Research Article
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Year 2023, , 847 - 852, 29.12.2023


Project Number



  • Adamchuk, V., Bulgakov, V., Skorikov, N., Yezekyan, T., Olt, J. (2016). Developing a new design of wood chopper for grape vine and fruit tree pruning and the results of field testing. Agronomy Research 14(5), 1519-1529. Retrieved from
  • ASABE Standarts (2006). S358.2: 1:1 Measurement forages. 52nd edn. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St Joseph MI. Retrieved from
  • Bilandzija, N., Voca, N., Kricka, T., Matin, A., Jurisic, V. (2012). Energy potential of fruit tree pruned biomass in Croatica. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 10(2), 292-298. Retrieved from
  • Çanakçı, M., Topakçı, M., Karayel, D., Ünal, İ., Çakır, M., Yiğit, M., Özdemir, E. (2018). Kendi Yürür Bir
  • Budama Artığı Parçalama Makinası İşletme Giderlerinin Belirlenmesi. Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi, 14 (2), 127-134 (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Çanakçı, M., Topakçı, M., Karayel, D., Ağsaran, B., Kabaş, Ö., Yiğit, M. (2019). The effect of different blades on the performance values of a pruning chopper used to improve soil properties. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25 (No 5), 1052–1059. Retrieved from
  • Dereli, İ. (2009). The effects of different blades on performance of stalk choppers used in vineyard. Ege University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Agricultural Machines and Technologies, Master Thesis, Izmir, Turkiye, 69 pp.
  • Dinçer, H. (1981). Agricultural force machinery. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications.
  • Georging, Carroll E., C. Hansen. (2004). Engine and tractor power. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 4th edition, 1-16. Retrieved from
  • Magagnotti, N., Pari, L., Picchi, G., Spinelli, R. (2013). Technology alternatives for tapping the pruning residue resource. Bioresource Technology, 128, 697-702. Retrieved from
  • Margaritis, N., Grammelis, P., Karampinis, E., Kanaveli, I-P. (2020). Impact of torrefaction on vine pruning’s fuel characteristics. J. Energy Eng, 146(3): 04020006. Retrieved from
  • Nasser, R., Salem, M., Al-Mefarrej, H., Abdel-Aal, M., Soliman, S. (2014). Fuel charasteristics of vine prunings (Vitis Vinifera L.) as a Potential Source for Energy Production. BioResources, 9(1), 482-496. Retrieved from
  • Pavankumar, SB., Sachin, KR., Shankar, R., Thagaraja, B., Madhusudhan, T. (2018). Design and fabrication of organic waste shredding machine. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, ISSN(online): 2319-6734 ISSN(print): 2319-6726. Retrieved from
  • Picchi, G., Lombardini, C., Pari, L., Spinelli, R. (2018). Physical and chemical characterictics of renewable fuel obtained from pruning residues. Journal of Cleaner Production 171. 457-463. Retrieved from
  • Recchia, L., Daou, M., Rimediotti, M., Cini, E., Vieri, M. (2009). New shredding machine for recycling pruning residuals. Biomass and Bioenergy 33, 149–154. Retrieved from
  • Sabancı, A. (1993). Thermal engines. Çukurova University Faculty of Agriculture Publications.
  • Saral, A., Onurbaş Avcıoğlu, A., Eliçin, A.K. (2008). Thermal engines application examples. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications.
  • Sessiz, A., Eliçin, A.K., Turgut, M., Pekitkan, F.G. (2020). Agricultural machinery basics. Nobel Publications.
  • Spinelli, R., Magagnotti, N., Nati, C. (2010). Harvesting vineyard pruning residues for energy use. Biosystems Engineering 105. 316-322. Retrieved from
  • Spinelli, R., Picchi, G. (2010). Industrial harvesting of olive tree pruning residue for energy biomass. Bioresource Technology, 101, 730-735. Retrieved from
  • Spinelli, R., Nati, C., Pari, L., Mescalchin, E., Magagnotti, N. (2012). Production and quality of biomass fuels from mechanized collection and processing of vineyard pruning residues. Applied Energy 89. 374-379. Retrieved from
  • Spinelli, R., Lombardini, C., Pari, L., Sadauskiene, L. (2014). An alternative to field burning of pruning residues in mountain vineyards. Ecological Engineering, 70, 212-216. Retrieved from
  • Srivastava,A.K. Goering C.E., R.P. Rohrback, Buckmaster, D.R. (2006). Engineering principles of agricultural machines, second edition. American Society of Agricultural and Biological engineers.
  • Sucipto, A., Kurnia, A., Halim, A., Irawan, A.P. (2020). Design and fabrication of multipurpose organic chopper machine. Materials Science and Engineering, 725, 012021. Retrieved from
  • Şeflek, A.Y., Çarman, K., Özbek,O., (2006). Budama Atıklarının Parçalanmasında Kullanılan Makinanın Performans Değerlerinin İrdelenmesi. Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi, 2 (3): 219-224 (in Turkish). Retrieved from

Determination of fuel and power requirement of a branch shredder for different vineyard pruning wastes

Year 2023, , 847 - 852, 29.12.2023


The aim of the study was to determine the fuel consumption, torque and power requirement of a shredder machine used in the shredding of vineyard pruning wastes of different grape varieties. In the study, pruning wastes of Boğazkere, Öküzgözü and Şire grape cultivars, which are widely grown in Diyarbakır region, were used for tests. The experimens were carried out at three different rotation speeds of the engine (1500, 2000, 2500 rpm) and feeding rates (kg/h). Depending on these parameters fuel consumption, moment values and power were measured. The branch shredder machine has a 15 HP powerful. There are three chopper blades on the machine. The blades are driven by gasoline engine with the a belt and pulley system. According to obtained test results, per hour fuel consumption, power requirement and moment values increased for all three cultivars depending on the increase in the number of rotation of the blades, both at unloaded and under load. The highest fuel consumption was observed in Boğazkere cultivar, followed by Öküzgözü and Şire varieties, respectively. While the highest fuel consumption value was found as 1.535 kg/h in Boğazkere cultivar, the lowest value was obtained as 0.918 kg/h in Şire cultivar. A similar situation was obtained for power values. The power also increased with the increase in the number of blade revolutions While the highest power consumption value was obtained as 5.560 kW in Boğazkere cultivar, the lowest value was obtained as 3.326 kW in Şire cultivar. Here, there was no statistical difference between Boğazkere and Öküzgözü cultivars, but there was a significant difference between these cultivars and Şire cultivar. When the moment values of the cultivars were examined, the difference between cultivars was found to be very significant (p<0.01). The highest value was obtained as 26.26 Nm in Boğazkere variety, the variety with the highest Power and Fuel consumption value, while the lowest value was obtained as 15.65 Nm in Şire variety, which also had low fuel and power requirements.

Supporting Institution

Dicle University Scientific Research Projects Coordinatorship (DUBAP)

Project Number



  • Adamchuk, V., Bulgakov, V., Skorikov, N., Yezekyan, T., Olt, J. (2016). Developing a new design of wood chopper for grape vine and fruit tree pruning and the results of field testing. Agronomy Research 14(5), 1519-1529. Retrieved from
  • ASABE Standarts (2006). S358.2: 1:1 Measurement forages. 52nd edn. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St Joseph MI. Retrieved from
  • Bilandzija, N., Voca, N., Kricka, T., Matin, A., Jurisic, V. (2012). Energy potential of fruit tree pruned biomass in Croatica. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 10(2), 292-298. Retrieved from
  • Çanakçı, M., Topakçı, M., Karayel, D., Ünal, İ., Çakır, M., Yiğit, M., Özdemir, E. (2018). Kendi Yürür Bir
  • Budama Artığı Parçalama Makinası İşletme Giderlerinin Belirlenmesi. Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi, 14 (2), 127-134 (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Çanakçı, M., Topakçı, M., Karayel, D., Ağsaran, B., Kabaş, Ö., Yiğit, M. (2019). The effect of different blades on the performance values of a pruning chopper used to improve soil properties. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25 (No 5), 1052–1059. Retrieved from
  • Dereli, İ. (2009). The effects of different blades on performance of stalk choppers used in vineyard. Ege University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Agricultural Machines and Technologies, Master Thesis, Izmir, Turkiye, 69 pp.
  • Dinçer, H. (1981). Agricultural force machinery. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications.
  • Georging, Carroll E., C. Hansen. (2004). Engine and tractor power. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 4th edition, 1-16. Retrieved from
  • Magagnotti, N., Pari, L., Picchi, G., Spinelli, R. (2013). Technology alternatives for tapping the pruning residue resource. Bioresource Technology, 128, 697-702. Retrieved from
  • Margaritis, N., Grammelis, P., Karampinis, E., Kanaveli, I-P. (2020). Impact of torrefaction on vine pruning’s fuel characteristics. J. Energy Eng, 146(3): 04020006. Retrieved from
  • Nasser, R., Salem, M., Al-Mefarrej, H., Abdel-Aal, M., Soliman, S. (2014). Fuel charasteristics of vine prunings (Vitis Vinifera L.) as a Potential Source for Energy Production. BioResources, 9(1), 482-496. Retrieved from
  • Pavankumar, SB., Sachin, KR., Shankar, R., Thagaraja, B., Madhusudhan, T. (2018). Design and fabrication of organic waste shredding machine. International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, ISSN(online): 2319-6734 ISSN(print): 2319-6726. Retrieved from
  • Picchi, G., Lombardini, C., Pari, L., Spinelli, R. (2018). Physical and chemical characterictics of renewable fuel obtained from pruning residues. Journal of Cleaner Production 171. 457-463. Retrieved from
  • Recchia, L., Daou, M., Rimediotti, M., Cini, E., Vieri, M. (2009). New shredding machine for recycling pruning residuals. Biomass and Bioenergy 33, 149–154. Retrieved from
  • Sabancı, A. (1993). Thermal engines. Çukurova University Faculty of Agriculture Publications.
  • Saral, A., Onurbaş Avcıoğlu, A., Eliçin, A.K. (2008). Thermal engines application examples. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications.
  • Sessiz, A., Eliçin, A.K., Turgut, M., Pekitkan, F.G. (2020). Agricultural machinery basics. Nobel Publications.
  • Spinelli, R., Magagnotti, N., Nati, C. (2010). Harvesting vineyard pruning residues for energy use. Biosystems Engineering 105. 316-322. Retrieved from
  • Spinelli, R., Picchi, G. (2010). Industrial harvesting of olive tree pruning residue for energy biomass. Bioresource Technology, 101, 730-735. Retrieved from
  • Spinelli, R., Nati, C., Pari, L., Mescalchin, E., Magagnotti, N. (2012). Production and quality of biomass fuels from mechanized collection and processing of vineyard pruning residues. Applied Energy 89. 374-379. Retrieved from
  • Spinelli, R., Lombardini, C., Pari, L., Sadauskiene, L. (2014). An alternative to field burning of pruning residues in mountain vineyards. Ecological Engineering, 70, 212-216. Retrieved from
  • Srivastava,A.K. Goering C.E., R.P. Rohrback, Buckmaster, D.R. (2006). Engineering principles of agricultural machines, second edition. American Society of Agricultural and Biological engineers.
  • Sucipto, A., Kurnia, A., Halim, A., Irawan, A.P. (2020). Design and fabrication of multipurpose organic chopper machine. Materials Science and Engineering, 725, 012021. Retrieved from
  • Şeflek, A.Y., Çarman, K., Özbek,O., (2006). Budama Atıklarının Parçalanmasında Kullanılan Makinanın Performans Değerlerinin İrdelenmesi. Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi, 2 (3): 219-224 (in Turkish). Retrieved from
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Machines
Journal Section Research Articles

Nurgül Öngören 0000-0001-8576-0946

Abdullah Sessiz 0000-0002-3883-0793

Project Number ZIRAAT.20.010
Publication Date December 29, 2023
Submission Date September 5, 2023
Acceptance Date October 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Öngören, N., & Sessiz, A. (2023). Determination of fuel and power requirement of a branch shredder for different vineyard pruning wastes. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 7(4), 847-852.

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