Research Article
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Year 2020, , 173 - 180, 15.06.2020


Supporting Institution

Trakya Üniversitesi

Project Number



  • Adimalla, N., Li, P., Qiana, H. (2019). Evaluation of groundwater contamination for fluoride and nitrate in semi-arid region of Nirmal Province, South India: A special emphasis on human health risk assessment (HHRA). Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 25 (5): 1107–1124.
  • Andezhath, S. K., Kumar, A., Bhatnagar, M., Bahudur, R. (1993). Prevalence of endemic fluorosis with gastro-intestinal manifestations in people living in some North-Indian villages. Fluoride, 26 (2): 97-104.
  • Anonymous (2016). Edirne İl Çevre Durum Raporu (Environment Status Report of Edirne Province). Edirne Valiliği, Çevre ve Şehircilik İl Müdürlüğü.
  • Ayoob, S., Gupta, A. K. (2006). Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Review on the status and stress effects. Critical reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 36, 433-487.
  • Chen, J., Wu, H., Qian, H., Gao, Y. (2017). Assessing nitrate and fluoride contaminants in drinking water and their health risk of rural residents living in a semiarid region of northwest China. Exposure and Health, 9: 183–195.
  • Dey, S., Giri, B. (2016). Fluoride fact on human health and health problems: A review. Medical & Clinical Reviews, 2 (1):11.
  • EC (European Communities) (2007). European Communities (Drinking Water) (no. 2), Regulations. S.I. No. 278 of 2007.
  • Güner, Ş., Haznedaroğlu, E., Sezgin, B. I., Okutan, A. E., Menteş, A. (2017). Prevalence of dental caries and fluorosis in two towns of Edirne, Turkey. Caries Research, 51:290–385.
  • Güner, Ş., Uyar-Bozkurt, S., Haznedaroğlu, E., Menteş, A. (2016). Dental fluorosis and catalase immunoreactivity of the brain tissues in rats exposed to high fluoride pre- and postnatally. Biological Trace Element Research, 174 (1): 150-157.
  • Howard, G., Bartram, J., Pedley, S., Schmoll, O., Chorus, I., Berger, P. (2006). Groundwater and public health. Protecting groundwater for health: Managing the quality of drinking-water sources. WHO, IWA Publishing, London.
  • Kazi, T. G., Arain, M. B., Jamali, M. K., Jalbani, N., Afridi, H. I., Sarfraz, R. A., Baig, J. A., Shah, A. Q. (2009). Assessment of water quality of polluted lake using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72: 301– 309.
  • Liu, C. W., Lin, K. H., Kuo, Y. M. (2003). Application of factor analysis in the assessment of groundwater quality in a blackfoot disease area in Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment, 313, 77–89.
  • Onur, Ş. G., Sezgin, B. I., Tokatlı, C., Haznedaroğlu, E., Eda, A., İldeş, G. Ç., Kalaoğlu, E. E., Yazıcı, B., Menteş, A. (2019). Edirne’nin içme suyu fluor orani farkli 3 ilçesinde dental fluorozis ve diş çürüğü prevalansinin değerlendirilmesi. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 15 (2): 219-223.
  • Rodvang, S. J., Simpkins, W. W. (2001). Agricultural contaminants in quaternary aquitards: A review of occurrence and fate in North America. Hydrogeology Journal, 9 (1): 44-59.
  • Tokatlı, C. 2014. Drinking water quality of a rice land in turkey by a statistical and GIS perspective: Ipsala District. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 23 (6): 2247-2258.
  • Tokatlı, C. (2017). Bio – ecological and statistical risk assessment of toxic metals in sediments of a worldwide important wetland: Gala Lake National Park (Turkey). Archives of Environmental Protection, 43 (1): 34-47.
  • Tokatlı, C. (2018). Drinking water quality assessment in villages located in Meriç River Basin (Edirne, Turkey). Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 36 (3): 871-886.
  • Tokatlı, C., Çiçek, A., Köse, E. (2013). Groundwater quality of Türkmen Mountain (Turkey). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 22 (4): 1197-1208.
  • Tokatlı, C., Güner, Ş. (2018). Fluorine accumulations in drinking water of Havsa District (Edirne, Turkey) and assessment of water quality in terms of teeth health. Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 36 (3): 887-894.
  • Tokatlı, C., Köse, E., Çiçek, A. (2014). Assessment of the effects of large borate deposits on surface water quality by multi statistical approaches: A case study of the Seydisuyu Stream (Turkey). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 23 (5): 1741-1751.
  • TS 266. (2005). Sular-İnsani tüketim amaçlı sular. Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, ICS 13.060.20.
  • WHO (World Health Organization) (2011a). Nitrate and Nitrite in Drinking-Water. WHO/SDE/WSH/07.01/16/Rev/1.
  • WHO (World Health Organization) (2011b). Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality. World Health Organization Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data, NLM classification: WA 675.

Comparison of fluoride contents in terms of teeth health and water quality in drinking water at the northern and southern regions of Meriç River Basin (Edirne/Turkey)

Year 2020, , 173 - 180, 15.06.2020


This research was carried out to investigate and compare the fluoride accumulations and some physical and chemical properties (dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation, pH, oxidation – reduction potential, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid, salinity, nitrate nitrogen) in the drinking water of Enez and Süloğlu Districts, which are located in the northern and southern parts of the watershed of Meriç River. Water samples used for drinking were taken from tap waters in a total of 22 residential areas in the Enez and Süloğlu Districts at the winter season of 2019. Fluoride levels of water samples were determined by using a spectrophotometer and Principle Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to the results. The detected fluoride amounts and physical/chemical data were also evaluated in terms of teeth health of humans. According to the results obtained, although the detected fluoride accumulations both in the northern and southern part of the basin are slightly below the optimum levels for teeth health, it has been found that fluoride concentrations did not exceed the permitted values for drinking water. The minimum and maximum fluoride levels recorded as min. 0.159 ppm (Süloğlu District) – max. 0.475 ppm (Küküler Village) in the northern part of the basin and recorded as min. 0.068 ppm (Hasköy Village) – max. 0.603 ppm (Karaincirli Village) in the southern part of the basin. As a result of PCA, 2 factors named as “Agricultural Factor” and “Fluoride Factor” explained 79% of the total variance. It was also determined that contamination rates in terms of physicochemical variables of investigated regions were found as South Region of the Basin > North Region of the Basin in general. 

Project Number



  • Adimalla, N., Li, P., Qiana, H. (2019). Evaluation of groundwater contamination for fluoride and nitrate in semi-arid region of Nirmal Province, South India: A special emphasis on human health risk assessment (HHRA). Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 25 (5): 1107–1124.
  • Andezhath, S. K., Kumar, A., Bhatnagar, M., Bahudur, R. (1993). Prevalence of endemic fluorosis with gastro-intestinal manifestations in people living in some North-Indian villages. Fluoride, 26 (2): 97-104.
  • Anonymous (2016). Edirne İl Çevre Durum Raporu (Environment Status Report of Edirne Province). Edirne Valiliği, Çevre ve Şehircilik İl Müdürlüğü.
  • Ayoob, S., Gupta, A. K. (2006). Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Review on the status and stress effects. Critical reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 36, 433-487.
  • Chen, J., Wu, H., Qian, H., Gao, Y. (2017). Assessing nitrate and fluoride contaminants in drinking water and their health risk of rural residents living in a semiarid region of northwest China. Exposure and Health, 9: 183–195.
  • Dey, S., Giri, B. (2016). Fluoride fact on human health and health problems: A review. Medical & Clinical Reviews, 2 (1):11.
  • EC (European Communities) (2007). European Communities (Drinking Water) (no. 2), Regulations. S.I. No. 278 of 2007.
  • Güner, Ş., Haznedaroğlu, E., Sezgin, B. I., Okutan, A. E., Menteş, A. (2017). Prevalence of dental caries and fluorosis in two towns of Edirne, Turkey. Caries Research, 51:290–385.
  • Güner, Ş., Uyar-Bozkurt, S., Haznedaroğlu, E., Menteş, A. (2016). Dental fluorosis and catalase immunoreactivity of the brain tissues in rats exposed to high fluoride pre- and postnatally. Biological Trace Element Research, 174 (1): 150-157.
  • Howard, G., Bartram, J., Pedley, S., Schmoll, O., Chorus, I., Berger, P. (2006). Groundwater and public health. Protecting groundwater for health: Managing the quality of drinking-water sources. WHO, IWA Publishing, London.
  • Kazi, T. G., Arain, M. B., Jamali, M. K., Jalbani, N., Afridi, H. I., Sarfraz, R. A., Baig, J. A., Shah, A. Q. (2009). Assessment of water quality of polluted lake using multivariate statistical techniques: A case study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72: 301– 309.
  • Liu, C. W., Lin, K. H., Kuo, Y. M. (2003). Application of factor analysis in the assessment of groundwater quality in a blackfoot disease area in Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment, 313, 77–89.
  • Onur, Ş. G., Sezgin, B. I., Tokatlı, C., Haznedaroğlu, E., Eda, A., İldeş, G. Ç., Kalaoğlu, E. E., Yazıcı, B., Menteş, A. (2019). Edirne’nin içme suyu fluor orani farkli 3 ilçesinde dental fluorozis ve diş çürüğü prevalansinin değerlendirilmesi. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi, 15 (2): 219-223.
  • Rodvang, S. J., Simpkins, W. W. (2001). Agricultural contaminants in quaternary aquitards: A review of occurrence and fate in North America. Hydrogeology Journal, 9 (1): 44-59.
  • Tokatlı, C. 2014. Drinking water quality of a rice land in turkey by a statistical and GIS perspective: Ipsala District. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 23 (6): 2247-2258.
  • Tokatlı, C. (2017). Bio – ecological and statistical risk assessment of toxic metals in sediments of a worldwide important wetland: Gala Lake National Park (Turkey). Archives of Environmental Protection, 43 (1): 34-47.
  • Tokatlı, C. (2018). Drinking water quality assessment in villages located in Meriç River Basin (Edirne, Turkey). Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 36 (3): 871-886.
  • Tokatlı, C., Çiçek, A., Köse, E. (2013). Groundwater quality of Türkmen Mountain (Turkey). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 22 (4): 1197-1208.
  • Tokatlı, C., Güner, Ş. (2018). Fluorine accumulations in drinking water of Havsa District (Edirne, Turkey) and assessment of water quality in terms of teeth health. Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 36 (3): 887-894.
  • Tokatlı, C., Köse, E., Çiçek, A. (2014). Assessment of the effects of large borate deposits on surface water quality by multi statistical approaches: A case study of the Seydisuyu Stream (Turkey). Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 23 (5): 1741-1751.
  • TS 266. (2005). Sular-İnsani tüketim amaçlı sular. Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, ICS 13.060.20.
  • WHO (World Health Organization) (2011a). Nitrate and Nitrite in Drinking-Water. WHO/SDE/WSH/07.01/16/Rev/1.
  • WHO (World Health Organization) (2011b). Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality. World Health Organization Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data, NLM classification: WA 675.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Şirin Güner Onur 0000-0002-6890-3500

Cem Tokatlı 0000-0003-2080-7920

Project Number 2018/154
Publication Date June 15, 2020
Submission Date February 4, 2020
Acceptance Date April 24, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Güner Onur, Ş., & Tokatlı, C. (2020). Comparison of fluoride contents in terms of teeth health and water quality in drinking water at the northern and southern regions of Meriç River Basin (Edirne/Turkey). International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 4(2), 173-180.

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