Research Article
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Year 2020, , 520 - 527, 15.12.2020



  • Ağdağ, O. N., 2009. Comparison of Old and New Municipal Solid Waste Management Systems in Denizli. Turkey. Waste Manag. 29 (1), 456- 457.
  • Badram, M. F., El-Haggar S. M., 2006. Optimization of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Port Said – Egypt. Waste Management. 26 (5), 533-534.
  • Çay, T. B., Berktay, A., 2007. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Application in the Selection of Solid Waste Disposal Areas. TMMOB Geographical Information Systems Congress Proceedings Book I-II. TMMOB Chamber of Geomatic and Cadastre Engineers. Ankara.
  • Demir, B.İ., Demir, Ö., Gök, N., 2006. Economic Evaluation of Solid Wastes, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Broadcast No:23. Istanbul.
  • Drinking Water, Waste Water Treatment Systems and Solid Waste Management Special Commission Report. 2012. 69-70.
  • Gören, S., 2005. Sanitary Landfill, Forart Printing Office. Istanbul.
  • He, L.G., Ming, H.G., Lu, Z.-H., 2009. Identifying Optimal Regional Solid Waste Management Strategies Through An Inexact Integer Programming Model Containing Infinite Objectives and Constraints. Waste Management. 29 (1).
  • Kocak, E., 2018. Zero Waste Approach In Environmental Engineering And Application Areas In Various Sectors, International Refereed Journal of Engineering And Sci. Doi: 10.17366/uhmfd.2018.2.1. 13, 35-59.
  • Leblebici, Z., 2001. Environmental Management Systems in the world and Turkey, Master Thesis. Gazi University Institute of Social Sci. Ankara. 99-100.
  • Municipal Solid Waste Statistics (BKAI), 2016. Turkish Statistical Institute Newsletter, T.C. Prime Minister of Turkey Statistical Institute. Number 75.
  • Palabıyık, H., 1998. Urban Solid Wastes (Garbage) as Environmental Problems and Integrated Solid Waste Management. Turkish Administrative Journal. 70, 50-52.
  • Palabıyık, H., Altunbaş, D., 2004. Urban Solid Waste Management. Contemporary Approaches to Environmental Problems, Beta Printing Publication. Istanbul. 104-105.
  • Republic of Turkey Environment and Urban Ministry, Governorship of Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization, 2016. Environmental Management Branch Office Barbaros Boulevard No: 137 Balmumcu Besiktas/Istanbul.
  • Şen, M., Kestioğlu, K., 2007. Domestic Solid Waste Recycling in Rural Municipalities and Economic Analysis: Mustafakemalpaşa Town/Bursa Case Study. Ecology No: 65, 45-46. Turan, G. N., Çoruh, S., Akdemir, A., Ergun, O., N., 2009. Municipal Solid Waste Management Strategies in Turkey, Waste Manag. 29 (1), 464-465.
  • Yılmaz, A., ve Bozkurt, Y., 2010. Urban Solid Waste Management Practices in Turkey and Kütahya Solid Waste Union Case Study, Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 15 (1), 11-28.

Types of waste in the context of waste management and general overview of waste disposal in Turkey

Year 2020, , 520 - 527, 15.12.2020


In Turkey, there has been an increase in waste management applications within the context of sustainability activities recently. The most important reason for that was the legal requirements for recycling and disposal of the waste generated by the producers. Developing nations still utilize the storage method, while developed countries recycle almost all produced waste to produce raw materials and energy. Although there is an increase in the number of work conducted on waste management in Turkey, the attained levels are still far from satisfactory. This is mainly due to waste recycling or recovery costs. In order to convert the problem of waste into economic benefits, it is of utmost importance to recycle the waste, avoid the transfer of waste to landfills and to conduct waste management. Thus, an environmentally and economically sustainable productivity would be achieved. In the present study, waste management in Turkey was scrutinized. In this context, types and volume of the waste produced in Turkey and utilized disposal methods were discussed. The present study also provided a general overview on waste disposal business processes such as sanitary landfills, composting and recycling in Turkey. Thus, the study aimed to shed light on future studies on waste management.


  • Ağdağ, O. N., 2009. Comparison of Old and New Municipal Solid Waste Management Systems in Denizli. Turkey. Waste Manag. 29 (1), 456- 457.
  • Badram, M. F., El-Haggar S. M., 2006. Optimization of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Port Said – Egypt. Waste Management. 26 (5), 533-534.
  • Çay, T. B., Berktay, A., 2007. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Application in the Selection of Solid Waste Disposal Areas. TMMOB Geographical Information Systems Congress Proceedings Book I-II. TMMOB Chamber of Geomatic and Cadastre Engineers. Ankara.
  • Demir, B.İ., Demir, Ö., Gök, N., 2006. Economic Evaluation of Solid Wastes, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Broadcast No:23. Istanbul.
  • Drinking Water, Waste Water Treatment Systems and Solid Waste Management Special Commission Report. 2012. 69-70.
  • Gören, S., 2005. Sanitary Landfill, Forart Printing Office. Istanbul.
  • He, L.G., Ming, H.G., Lu, Z.-H., 2009. Identifying Optimal Regional Solid Waste Management Strategies Through An Inexact Integer Programming Model Containing Infinite Objectives and Constraints. Waste Management. 29 (1).
  • Kocak, E., 2018. Zero Waste Approach In Environmental Engineering And Application Areas In Various Sectors, International Refereed Journal of Engineering And Sci. Doi: 10.17366/uhmfd.2018.2.1. 13, 35-59.
  • Leblebici, Z., 2001. Environmental Management Systems in the world and Turkey, Master Thesis. Gazi University Institute of Social Sci. Ankara. 99-100.
  • Municipal Solid Waste Statistics (BKAI), 2016. Turkish Statistical Institute Newsletter, T.C. Prime Minister of Turkey Statistical Institute. Number 75.
  • Palabıyık, H., 1998. Urban Solid Wastes (Garbage) as Environmental Problems and Integrated Solid Waste Management. Turkish Administrative Journal. 70, 50-52.
  • Palabıyık, H., Altunbaş, D., 2004. Urban Solid Waste Management. Contemporary Approaches to Environmental Problems, Beta Printing Publication. Istanbul. 104-105.
  • Republic of Turkey Environment and Urban Ministry, Governorship of Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization, 2016. Environmental Management Branch Office Barbaros Boulevard No: 137 Balmumcu Besiktas/Istanbul.
  • Şen, M., Kestioğlu, K., 2007. Domestic Solid Waste Recycling in Rural Municipalities and Economic Analysis: Mustafakemalpaşa Town/Bursa Case Study. Ecology No: 65, 45-46. Turan, G. N., Çoruh, S., Akdemir, A., Ergun, O., N., 2009. Municipal Solid Waste Management Strategies in Turkey, Waste Manag. 29 (1), 464-465.
  • Yılmaz, A., ve Bozkurt, Y., 2010. Urban Solid Waste Management Practices in Turkey and Kütahya Solid Waste Union Case Study, Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 15 (1), 11-28.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Emel Koçak 0000-0003-0562-742X

Bahar İkizoğlu

Publication Date December 15, 2020
Submission Date June 15, 2020
Acceptance Date November 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Koçak, E., & İkizoğlu, B. (2020). Types of waste in the context of waste management and general overview of waste disposal in Turkey. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 4(4), 520-527.

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