Research Article
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Year 2017, , 1 - 16, 20.12.2017



  • Oraman, MN. and Agaoglu, YS. (1969). Some characteristics of Turkey's viticulture and the composition of its districts in viticulture. Ankara University Agriculture Faculty Yearbook, Ankara.
  • İşçi, B. and Dilli, Y. (2014). Ege Bölgesi Yerel Asma Çeşitlerinin (Vitis vinifera L.) basit tekrar dizileri (SSRs) ile karakterizasyonu. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 21 (4), 538-545.
  • OIV (2001). Second Edition of the OIV Descriptor list for grape varieties and Vitis Species Website:
  • Anonymous (2013). GENRES - Informationssystem Genetische Ressourcen,
  • Rohlf, F.J. (2000). Phylogenetic models and reticulations. J. Classif., 17, 185-189
  • Ortiz, J. M., Martin, J. P. Borrego,J. Chavez, J. Rodriguez, I. Munoz, G. and Cabello, F. (2004). Molecular and morphological characterization of a Vitis gene bank for the establishment of a base collection. Genetic Research and Crop Evaluation, 51: 403-409.
  • Santiago, J. L., Boso, S. Gago, P. Alonso-Villaverde, V. and Martinez, M.C. (2007). Molecular and ampelographic characterization of Vitis vinifera L. 'Albarino', 'Savagnin Blanc' and 'Caino Blanco' shows that they are different cultivars. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 5: 333-340.
  • Ecevit, F. M. and Kelen, M. (1999). Determination of ampelographical characters of grape cultivars grown in Isparta (Atabey). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 23: 511-518.
  • Ateş, F. Çoban, H. Kara, Z. and Sabır, A. (2011). Ampelographic characterization of some grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) grown in South-western region of Turkey. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 17 (3), 314-324.
  • Marasalı, B. (1986). Determination of the ampelographic characters of some native standard grape varieties grown in Ankara conditions. Master Thesis, Ankara University. Graduate School of Natural and Sciences, Ankara.
  • Demir, I. (1987). Studies on identification of ampelographic characteristics of foreign origin grape varieties cultivated in Ankara. Master Thesis, Ankara University. Graduate School of Natural and Sciences, Ankara.
  • Ergül, A., Kazan, K., Aras, S., Çevik, V., Çelik, H. and Söylemezoğlu, G. (2006). AFLP analysis of genetic variation within the two economically important Anatolian grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) varietal groups. Genoma, 49: 467-475.
  • Karaağaç, E. (2006). Molecular analysis of Gaziantep province grapevine gene potential through SSR Markers. Doctora Thesis, Ankara University. Graduate School of Natural and Sciences, Ankara.
  • Vouillamoz, J.F., Mcgovern, P.E., Ergül, A., Soylemezoglu, G., Tevzadze, G., Meredıth, C.P. and Grando, M.S. (2006). Genetic characterization and relationships of traditional grape cultivars from Transcaucasia and Anatolia. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization & Utilization, 4(2), 144-158. Selli, F., M. Bakır, G. İnan, H. Aygün, Y. Boz, A. S. Yaşasın, C. Ozer, B. Akman, Soylemezoğlu, G., Kazan, K. and Ergül, A. (2007). Simple Sequence Repeat-Based assesment of genetic diversity in “Dimrit” and “Gemre” grapevine accessions from Turkey. Vitis, 46(4), 182-187.
  • Yıldırım, N. (2008). Characterization of Kara (Grape) Groups based on SSR(Simple Sequence Repeat) markers and genetic relations of these cultivars and national grapevine Germplasms. Thesis, Ankara Üniversity, Biotechnology Enstitues.
  • Shıdfar, M. (2008). Genetic characterization of Eskisehir and Kayseri province grapevine gene sources based on SSRs (Simple Sequence Repeats). Master Thesis, Ankara University. Graduate School of Natural and Sciences, Ankara.
  • Hizarcı, Y., Ercişli, S., Yüksel, C. and Ergül, A. (2012). Genetic characterization and relatedness among autochthonous grapevine cultivars from Northeast Turkey by Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR). Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 85, 224 – 228.
  • Dangl, G.S., Mendum, M.L., Prins, B.H., Walker, A.M., Meredith, C.P. and Simon C.J. (2001). Simple sequence repeat analysis of a clonally propagated species: A tool for managing a grape germplasm collection. Genome, 44, 432-438.
  • Martın, J.P., Borrego, J., Cabello, F. and Ortız, J.M. (2003). Characterization of the Spanish diversity grapevine cultivars using sequence-tagged microsatellite site markers. Genome, 46, 1-9.
  • This, P., Jung, A., Boccaccı, P., Borrego, J., Botta, R., Costantını, L., Crespan, M., Dangl, G.S., Eısenheld, C., Ferreıra Monteıro, F., Grando, M.S., Ibanez, J., Lacombe, T., Laucou, V., Magalhaes, N., Meredıth, C.P., Mılanı, N., Peterlunger, E., Regner, F., Zulını, L. and Maul, E. (2004). Development of a standard set of microsatellite reference alleles for identification of grape cultivars. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 109, 1448–1458.

Ampelographic Characterization of Turkish Indigenous Grape Accessions and European Cultivars (Vitis Vinifera L.)

Year 2017, , 1 - 16, 20.12.2017


A total of 35 grape accessions and 3 reference cultivars were used to investigate the genetic polymorphism and relationships among Turkey and other European grape accessions by ampelographic characterization. Total of 74 ampelographic characteristics were identified for 38 genotypes. Ampelographic data were collected  two vegetation periods. The characteristics of the vines were defined and measured according to OIV descriptors. In this study, three synonym varieties (100% similarity) were identified: 'Cabernet Sauvignon' and 'Cabernet Franch'; standard grape variety 'Merlot' and no.12 genotype (Merlot), and 'Sèmillion' analyzed as a standard grape variety and no. 1 'Sèmillion' genotype. Based on similarity rate of grape varieties, highest similarity ratios were found between 'Yuvarlak Razakı-Siyah Gemre' with 93%, 'Yuvarlak Razakı-Siyah Gemre' and 'Şika' with 91%, 'Moiseylative-Hafızali' with 90% and 'Kırmızı Şam-Pembe Gemre' genotypes with 89%. In principal component analyses graph, 'Müşküle', 'Buca Razakı', 'Moiseylative', 'Kırmızı Şam', 'Cardinal', 'Yuvarlak Razakı', 'Hafızali', 'Siyah Gemre' and 'Şika' were grouped together. 


  • Oraman, MN. and Agaoglu, YS. (1969). Some characteristics of Turkey's viticulture and the composition of its districts in viticulture. Ankara University Agriculture Faculty Yearbook, Ankara.
  • İşçi, B. and Dilli, Y. (2014). Ege Bölgesi Yerel Asma Çeşitlerinin (Vitis vinifera L.) basit tekrar dizileri (SSRs) ile karakterizasyonu. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 21 (4), 538-545.
  • OIV (2001). Second Edition of the OIV Descriptor list for grape varieties and Vitis Species Website:
  • Anonymous (2013). GENRES - Informationssystem Genetische Ressourcen,
  • Rohlf, F.J. (2000). Phylogenetic models and reticulations. J. Classif., 17, 185-189
  • Ortiz, J. M., Martin, J. P. Borrego,J. Chavez, J. Rodriguez, I. Munoz, G. and Cabello, F. (2004). Molecular and morphological characterization of a Vitis gene bank for the establishment of a base collection. Genetic Research and Crop Evaluation, 51: 403-409.
  • Santiago, J. L., Boso, S. Gago, P. Alonso-Villaverde, V. and Martinez, M.C. (2007). Molecular and ampelographic characterization of Vitis vinifera L. 'Albarino', 'Savagnin Blanc' and 'Caino Blanco' shows that they are different cultivars. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 5: 333-340.
  • Ecevit, F. M. and Kelen, M. (1999). Determination of ampelographical characters of grape cultivars grown in Isparta (Atabey). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 23: 511-518.
  • Ateş, F. Çoban, H. Kara, Z. and Sabır, A. (2011). Ampelographic characterization of some grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) grown in South-western region of Turkey. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 17 (3), 314-324.
  • Marasalı, B. (1986). Determination of the ampelographic characters of some native standard grape varieties grown in Ankara conditions. Master Thesis, Ankara University. Graduate School of Natural and Sciences, Ankara.
  • Demir, I. (1987). Studies on identification of ampelographic characteristics of foreign origin grape varieties cultivated in Ankara. Master Thesis, Ankara University. Graduate School of Natural and Sciences, Ankara.
  • Ergül, A., Kazan, K., Aras, S., Çevik, V., Çelik, H. and Söylemezoğlu, G. (2006). AFLP analysis of genetic variation within the two economically important Anatolian grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) varietal groups. Genoma, 49: 467-475.
  • Karaağaç, E. (2006). Molecular analysis of Gaziantep province grapevine gene potential through SSR Markers. Doctora Thesis, Ankara University. Graduate School of Natural and Sciences, Ankara.
  • Vouillamoz, J.F., Mcgovern, P.E., Ergül, A., Soylemezoglu, G., Tevzadze, G., Meredıth, C.P. and Grando, M.S. (2006). Genetic characterization and relationships of traditional grape cultivars from Transcaucasia and Anatolia. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization & Utilization, 4(2), 144-158. Selli, F., M. Bakır, G. İnan, H. Aygün, Y. Boz, A. S. Yaşasın, C. Ozer, B. Akman, Soylemezoğlu, G., Kazan, K. and Ergül, A. (2007). Simple Sequence Repeat-Based assesment of genetic diversity in “Dimrit” and “Gemre” grapevine accessions from Turkey. Vitis, 46(4), 182-187.
  • Yıldırım, N. (2008). Characterization of Kara (Grape) Groups based on SSR(Simple Sequence Repeat) markers and genetic relations of these cultivars and national grapevine Germplasms. Thesis, Ankara Üniversity, Biotechnology Enstitues.
  • Shıdfar, M. (2008). Genetic characterization of Eskisehir and Kayseri province grapevine gene sources based on SSRs (Simple Sequence Repeats). Master Thesis, Ankara University. Graduate School of Natural and Sciences, Ankara.
  • Hizarcı, Y., Ercişli, S., Yüksel, C. and Ergül, A. (2012). Genetic characterization and relatedness among autochthonous grapevine cultivars from Northeast Turkey by Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR). Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 85, 224 – 228.
  • Dangl, G.S., Mendum, M.L., Prins, B.H., Walker, A.M., Meredith, C.P. and Simon C.J. (2001). Simple sequence repeat analysis of a clonally propagated species: A tool for managing a grape germplasm collection. Genome, 44, 432-438.
  • Martın, J.P., Borrego, J., Cabello, F. and Ortız, J.M. (2003). Characterization of the Spanish diversity grapevine cultivars using sequence-tagged microsatellite site markers. Genome, 46, 1-9.
  • This, P., Jung, A., Boccaccı, P., Borrego, J., Botta, R., Costantını, L., Crespan, M., Dangl, G.S., Eısenheld, C., Ferreıra Monteıro, F., Grando, M.S., Ibanez, J., Lacombe, T., Laucou, V., Magalhaes, N., Meredıth, C.P., Mılanı, N., Peterlunger, E., Regner, F., Zulını, L. and Maul, E. (2004). Development of a standard set of microsatellite reference alleles for identification of grape cultivars. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 109, 1448–1458.
There are 20 citations in total.


Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Other ID JAEFS201701
Journal Section Research Articles

Burçak İşçi 0000-0002-6542-0271

Ahmet Altındişli 0000-0003-0183-2645

Publication Date December 20, 2017
Submission Date October 23, 2017
Acceptance Date November 9, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA İşçi, B., & Altındişli, A. (2017). Ampelographic Characterization of Turkish Indigenous Grape Accessions and European Cultivars (Vitis Vinifera L.). International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 1(1), 1-16.

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