Research Article
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Year 2019, , 150 - 154, 27.09.2019



  • ABPSD. (2016). Statistical information on Nepalese Agriculture. Kathmandu, Nepal: Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Agri-Business Promotion and Statistics Division, Singh Durbar.
  • AICC. (2017). Krishi Diary. Kathmandu, Nepal: Agriculture Information and Communication Center. Dixon, G. R. (2009). The occurrence and economic impact of plasmodiophora brassicae and clubroot disease. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 28(3), 194–202.
  • Karling, J. S. (1968). The Plasmodiophorales. New York: Hafner Publishing Compony, Inc.
  • KFVWMDB. (2018). Kalimati Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market Develpment Board. Kalimati, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • MoAD. (2016). Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture 2015/16. Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agriculture Development, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Ojha, P. (2016). A study of vegetable and fruit export from Eastern region of Nepal. South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment (SAWTEE). Kathmandu: Variety Printers.
  • Gahatraj, S., Shrestha, S. M., Devkota, T. R., & Rai, H. H. (2019). A review on clubroot of crucifers: symptoms, life-cycle of pathogen, factors affecting severity, and management strategies. Archives of Agriculture and Environment Science, 4 (3), 342-349.
  • Singh, B. K., Sharma, S. R., & Singh, B. (2009). Variation in mineral concentrations among cultivars and germplasms of cabbage. Journal of Plant Nutrition , 33, 95-104.
  • Timila, R. D., Correll, J. C., & Duwadi, V. R. (2008). Severe and Widespread Clubroot Epidemics in Nepal. Plant Disease, 92(2), 317–317.

Assessment of contribution of cabbage in rural livelihood and constraints of production in Dhankuta, Nepal

Year 2019, , 150 - 154, 27.09.2019


is a most common crucifer vegetable in Nepal. Cabbage production is
economically and nutritionally important farm enterprise of Nepalese farmers of
Eastern hill. The study was conducted to determine contribution of cabbage in
livelihood of rural farmers, economics and constraints of production in
Chhathar-Jorpati Rural Municipality, Dhankuta district of Nepal. A total of 60
cabbage producing households were randomly selected. Primary data were
collected through 60 questionnaire survey. The data obtained were analyzed
using MS-Excel and SPSS. Average land holding of farmers was 1.45 hectare. Cabbage
occupied 67.99% of total land area under vegetables production with 60.06%
contribution on annual income from vegetables and 23.69% contribution on total
annual household income. Gross return and total variable cost per hectare were NRs.
195424.66 and NRs. 117566.70 respectively. The average gross margin per hectare
from cabbage production was calculated Rs.77857.96; benefit cost ratio was
estimated 1.66. Among total variable cost, labor cost (47.52%) was highest
followed by nutrient (46.97%), seed (5.31%) and pesticides (0.21%) cost.
Productivity of cabbage was 26.66 Mt per hectare. There is a huge potential for
improvement of yield and benefit of crop, but intervention of government is
needed: effective extension services, input subsidy, price regulation, and
infrastructure development.


  • ABPSD. (2016). Statistical information on Nepalese Agriculture. Kathmandu, Nepal: Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Agri-Business Promotion and Statistics Division, Singh Durbar.
  • AICC. (2017). Krishi Diary. Kathmandu, Nepal: Agriculture Information and Communication Center. Dixon, G. R. (2009). The occurrence and economic impact of plasmodiophora brassicae and clubroot disease. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 28(3), 194–202.
  • Karling, J. S. (1968). The Plasmodiophorales. New York: Hafner Publishing Compony, Inc.
  • KFVWMDB. (2018). Kalimati Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market Develpment Board. Kalimati, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • MoAD. (2016). Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture 2015/16. Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agriculture Development, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  • Ojha, P. (2016). A study of vegetable and fruit export from Eastern region of Nepal. South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment (SAWTEE). Kathmandu: Variety Printers.
  • Gahatraj, S., Shrestha, S. M., Devkota, T. R., & Rai, H. H. (2019). A review on clubroot of crucifers: symptoms, life-cycle of pathogen, factors affecting severity, and management strategies. Archives of Agriculture and Environment Science, 4 (3), 342-349.
  • Singh, B. K., Sharma, S. R., & Singh, B. (2009). Variation in mineral concentrations among cultivars and germplasms of cabbage. Journal of Plant Nutrition , 33, 95-104.
  • Timila, R. D., Correll, J. C., & Duwadi, V. R. (2008). Severe and Widespread Clubroot Epidemics in Nepal. Plant Disease, 92(2), 317–317.
There are 9 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Engineering (Other), Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences, Agricultural Policy
Journal Section Research Articles

Sachin Gahatraj 0000-0002-6294-1733

Harsha Hang Rai This is me 0000-0002-6294-1733

Rajendra Uprety This is me 0000-0002-6294-1733

Publication Date September 27, 2019
Submission Date February 10, 2019
Acceptance Date September 16, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Gahatraj, S., Rai, H. H., & Uprety, R. (2019). Assessment of contribution of cabbage in rural livelihood and constraints of production in Dhankuta, Nepal. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 3(3), 150-154.

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