Research Article
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Mercury intake via consumption of imported Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in Istanbul

Year 2020, , 165 - 172, 15.06.2020


The aims of this study were to determine the concentrations of mercury (Hg) in frozen imported Atlantic mackerel consumed in Istanbul and to predict their potential health consequences. In this study, the concentration of Hg was determined following US EPA Method 7473 (2007) using a direct mercury analyzer (DMA-1). Mercury level of the Atlantic mackerel ranged between 0.045 to 0.065 mg/kg. The mercury levels were well below the limit value of 1.00 mg/kg wet weight (EC, 2006; Turkish Food Codex, 2011) for fish such as mackerel. The potential human health risks of Atlantic mackerel sold in Istanbul were also assessed in terms of Hg levels. The estimated weekly intakes (EWI) of the mercury were lower than established provisional tolerable weekly intakes (PTWI). Target hazard quotient (THQ) values were below 1, indicating that Atlantic mackerel consumption is not a potential health risk in adults and children. According to the amount of Hg, this fish can be consumed safely 3 times a week. Furthermore, it is determined that consumption of fish from the IV. Region 4 times a week will not be a problem because of the low amount of Hg. Our results provide a good tool to determine the Hg exposure of Turkish consumers (adult and children) via Atlantic mackerel consumption in terms of food monitoring and food safety.


We would like to thank Anamed &Analitic Grup


  • Ababneh, F.A. (2013). Assessments of selected essential elements in canned tuna marketed in Jordan. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 25 (2), 1057-1062.
  • Abubakar, A., Uzairu, A., Ekwumemgbo, P.A., and Okunola, O.J. (2015). Risk assessment of heavy metals in imported frozen fish Scomber scombrus species sold in Nigeria: A case study in Zaria Metropolis. Advances in Toxicology, 1-11.
  • Agusa, T., Kunito, T., Yasunaga, G., Iwata, H., Subramanian, A., Ismail, A., and Tanabe, S. (2005). Concentrations of trace elements in marine fish and its risk assessment in Malaysia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51, 896–911.
  • Akhbarizadeh, R., and Moore, F., Keshavarzi, B. (2018). Investigating a probable relationship between micro plastics and potentially toxic elements in fish muscles from northeast of Persian Gulf. Environmental Pollution, 232, 154-163. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2017.09.028.
  • Alcala-Orozco, M., Morillo-Garcia, Y., Caballero-Gallardo, K., and Olivero-Verbel, J. (2017). Mercury in canned tuna marketed in Cartagena, Colombia, and estimation of human exposure. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B, 10 (4), 241–247. doi: 10.1080/19393210.2017.1323803.
  • Asare‑Donkor, N.K., and Adimado, A.A. (2016). Influence of mining related activities on levels of mercury in water, sediment and fish from the Ankobra and Tano River basins in South Western Ghana. Environmental Systems Research, 5(5), 1-11. doi:10.1186/s40068-016-0055-4.
  • ATSDR (2009). Health Consultation, Technical Support Document for a Methylmercury Reference Dose as a Basis for Fish Consumption Screening Values (FCSVs). Retrieved from entforAMethylcercuryReferenceDoseasaBasisforFCSVs9-10-2009.pdf
  • Bae, J.H., Yoon, S.H., and Lim, S.Y. (2011). Heavy metal contents and chemical compositions of Atlantic (Scomber scombrus), Blue (Scomber australasicus), and Chub (Scomber japonicus) mackerel muscles. Food Science and Biotechnology, 20(3), 709-714. doi:10.1007/s10068-011-0100-z.
  • Barone, G., Storelli, A., Garofalo, R., Busco, V.P., Quaglia, N.C., Centrone, G. and Storelli, M.M. (2015). Assessment of mercury and cadmium via seafood consumption in Italy: estimated dietary intake (EWI) and target hazard quotient (THQ). Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 32 (8), 1277–1286. doi: 10.1080/19440049.2015.1055594.
  • Burger, J. (2009). Risk to consumers from mercury in bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) from New Jersey: Size, season and geographical effects. Environmental Research, 109(7): 803 811.doi:10.1016/j.envres.2009.07.005.
  • EC (2006). Commission Regulation (EC). No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006: setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs. Official Journal of the European Union Legislation 5-24.
  • EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) (2012). Scientific Opinion on the risk for public health related to the presence of mercury and methylmercury in food. EFSA J. 10:1–241.
  • FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) (2017). Mercury levels in commercial fish and shellfish (1990 2012). Retrieved from
  • Fisheries Statistics (2018). Fisheries statistics. Retrieved from Görür, F.K., Keser, N., and Dizman, A.S. (2012). Radioactivity and heavy metal concentrations of some commercial fish species consumed in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. Chemosphere, 87, 356-361. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.12.022.
  • Guallar, E., Sanz-Gallardo, M. I., Veer, P., Bode, P., Aro, A., Gomez-Aracena, J., Kark, J.D., Riemersma, R.A., Martín-Moreno, J.M., and Kok, F.J. (2002). Heavy metals and myocardial infarction study group: mercury, fish oils, and the risk of myocardial infarction. The New England Journal of Medicine, 347, 1747-1754. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa020157.
  • Guérin, T., Chekri, R., Vastel, C., Sirot, V., Volatier, J., Leblanc, J. C., and Noël, L. (2011). Determination of 20 trace elements in fish and other seafood from the French market. Food Chemistry, 127, 934–942. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.01.061.
  • Hajeb, P., Jinap, S., Ismail, A., Fatimah, A. B., Jamilah, B., and Abdul Rahim, M. (2009). Assessment of mercury level in commonly consumed marine fishes in Malaysia. Food Control, 20, 79-84.
  • Hajeb, P., Jinap, S., and Ahmad, I. (2010). Biomagnifications of mercury and methylmercury in tuna and mackerel. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 171, 205–217. doi:10.1007/s10661-009-1272-3.
  • Hosseini, S. M., Mirghaffari, N., Sufiani, N.M., Hosseini, S.V., and Ghasemi, A.F. (2013). Risk assessment of the total mercury in golden gray mullet (Liza aurata) from Caspian Sea. International Journal of Aquatic Biology, 1(6), 258-265. doi:10.22034/ijab.v1i6.141.
  • Ihedioha, J.N., and Okoye, C.O.B. (2013). Dietary intake and health risk assessment of lead and cadmium via consumption of cow meat for an urban population in Enugu State, Nigeria. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 93, 101–106. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2013.04.010.
  • Ikem, A. and Egiebor, N.O. (2005). Assessment of trace elements in canned fishes (mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines and herrings) marketed in Georgia and Alabama (United States of America). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 18, 771–787. doi: 10.1016/j.jfca.2004.11.002.
  • Istanbul Governorship (2018). Nüfus Bakımından Türkiye’nin En Büyük Kenti: İstanbul. Retrieved from kenti-istanbul.
  • JECFA (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives) (2007). Safety evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants. Retrieved from 3.
  • Juresa, D., and Blanusa, M. (2003). Mercury, arsenic, lead and cadmium in fish and shellfish from the Adriatic Sea. Food Additives and Contaminants, 20 (3), 241–246.
  • Kibria, G. (2016). Trace metals/heavy metals and its impact on environment, biodiversity and human health A short review, 5p. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3102.2568.Kral, T., Blahova, J., Sedlackova, L., Kalina, J. and Svobodova, Z. (2017). Mercury in canned fish from local markets in the Czech Republic. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B, 10(2), 149-154. doi: 10.1080/19393210.2017.1284904.
  • Llull, R.M., Garí, M., Canals, M., Rey-Maquieira, T., and Grimalt, J.O. (2017). Mercury concentrations in lean fish from the Western Mediterranean Sea: Dietary exposure and risk assessment in the population of the Balearic Islands. Environmental Research, 158:16–23. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.05.033.
  • Łuczyńska, J. and Krupowski, M. (2009). Mercury content in organs of commercıal fish (Poland) – A short report. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 59 (4), 345-348. doi: 10.5601/jelem.2015.20.2.879
  • Luna, S. M. (2019). Scomber scombrus Linnaeus, Fishbase, 1758 Atlantic mackerel. Retrieved from erel
  • Mol, S. (2011). Levels of heavy metals in canned bonito, sardines, and mackerel produced in Turkey. Biological Trace Element Research, 143, 974–982. doi: 10.1007/s12011-010-8909-5.
  • Mol, S., Kahraman, A. E., and Ulusoy, S. (2019). Potential health risks of heavy metals to the Turkish and Greek populations via consumption of Spiny Dogfish and Thornback Ray from the Sea of Marmara. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 19(2), 109-117. doi: 10.4194/1303-2712 v19_2_03.
  • Olivero-Verbel, J., Ripoll-Arboleda, A., Carranza-Lopez, L., Muñoz-Sosa, D., and Caballero Gallardo, K. (2016). Human exposure and risk assessment associated with mercury pollution in the Caqueta River, Colombian Amazon. Environmental Science Pollution Research, 23, 20761–20771. doi:10.1007/s11356-016 7255-3.
  • Ordiano-Flores, A., Rosiles-Martinez, R., and Galvan-Magana, F. (2012). Biomagnification of mercury and its antagonistic interaction with selenium in yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in the trophic web of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 86, 182–187. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2012.09.014.
  • Pal, D., and Maiti, S.K. (2017). Evaluation of potential human health risks from toxic metals via consumption of cultured fish species Labeo rohita: A Case Study from an Urban Aquaculture Pond. Exposure & Health, 1-11. doi
  • Pazi, I., Gonul, T., Kucuksezgin, F., Avaz, G., Tolun, L., Karaaslan, Y., Gucver, S. M., Koc Orhon, A., Siltu, E., Unluoglu, A., and Olmez, G. (2017) Potential risk assessment of metals in edible fish species for human consumption from the Eastern Aegean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 120, 409–413. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.05.004.
  • Plessi, M., Bertelli, D., and Monzani, A. (2001). Mercury and selenium Content in selected seafood. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 14, 461-467. doi:10.006/jfca.2001.1003.
  • Romotowska, P. E., Karlsdottir, M. G., Gudjonsdottir, M., Kristinsson, H. G. and Arason, S. (2016). Influence of feeding state and frozen storage temperature on the lipid stability of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus). International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51, 1711–1720. doi:10.1111/ijfs.13146.
  • Speedy, A.W. (2003). Global production and consumption of animal source foods. Journal of Nutrition, 133 (11), 4048-4053. doi: 10.1093/jn/133.11.4048S.
  • Statista (2018). Main export partners of Norway for mackerel 2016, by export value. Retrieved from norway-for mackerel by export-value/
  • Storelli, M.M., Giacominelli Stuffler R, and Marcotrigiano G.O. (1998). Total mercury in muscle of benthic and pelagic fish from the South Adriatic Sea (Italy). Food Additives and Contaminants, 15 (8), 876-883. doi: 10.1080/02652039809374724.
  • Turkish Food Codex (2011). Turkish Food Codex Regulation on Contaminants. In: Official Gazette, 5996.
  • Tuzen M. (2009). Toxic and essential trace elemental contents in fish species from the Black Sea, Turkey. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47, 1785–1790. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2009.04.029.
  • US EPA (2018). Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) - Generic Tables, November 2018. Retrieved from,
  • US EPA (2007). Method 7473, Mercury in solids and solutions by thermal decomposition, amalgamation, and atomic absorption spectrophotometry, SW 846.
  • US EPA (2000). Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories, Volume 2 Risk Assessment and Fish Consumption Limits Third Edition, Office of Science and Technology, Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Visciano, P., Manera, M., Martino, G., Perugini, M., Salese, C., and Amorena, M. (2014). Nutritional quality and safety related to trace element content in fish from Tyrrhenian Sea. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 92, 557-561. doi: 10.1007/s00128-013-1175-4.
  • WHO/FAO (2011). Report of the Joint WHO /FAO Expert Consultation on the Risks and Benefits of Fish Consumption. Rome, Italy.
  • Yi. Y., Yang, Z., and Zhang, S. (2011). Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment and human health risk assessment of heavy metals in fishes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin. Environmental Pollution, 159, 2575-2585. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2011.06.011.
Year 2020, , 165 - 172, 15.06.2020



  • Ababneh, F.A. (2013). Assessments of selected essential elements in canned tuna marketed in Jordan. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 25 (2), 1057-1062.
  • Abubakar, A., Uzairu, A., Ekwumemgbo, P.A., and Okunola, O.J. (2015). Risk assessment of heavy metals in imported frozen fish Scomber scombrus species sold in Nigeria: A case study in Zaria Metropolis. Advances in Toxicology, 1-11.
  • Agusa, T., Kunito, T., Yasunaga, G., Iwata, H., Subramanian, A., Ismail, A., and Tanabe, S. (2005). Concentrations of trace elements in marine fish and its risk assessment in Malaysia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51, 896–911.
  • Akhbarizadeh, R., and Moore, F., Keshavarzi, B. (2018). Investigating a probable relationship between micro plastics and potentially toxic elements in fish muscles from northeast of Persian Gulf. Environmental Pollution, 232, 154-163. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2017.09.028.
  • Alcala-Orozco, M., Morillo-Garcia, Y., Caballero-Gallardo, K., and Olivero-Verbel, J. (2017). Mercury in canned tuna marketed in Cartagena, Colombia, and estimation of human exposure. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B, 10 (4), 241–247. doi: 10.1080/19393210.2017.1323803.
  • Asare‑Donkor, N.K., and Adimado, A.A. (2016). Influence of mining related activities on levels of mercury in water, sediment and fish from the Ankobra and Tano River basins in South Western Ghana. Environmental Systems Research, 5(5), 1-11. doi:10.1186/s40068-016-0055-4.
  • ATSDR (2009). Health Consultation, Technical Support Document for a Methylmercury Reference Dose as a Basis for Fish Consumption Screening Values (FCSVs). Retrieved from entforAMethylcercuryReferenceDoseasaBasisforFCSVs9-10-2009.pdf
  • Bae, J.H., Yoon, S.H., and Lim, S.Y. (2011). Heavy metal contents and chemical compositions of Atlantic (Scomber scombrus), Blue (Scomber australasicus), and Chub (Scomber japonicus) mackerel muscles. Food Science and Biotechnology, 20(3), 709-714. doi:10.1007/s10068-011-0100-z.
  • Barone, G., Storelli, A., Garofalo, R., Busco, V.P., Quaglia, N.C., Centrone, G. and Storelli, M.M. (2015). Assessment of mercury and cadmium via seafood consumption in Italy: estimated dietary intake (EWI) and target hazard quotient (THQ). Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 32 (8), 1277–1286. doi: 10.1080/19440049.2015.1055594.
  • Burger, J. (2009). Risk to consumers from mercury in bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) from New Jersey: Size, season and geographical effects. Environmental Research, 109(7): 803 811.doi:10.1016/j.envres.2009.07.005.
  • EC (2006). Commission Regulation (EC). No 1881/2006 of 19 December 2006: setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs. Official Journal of the European Union Legislation 5-24.
  • EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) (2012). Scientific Opinion on the risk for public health related to the presence of mercury and methylmercury in food. EFSA J. 10:1–241.
  • FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) (2017). Mercury levels in commercial fish and shellfish (1990 2012). Retrieved from
  • Fisheries Statistics (2018). Fisheries statistics. Retrieved from Görür, F.K., Keser, N., and Dizman, A.S. (2012). Radioactivity and heavy metal concentrations of some commercial fish species consumed in the Black Sea Region of Turkey. Chemosphere, 87, 356-361. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.12.022.
  • Guallar, E., Sanz-Gallardo, M. I., Veer, P., Bode, P., Aro, A., Gomez-Aracena, J., Kark, J.D., Riemersma, R.A., Martín-Moreno, J.M., and Kok, F.J. (2002). Heavy metals and myocardial infarction study group: mercury, fish oils, and the risk of myocardial infarction. The New England Journal of Medicine, 347, 1747-1754. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa020157.
  • Guérin, T., Chekri, R., Vastel, C., Sirot, V., Volatier, J., Leblanc, J. C., and Noël, L. (2011). Determination of 20 trace elements in fish and other seafood from the French market. Food Chemistry, 127, 934–942. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.01.061.
  • Hajeb, P., Jinap, S., Ismail, A., Fatimah, A. B., Jamilah, B., and Abdul Rahim, M. (2009). Assessment of mercury level in commonly consumed marine fishes in Malaysia. Food Control, 20, 79-84.
  • Hajeb, P., Jinap, S., and Ahmad, I. (2010). Biomagnifications of mercury and methylmercury in tuna and mackerel. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 171, 205–217. doi:10.1007/s10661-009-1272-3.
  • Hosseini, S. M., Mirghaffari, N., Sufiani, N.M., Hosseini, S.V., and Ghasemi, A.F. (2013). Risk assessment of the total mercury in golden gray mullet (Liza aurata) from Caspian Sea. International Journal of Aquatic Biology, 1(6), 258-265. doi:10.22034/ijab.v1i6.141.
  • Ihedioha, J.N., and Okoye, C.O.B. (2013). Dietary intake and health risk assessment of lead and cadmium via consumption of cow meat for an urban population in Enugu State, Nigeria. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 93, 101–106. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2013.04.010.
  • Ikem, A. and Egiebor, N.O. (2005). Assessment of trace elements in canned fishes (mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines and herrings) marketed in Georgia and Alabama (United States of America). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 18, 771–787. doi: 10.1016/j.jfca.2004.11.002.
  • Istanbul Governorship (2018). Nüfus Bakımından Türkiye’nin En Büyük Kenti: İstanbul. Retrieved from kenti-istanbul.
  • JECFA (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives) (2007). Safety evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants. Retrieved from 3.
  • Juresa, D., and Blanusa, M. (2003). Mercury, arsenic, lead and cadmium in fish and shellfish from the Adriatic Sea. Food Additives and Contaminants, 20 (3), 241–246.
  • Kibria, G. (2016). Trace metals/heavy metals and its impact on environment, biodiversity and human health A short review, 5p. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3102.2568.Kral, T., Blahova, J., Sedlackova, L., Kalina, J. and Svobodova, Z. (2017). Mercury in canned fish from local markets in the Czech Republic. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B, 10(2), 149-154. doi: 10.1080/19393210.2017.1284904.
  • Llull, R.M., Garí, M., Canals, M., Rey-Maquieira, T., and Grimalt, J.O. (2017). Mercury concentrations in lean fish from the Western Mediterranean Sea: Dietary exposure and risk assessment in the population of the Balearic Islands. Environmental Research, 158:16–23. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.05.033.
  • Łuczyńska, J. and Krupowski, M. (2009). Mercury content in organs of commercıal fish (Poland) – A short report. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 59 (4), 345-348. doi: 10.5601/jelem.2015.20.2.879
  • Luna, S. M. (2019). Scomber scombrus Linnaeus, Fishbase, 1758 Atlantic mackerel. Retrieved from erel
  • Mol, S. (2011). Levels of heavy metals in canned bonito, sardines, and mackerel produced in Turkey. Biological Trace Element Research, 143, 974–982. doi: 10.1007/s12011-010-8909-5.
  • Mol, S., Kahraman, A. E., and Ulusoy, S. (2019). Potential health risks of heavy metals to the Turkish and Greek populations via consumption of Spiny Dogfish and Thornback Ray from the Sea of Marmara. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 19(2), 109-117. doi: 10.4194/1303-2712 v19_2_03.
  • Olivero-Verbel, J., Ripoll-Arboleda, A., Carranza-Lopez, L., Muñoz-Sosa, D., and Caballero Gallardo, K. (2016). Human exposure and risk assessment associated with mercury pollution in the Caqueta River, Colombian Amazon. Environmental Science Pollution Research, 23, 20761–20771. doi:10.1007/s11356-016 7255-3.
  • Ordiano-Flores, A., Rosiles-Martinez, R., and Galvan-Magana, F. (2012). Biomagnification of mercury and its antagonistic interaction with selenium in yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in the trophic web of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 86, 182–187. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2012.09.014.
  • Pal, D., and Maiti, S.K. (2017). Evaluation of potential human health risks from toxic metals via consumption of cultured fish species Labeo rohita: A Case Study from an Urban Aquaculture Pond. Exposure & Health, 1-11. doi
  • Pazi, I., Gonul, T., Kucuksezgin, F., Avaz, G., Tolun, L., Karaaslan, Y., Gucver, S. M., Koc Orhon, A., Siltu, E., Unluoglu, A., and Olmez, G. (2017) Potential risk assessment of metals in edible fish species for human consumption from the Eastern Aegean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 120, 409–413. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.05.004.
  • Plessi, M., Bertelli, D., and Monzani, A. (2001). Mercury and selenium Content in selected seafood. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 14, 461-467. doi:10.006/jfca.2001.1003.
  • Romotowska, P. E., Karlsdottir, M. G., Gudjonsdottir, M., Kristinsson, H. G. and Arason, S. (2016). Influence of feeding state and frozen storage temperature on the lipid stability of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus). International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51, 1711–1720. doi:10.1111/ijfs.13146.
  • Speedy, A.W. (2003). Global production and consumption of animal source foods. Journal of Nutrition, 133 (11), 4048-4053. doi: 10.1093/jn/133.11.4048S.
  • Statista (2018). Main export partners of Norway for mackerel 2016, by export value. Retrieved from norway-for mackerel by export-value/
  • Storelli, M.M., Giacominelli Stuffler R, and Marcotrigiano G.O. (1998). Total mercury in muscle of benthic and pelagic fish from the South Adriatic Sea (Italy). Food Additives and Contaminants, 15 (8), 876-883. doi: 10.1080/02652039809374724.
  • Turkish Food Codex (2011). Turkish Food Codex Regulation on Contaminants. In: Official Gazette, 5996.
  • Tuzen M. (2009). Toxic and essential trace elemental contents in fish species from the Black Sea, Turkey. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47, 1785–1790. doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2009.04.029.
  • US EPA (2018). Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) - Generic Tables, November 2018. Retrieved from,
  • US EPA (2007). Method 7473, Mercury in solids and solutions by thermal decomposition, amalgamation, and atomic absorption spectrophotometry, SW 846.
  • US EPA (2000). Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories, Volume 2 Risk Assessment and Fish Consumption Limits Third Edition, Office of Science and Technology, Office of Water U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Visciano, P., Manera, M., Martino, G., Perugini, M., Salese, C., and Amorena, M. (2014). Nutritional quality and safety related to trace element content in fish from Tyrrhenian Sea. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 92, 557-561. doi: 10.1007/s00128-013-1175-4.
  • WHO/FAO (2011). Report of the Joint WHO /FAO Expert Consultation on the Risks and Benefits of Fish Consumption. Rome, Italy.
  • Yi. Y., Yang, Z., and Zhang, S. (2011). Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment and human health risk assessment of heavy metals in fishes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin. Environmental Pollution, 159, 2575-2585. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2011.06.011.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Engineering, Water Resources and Water Structures, Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences, Agronomy
Journal Section Research Articles

Şafak Ulusoy 0000-0003-1725-3269

Sühendan Mol 0000-0003-3831-5107

Publication Date June 15, 2020
Submission Date November 22, 2019
Acceptance Date April 19, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Ulusoy, Ş., & Mol, S. (2020). Mercury intake via consumption of imported Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in Istanbul. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 4(2), 165-172.

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