Research Article
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Year 2019, , 83 - 92, 28.06.2019



  • Balasubramanian, V., and Hill, J. (2000). Direct seeding of rice in Asia: emerging issues and strategic research needs for the 21st century. In: S. P. Pandey et al. (editors), direct seeding: research strategies and opportunities. International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines. p. 15–39.
  • Bouman, B.A.M., and Tuong, T.P. (2001). Field water management to save water and increase its productivity in irrigated lowland rice. Agri. and Water Manag. 49:11–30.
  • Brown, R.H. (1984). Physiological basis of crop growth and development. In: M.B. Teasar, editor, Growth of the green plant. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. p. 153–173.
  • Caton, B.P., Mortimor, M., Hill, J.E., and Johnson, D.E. (2010). A practical field guide to weeds of rice in Asia. 2nd edition. International Rice Research Institute, Las Banos, Philippines. Pp. 118.
  • Chauhan, B.S. (2012a). Weed management in direct-seeded rice systems. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines. 20p.
  • Chauhan, B.S. (2012b). Weed ecology and weed management strategies for dry-seeded rice in Asia. Weed Tech. 26:1–13. doi:
  • Dario, G.J.A., and Gallo, P.B. (1999). Weed control efficiency of the herbicide oxadiargyl in irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.). Scientia Agricola 56:33–38.
  • Dhakal, M., Sah, S.K., McDonald, A., Regmi, A.P. (2015). Constraints and perception of weed management in direct seeded rice in terai of Nepal. J Agric. Environ. 16:103-111. doi:10.3126/aej.v16i0.19843
  • Dickmann, R., Melgarelo, J., Loubiere, P., and Montagnon, M. (1997). Oxadiargyl: a novel herbicide for rice and sugarcane. In: Proceedings 1997, British Crop Protection Conference-Weeds, Brighton, UK, p. 51–57.
  • Ganie, Z.A., Singh, S., and Singh, S. (2013). Effect of seed rate and weed control methods on yield of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa). Ind. J. Agron., 58:125-126.
  • Ghosh, A., and Sharma, A.R. (1997). Effect of seed rates, seed density and nitrogen on performance of flood prone low land rice. Int'l Rice Res. Newsletter 22:37–38.
  • Ghosh, D., Singh, U.P., Brahmachari, K., Singh, N.K., and Das, A. (2017) An integrated approach to weed management practices in direct-seeded rice under zero-tilled rice–wheat cropping system, International Journal of Pest Management, 63, 1, 37-46. doi:10.1080/09670874.2016.1213460
  • Gianessi, L., Silvers, C., Sankula, S., and Carpenter, J. (2002). Plant biotechnology: current and potential impact for improving pest management in U.S. agriculture. Case study rep. 27. Herbicide Tolerant Rice. National Centre for Food and Agricultural Policy, Washington DC.
  • Gill, G.S., and Vijaykumar, K. (1969). Weed index: a new method for reporting weed control trials. Ind. J Agron. 14: 96–98.
  • Gill, G.S., R. Cousens, and M.R. Allan. 1996. Germination, growth and development of herbicide resistant and susceptible populations of annual ryegrass. Weed Sci. 44:252–256.
  • Gitsopoulos, T.K., and Froud-Williams, R.J. (2004). Effects of oxadiargyl on direct-seeded rice and Echinochloa crusgalli under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Weed Res. 44:329-334.
  • Gopal, R., Jat, R.K., Malik, R.K., Kumar, V., Alam, M.M., Jat, M.L., Mazid, M.A., Sahrawat, Y.S., McDonald, A., and Gupta, R. (2010). Direct dry-seeded rice production technology and weed management in rice based systems. Tech. bul. 28. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. New Delhi, India.
  • Helms, R.S., Guy, C.B., Jr., Black, H.L., and Ashcrafts, R.W. (1995). Weed management in rice. In: B.R. Well (editor), rice research studies pp. 37–51. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Series 446. AR, USA.
  • IRRI. (1967). Annual Report for 1966. International Rice Research Institute Los Banos, Philippines. 62p.
  • Jordan, D.L., Bollich, P.K., Burns, A.B., and Walker, D.M. (1998). Rice (Oryza sativa) response to clomazone. Weed Sci. 46:374–380.
  • Moody, K. (1991). Weed control in upland rice with emphasis on grassy weeds. In: F.W.G., P.J. Terry (editors), Tropical Grass Weeds Baker, CAB Intl., Wallingford, UK. pp. 164-178.
  • Khaliq, A., and Matloob, A. (2012). Germination and growth response of rice and weeds to herbicides under aerobic conditions. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 14, 775-780
  • Khaliq, A., Matloob, A., Shafiq, H.M., Cheema, Z.A. and Wahid, A. (2011). Evaluating sequential application of pre and post emergence herbicides in dry seeded fine rice. Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res. 17: 111-123.
  • Kim, S.J., Kim, Y.H., Lee, W.H., Choi, C.D., Kim, C.Y., and Choi, B.S. (1997). Weed occurrence in low land rice fields in Gyeongbuk province. Korean J. weed Sci. 17:262-268.
  • Kumar, V., and Ladha, J.K. (2011). Direct-seeding of rice: recent developments and future research needs. Adv. Agron. 111:297–413.
  • Kumar, V., Samar, S., Chhokar, R.S., Malik, R.K., Brainard, D.C., and Ladha, J.K. (2013). Weed management strategies to reduce herbicide use in zero-till rice-wheat cropping systems of the Indo-Gangetic plains. Weed Tech. 27:241-254.
  • Mahajan, G., and Chauhan, B.S. (2013). Herbicide options for weed control in dry-seeded aromatic rice in India. Weed Technol. 27:682–689.
  • Mahajan, G., and Chauhan, B.S. (2015). Weed control in dry direct-seeded rice using tank mixture of herbicides in South Asia. Crop Protec. 72:90–96.
  • Mahajan, G., Chauhan, B.S., and Johnson, D.E. (2009). Weed Management in Aerobic Rice in Northwestern Indo-Gangetic Plains, Journal of Crop Improvement, 23:366-382, doi:10.1080/15427520902970458
  • Maity, S.K., and Mukherjee, P.K. (2008). Integrated weed management in dry direct-seeded rainy season rice (Oryza sativa). Ind. J. Agron. 53:116–120.
  • Mann, R. A., Munir, M., and Haqqani, M.A. (2004). Effect of resource conservation techniques on crop productivity in rice-wheat cropping system. Pakistan J. Agric. 18: 76‑82.
  • McCauley, G.N., O’Barr, J.H., and Chandler, J.M. (2005). Evaluating the efficacy and economics of weed management systems using current commercial herbicides in early and late season treatments alone and in all combinations. Water Management and Weed Science Research in Rice. 2004 Research Report, Texas Rice Research Foundation, Texas, USA. p. 6-7.
  • Misar, C.G., L. Xu, R.N. Gates, A. Boe, P.S. Johnson, C.S. Schauer, J.R. Rickertsen, and W.W. Stroup. (2016). Establishment and persistence of yellow-flowered alfalfa no-till interseeded into crested wheatgrass stands. Agron. J. 108:141–150. doi:10.2134/agronj2015.0271
  • Mishra, J.S., and Singh, V.P. (2008). Integrated weed management in dry seeded irrigated rice (Oryza sativa). Indian Journal of Agronomy. 53:209-305.
  • Moody, K. (1989). Weeds reported to occur in rice in Nepal. In: Weeds reported in rice in South and Southeast Asia. IRRI, Philippines. pp. 251-263.
  • Naylor, R.E.L. (2002). Weed population dynamics. In: R.E.L. Naylor, editor, Weed management handbook. Ninth edition. British Crop Protection Council. UK. p. 63–74.
  • Nkoa, R., Micheal, D., Owen, K., and Swanton, C.J. (2015). Weed abundance, distribution, diversity, and community analysis. Weed Sci. 63:64-90. doi:10.1614/WS-D-13-00075.1
  • NMRP. (2011). Annual report. National Maize Research Program, Nepal Agriculture Research Council, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal.
  • Poudel, P.R. (2007). Performance of rice-wheat system through leaf color chart based nitrogen management with different combination of mulches. M.S., thesis, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. p. 51–163.
  • Ramana, A.V., Naidu, G.J., and Murthy, K.V.R. (2007). Integrated weed management in rainfed upland rice (Oryza sativa). Ind. J. Agro. 52:311–314.
  • Ranjit, J.D., and Suwanketnikom, R. (2005). Response of weeds and yield of dry direct seeded rice to tillage and weed management. Kasetsart J. Nat. Sci. 39:165–173.
  • Rao, A.N., Johnson, D.E., Sivaprasad, B., Ladha, J.K., and Mortimer A.M. (2009). Weed management in direct seeded rice. Advances in Agron. 97:153-255. doi:10.1016/S0065-2113(06)93004-1
  • Ravishankar, N., Chandrasekaran, B., Raja, R., Din, M., and Chaudhuri, S.G. (2008). Influence of integrated weed management practices on productivity and profitability of wet-seeded rice (Oryza sativa). Ind. J. Agro. 53:57-61.
  • Schmidt, L.A., Talbert, R.E., Baldwin, F.L., Rutledge, E.F.S., and Wheeler, S.S. (1999). Performance of V-10029 (bispyribac) in rice weeds control programs. Proceedings of South Weed Sci. Soc., 52. p. 49.
  • Shannon, C.E., and Weaver, W. (1949). The mathematical theory of communication. University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.
  • Sharma, H.C., Singh, H.B., and Friesen, G.H. (1977). Competition from weeds and their control in direct-seeded rice. Weed Res. 17:103-108.
  • Simpson, E.H. (1949). Measurement of diversity. Nature, 163:688. doi: 10.1038/163688a0
  • Singh, B., and Dash, B. (1988). Simple correlation and linear regression studies between weeds, growth and yield of direct seeded rice. Oryza 25:282-286.
  • Singh, G. (2008). Integrated weed management in direct-seeded rice. In: Y. Singh et al., editors, Direct seeding of rice and weed management in the irrigated rice-wheat cropping system of the Indo Gangetic Plains. Directorate of Experiment Station, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantanagar, India. 272p.
  • Singh, S., Ladha, J.K., Gupta, R.K., Bhusan, L., Rao, A.N., Sivaprasad, B., and Singh, P.P. (2007). Evaluation of mulching, intercropping with sesbania and herbicide use for weed management in dry-seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.). Crop Prot. 26:518–524.
  • Singh, S., Sharma, R.K., Singh, G., Singh, S.S., Singh, U.P., Gill, M.S., Jat, M.L., Sharma, S.K., Malik, R.K., Joshi, A., Patil, S.G., Ladha, J.K., and Gupta, R. (2005). Direct seeded rice: a Promising resource conserving technology. Rice-Wheat Consortium for Indo-Gangetic Plains. Sept. 2005. NASC Complex, Pusa, New Delhi. p. 11–12.
  • Singh, V., Jat, M.L., Ganie, Z.A., Chauhan, B.S., and Gupta, R.K. (2016). Herbicide options for effective weed management in dry direct seeded rice under scented rice-wheat rotation of western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Crop Protec. 81:168–176.
  • Suria, A.S.M., Abdul, S.J., Moshiur, R., Man, A.B., and Ahmad, S. (2011). Efficacy and economics of different herbicides in aerobic rice system. Afr. J. Biotech. 10:8007-8022. (accessed 3 Aug. 2011).
  • Thapa, R.B., and Dangol, D.R. (1988). A preliminary survey of bee flora at IAAS and its vicinity. In: F.P. Neupane, editor, IAAS J., Tribhuvan. U., Nepal. p. 59–65.
  • Walia, U.S., Bhullar, M.S., Nayyar, S., and Walia, S.S. (2008). Control of complex weed flora of dry seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) with pre- and post-emergence herbicides Indian J. Weed Sci. 40:161-164
  • Yadav, D.S., Sushant, A., Mortimer, M., and Johnson, D. E. (2008). Studies on direct seeding of rice, weed control, and tillage practices in the rice- wheat cropping system in eastern uttar Pradesh. In: Singh et al., editors, Direct seeding of rice and weed management in the irrigated rice-wheat cropping system of the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Int. Rice Res. Ins., Los Banos, Philippines. p. 139–149.
  • Zimdahl, R. L. (1999). Fundamentals of weed science. 2d ed. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Integrated weed management in direct-seeded rice: dynamics and economics

Year 2019, , 83 - 92, 28.06.2019


Weeds are often
the most severe problem in direct-seeded rice (
Oryza sativa L.) (DSR),
causes reductions in yield and profitability. The traditional method of
controlling rice weeds or manual weeding has several demerits as the practice
is uneconomical and difficult. The effects of 10 different weed management
practices were evaluated to identify the most effective and economical methods
of managing weeds in DSR during in Nepal during the rainy season of 2010.
Pendimethalin was applied pre-emergence where 2,4-D, bispyribac sodium, and
oxadiargyl were applied post-emergence alone or combined with hand weeding.
Sesbania (
Sesbania aculeata Wild.
Pers.) was co-cultured with rice and killed by 2,4-D. Weed emergence, density,
and biomass per unit area of 3 weed types: broadleaf, sedges, and grasses
were assessed during 20, 40, 60 days after
seeding (DAS), and at harvest. Treatments were compared either to weedy check
or weed-free control to determine weed control indices. A total of 42 weed
species belonging to 27 genera and 11 families emerged across the growing
season of rice. Most of the weeds were annual where broadleaf and sedges were
dominant during the first two months, and grasses were dominant under flooding.
Weeds reduced the rice yield by more than
80% in weedy-check
with respect to
weed-free control. A sequential application of pendimethalin as pre-emergence
and bispyribac-sodium postemergence herbicides followed by a hand weeding at 45
DAS provided up to 85% weed control over weedy check than other weed control
measures. However, that method found uneconomical when compared to the same
without hand weeding because of the high cost of manual labor. Pendimethalin
was effective in controlling early flush of weeds and bispyribac efficiently
controlled weeds even after flooding turned out to be a less expensive method
controlling in DSR. An integrated approach of weed management including both
pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicides can provide season-long weed
control greater economic return.


  • Balasubramanian, V., and Hill, J. (2000). Direct seeding of rice in Asia: emerging issues and strategic research needs for the 21st century. In: S. P. Pandey et al. (editors), direct seeding: research strategies and opportunities. International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines. p. 15–39.
  • Bouman, B.A.M., and Tuong, T.P. (2001). Field water management to save water and increase its productivity in irrigated lowland rice. Agri. and Water Manag. 49:11–30.
  • Brown, R.H. (1984). Physiological basis of crop growth and development. In: M.B. Teasar, editor, Growth of the green plant. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. p. 153–173.
  • Caton, B.P., Mortimor, M., Hill, J.E., and Johnson, D.E. (2010). A practical field guide to weeds of rice in Asia. 2nd edition. International Rice Research Institute, Las Banos, Philippines. Pp. 118.
  • Chauhan, B.S. (2012a). Weed management in direct-seeded rice systems. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines. 20p.
  • Chauhan, B.S. (2012b). Weed ecology and weed management strategies for dry-seeded rice in Asia. Weed Tech. 26:1–13. doi:
  • Dario, G.J.A., and Gallo, P.B. (1999). Weed control efficiency of the herbicide oxadiargyl in irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.). Scientia Agricola 56:33–38.
  • Dhakal, M., Sah, S.K., McDonald, A., Regmi, A.P. (2015). Constraints and perception of weed management in direct seeded rice in terai of Nepal. J Agric. Environ. 16:103-111. doi:10.3126/aej.v16i0.19843
  • Dickmann, R., Melgarelo, J., Loubiere, P., and Montagnon, M. (1997). Oxadiargyl: a novel herbicide for rice and sugarcane. In: Proceedings 1997, British Crop Protection Conference-Weeds, Brighton, UK, p. 51–57.
  • Ganie, Z.A., Singh, S., and Singh, S. (2013). Effect of seed rate and weed control methods on yield of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa). Ind. J. Agron., 58:125-126.
  • Ghosh, A., and Sharma, A.R. (1997). Effect of seed rates, seed density and nitrogen on performance of flood prone low land rice. Int'l Rice Res. Newsletter 22:37–38.
  • Ghosh, D., Singh, U.P., Brahmachari, K., Singh, N.K., and Das, A. (2017) An integrated approach to weed management practices in direct-seeded rice under zero-tilled rice–wheat cropping system, International Journal of Pest Management, 63, 1, 37-46. doi:10.1080/09670874.2016.1213460
  • Gianessi, L., Silvers, C., Sankula, S., and Carpenter, J. (2002). Plant biotechnology: current and potential impact for improving pest management in U.S. agriculture. Case study rep. 27. Herbicide Tolerant Rice. National Centre for Food and Agricultural Policy, Washington DC.
  • Gill, G.S., and Vijaykumar, K. (1969). Weed index: a new method for reporting weed control trials. Ind. J Agron. 14: 96–98.
  • Gill, G.S., R. Cousens, and M.R. Allan. 1996. Germination, growth and development of herbicide resistant and susceptible populations of annual ryegrass. Weed Sci. 44:252–256.
  • Gitsopoulos, T.K., and Froud-Williams, R.J. (2004). Effects of oxadiargyl on direct-seeded rice and Echinochloa crusgalli under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Weed Res. 44:329-334.
  • Gopal, R., Jat, R.K., Malik, R.K., Kumar, V., Alam, M.M., Jat, M.L., Mazid, M.A., Sahrawat, Y.S., McDonald, A., and Gupta, R. (2010). Direct dry-seeded rice production technology and weed management in rice based systems. Tech. bul. 28. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. New Delhi, India.
  • Helms, R.S., Guy, C.B., Jr., Black, H.L., and Ashcrafts, R.W. (1995). Weed management in rice. In: B.R. Well (editor), rice research studies pp. 37–51. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Series 446. AR, USA.
  • IRRI. (1967). Annual Report for 1966. International Rice Research Institute Los Banos, Philippines. 62p.
  • Jordan, D.L., Bollich, P.K., Burns, A.B., and Walker, D.M. (1998). Rice (Oryza sativa) response to clomazone. Weed Sci. 46:374–380.
  • Moody, K. (1991). Weed control in upland rice with emphasis on grassy weeds. In: F.W.G., P.J. Terry (editors), Tropical Grass Weeds Baker, CAB Intl., Wallingford, UK. pp. 164-178.
  • Khaliq, A., and Matloob, A. (2012). Germination and growth response of rice and weeds to herbicides under aerobic conditions. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 14, 775-780
  • Khaliq, A., Matloob, A., Shafiq, H.M., Cheema, Z.A. and Wahid, A. (2011). Evaluating sequential application of pre and post emergence herbicides in dry seeded fine rice. Pak. J. Weed Sci. Res. 17: 111-123.
  • Kim, S.J., Kim, Y.H., Lee, W.H., Choi, C.D., Kim, C.Y., and Choi, B.S. (1997). Weed occurrence in low land rice fields in Gyeongbuk province. Korean J. weed Sci. 17:262-268.
  • Kumar, V., and Ladha, J.K. (2011). Direct-seeding of rice: recent developments and future research needs. Adv. Agron. 111:297–413.
  • Kumar, V., Samar, S., Chhokar, R.S., Malik, R.K., Brainard, D.C., and Ladha, J.K. (2013). Weed management strategies to reduce herbicide use in zero-till rice-wheat cropping systems of the Indo-Gangetic plains. Weed Tech. 27:241-254.
  • Mahajan, G., and Chauhan, B.S. (2013). Herbicide options for weed control in dry-seeded aromatic rice in India. Weed Technol. 27:682–689.
  • Mahajan, G., and Chauhan, B.S. (2015). Weed control in dry direct-seeded rice using tank mixture of herbicides in South Asia. Crop Protec. 72:90–96.
  • Mahajan, G., Chauhan, B.S., and Johnson, D.E. (2009). Weed Management in Aerobic Rice in Northwestern Indo-Gangetic Plains, Journal of Crop Improvement, 23:366-382, doi:10.1080/15427520902970458
  • Maity, S.K., and Mukherjee, P.K. (2008). Integrated weed management in dry direct-seeded rainy season rice (Oryza sativa). Ind. J. Agron. 53:116–120.
  • Mann, R. A., Munir, M., and Haqqani, M.A. (2004). Effect of resource conservation techniques on crop productivity in rice-wheat cropping system. Pakistan J. Agric. 18: 76‑82.
  • McCauley, G.N., O’Barr, J.H., and Chandler, J.M. (2005). Evaluating the efficacy and economics of weed management systems using current commercial herbicides in early and late season treatments alone and in all combinations. Water Management and Weed Science Research in Rice. 2004 Research Report, Texas Rice Research Foundation, Texas, USA. p. 6-7.
  • Misar, C.G., L. Xu, R.N. Gates, A. Boe, P.S. Johnson, C.S. Schauer, J.R. Rickertsen, and W.W. Stroup. (2016). Establishment and persistence of yellow-flowered alfalfa no-till interseeded into crested wheatgrass stands. Agron. J. 108:141–150. doi:10.2134/agronj2015.0271
  • Mishra, J.S., and Singh, V.P. (2008). Integrated weed management in dry seeded irrigated rice (Oryza sativa). Indian Journal of Agronomy. 53:209-305.
  • Moody, K. (1989). Weeds reported to occur in rice in Nepal. In: Weeds reported in rice in South and Southeast Asia. IRRI, Philippines. pp. 251-263.
  • Naylor, R.E.L. (2002). Weed population dynamics. In: R.E.L. Naylor, editor, Weed management handbook. Ninth edition. British Crop Protection Council. UK. p. 63–74.
  • Nkoa, R., Micheal, D., Owen, K., and Swanton, C.J. (2015). Weed abundance, distribution, diversity, and community analysis. Weed Sci. 63:64-90. doi:10.1614/WS-D-13-00075.1
  • NMRP. (2011). Annual report. National Maize Research Program, Nepal Agriculture Research Council, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal.
  • Poudel, P.R. (2007). Performance of rice-wheat system through leaf color chart based nitrogen management with different combination of mulches. M.S., thesis, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. p. 51–163.
  • Ramana, A.V., Naidu, G.J., and Murthy, K.V.R. (2007). Integrated weed management in rainfed upland rice (Oryza sativa). Ind. J. Agro. 52:311–314.
  • Ranjit, J.D., and Suwanketnikom, R. (2005). Response of weeds and yield of dry direct seeded rice to tillage and weed management. Kasetsart J. Nat. Sci. 39:165–173.
  • Rao, A.N., Johnson, D.E., Sivaprasad, B., Ladha, J.K., and Mortimer A.M. (2009). Weed management in direct seeded rice. Advances in Agron. 97:153-255. doi:10.1016/S0065-2113(06)93004-1
  • Ravishankar, N., Chandrasekaran, B., Raja, R., Din, M., and Chaudhuri, S.G. (2008). Influence of integrated weed management practices on productivity and profitability of wet-seeded rice (Oryza sativa). Ind. J. Agro. 53:57-61.
  • Schmidt, L.A., Talbert, R.E., Baldwin, F.L., Rutledge, E.F.S., and Wheeler, S.S. (1999). Performance of V-10029 (bispyribac) in rice weeds control programs. Proceedings of South Weed Sci. Soc., 52. p. 49.
  • Shannon, C.E., and Weaver, W. (1949). The mathematical theory of communication. University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.
  • Sharma, H.C., Singh, H.B., and Friesen, G.H. (1977). Competition from weeds and their control in direct-seeded rice. Weed Res. 17:103-108.
  • Simpson, E.H. (1949). Measurement of diversity. Nature, 163:688. doi: 10.1038/163688a0
  • Singh, B., and Dash, B. (1988). Simple correlation and linear regression studies between weeds, growth and yield of direct seeded rice. Oryza 25:282-286.
  • Singh, G. (2008). Integrated weed management in direct-seeded rice. In: Y. Singh et al., editors, Direct seeding of rice and weed management in the irrigated rice-wheat cropping system of the Indo Gangetic Plains. Directorate of Experiment Station, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantanagar, India. 272p.
  • Singh, S., Ladha, J.K., Gupta, R.K., Bhusan, L., Rao, A.N., Sivaprasad, B., and Singh, P.P. (2007). Evaluation of mulching, intercropping with sesbania and herbicide use for weed management in dry-seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.). Crop Prot. 26:518–524.
  • Singh, S., Sharma, R.K., Singh, G., Singh, S.S., Singh, U.P., Gill, M.S., Jat, M.L., Sharma, S.K., Malik, R.K., Joshi, A., Patil, S.G., Ladha, J.K., and Gupta, R. (2005). Direct seeded rice: a Promising resource conserving technology. Rice-Wheat Consortium for Indo-Gangetic Plains. Sept. 2005. NASC Complex, Pusa, New Delhi. p. 11–12.
  • Singh, V., Jat, M.L., Ganie, Z.A., Chauhan, B.S., and Gupta, R.K. (2016). Herbicide options for effective weed management in dry direct seeded rice under scented rice-wheat rotation of western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Crop Protec. 81:168–176.
  • Suria, A.S.M., Abdul, S.J., Moshiur, R., Man, A.B., and Ahmad, S. (2011). Efficacy and economics of different herbicides in aerobic rice system. Afr. J. Biotech. 10:8007-8022. (accessed 3 Aug. 2011).
  • Thapa, R.B., and Dangol, D.R. (1988). A preliminary survey of bee flora at IAAS and its vicinity. In: F.P. Neupane, editor, IAAS J., Tribhuvan. U., Nepal. p. 59–65.
  • Walia, U.S., Bhullar, M.S., Nayyar, S., and Walia, S.S. (2008). Control of complex weed flora of dry seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) with pre- and post-emergence herbicides Indian J. Weed Sci. 40:161-164
  • Yadav, D.S., Sushant, A., Mortimer, M., and Johnson, D. E. (2008). Studies on direct seeding of rice, weed control, and tillage practices in the rice- wheat cropping system in eastern uttar Pradesh. In: Singh et al., editors, Direct seeding of rice and weed management in the irrigated rice-wheat cropping system of the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Int. Rice Res. Ins., Los Banos, Philippines. p. 139–149.
  • Zimdahl, R. L. (1999). Fundamentals of weed science. 2d ed. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Botany, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences, Agronomy
Journal Section Research Articles

Madhav Dhakal 0000-0003-3082-5225

Shrawan K. Sah This is me 0000-0002-0510-6088

Geeta Kharel This is me 0000-0001-5677-6746

Publication Date June 28, 2019
Submission Date October 12, 2018
Acceptance Date April 17, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Dhakal, M., Sah, S. K., & Kharel, G. (2019). Integrated weed management in direct-seeded rice: dynamics and economics. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 3(2), 83-92.

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