Research Article
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Year 2020, , 483 - 492, 15.12.2020



  • Amgai, S., Dutta, J. P., Regmi, P. P. and Dangol, D. R. (2015). Analysis of Marketing Practices of Apple in Mustang District of Nepal. Agriculture Development Journal, 11.
  • Amos, T. T. (2007). An Analysis of Productivity and Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Cocoa Farmers in Nigeria. Journal of Social Sciences, 15 (2): 127-133.
  • CBS. (2011). National Census 2011. Kathmandu, Nepal: Central Bureau of Statistics.
  • Chand, H., Guleria, C., Guleria, A. and Kashyap, R. (2017). Resource Use Efficiency and Marketing Analysis of Apple Crop in Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Farm Science, 7(1): 154-159.
  • Collett, L. (2011). About The Apple- Malus domestica. Oregon State University.
  • DADO. (2016). District Agriculture Profile Book. Mustang: District Agriculture Development Office.
  • Dyer, J. H. (1997). Effective Interfirm Collaboration: How Firms Minimize Transaction Costs and Maximize Transaction Value. Strategic Management Journal, 18 (7): 535-556.<535::AID-SMJ885>3.0.CO;2-Z
  • Fadavi, R., Keyhani, A. and Mohtasebi, S. S. (2011). An Analysis of Energy Use, Input Cost And Relation Between Energy Inputs and Yield of Apple Orchard. Research in Agricultural Engineering, 57(3): 88-96.
  • FAOSTAT. (2020). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. FAOSTAT Database.
  • Jha, R., Chitkara, P. and Gupta, S. (2000). Productivity, Technical and Allocative Efficiency and Farm Size in Wheat Farming in India: a DEA Approach, Applied Economics letters, 7 (1): 1-5.
  • Juniper, B.E., Watkins, R. and Harris, S.A. (1998). The Origin of the Apple. Acta Horticulture, 484(1), 27-48.
  • Kashyap, R. and Guleria, A. (2015). Socio-economic and Marketing Analysis of Apple Growers in Mandi District of Himachal Pradesh. Journal of Hill Agriculture, 6(2): 202-206.
  • Mazumdar, D. (1965). Size of Farm and Productivity: A Problem of Indian Peasant Agriculture. Economica 32 (126): 161-173.
  • Mehta, P., Thakur, R. K. and Chauhan, S. (2013). Production and Marketing of Apple Fruit Crop - A Study Premise to Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh, India. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management, 4 (4), 610-613.
  • MoALD. (2017). Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture 2073/74 (2016/17). Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD), Singh Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal. Government of Nepal.
  • MoF. (2019). Economic Survey 2018/19. Ministry of Finance (MoF), Singh Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal: Government of Nepal.
  • NPC. (2016). Fourteenth National Plan. Kathmandu, Nepal: National Planning Commission.
  • Pender, J., Nkonya, E., Jagger, P., Sserunkuuma, D. and Ssali, H. (2004). Strategies to Increase Agricultural Productivity And Reduce Land Degradation: Evidence from Uganda. Agricultural Economics, 31(2-3): 181-195.
  • PMAMP. (2017). Prime Minister Agriculture Modernisation Project, Project Implementation Unit, Apple Zone, Mustang.
  • Rao, V. and Chotigeat, T. (1981). The Inverse Relationship between Size of Land Holdings and Agriculture Productivity. American Journal of Agriculture Economics, 63 (3), 571-574.
  • Sachs, M. (2017). The Business of Brandy: The Changing Roles of Women in Apple Brandy Production in Lower Mustang, Nepal. Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection, 2566.
  • Shahi, R. D. (2005). Identification of problems associated with apple cultivation and possible measures to overcome them in Himalayan project areas of Solukhumbu district. Kathmandu: Himalayan Project.
  • UNDP. (2014). Human Development Report 2014. New York: United Nations Development Program.
  • USDA. (2013). Fresh Deciduous Fruit (apples, grapes and pears): World Markets and Trade-A Study Report. Washington DC, USA: United States Department of Agriculture.

Economics of production and marketing of apple (Malus domestica) in Mustang, Nepal

Year 2020, , 483 - 492, 15.12.2020


A study was carried out to assess the production and marketing status of apple in the Mustang district of Nepal in 2019. A total of 100 households were sampled by using simple random sampling technique and interviewed with a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and independent-sample t-test was used for data analysis using SPSS and MS-Excel. Farmers were categorized into small farmers (n=68) and large farmers (n=32) based on the number of apple trees grown by farmers. The average area under apple cultivation was 6.64 ropani (0.3378 hactares). The overall average apple production was 2848 kg (2.84 Mt) and the large farmers had more apple production (7035 kg) as compared to small farmers (877 kg). The average annual household income from apple was NRs. 29,868 (248.90 USD). Apple farming was found to be a profitable farm enterprise with a benefit-cost ratio of 1.84. Two marketing channel was identified in the study area and Channel II was found more profitable. Education status of household head, ethnicity, number of economically active family members, experience on apple farming and visit of extension worker to apple farms were the significant factors that positively affected the production and marketing of apple. The satisfaction level of farmers from production and marketing of apple was found very poor (79%). Unavailability of inputs, lack of storage facilities, insect pest damage, poor technical knowledge and infrastructure were major production problems. Similarly, price variation, poor marketing infrastructure and linkage, high postharvest loss, poor bargaining power and low volume of production were the major marketing problems.


  • Amgai, S., Dutta, J. P., Regmi, P. P. and Dangol, D. R. (2015). Analysis of Marketing Practices of Apple in Mustang District of Nepal. Agriculture Development Journal, 11.
  • Amos, T. T. (2007). An Analysis of Productivity and Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Cocoa Farmers in Nigeria. Journal of Social Sciences, 15 (2): 127-133.
  • CBS. (2011). National Census 2011. Kathmandu, Nepal: Central Bureau of Statistics.
  • Chand, H., Guleria, C., Guleria, A. and Kashyap, R. (2017). Resource Use Efficiency and Marketing Analysis of Apple Crop in Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh. International Journal of Farm Science, 7(1): 154-159.
  • Collett, L. (2011). About The Apple- Malus domestica. Oregon State University.
  • DADO. (2016). District Agriculture Profile Book. Mustang: District Agriculture Development Office.
  • Dyer, J. H. (1997). Effective Interfirm Collaboration: How Firms Minimize Transaction Costs and Maximize Transaction Value. Strategic Management Journal, 18 (7): 535-556.<535::AID-SMJ885>3.0.CO;2-Z
  • Fadavi, R., Keyhani, A. and Mohtasebi, S. S. (2011). An Analysis of Energy Use, Input Cost And Relation Between Energy Inputs and Yield of Apple Orchard. Research in Agricultural Engineering, 57(3): 88-96.
  • FAOSTAT. (2020). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. FAOSTAT Database.
  • Jha, R., Chitkara, P. and Gupta, S. (2000). Productivity, Technical and Allocative Efficiency and Farm Size in Wheat Farming in India: a DEA Approach, Applied Economics letters, 7 (1): 1-5.
  • Juniper, B.E., Watkins, R. and Harris, S.A. (1998). The Origin of the Apple. Acta Horticulture, 484(1), 27-48.
  • Kashyap, R. and Guleria, A. (2015). Socio-economic and Marketing Analysis of Apple Growers in Mandi District of Himachal Pradesh. Journal of Hill Agriculture, 6(2): 202-206.
  • Mazumdar, D. (1965). Size of Farm and Productivity: A Problem of Indian Peasant Agriculture. Economica 32 (126): 161-173.
  • Mehta, P., Thakur, R. K. and Chauhan, S. (2013). Production and Marketing of Apple Fruit Crop - A Study Premise to Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh, India. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management, 4 (4), 610-613.
  • MoALD. (2017). Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture 2073/74 (2016/17). Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD), Singh Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal. Government of Nepal.
  • MoF. (2019). Economic Survey 2018/19. Ministry of Finance (MoF), Singh Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal: Government of Nepal.
  • NPC. (2016). Fourteenth National Plan. Kathmandu, Nepal: National Planning Commission.
  • Pender, J., Nkonya, E., Jagger, P., Sserunkuuma, D. and Ssali, H. (2004). Strategies to Increase Agricultural Productivity And Reduce Land Degradation: Evidence from Uganda. Agricultural Economics, 31(2-3): 181-195.
  • PMAMP. (2017). Prime Minister Agriculture Modernisation Project, Project Implementation Unit, Apple Zone, Mustang.
  • Rao, V. and Chotigeat, T. (1981). The Inverse Relationship between Size of Land Holdings and Agriculture Productivity. American Journal of Agriculture Economics, 63 (3), 571-574.
  • Sachs, M. (2017). The Business of Brandy: The Changing Roles of Women in Apple Brandy Production in Lower Mustang, Nepal. Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection, 2566.
  • Shahi, R. D. (2005). Identification of problems associated with apple cultivation and possible measures to overcome them in Himalayan project areas of Solukhumbu district. Kathmandu: Himalayan Project.
  • UNDP. (2014). Human Development Report 2014. New York: United Nations Development Program.
  • USDA. (2013). Fresh Deciduous Fruit (apples, grapes and pears): World Markets and Trade-A Study Report. Washington DC, USA: United States Department of Agriculture.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Policy
Journal Section Research Articles

Bikash Gayak 0000-0001-7948-0876

Subodh Raj Pandey 0000-0002-6303-8087

Sandesh Bhatta This is me 0000-0003-0917-2995

Publication Date December 15, 2020
Submission Date March 12, 2020
Acceptance Date November 16, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Gayak, B., Pandey, S. R., & Bhatta, S. (2020). Economics of production and marketing of apple (Malus domestica) in Mustang, Nepal. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 4(4), 483-492.

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