Research Article
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Year 2020, , 19 - 26, 15.03.2020



  • Abate, F., Mekbib, F. and Dessalegn, F. (2015) GGE biplot analysis of multi-environment yield trials of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum Desf.) genotypes in North Western Ethiopia. American Journal of Expanded Agriculture. 8;120-129. [Google Scholar]. Akcura, M. (2011) The Relationships of some traits in Turkish winter bread wheat landraces. Turk J Agric For. 35(2011): 115-125. [Google Scholar]. Aktas, H., Erdemci, İ., Karaman, M., Kendal, E. and Tekdal, S. (2017) Evaluation grain yield and some quality traits of winter bread wheat genotypes using GGE-biplot analysis. Tr. J. Nature Sci. 6(1): 43-51. [Google Scholar].
  • Ali, MJ. (2017). Investigation of yield, yield components and primary quality characteristics of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Bingöl University Institute of Science, master's thesis. page: 55-62. [URL].
  • Altinbas, M., Budak, N. and Tosun, M. (2000) Relationships between yield and quality properties in bread wheat. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture. 37(2-3): 150-154.
  • Anonymous. (1982). International association for cereal chemistry. ICC-Standart No:115/1.
  • Anonymous. (1990). AACC approved methods of the american association of cereal chemist, USA.
  • Anonymous. (1994). International association for cereal chemistry. ICC-Standart No:155/1.
  • Anonymous. (2013).GAP International Agricultural Research And Training Center soil analysis laboratory. [17.09.2013].
  • Anonymous. (2014). Diyarbakir and Sanliurfa Meteorology Regional Directorate records.
  • Araus, JL., Ferrio, JP., Buxo, R. and Voltas, J. (2007) The historical perspective of dryland agriculture: lessons learned from 10 000 years of wheat cultivation. Journal of Experimental Botany.58(2): 131–145. [Google Scholar].
  • Doğan, Y. and Kendal, E. (2012) Determination of grain yield and some quality traits of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes. Journal of Gaziosmanpasa University Faculty of Agriculture. 29(1): 113-121. [Google Scholar].
  • Farshadfar, E., Rashidi, M., Jowkar, MM. and Zali, H. (2013) GGE biplot analysis of genotype×environment interaction in chickpea genotypes. Europe Journal Expanded Biology. 3(1): 417-423. [Google Scholar].
  • Genstat. (2009). Genstat for windows (12th edition) introduction. vsn international, Hemel Hempstead.
  • Gomez, KA., Gomez, A.A. (1984). Statistical procedures for agricultural research. 2nd Ed. John Willey and Sons, Inc. New York. 641. [Google Scholar].
  • Grausgruber, H., Oberforster, M., Werteber, M., Ruckenbauer, P. and Volmann, J. (2000) Stability of quality traits in austrian-grown winter wheats. Field Crops Research. 66(3): 257-267. [Google Scholar].
  • Hagos, GH. and Abay, F. (2013) AMMI and GGE biplot analysis of bread wheat genotypes in the northern part of Ethiopia. Journal Plant Breeding Genetical. 1(1): 12-18. [Google Scholar].
  • IGC. (2018). International council of cereals. (10.12.2018) available from:
  • Kalayci, M. (2005). Examples of jump use and variance analysis models for agricultural research, Anatolia agricultural research institute directorate publications, publication no: 21, Eskisehir.
  • Karaman, M. (2017). Determınation of physiologıcal and morphological parameters associated wıth graın yıeld and quality traıts in durum wheat. Dicle University, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Science and Technology, PhD Thesis. 122-124. [URL].
  • Kendal, E. (2013) Evaluation of some spring bread wheat genotypes in terms of yield and quality in Diyarbakir condition. KSU J. Nat. Sci. 16(3): 16-24. [Google Scholar].
  • Kilic, H., Aktas, H., Kendal, E. and Tekdal, S. (2012a) Evaluation of advanced bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes by biplot analysis. Turkish Journal of Nature and Science. 1(2): 132-139. [Google Scholar].
  • Kilic, H., Tekdal, S., Kendal, E. and Aktas, H. (2012b) Evaluation of advanced durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp durum) lines with biplot analysis method based on theaugmented experimental design. KSU J. Nat. Sci.. 15(4): 18-25. [Google Scholar].
  • Kizilgeci, F., Yıldırım, M., Akıncı, C., Albayrak, Ö. and Başdemir, F. (2015) The availability of advanced durum wheat population in yield and quality basis selection. Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of The Faculty of Agriculture. 10(2): 62-68. [Google Scholar].
  • Morgounov, A., Keser, M., Kan, M., Küçük, Congar, M., Özdemir, F., Gummanow, N., Muminjanov, H., Zuev, E. and Qualset, CO. (2016). Wheat landraces currently grown in Turkey: distribution, diversity and use. Crop Science. 56: 1-13. [Google Scholar].
  • Porceddu, E., Pacucci, G., Perrino, P., Gatta, CD. and Maellaro, I. (1973) Protein content and seed characteristics in populations of Triticum durum grown at three different locations. pp. 217-222. Proc. of the Symp. on Genetics and Breeding Durum Wheat, Univ, di Bari. 14-18 Maggio. [Google Scholar].
  • Protic, R., Miric, M., Protic, N., Jovanovic, Z. and Jovin, P. (2007) The test weight of several winter wheat genotypes under various sowing dates and nitrogen fertilizer rates. Romanian Agricultural Research. 24: 43-36. [Google Scholar].
  • Rahman, MA., Chikushi, J., Yoshida, S. and Karim, AJMS. (2009) Growth and yield components of wheat genotypes exposed to high temperature stress under control environment. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research. 34(3): 360-372. [Google Scholar].
  • Sahin, M., Göçmen Akçacık, A., Aydoğan, S. and Yakışır, E. (2016) Determination of yield and quality performance of winter wheat genotypes in rainfed conditions of central anatolian. journal of central research ınstitute for field Crops. 25 (Özel Sayı-1): 19-23.
  • Tekdal, S., Kendal, E. and Ayana, B. (2014) Evaluation of yield and some quality traits of advanced durum wheat lines with biplot analysis method. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences. 1(3): 322-330. [Google Scholar].
  • TUIK, (2017). Crop Production Statistics.
  • Yan, W., Hunt, LA., Sheng, Q. and Szlavnics, Z. (2000) Cultivar evaluation and mega environment investigation based on the GGE biplot. Crop Science. 40: 597-605. [Google Scholar].
  • Yan, W. and Kang, M. (2002) GGE biplot analysis. a graphical tool breeders, geneticists and agronomists. Crc press, Florida. [Google Scholar].
  • Yan, W.and Tinker, NA. (2006) Biplot analysis of multi-environment trial data: principles and applications. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 86: 623–645. [Google Scholar].
  • Yan, W. and Reid, JF. (2008) Breeding line selection based on multiple traits. Crop Scie

Evaluation of yield and quality performance of some spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under rainfall conditions

Year 2020, , 19 - 26, 15.03.2020


The study was conducted in randomized complete block design with four replications at two locations (Sanliurfa and Diyarbakir) under rainfall conditions during 2013-2014 growing season. The purpose of the study is to determine the bread wheat genotypes with high yield, large adaptation ability and high grain quality. Twenty advanced bread wheat lines and five check varieties were used as material. The data were evaluated by using variance and GGE-biplot analysis methods. Significant differences among genotypes were determined for test weight (TW), thousand grain weight (TGW), grain yield (GY) and heading time (HT) at the significant level of 1%, while, less significant levels (p<5%) were found for wet gluten content (WG), zeleny sedimentation (ZS) and protein content (PR). According to GGE-biplot analysis results, positive correlations were determined between TW and TGW, and also PR, WG and ZS. It has also been determined that there is a negative relationship between HT and TW, TGW. According to the stability graph, the genotypes of G23 and G8 were found to be highly efficient and moderately stable and both could be candidate varieties. Additionally, Dinç variety and G11 advanced line can be used as genitor in bread wheat breeding programs for grain yield and quality. 


  • Abate, F., Mekbib, F. and Dessalegn, F. (2015) GGE biplot analysis of multi-environment yield trials of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum Desf.) genotypes in North Western Ethiopia. American Journal of Expanded Agriculture. 8;120-129. [Google Scholar]. Akcura, M. (2011) The Relationships of some traits in Turkish winter bread wheat landraces. Turk J Agric For. 35(2011): 115-125. [Google Scholar]. Aktas, H., Erdemci, İ., Karaman, M., Kendal, E. and Tekdal, S. (2017) Evaluation grain yield and some quality traits of winter bread wheat genotypes using GGE-biplot analysis. Tr. J. Nature Sci. 6(1): 43-51. [Google Scholar].
  • Ali, MJ. (2017). Investigation of yield, yield components and primary quality characteristics of some bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Bingöl University Institute of Science, master's thesis. page: 55-62. [URL].
  • Altinbas, M., Budak, N. and Tosun, M. (2000) Relationships between yield and quality properties in bread wheat. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture. 37(2-3): 150-154.
  • Anonymous. (1982). International association for cereal chemistry. ICC-Standart No:115/1.
  • Anonymous. (1990). AACC approved methods of the american association of cereal chemist, USA.
  • Anonymous. (1994). International association for cereal chemistry. ICC-Standart No:155/1.
  • Anonymous. (2013).GAP International Agricultural Research And Training Center soil analysis laboratory. [17.09.2013].
  • Anonymous. (2014). Diyarbakir and Sanliurfa Meteorology Regional Directorate records.
  • Araus, JL., Ferrio, JP., Buxo, R. and Voltas, J. (2007) The historical perspective of dryland agriculture: lessons learned from 10 000 years of wheat cultivation. Journal of Experimental Botany.58(2): 131–145. [Google Scholar].
  • Doğan, Y. and Kendal, E. (2012) Determination of grain yield and some quality traits of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes. Journal of Gaziosmanpasa University Faculty of Agriculture. 29(1): 113-121. [Google Scholar].
  • Farshadfar, E., Rashidi, M., Jowkar, MM. and Zali, H. (2013) GGE biplot analysis of genotype×environment interaction in chickpea genotypes. Europe Journal Expanded Biology. 3(1): 417-423. [Google Scholar].
  • Genstat. (2009). Genstat for windows (12th edition) introduction. vsn international, Hemel Hempstead.
  • Gomez, KA., Gomez, A.A. (1984). Statistical procedures for agricultural research. 2nd Ed. John Willey and Sons, Inc. New York. 641. [Google Scholar].
  • Grausgruber, H., Oberforster, M., Werteber, M., Ruckenbauer, P. and Volmann, J. (2000) Stability of quality traits in austrian-grown winter wheats. Field Crops Research. 66(3): 257-267. [Google Scholar].
  • Hagos, GH. and Abay, F. (2013) AMMI and GGE biplot analysis of bread wheat genotypes in the northern part of Ethiopia. Journal Plant Breeding Genetical. 1(1): 12-18. [Google Scholar].
  • IGC. (2018). International council of cereals. (10.12.2018) available from:
  • Kalayci, M. (2005). Examples of jump use and variance analysis models for agricultural research, Anatolia agricultural research institute directorate publications, publication no: 21, Eskisehir.
  • Karaman, M. (2017). Determınation of physiologıcal and morphological parameters associated wıth graın yıeld and quality traıts in durum wheat. Dicle University, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Science and Technology, PhD Thesis. 122-124. [URL].
  • Kendal, E. (2013) Evaluation of some spring bread wheat genotypes in terms of yield and quality in Diyarbakir condition. KSU J. Nat. Sci. 16(3): 16-24. [Google Scholar].
  • Kilic, H., Aktas, H., Kendal, E. and Tekdal, S. (2012a) Evaluation of advanced bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes by biplot analysis. Turkish Journal of Nature and Science. 1(2): 132-139. [Google Scholar].
  • Kilic, H., Tekdal, S., Kendal, E. and Aktas, H. (2012b) Evaluation of advanced durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp durum) lines with biplot analysis method based on theaugmented experimental design. KSU J. Nat. Sci.. 15(4): 18-25. [Google Scholar].
  • Kizilgeci, F., Yıldırım, M., Akıncı, C., Albayrak, Ö. and Başdemir, F. (2015) The availability of advanced durum wheat population in yield and quality basis selection. Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of The Faculty of Agriculture. 10(2): 62-68. [Google Scholar].
  • Morgounov, A., Keser, M., Kan, M., Küçük, Congar, M., Özdemir, F., Gummanow, N., Muminjanov, H., Zuev, E. and Qualset, CO. (2016). Wheat landraces currently grown in Turkey: distribution, diversity and use. Crop Science. 56: 1-13. [Google Scholar].
  • Porceddu, E., Pacucci, G., Perrino, P., Gatta, CD. and Maellaro, I. (1973) Protein content and seed characteristics in populations of Triticum durum grown at three different locations. pp. 217-222. Proc. of the Symp. on Genetics and Breeding Durum Wheat, Univ, di Bari. 14-18 Maggio. [Google Scholar].
  • Protic, R., Miric, M., Protic, N., Jovanovic, Z. and Jovin, P. (2007) The test weight of several winter wheat genotypes under various sowing dates and nitrogen fertilizer rates. Romanian Agricultural Research. 24: 43-36. [Google Scholar].
  • Rahman, MA., Chikushi, J., Yoshida, S. and Karim, AJMS. (2009) Growth and yield components of wheat genotypes exposed to high temperature stress under control environment. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research. 34(3): 360-372. [Google Scholar].
  • Sahin, M., Göçmen Akçacık, A., Aydoğan, S. and Yakışır, E. (2016) Determination of yield and quality performance of winter wheat genotypes in rainfed conditions of central anatolian. journal of central research ınstitute for field Crops. 25 (Özel Sayı-1): 19-23.
  • Tekdal, S., Kendal, E. and Ayana, B. (2014) Evaluation of yield and some quality traits of advanced durum wheat lines with biplot analysis method. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences. 1(3): 322-330. [Google Scholar].
  • TUIK, (2017). Crop Production Statistics.
  • Yan, W., Hunt, LA., Sheng, Q. and Szlavnics, Z. (2000) Cultivar evaluation and mega environment investigation based on the GGE biplot. Crop Science. 40: 597-605. [Google Scholar].
  • Yan, W. and Kang, M. (2002) GGE biplot analysis. a graphical tool breeders, geneticists and agronomists. Crc press, Florida. [Google Scholar].
  • Yan, W.and Tinker, NA. (2006) Biplot analysis of multi-environment trial data: principles and applications. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 86: 623–645. [Google Scholar].
  • Yan, W. and Reid, JF. (2008) Breeding line selection based on multiple traits. Crop Scie
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Karaman 0000-0002-9008-4011

Publication Date March 15, 2020
Submission Date November 25, 2019
Acceptance Date January 12, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Karaman, M. (2020). Evaluation of yield and quality performance of some spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under rainfall conditions. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 4(1), 19-26.

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