Research Article
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Year 2020, , 142 - 148, 15.06.2020


Supporting Institution

Uludağ Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Komisyonu

Project Number



  • Akdeniz, S., Karaer, F., Katip, A., Aksoy, E. (2011). A GIS-based Method for Shallow Lake Eutrophication Assessment. J. Biol. Environ. Sci. 2011, 5(15) 195-202.
  • Aksoy, E., Özsoy, G. (2002). Investigation of multitemporal and use/cover and shoreline changes of the Uluabat Lake Ramsar site using RS and GIS, paper presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Land Use and Management, Çanakkale, Turkey, 13 October 2002.
  • APHA, AWWA. (1998). Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater. American Public Heallth Association, 20th Edition. Washington DC., USA.
  • Başar, H., Gürel, S., and Katkat, A.V. (2004). Contents of heavymetals in the Lake İznik Basin soils irrigated with variouswater resources. Journal of Agricultural Facultyof Uludağ University, 18(1), 93, 2004.
  • Burton, G.A. and Pitt, R.E (2002). Storm water, effects handbook. Lewis, CRC. 929 p.
  • Castillo Alonso, M.L., Vereda Alonso, E., Siles Cordero, M.T., Cano Pavón, J.M., García de Torres, A. (2011). Fractionation of heavy metals in sediment by using microwave assisted sequential extraction procedure and determination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Microchemical Journal 98, 234–239.
  • Elmacı, A., Teksoy, A., Topac, F.O., Özengin, N., Kurtoğlu, S., Baskaya, H.S. (2007). Assessment of heavy metals in Lake Uluabat, Turkey. African Journal of Biotechnology 6, 2236-2244.
  • Gao, X. and Li, P. (2012). Concentration and fractionation of trace metals in surface sediments of intertidal Bohai Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64, 1529–1536.
  • Goher, M., Hassan I. Farhat, Mohamed H. Abdo, Salem G. Salem (2014). Metal pollution assessment in the surface sedimentof Lake Nasser, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 40, 213–224.
  • Gür, B. C., Özan, T. S. (2017). The Investigation of heavy metal levels in water and sediment from Işıklı Lake (Turkey) in relation to seasons and physico-chemical parameters. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 3(2): 87-96.
  • Hacısalihoğlu, S. and Karaer, F. (2016). Relationships of Heavy Metals in Waterand Surface Sediment with Different ChemicalFractions in Lake Uluabat, Turkey. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 25, No. 5, 1-10.
  • Hu X., Wang C., Zou L. (2011). Characteristics of Heavy Metals and Pb Isotopic Signatures in Sediment Cores Collected from Typical Urban Shallow Lakes in Nanjing, China. Journal of Environmental Management 92 (2011) 742-748.
  • Katip, A. (2010). Water quality monitoring of Lake Uluabat (in Turkish). Ph D Thesis, Uludag University, Institute of Science, Bursa, Turkey.
  • Katip, A., Karaer, F., and Hacısalihoğlu, S. (2016).The role of different kinds of particles on heavy metals in Lake Uluabat sediments. Environmental Forensics 17(3) 263–273.
  • Katip, A., Karaer, F., Baskaya, H.S., Ileri,S., Sarmasık, S. (2012). Fraction distribution and risk assessment of heavy metals and trace elements in sediments of Lake Uluabat. Environ Monit Assess DOI 10.1007/s10661-011-2348-4.
  • Katip, A., Karaer, F., İleri, S., Sarmaşık, S. (2013). Investigation of Trace Metals Partitioning Between Suspended Solids and Water In Lake Uluabat. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Volume: 28(4), 865-874.
  • Kazancı, N., Leroy, S., Öncel, S., Ileri, Ö., Toprak, Ö., Costa, P., Sayılı, S., Turgut, C., Kibar, M. (2010). Wind control on the accumulation of heavy metals in sediment of Lake Ulubat, Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Paleolimnology43 (2010) 89–110.
  • Li, J., Heap, A.D. (2008). A Review of Spatial Interpolation Methods for Environmental Scientists. Geoscience, Australia, Canberra, pp. 7-26.
  • Liu, M., Yang, Y., Yun, X., Zhang, M., Li, QX., Wang, J. (2014). Distribution and ecological assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments of the East Lake, China. Ecotoxicology 23: 92-101.
  • Liu, M., Zhong, J., Zheng, X., Juhua, Y., Dehong, L., Chengxin, F. (2018). Fraction distribution and leaching behavior of heavy metals in dredged sediment disposal sites around Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu (China). Environmental Science and Pollution Research
  • Mantzafleri, N., Psilovikos, Ar., Blanta, A. (2009). Water Quality Monitoring and Modelling in Lake Kastoria, Using GIS. Assesment and Management of Pollution Sources. Water Resour. Manage., 23, 3221-3254.
  • Singh A., Srivastava, P.C., Srivastava, P. (2008). Relationships of heavy metals in natural lake waters with physico-chemical characteristics of waters and different chemical fractions of metals in sediments. Water Air Soil Pollution188, 181–193.
  • Varol, M. and Sen, B.(2012).Assessment of nutrient and heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments of the upper Tigris River, Turkey. Catena 92, 1–10.
  • Xie, Y.F., Chen, T.B., Lei, M., Yang, J., Guo, Q.J., Song, B., Zhou, X.Y. (2011). Spatial distribution of soil heavy metal pollution estimated by different interpolation methods: accuracy and uncertainty analysis. Chemosphere 82 (2011) 468-476.
  • Yang, R., Zhang, S., Wang, Z. (2014). Bioaccumulation and regional distribution of trace metals in fish of the Tibetan Plateau. Environ Geochem Health 36:183-191.
  • Zhou, F., Guo, H.C., Hao, Z.J. (2007). Spatial distribution of heavy metals in Hong Kong’s marine sediments and their human impacts: a GIS-based chemometric approach. Marine Pollution Bulletin 54, 1372-1384.

GIS-based assessment for trace metal pollution: case study on lake Uluabat

Year 2020, , 142 - 148, 15.06.2020


This study was carried out to investigate distribution of Cr and Ni concentrations in water and sediment of Lake Uluabat, in Bursa (Turkey). The samples were collected from 10 sites and monitored monthly from August 2013 to July 2014. Data were mapped in ArcGIS 10.1 software and metals in water were assessed according to Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulations (TWPCR), while in sediment were assessed according to American National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) criteria. As a result, Lake Uluabat was determined 4th class water, in terms of dissolved forms of Cr, while the lake was determined 3th class water quality in terms of dissolved Ni forms. Trace metals monitored were found above upper threshold value in the lake sediment. These results showed the importance and the need for hard control of pollution loads for the protection of the Lake’s sediment and water quality. It is recommended to control and monitor all pollutant sources for ecological sustainability in the lake.

Project Number



  • Akdeniz, S., Karaer, F., Katip, A., Aksoy, E. (2011). A GIS-based Method for Shallow Lake Eutrophication Assessment. J. Biol. Environ. Sci. 2011, 5(15) 195-202.
  • Aksoy, E., Özsoy, G. (2002). Investigation of multitemporal and use/cover and shoreline changes of the Uluabat Lake Ramsar site using RS and GIS, paper presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Land Use and Management, Çanakkale, Turkey, 13 October 2002.
  • APHA, AWWA. (1998). Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater. American Public Heallth Association, 20th Edition. Washington DC., USA.
  • Başar, H., Gürel, S., and Katkat, A.V. (2004). Contents of heavymetals in the Lake İznik Basin soils irrigated with variouswater resources. Journal of Agricultural Facultyof Uludağ University, 18(1), 93, 2004.
  • Burton, G.A. and Pitt, R.E (2002). Storm water, effects handbook. Lewis, CRC. 929 p.
  • Castillo Alonso, M.L., Vereda Alonso, E., Siles Cordero, M.T., Cano Pavón, J.M., García de Torres, A. (2011). Fractionation of heavy metals in sediment by using microwave assisted sequential extraction procedure and determination by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Microchemical Journal 98, 234–239.
  • Elmacı, A., Teksoy, A., Topac, F.O., Özengin, N., Kurtoğlu, S., Baskaya, H.S. (2007). Assessment of heavy metals in Lake Uluabat, Turkey. African Journal of Biotechnology 6, 2236-2244.
  • Gao, X. and Li, P. (2012). Concentration and fractionation of trace metals in surface sediments of intertidal Bohai Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64, 1529–1536.
  • Goher, M., Hassan I. Farhat, Mohamed H. Abdo, Salem G. Salem (2014). Metal pollution assessment in the surface sedimentof Lake Nasser, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research 40, 213–224.
  • Gür, B. C., Özan, T. S. (2017). The Investigation of heavy metal levels in water and sediment from Işıklı Lake (Turkey) in relation to seasons and physico-chemical parameters. Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 3(2): 87-96.
  • Hacısalihoğlu, S. and Karaer, F. (2016). Relationships of Heavy Metals in Waterand Surface Sediment with Different ChemicalFractions in Lake Uluabat, Turkey. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 25, No. 5, 1-10.
  • Hu X., Wang C., Zou L. (2011). Characteristics of Heavy Metals and Pb Isotopic Signatures in Sediment Cores Collected from Typical Urban Shallow Lakes in Nanjing, China. Journal of Environmental Management 92 (2011) 742-748.
  • Katip, A. (2010). Water quality monitoring of Lake Uluabat (in Turkish). Ph D Thesis, Uludag University, Institute of Science, Bursa, Turkey.
  • Katip, A., Karaer, F., and Hacısalihoğlu, S. (2016).The role of different kinds of particles on heavy metals in Lake Uluabat sediments. Environmental Forensics 17(3) 263–273.
  • Katip, A., Karaer, F., Baskaya, H.S., Ileri,S., Sarmasık, S. (2012). Fraction distribution and risk assessment of heavy metals and trace elements in sediments of Lake Uluabat. Environ Monit Assess DOI 10.1007/s10661-011-2348-4.
  • Katip, A., Karaer, F., İleri, S., Sarmaşık, S. (2013). Investigation of Trace Metals Partitioning Between Suspended Solids and Water In Lake Uluabat. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Volume: 28(4), 865-874.
  • Kazancı, N., Leroy, S., Öncel, S., Ileri, Ö., Toprak, Ö., Costa, P., Sayılı, S., Turgut, C., Kibar, M. (2010). Wind control on the accumulation of heavy metals in sediment of Lake Ulubat, Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Paleolimnology43 (2010) 89–110.
  • Li, J., Heap, A.D. (2008). A Review of Spatial Interpolation Methods for Environmental Scientists. Geoscience, Australia, Canberra, pp. 7-26.
  • Liu, M., Yang, Y., Yun, X., Zhang, M., Li, QX., Wang, J. (2014). Distribution and ecological assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments of the East Lake, China. Ecotoxicology 23: 92-101.
  • Liu, M., Zhong, J., Zheng, X., Juhua, Y., Dehong, L., Chengxin, F. (2018). Fraction distribution and leaching behavior of heavy metals in dredged sediment disposal sites around Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu (China). Environmental Science and Pollution Research
  • Mantzafleri, N., Psilovikos, Ar., Blanta, A. (2009). Water Quality Monitoring and Modelling in Lake Kastoria, Using GIS. Assesment and Management of Pollution Sources. Water Resour. Manage., 23, 3221-3254.
  • Singh A., Srivastava, P.C., Srivastava, P. (2008). Relationships of heavy metals in natural lake waters with physico-chemical characteristics of waters and different chemical fractions of metals in sediments. Water Air Soil Pollution188, 181–193.
  • Varol, M. and Sen, B.(2012).Assessment of nutrient and heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments of the upper Tigris River, Turkey. Catena 92, 1–10.
  • Xie, Y.F., Chen, T.B., Lei, M., Yang, J., Guo, Q.J., Song, B., Zhou, X.Y. (2011). Spatial distribution of soil heavy metal pollution estimated by different interpolation methods: accuracy and uncertainty analysis. Chemosphere 82 (2011) 468-476.
  • Yang, R., Zhang, S., Wang, Z. (2014). Bioaccumulation and regional distribution of trace metals in fish of the Tibetan Plateau. Environ Geochem Health 36:183-191.
  • Zhou, F., Guo, H.C., Hao, Z.J. (2007). Spatial distribution of heavy metals in Hong Kong’s marine sediments and their human impacts: a GIS-based chemometric approach. Marine Pollution Bulletin 54, 1372-1384.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Ecology, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Saadet Hacısalihoğlu 0000-0001-5969-4180

Feza Karaer 0000-0002-2986-0114

Project Number OUAP(M)-2013/6
Publication Date June 15, 2020
Submission Date November 13, 2019
Acceptance Date April 3, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Hacısalihoğlu, S., & Karaer, F. (2020). GIS-based assessment for trace metal pollution: case study on lake Uluabat. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 4(2), 142-148.

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