Research Article
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Year 2018, , 57 - 58, 10.04.2018



  • Bağcı, F., Yılmaz, A. Ertürk, S. (2014). Ankara ili Hububat depolarında bulunan zararlı böcek türleri. Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 54 (1), 69-78.
  • Bolu, H. (2002). Investigations on the fauna of insects and mites in pistachio areas in South Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Türk. Entomol. derg., 26(3), 197-208.
  • Er., M. K., Tunaz., H., Ücük., C., Barış, C., Işıkber., A.A. (2016). Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi on insect pests of stored wheat and maize in Central and South Anatolia in Turkey. Türk. entomol. Derg., 40(3), 249-263.
  • Ergül, C., Dörtbudak, N., Akülke. A. (1972). Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesindeki Hububat ve Mamulleri ile Bakliyat Ambar Zararlılarının Yayılışı ve Zararı Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Bit. Kor. Bült., 12(2), 129-143 s.
  • Halstead, D.G.H. (1993). Keys for the identification of beetles associated with stored products II. Laemophloediae, Passandridae and Silvanidae. Journal of Stored Product Research 29, 99-197.
  • Özar, A. İ., Yücel, A. (1982). Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde Ambarlanan Hububat Ürün Zararlıları Üzerinde Sürvey Çalışmaları. Bit. Kor. Bült., 22(2), 89-98.
  • Özer, M. (1957). Türkiye de depo, ambar, fabrika ve silolarda muhtelif hububat taneleri, un ve mamulleri ile kuru meyveler ve tütünlerde önemli' zarar yapan böcek türlerinin morfolojileri, kısa biyolojileri ve yayılışları üzerinde araştırmalar. A, Ü. Basımevi Ankara.
  • Özgen, İ., Karsavuran, Y. (2005). Investigations on the determination of the natural enemies of Lepidosaphes pistaciae (Archangelskaya) (Homoptera: Diaspididae) on pistachio trees. Türk. Entomol. derg., 29(4), 309-316.
  • Rees, D. P. (1994). Insects of Stored Grain-a Pocket Reference. Stored Grain Research Laboratory, CSIRO Entomology: Canberra. Suresh, S., White, N.D.G., Jayas, D.S., Hulasare, R.B. (2001). Mortality resulting from interactions between the red flour beetle and the rusty grain beetle. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Manitoba, 57, 11-18. Thomas, M. C., (1988). A revision of the New World Species of Cryptolestes Ganglbauer (Coleoptera: Cucujidae): Laemophloeinae). Insecta Mundi, Vol: 2, No: 1, 43-65.
  • Thomas, M. C., Ghari, H. (2016). Checklists of Cucujidae, Laemophloeidae, and Silvanidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) from Iran. Insecta mundi. A Journal of World Insect Systematics. 0498, 1-12.
  • Throne, J. E. (1987). A Bibliography of the Rusty Grain Beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) (Coleoptera: Cucujidae. Cucujidae Bibliography., 44 p.
  • Zakladnoi, G. A., Ratonova,V. F. (1987). Stored grain pests and their control, 268 pp.

The first findings on rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens, 1831) (Coleoptera, Cucujoidea: Laemophloeidae) in pistachio orchard in Siirt province (Turkey)

Year 2018, , 57 - 58, 10.04.2018


In this study, Siirt province (Turkey) has been reported as the new distribution area for Rusty Grain Beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens, 1831). In addition, some morphological measures are presented. The measured length of this species varies between 2.19 and 2.22 mm. It was found between May and June in pistachio orchards. In addition to being found in such pistachio areas, for this species; the facultative predator property must be observed. Adults as well as larvae, are cannibalistic and will consume eggs, pupae and prepupae of other species co-habiting with them. For instance, It is important to monitor the relationship of this species with the species belonging to the family Scolytidae, Bostrichidae and Diaspididae family species in this pistachio orchards in future.


  • Bağcı, F., Yılmaz, A. Ertürk, S. (2014). Ankara ili Hububat depolarında bulunan zararlı böcek türleri. Bitki Koruma Bülteni, 54 (1), 69-78.
  • Bolu, H. (2002). Investigations on the fauna of insects and mites in pistachio areas in South Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Türk. Entomol. derg., 26(3), 197-208.
  • Er., M. K., Tunaz., H., Ücük., C., Barış, C., Işıkber., A.A. (2016). Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi on insect pests of stored wheat and maize in Central and South Anatolia in Turkey. Türk. entomol. Derg., 40(3), 249-263.
  • Ergül, C., Dörtbudak, N., Akülke. A. (1972). Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesindeki Hububat ve Mamulleri ile Bakliyat Ambar Zararlılarının Yayılışı ve Zararı Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Bit. Kor. Bült., 12(2), 129-143 s.
  • Halstead, D.G.H. (1993). Keys for the identification of beetles associated with stored products II. Laemophloediae, Passandridae and Silvanidae. Journal of Stored Product Research 29, 99-197.
  • Özar, A. İ., Yücel, A. (1982). Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde Ambarlanan Hububat Ürün Zararlıları Üzerinde Sürvey Çalışmaları. Bit. Kor. Bült., 22(2), 89-98.
  • Özer, M. (1957). Türkiye de depo, ambar, fabrika ve silolarda muhtelif hububat taneleri, un ve mamulleri ile kuru meyveler ve tütünlerde önemli' zarar yapan böcek türlerinin morfolojileri, kısa biyolojileri ve yayılışları üzerinde araştırmalar. A, Ü. Basımevi Ankara.
  • Özgen, İ., Karsavuran, Y. (2005). Investigations on the determination of the natural enemies of Lepidosaphes pistaciae (Archangelskaya) (Homoptera: Diaspididae) on pistachio trees. Türk. Entomol. derg., 29(4), 309-316.
  • Rees, D. P. (1994). Insects of Stored Grain-a Pocket Reference. Stored Grain Research Laboratory, CSIRO Entomology: Canberra. Suresh, S., White, N.D.G., Jayas, D.S., Hulasare, R.B. (2001). Mortality resulting from interactions between the red flour beetle and the rusty grain beetle. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Manitoba, 57, 11-18. Thomas, M. C., (1988). A revision of the New World Species of Cryptolestes Ganglbauer (Coleoptera: Cucujidae): Laemophloeinae). Insecta Mundi, Vol: 2, No: 1, 43-65.
  • Thomas, M. C., Ghari, H. (2016). Checklists of Cucujidae, Laemophloeidae, and Silvanidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) from Iran. Insecta mundi. A Journal of World Insect Systematics. 0498, 1-12.
  • Throne, J. E. (1987). A Bibliography of the Rusty Grain Beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) (Coleoptera: Cucujidae. Cucujidae Bibliography., 44 p.
  • Zakladnoi, G. A., Ratonova,V. F. (1987). Stored grain pests and their control, 268 pp.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

İnanç Özgen 0000-0003-1742-9324

Abuzer Yücel 0000-0003-2496-6996

Yusuf Karsavuran 0000-0003-2221-5697

Publication Date April 10, 2018
Submission Date January 25, 2018
Acceptance Date March 12, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Özgen, İ., Yücel, A., & Karsavuran, Y. (2018). The first findings on rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens, 1831) (Coleoptera, Cucujoidea: Laemophloeidae) in pistachio orchard in Siirt province (Turkey). International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 2(2), 57-58.

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