Research Article
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Investigation of Opportunities the Addition of Canned Watermelon Purea and Watermelon Juice Produced From Unmarketable Watermelon in Broiler Quail Ration

Year 2020, , 181 - 187, 15.06.2020


This research was conducted for evaluation of effects of watermelon puree and watermelon juice obtained from unmarkettable watermelon on fattening performance of quails. In the experimantal part, quail diets were prepared according to NRC standards. Experimental groups were established by adding (dry matter based) of 5% canned watermelon puree and watermelon juice into daily diet. The rations in the groups are divided as isoergenic and isonitrogenic. The experiment consisted of feding 90 male Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) divided into three main and five subgroupsand. While the live weights of the quails were similar to other groups in the start of the experiment, in the end of the study reached the highest value in the Group-P with 189 grams of live weight. Daily body weight gain of the quails was found as 3.68 g in Group-P, 3.44 g in Group-J and 3.43 g in Group-C. Feed consumption was determined as 7.79 g in Group-P, 8.97 g in Group-J and 10.42 g in Group-C. Nutrient digestibility and mortality rates almost remained similar. In this research is that in the Group-P, feed consumption decreased and daily live weight gain was found close to Group-J and Group-C. This results show that the Group-P had better feed efficiency than than the other groups. This is shows that watermelon juice and puree can be used in poultry rations instead of corn and soybean meal in terms of digestibility.


  • AOAC. (1980). Official Methods Of Analysis (13th Edition). Washington D C: Assosciation Of Official Agricultural Chemist.
  • Acar, R., Özcan, M.M., Kanbur, G., Dursun, N. (2012). Some Physico-Chemical Properties of Edible and Forage Watermelon Seeds. Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng., 31(4), 41-47.
  • Anguelova, T., Warthsen, J. (2000). Lycopene Stability in Tomato Powders. Journal of Food Science, 65(1), 67-70.
  • Ayaşan, T., Karakozak, E. (2010). Hayvan Beslemede β-Karoten Kullanılması ve Etkileri. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 16(4), 697-705.
  • Chaudry, M.A., Badshah, A., Bibi, N., Zeb, A., Ahmed, T., Ali, S.U., Meulen, U. (2004). Citrus waste utilization in poultry rations. Arch. Geflügelk, 68(5), 206-210.
  • Choudhary, A.P. (2014). Study of the Nutritinal Value and Antimicrobial Activeity of Juice Extracted from Watermellon Waste. IJCBS Research Paper, 1(1), 15-24.
  • Edwards, A.J., Vinyard, B.T., Wiley, E.R., Brown, E.D., Collins, J.K., Perkins-Veazie, P., Baker, R.A., Clevidence, B.A. (2003). Consumption of Watermelon Juice Increases Plasma Concentrations of Lycopene and B-Carotene in Humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 133(4), 1043-50.
  • Erukainure, O.L., Oke, O.V., Daramola, A.O., Adenekan, S.O., Umanhonlen, E.E. (2010). Improvement of the Biochemical Properties of Watermelon Rinds Subjected to Saccharomyces cerevisae Solid Media Fermentation. Pakst. J. of Nutr., 9(8), 806-809.
  • Fernandes, D.R., Freitas, E.R., Watanabe, P.H., Filgueira, T.M.B., Cruz, C.E.B., Germano Jerônimo do Nascimento, A., Aguiar, G.C., Nascimento, E.R.M. (2016). Cashew nut meal in the feeding of meat quails. Trop Anim Health Prod, 48, 711-717.
  • Fish, W.W., Bruton, B.D., Russo, V.M. (2009). Watermelon Juice: A Promising Feedstock Supplement, Diluent, and Nitrogen Supplement for Ethanol Biofuel Production. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2:18.
  • Johnson, J.T., Lennox, J.A., Ujong, U.P., Odey, M.O., Fila, W.O., Edem, P.N., Dasofunjo, K. (2013). Comparative Vitamins Content of Pulp, Seed and Rind of Fresh and Dried Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus). Inter. J. of Sci. and Tech, 2(1), 99-103.
  • Konca, Y., Yazgan, O. (2002). Yumurta Tavuklarında Sıcaklık Stresi ve Vitamin C. Hayvansal Üretim, 43(2), 16-25.
  • National Research Council (NRC). (1994). Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. (9th rev. ed.), National Academy Press, Washington, DC, s. 44-45.
  • Nguyen, L.T.N., Han, G., Yang, H., Ikeda, H., Eltahan, H.M., Chowdhury, V.S., Furuse, M. (2019). Dried Watermelon Rind Mash Diet Increases Plasma L-Citrulline Level in Chicks. J. Poult. Sci., 56, 65-70.
  • Rasheed, A.M. (2008). Effect of Different Acids, Heating Time and Particle Size on Pectin Extraction from Watermelon Rinds. Journal of Kerbala University, 6(4), 234-243.
  • Register, M. (2019). Poultry and livestock feed additive. Available at (Access date: July 20, 2019).
  • Rimandoa, A.M., Perkins-Veazie, P.M. (2005). Determination of citrulline in watermelon rind. Journal of Chromatography A, 1078, 196–200.
  • Rizal, Y., Endo Mahata, M., Andriani, M., Wu, G. (2010). Utilization of Juice Wastes as Corn Replacement in the Broiler Diet. Int. J. Poult. Sci, 9(9), 886-889.
  • Rotter, B.A., Frohlich, A.A., Rotter, R.G., Marquardt, R.R. (1989). Estimation of apparent protein digestibility using uric acid-corrected nitrogen values in poultry excreta. Poult Sci, 68, 327-9.
  • Sa’id, M.A. (2014). A Study in the Variability of Some Nutrient Contents of Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus) Before and after Ripening Consumed Within Kano Metropolis, Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 3(5), 1365-1368.
  • Sabahelkhier, M.K., Ishag, K.E.A., Sabir Ali, A.K. (2011). Fatty acid Profile, Ash Composition and Oil Characteristics of Seeds of Watermelon Grown in Sudan. British Journal of Science, 1(2), 76-80.
  • Scott, D. (2012) Determination of Lycopene Isomers in Model Food Systems and Their Effectiveness as Antioxidants. Oklahoma State University.
  • Shazali, H.S., El-Zubeir, E.A., Abdelhadi, O.M.A. (2013). The Effects of Feeding Watermelon Seed Meal and Full Fat Seed on Broiler Chicks Growth. Iranian J of Apl. Anim. Sci, 3(2), 279-282.
  • Siyal, F.A., Wagan, R., Bhutto, Z.A., Tareen, M.H., Arain, M.A., Saeed, M., Brohi, S.A., Soomro, R.N. (2016). Effect of Orange and Banana Peels on the Growth Performance of Broilers. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci, 4(7), 376-380.
  • SPSS. (2002). Inc. SPSS for Windows Release 11,5 (6 Sep. 2002), Standard Version, Copyright SPSS Inc. 1989-2002. Chicago.
  • Taşkaya, B., Keskin, G. (2004). Kavun-karpuz. Tarımsal Ekonomi Araştırma Enstitüsü, 6.
  • Terlemez, F. (2017). Pazarlanma Şansı Azalan Karpuzlardan Hayvan Beslemede Kullanılabilecek Dayanıklı Ve Katma Değerli Ürünler Üretme Olanaklarının Araştırılması. Doktora Tezi, Elazığ: Fırat Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Türk Standardları Enstitüsü. (2019). TS 1132 Karpuz. Available at (Access date: July 20, 2019).
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TUİK) (2019). Sebze ürünleri üretim miktarları, 2001-2018. Available at (Access date: July 15, 2019).
  • Ukpanukpong, R.U., Bassey, S.O., Etta, H.E., Osung, J.E. (2018). Effect of water melon (cıtrıllus lanatus) seed powder on growth performance parameters of broıler chıckens. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 7(19), 169-179.
  • USDA. (2019). Nutrient values and weights are for edible portion. Available at (Access date: June 20, 2019).
  • Vansoset, P.J., Robertson, J.B., Lewis, B.A. (1991). Method for dietary fiber,neutral detergent fiber, and nostarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci, 74, 3583-3597.
  • Zafar, F.M., Idrees, Z.A. (2005). Use Of Apple By-Products In Poultry Ratıons Of Broıler Chıcks In Karachı. Pak J Physiol, 1(1-2).
Year 2020, , 181 - 187, 15.06.2020



  • AOAC. (1980). Official Methods Of Analysis (13th Edition). Washington D C: Assosciation Of Official Agricultural Chemist.
  • Acar, R., Özcan, M.M., Kanbur, G., Dursun, N. (2012). Some Physico-Chemical Properties of Edible and Forage Watermelon Seeds. Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng., 31(4), 41-47.
  • Anguelova, T., Warthsen, J. (2000). Lycopene Stability in Tomato Powders. Journal of Food Science, 65(1), 67-70.
  • Ayaşan, T., Karakozak, E. (2010). Hayvan Beslemede β-Karoten Kullanılması ve Etkileri. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 16(4), 697-705.
  • Chaudry, M.A., Badshah, A., Bibi, N., Zeb, A., Ahmed, T., Ali, S.U., Meulen, U. (2004). Citrus waste utilization in poultry rations. Arch. Geflügelk, 68(5), 206-210.
  • Choudhary, A.P. (2014). Study of the Nutritinal Value and Antimicrobial Activeity of Juice Extracted from Watermellon Waste. IJCBS Research Paper, 1(1), 15-24.
  • Edwards, A.J., Vinyard, B.T., Wiley, E.R., Brown, E.D., Collins, J.K., Perkins-Veazie, P., Baker, R.A., Clevidence, B.A. (2003). Consumption of Watermelon Juice Increases Plasma Concentrations of Lycopene and B-Carotene in Humans. The Journal of Nutrition, 133(4), 1043-50.
  • Erukainure, O.L., Oke, O.V., Daramola, A.O., Adenekan, S.O., Umanhonlen, E.E. (2010). Improvement of the Biochemical Properties of Watermelon Rinds Subjected to Saccharomyces cerevisae Solid Media Fermentation. Pakst. J. of Nutr., 9(8), 806-809.
  • Fernandes, D.R., Freitas, E.R., Watanabe, P.H., Filgueira, T.M.B., Cruz, C.E.B., Germano Jerônimo do Nascimento, A., Aguiar, G.C., Nascimento, E.R.M. (2016). Cashew nut meal in the feeding of meat quails. Trop Anim Health Prod, 48, 711-717.
  • Fish, W.W., Bruton, B.D., Russo, V.M. (2009). Watermelon Juice: A Promising Feedstock Supplement, Diluent, and Nitrogen Supplement for Ethanol Biofuel Production. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2:18.
  • Johnson, J.T., Lennox, J.A., Ujong, U.P., Odey, M.O., Fila, W.O., Edem, P.N., Dasofunjo, K. (2013). Comparative Vitamins Content of Pulp, Seed and Rind of Fresh and Dried Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus). Inter. J. of Sci. and Tech, 2(1), 99-103.
  • Konca, Y., Yazgan, O. (2002). Yumurta Tavuklarında Sıcaklık Stresi ve Vitamin C. Hayvansal Üretim, 43(2), 16-25.
  • National Research Council (NRC). (1994). Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. (9th rev. ed.), National Academy Press, Washington, DC, s. 44-45.
  • Nguyen, L.T.N., Han, G., Yang, H., Ikeda, H., Eltahan, H.M., Chowdhury, V.S., Furuse, M. (2019). Dried Watermelon Rind Mash Diet Increases Plasma L-Citrulline Level in Chicks. J. Poult. Sci., 56, 65-70.
  • Rasheed, A.M. (2008). Effect of Different Acids, Heating Time and Particle Size on Pectin Extraction from Watermelon Rinds. Journal of Kerbala University, 6(4), 234-243.
  • Register, M. (2019). Poultry and livestock feed additive. Available at (Access date: July 20, 2019).
  • Rimandoa, A.M., Perkins-Veazie, P.M. (2005). Determination of citrulline in watermelon rind. Journal of Chromatography A, 1078, 196–200.
  • Rizal, Y., Endo Mahata, M., Andriani, M., Wu, G. (2010). Utilization of Juice Wastes as Corn Replacement in the Broiler Diet. Int. J. Poult. Sci, 9(9), 886-889.
  • Rotter, B.A., Frohlich, A.A., Rotter, R.G., Marquardt, R.R. (1989). Estimation of apparent protein digestibility using uric acid-corrected nitrogen values in poultry excreta. Poult Sci, 68, 327-9.
  • Sa’id, M.A. (2014). A Study in the Variability of Some Nutrient Contents of Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus) Before and after Ripening Consumed Within Kano Metropolis, Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 3(5), 1365-1368.
  • Sabahelkhier, M.K., Ishag, K.E.A., Sabir Ali, A.K. (2011). Fatty acid Profile, Ash Composition and Oil Characteristics of Seeds of Watermelon Grown in Sudan. British Journal of Science, 1(2), 76-80.
  • Scott, D. (2012) Determination of Lycopene Isomers in Model Food Systems and Their Effectiveness as Antioxidants. Oklahoma State University.
  • Shazali, H.S., El-Zubeir, E.A., Abdelhadi, O.M.A. (2013). The Effects of Feeding Watermelon Seed Meal and Full Fat Seed on Broiler Chicks Growth. Iranian J of Apl. Anim. Sci, 3(2), 279-282.
  • Siyal, F.A., Wagan, R., Bhutto, Z.A., Tareen, M.H., Arain, M.A., Saeed, M., Brohi, S.A., Soomro, R.N. (2016). Effect of Orange and Banana Peels on the Growth Performance of Broilers. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci, 4(7), 376-380.
  • SPSS. (2002). Inc. SPSS for Windows Release 11,5 (6 Sep. 2002), Standard Version, Copyright SPSS Inc. 1989-2002. Chicago.
  • Taşkaya, B., Keskin, G. (2004). Kavun-karpuz. Tarımsal Ekonomi Araştırma Enstitüsü, 6.
  • Terlemez, F. (2017). Pazarlanma Şansı Azalan Karpuzlardan Hayvan Beslemede Kullanılabilecek Dayanıklı Ve Katma Değerli Ürünler Üretme Olanaklarının Araştırılması. Doktora Tezi, Elazığ: Fırat Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Türk Standardları Enstitüsü. (2019). TS 1132 Karpuz. Available at (Access date: July 20, 2019).
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TUİK) (2019). Sebze ürünleri üretim miktarları, 2001-2018. Available at (Access date: July 15, 2019).
  • Ukpanukpong, R.U., Bassey, S.O., Etta, H.E., Osung, J.E. (2018). Effect of water melon (cıtrıllus lanatus) seed powder on growth performance parameters of broıler chıckens. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 7(19), 169-179.
  • USDA. (2019). Nutrient values and weights are for edible portion. Available at (Access date: June 20, 2019).
  • Vansoset, P.J., Robertson, J.B., Lewis, B.A. (1991). Method for dietary fiber,neutral detergent fiber, and nostarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J Dairy Sci, 74, 3583-3597.
  • Zafar, F.M., Idrees, Z.A. (2005). Use Of Apple By-Products In Poultry Ratıons Of Broıler Chıcks In Karachı. Pak J Physiol, 1(1-2).
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

İbrahim Halil Çerçi 0000-0001-5678-1203

Aydın Erocağı 0000-0002-3354-3517

Fatma Terlemez This is me 0000-0001-7970-0306

Publication Date June 15, 2020
Submission Date February 14, 2020
Acceptance Date May 8, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Çerçi, İ. H., Erocağı, A., & Terlemez, F. (2020). Investigation of Opportunities the Addition of Canned Watermelon Purea and Watermelon Juice Produced From Unmarketable Watermelon in Broiler Quail Ration. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 4(2), 181-187.

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