestivum L.) ıslahında seleksiyon kriteri olabilecek fizyolojik parametrelerin araştırılması. Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi, 114. (in Turkish).
  • Chinnusamy, V., Khanna-Chopra, R. (2003). Effect of heat stress on grain starch content in diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheat species. Journal of Agronomy and crop science 189, 4, 242-249.
  • Dereli, T. E. (2016) Çeşitli abiyotik stres faktörleri uygulanmış ekmeklik buğday (Triticum aestivum L.)’da yeni nesil dizileme teknolojisi ile transkriptom analizi Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi, Ankara. 416. (in Turkish)
  • Efeoğlu, B., Terzioğlu, S. (2009). Photosynthetic responses of two wheat varieties to high temperature. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 3, 13, 97-106.
  • Gibson, L. R., ve Paulsen, G. M. (1999). Yield Components of Wheat Grown under High Temperature Stress during Reproductive Growth. crop science, 39, 6, 1841-1846.
  • Jamil, M., Aamir, A., Alvina, G, Awan, A., Napar, A., Amir, İ., Naveed, N., Yasin, N., Mujeeb-Kazi, A. (2019). Genome-wide association studies of seven agronomic traits under two sowing conditions in bread wheat. BMC Plant Biology, 19, 149.
  • Karaman, M. (2017). Makarnalık buğdayda fizyolojik ve morfolojik Parametrelerin verim ve kalite ile olan İlişkisinin belirlenmesi. Dicle Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi, Diyarbakır. 163. (in Turkish)
  • Kaur, J., Sandhu, S.S., Sharma, S. (2021). Yield response of wheat grown under periodic heat stress imposed by using mini heta tents. Journal of agronomy and crop science, 207, 285 – 303.
  • Kılıç, H. (2020). Durum Buğday Genotiplerinin (Triticum durum L.) Yüksek Sıcaklık Şartlarında Verim ve Bazı Kalite Özellikleri Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 6, 1, 17-32. (in Turkish)
  • Kaur, V., ve Behl, R. K. (2009). Grain yield in wheat as affected by short periods of high temperature, drought and their interaction during pre- and post-anthesisstages. Cereal Research Communications 38, 4, 514–520. https://doi/10.1556/CRC.38.2010.4.8
  • Lal, M.K., Tiwari, R.K., Gahlaut, V., Mangal, V., Kumar, A., Singh, M.P., Zinta, G. (2021). Physiological and molecular insights on wheat responses to heat stress. Plant Cell Reports, 1-18.
  • Mirosavljević, M., Momčilović, V., Mikić, S., Trkulja, D., Brbaklić, L., Zorić, M., Abičić, I. (2020). Changes in stay-green and nitrogen use efficiency traits in historical set of winter barley cultivars. Field Crops Research, 249, 107740.
  • Mirosavljević, M., Mikić, S., Župunski, V., Kondić Špika, A., Trkulja, D., Ottosen, C.O., Abdelhakim, L. (2021). Effects of high temperature during anthesis and grain filling on physiological characteristics of winter wheat cultivars. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 207(5), 823-832.
  • Modhej, A., Farhoudi, R., Afrous, A. (2015). Effect of post-anthesis heat stress on grain yield of barley, durum and bread wheat genotypes. Proceedings of the 10th International Barley Genetics Symposium, alexandria, Egypt, 230-235.
  • Nawaz, A., Farooq, M., S.A., Cheema, S.A., Wahid, A. (2013). Differential response of wheat cultivars to terminal heat stress. İnternational Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 15, 6, 1354-1358.
  • Özberk, İ., Özberk, F., Atlı, A., Çetin, L., Aydemir, T., Keklikci, Z., Önal, M. A., Braun H.J. (2005). Durum wheat in Turkey; yesterday, today and tomorrow. Durum Wheat Breeding: Current Aproaches and Future Strategies. (New York 10-49).
  • Özberk, İ., Zencirci, N., Özkan, H., Özberk, F., Eser, V. (2010). Dünden bugüne makarnalık buğday ıslahı ve geleceğe bakış. Makarnalık Buğday ve Mamulleri Konferansı, 17( Ankara, 43-66). (in Turkish)
  • Öztürk, İ. (2011). Ekmeklik buğday (Triticum aestivum L.) genotiplerinde kurağa etkilerinin karakterizasyonu ve kalite ile ilişkileri. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora tezi, Tekirdağ 282. (in Turkish)
  • Pimentel, A.J.B., Rocha, J.R.D.A.S., Souza, M.A., Ribeiro, G., Silva, C.R., Oliveira, I.C.M. (2015). Characterization of heat tolerance in wheat cultivars and effects on production components. Revista ceres, 62, 2, 191-198.
  • Pradhan, G., Prasad, P., Fritz, A., Kirkham, M., Gill, B. (2012a). High temperature tolerance in species and its potential transfer to wheat. Crop Science, 52, 1, 292-304.
  • Roy,T. K., Hafiz, H. R., Islam R., Hasan A., Siddiqui N. (2013). Late planting heat stress on ear growth physiology of wheat. International Journal of Biosciences, 3, 11, 8-19.
  • Stone, P. J., Nicholas, M. E. (1995b). Effect of timing of heat stress during grain filling on two wheat varieties differing in heat tolerance. Aaustralian journal of plant physiology, 22, 6, 927 – 934,
  • Tatar, Ö. (2009). Buğdayda (Triticum aestivum L.) sapa kalkma döneminde meydana gelen kuraklığın başak oluşumu ve bazı fizyolojik parametreler üzerine etkisi, Türkiye VIII. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi ( Hatay, 433-437.) (in Turkish)
  • Tomás, D., Rodrigues, J.C., Viegas, W., Silva, M. (2020). Assessment of high temperature effects on grain yield and composition in bread wheat commercial varieties. Agronomy, 10, 499. https://doi. org/10.3390/ agronomy 10040499
  • Ullah, A., Nadeem, F., Nawaz, A., Siddique, K. H., Farooq, M. (2022). Heat stress effects on the reproductive physiology and yield of wheat. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 208, 1, 1-17.
  • Yang, J., Sears, R. G., Gill, B. S., Paulsen, G. M. (2002). Genotypic differences in utilization of assimilate sources during maturation of wheat under chronic heat and shock stresses. Euphytica, 125, 179-188.
  • Youldash, M. Y. (2017). Yüksek sıcaklığın ekmeklik buğdayda morfo-fizyolojik özellikler ve tane verimine etkisi. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoteknoloji Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek lisans Tezi, Adana. 98. (in Turkish)
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Field Crops and Pasture Production (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Mustafa Okan 0000-0001-7835-2389

Aydın Alp 0000-0003-2350-0940

Kamil Haliloğlu 0000-0002-4014-491X

Project Number (DÜBAP) ZİRAAT.21.005 - TAGEM/TBAD/A/22/A7/P1/5088
Publication Date September 30, 2023
Submission Date July 31, 2023
Acceptance Date September 5, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Okan, M., Alp, A., & Haliloğlu, K. (2023). Determination of the tolerance of physiological, morphological, and yield parameters of landrace durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) to high-temperature stress. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 7(3), 607-620.

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