Research Article
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Year 2020, , 200 - 208, 15.06.2020



  • References Acharya L.N., and P.N. Atreya.2013.Fruit Development in Nepal: Past Efforts, Present Status and Future Needs/way forwards. Proceedings of the Eight National Horticulture Seminar on Horticulture Development Towards the pace of national economic growth. On 18th April 2015, Kirtipur, Kathmandu. Adhikari, J. 2014. Agriculture Adaptation practices in South Asia-Case of Nepal. South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment (SAWTEE) working paper no 01 (iii)/14., Kathmandu. Atreya, P.N. 2014. Fruit Development Directorate and Scenario of Fruit Sector in Nepal. Fruit Development Directorate, Kirtipur, Kathmandu. Atreya, P.N. and R. Manandhar. 2016. Fruit Development Scenario in Nepal: Achievements, Present Status and Future prospective. Paper presented in first international horticulture conferentce organized by Nepal Horticulture Society, Kathmandu, Nepal, Bakshi, P. 2015. Strategies for mitigation of impact of climate change on subtropical fruits. SAMETI training on climate resilient fruit production technologies, 1st-2nd Dec, 2015, Jammu, India. Colinet, H., Sinclair, B.J., Vernon, P. and Renault, D. 2015. Insects in fluctuating thermal environments. Annual Review of Entomology 60: 123–140. Dahal, H, and D.R. Khanal. 2010. ―Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation Framework: Issues and Challenges.‖ Paper presented during NAPA workshop, Kathmandu. Datta, S. 2013. Impact of Climate Change in Indian Horticulture. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology. Vol 2 (661-671). Department of Vegetable and Spice Crops, Uttar BangaKrishiViswavidyalaya, West Bangal, India. Dinesh, M.R. and B.M.C.Reddy. 2012. Physiological Basis of Growth and Fruit Yield Characteristics of Tropical and Sub tropical Fruits to Temperature. In: Tropical Fruit Tree Species, Biodiversity International, Office for South Asia, National Agricultural Science Centre, DPS Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012, India. FAO. 2010. Implications of Climate Change for Agriculture and Food Security and Adaptation Priorities in Nepal. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, Italy, June 2010. FDD. 2016. Annual Progress Book. Fruit Development Directorate, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agricultural Development. Kathmandu. Fischer, G, M Shah, and H van Velthuizen. 2002. Climate change and agricultural vulnerability, special report to the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development. Laxenburg: IIASA. Ghaedi, B. and Andrew, N.R. 2016. The physiological consequences of varied heat exposure events in adult Myzuspersicae: a single prolonged exposure compared to repeated shorter exposures. Peer Journal 4e: 2290. GoN. 2010. National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to Climate Change, Kathmandu: Ministry of Environment. Kaini, B.R.2004. Horticulture Development in Nepal-An Overview. Paper presented in Third National Horticulture Seminar. Nepal Horticulture Society, Kathmandu, Nepal. Karn, P.K. 2014. The impact of climate change on Agricutlure-A case study from Nepal. The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Number 79-14. Kumar R. and K.K. Kumar.2007. Managing physiological disorders in litchi. Indian Horticulture 52 (1): 22-24. LI-Bird. 2009. Climate Change and Agrobiodiversity in Nepal: Opportunities to include agro-biodiversity maintenance to support Nepal’s National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA). A report prepared by LI-BIRD for the Platform for Agro-biodiversity Research in collaboration with FAO and Bioversity International. Malla, G. 2008. Climate change and its impact on Nepalese agriculture. The journal of Agriculture and Environment, MoAC. Vol: 9, pp 62-71. Malla, G., 2003. Impact of climate change on water and soil health, Agriculture and Environment. MOAC, pp63-71. Matthew P Ayres., 2010. Climate change impacts: Insects. Erik E Stange, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Lillehammer, Norway. MoAD. 2015. Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture. Ministry of Agriculture Development, Singhadurbar, Kathmandu. NAPA. 2010. National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Government of Nepal, Kathamandu. NCVST. 2009. Vulnerability through the Eyes of Vulnerable: Cliamte Change Induced Uncertainties and Nepal’s Development Predicaments, Institue of Social and Environmental Transition- Nepal (ISET-N), Kathmandu: Nepal Climate Vulnerability Study Team (NCVST). OECD. 2003. Development and Climate Change in Nepal: Focus on Water Resource and Hydro-Power OECD Study- General Circulation Model (GCM) run with the SRES B2. Pant, K. P., 2012. Climate Change and Food Security in Nepal. The Journal of Agriculture and Environment 13 (1): 9-17. Rai R., S. Joshi, S. Roy, O. Sing, M. Samir and A. Chandra. 2015. Implications of Changing Climate on Productivity of Temperate Fruit Crops with Special Reference to Apple. Journal of Horticulture 2:135. G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145, U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand. Ramay, S., Z. Munawar, and M. Ahmad. 2011. ―Climate change and food security in the HKH region.‖ Paper presented at the Authors‘ Workshop for the Regional Report on Climate Change in the Hindu Kush–Himalayas: The State of Current Knowledge, ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal, August 18–19. Regmi, H.N. and D.S. Shrestha. 2005. Horticulture Science (A Competition Guide). Horticulture Research Division, Nepal Agriculture Research Council, Lalitpur, Nepal. Shrestha, G. K. 1998. Fruit Development in Nepal; Past, Present and Future. Technica Concern. GPO Box 3602, Kathmandu, Nepal. Shrestha, G.K., S.M. Shakya, D. R. Baral and D.M. Gautam. 2001. Fundamentals of Horticulture. Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. Shrestha, K.L., M.L. Shrestha, N.M. Shakya, M.L. Ghimire, and B.K. Sapkota. 2003. ―Climate change and water resources of Nepal.‖ In Climate Change and Water Resources in South Asia: Proceedings of year end workshop, Kathmandu, Nepal, 7–9 January 2003, Kathmandu, Nepal, edited by A. Muhammed, and F.J. Hansen. Islamabad: Asianics Agro Dev International. SANDEE. 2014.The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture. A Case Study from Nepal.Policy Brief. SANDEE, Kathmandu, Nepal. Singh, R. 1969. Fruits. National Book Trust, India. Sthapit S. and S.J. Scherr .2012a. Tropical Tropical Fruit Trees and Climate Change. In: Tropical Fruit Tree Species, Biodiversity International, Office for South Asia, National Agricultural Science Centre, DPS Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012, India. Sthapit S. and S.J. Scherr .2012b. Tropical Fruit Trees and Opportunities for Adaptation and Mitigation. In: Tropical Fruit Tree Species, Biodiversity International, Office for South Asia, National Agricultural Science Centre, DPS Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012, India.
  • Timisina, N.P. 2011a. Climate change phenomenon in Nepal. South Asian Climate Change Congerence held on 1-2 January 2011. ANPFa and SAAPE. Timsina, N.P. 2011b. Climate change phenomenon in Nepal. NGO Federation of Nepal: A national federation of NGOs in Nepal.‖ Presented at South Asian Climate Conference organized by ANPF and SAAPE, January 1-2. Tomiyashu, Y., S.K. Barma and D.B. Thapa. 1999. Citrus cultivation in Nepal. Sigma offset press, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Visible evidence of climate change and its impact on fruit production in Nepal

Year 2020, , 200 - 208, 15.06.2020


In recent years, Nepal is experiencing visible impact of climate change in agriculture. This review paper describes the recent climate change pattern and phenomenon with its impact on fruit production in Nepal. Various researches suggest that change in temperature has played vital to reduce the level of soil organic carbon, and soil micronutrients. With exposure to extreme temperatures, insects may produce heat shock proteins, cryoprotectants and osmolyte compounds within their bodies to survive, so these insects can exist in such environment. Most of the researches resulted that higher temperature induces early flowering under the subtropics may result in low fruit-set because of abnormalities arising from prevailing low night temperatures. Similarly, insufficient chilling greatly influences flower initiation and fruit coloration along with deterioration in fruit texture and taste. Besides the effect of high and low temperature, papers also claimed that decline in rainfall from November to April adversely affects the winter and spring crops that ultimately reduces food production. Hence, organization related to fruit research, education and development in Nepal have to run effective program to bring new genetic sources that can resist the adverse effect of climate and may bring some positive vibe to tackle the climate change.


  • References Acharya L.N., and P.N. Atreya.2013.Fruit Development in Nepal: Past Efforts, Present Status and Future Needs/way forwards. Proceedings of the Eight National Horticulture Seminar on Horticulture Development Towards the pace of national economic growth. On 18th April 2015, Kirtipur, Kathmandu. Adhikari, J. 2014. Agriculture Adaptation practices in South Asia-Case of Nepal. South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment (SAWTEE) working paper no 01 (iii)/14., Kathmandu. Atreya, P.N. 2014. Fruit Development Directorate and Scenario of Fruit Sector in Nepal. Fruit Development Directorate, Kirtipur, Kathmandu. Atreya, P.N. and R. Manandhar. 2016. Fruit Development Scenario in Nepal: Achievements, Present Status and Future prospective. Paper presented in first international horticulture conferentce organized by Nepal Horticulture Society, Kathmandu, Nepal, Bakshi, P. 2015. Strategies for mitigation of impact of climate change on subtropical fruits. SAMETI training on climate resilient fruit production technologies, 1st-2nd Dec, 2015, Jammu, India. Colinet, H., Sinclair, B.J., Vernon, P. and Renault, D. 2015. Insects in fluctuating thermal environments. Annual Review of Entomology 60: 123–140. Dahal, H, and D.R. Khanal. 2010. ―Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation Framework: Issues and Challenges.‖ Paper presented during NAPA workshop, Kathmandu. Datta, S. 2013. Impact of Climate Change in Indian Horticulture. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology. Vol 2 (661-671). Department of Vegetable and Spice Crops, Uttar BangaKrishiViswavidyalaya, West Bangal, India. Dinesh, M.R. and B.M.C.Reddy. 2012. Physiological Basis of Growth and Fruit Yield Characteristics of Tropical and Sub tropical Fruits to Temperature. In: Tropical Fruit Tree Species, Biodiversity International, Office for South Asia, National Agricultural Science Centre, DPS Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012, India. FAO. 2010. Implications of Climate Change for Agriculture and Food Security and Adaptation Priorities in Nepal. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, Italy, June 2010. FDD. 2016. Annual Progress Book. Fruit Development Directorate, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agricultural Development. Kathmandu. Fischer, G, M Shah, and H van Velthuizen. 2002. Climate change and agricultural vulnerability, special report to the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development. Laxenburg: IIASA. Ghaedi, B. and Andrew, N.R. 2016. The physiological consequences of varied heat exposure events in adult Myzuspersicae: a single prolonged exposure compared to repeated shorter exposures. Peer Journal 4e: 2290. GoN. 2010. National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to Climate Change, Kathmandu: Ministry of Environment. Kaini, B.R.2004. Horticulture Development in Nepal-An Overview. Paper presented in Third National Horticulture Seminar. Nepal Horticulture Society, Kathmandu, Nepal. Karn, P.K. 2014. The impact of climate change on Agricutlure-A case study from Nepal. The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE), Number 79-14. Kumar R. and K.K. Kumar.2007. Managing physiological disorders in litchi. Indian Horticulture 52 (1): 22-24. LI-Bird. 2009. Climate Change and Agrobiodiversity in Nepal: Opportunities to include agro-biodiversity maintenance to support Nepal’s National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA). A report prepared by LI-BIRD for the Platform for Agro-biodiversity Research in collaboration with FAO and Bioversity International. Malla, G. 2008. Climate change and its impact on Nepalese agriculture. The journal of Agriculture and Environment, MoAC. Vol: 9, pp 62-71. Malla, G., 2003. Impact of climate change on water and soil health, Agriculture and Environment. MOAC, pp63-71. Matthew P Ayres., 2010. Climate change impacts: Insects. Erik E Stange, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Lillehammer, Norway. MoAD. 2015. Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture. Ministry of Agriculture Development, Singhadurbar, Kathmandu. NAPA. 2010. National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Government of Nepal, Kathamandu. NCVST. 2009. Vulnerability through the Eyes of Vulnerable: Cliamte Change Induced Uncertainties and Nepal’s Development Predicaments, Institue of Social and Environmental Transition- Nepal (ISET-N), Kathmandu: Nepal Climate Vulnerability Study Team (NCVST). OECD. 2003. Development and Climate Change in Nepal: Focus on Water Resource and Hydro-Power OECD Study- General Circulation Model (GCM) run with the SRES B2. Pant, K. P., 2012. Climate Change and Food Security in Nepal. The Journal of Agriculture and Environment 13 (1): 9-17. Rai R., S. Joshi, S. Roy, O. Sing, M. Samir and A. Chandra. 2015. Implications of Changing Climate on Productivity of Temperate Fruit Crops with Special Reference to Apple. Journal of Horticulture 2:135. G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145, U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand. Ramay, S., Z. Munawar, and M. Ahmad. 2011. ―Climate change and food security in the HKH region.‖ Paper presented at the Authors‘ Workshop for the Regional Report on Climate Change in the Hindu Kush–Himalayas: The State of Current Knowledge, ICIMOD, Kathmandu, Nepal, August 18–19. Regmi, H.N. and D.S. Shrestha. 2005. Horticulture Science (A Competition Guide). Horticulture Research Division, Nepal Agriculture Research Council, Lalitpur, Nepal. Shrestha, G. K. 1998. Fruit Development in Nepal; Past, Present and Future. Technica Concern. GPO Box 3602, Kathmandu, Nepal. Shrestha, G.K., S.M. Shakya, D. R. Baral and D.M. Gautam. 2001. Fundamentals of Horticulture. Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal. Shrestha, K.L., M.L. Shrestha, N.M. Shakya, M.L. Ghimire, and B.K. Sapkota. 2003. ―Climate change and water resources of Nepal.‖ In Climate Change and Water Resources in South Asia: Proceedings of year end workshop, Kathmandu, Nepal, 7–9 January 2003, Kathmandu, Nepal, edited by A. Muhammed, and F.J. Hansen. Islamabad: Asianics Agro Dev International. SANDEE. 2014.The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture. A Case Study from Nepal.Policy Brief. SANDEE, Kathmandu, Nepal. Singh, R. 1969. Fruits. National Book Trust, India. Sthapit S. and S.J. Scherr .2012a. Tropical Tropical Fruit Trees and Climate Change. In: Tropical Fruit Tree Species, Biodiversity International, Office for South Asia, National Agricultural Science Centre, DPS Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012, India. Sthapit S. and S.J. Scherr .2012b. Tropical Fruit Trees and Opportunities for Adaptation and Mitigation. In: Tropical Fruit Tree Species, Biodiversity International, Office for South Asia, National Agricultural Science Centre, DPS Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110 012, India.
  • Timisina, N.P. 2011a. Climate change phenomenon in Nepal. South Asian Climate Change Congerence held on 1-2 January 2011. ANPFa and SAAPE. Timsina, N.P. 2011b. Climate change phenomenon in Nepal. NGO Federation of Nepal: A national federation of NGOs in Nepal.‖ Presented at South Asian Climate Conference organized by ANPF and SAAPE, January 1-2. Tomiyashu, Y., S.K. Barma and D.B. Thapa. 1999. Citrus cultivation in Nepal. Sigma offset press, Kathmandu, Nepal.
There are 2 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Horticultural Production
Journal Section Research Articles

Padma Nath Atreya 0000-0002-5099-677X

Manoj Kaphle 0000-0003-1385-6441

Publication Date June 15, 2020
Submission Date February 16, 2020
Acceptance Date May 10, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Atreya, P. N., & Kaphle, M. (2020). Visible evidence of climate change and its impact on fruit production in Nepal. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 4(2), 200-208.

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