Research Article
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Biostimulant priming for germination and seedling quality of carrot seeds under drought, salt and high temperature stress conditions

Year 2021, , 352 - 359, 15.09.2021


Abiotic stresses are serious problems that hinder crop production. Seed germination and seedling development are stages which are sensitive to abiotic stress. Seed priming improves the performance of seeds/seedlings and provides faster and synchronized emergence under stress conditions. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of priming with biostimulants, vermicompost (5%), karrikinolide (10-7 M) and seaweed (5%) using the solid matrix method (5 days, dark, 15 °C, 2:1:3, seed:vermiculite:organic solution, w:w:w) on germination and seedling quality of carrot seeds under abiotic stress conditions. Biostimulants were used alone and in double and triple combinations. Drought stress was simulated by PEG-6000 (-0.3 MPa), salinity by using NaCl at 100mM, and high temperature by 30 °C. Dry control and distilled water treated were used as controls. Priming treatment with biostimulants improved performance of seeds and seedlings, though not always significantly (p=0.05). Seaweed alone and its combination with karrikinolide showed the best performance for all the parameters. The germination percentage for dry control of carrot seeds were 37, 63 and 72% in salt, drought and high temperature stresses while distilled water treated seeds had values of 74, 79 and 77%, respectively. Seeds treated with seaweed+ karrikinolide and seaweed alone had 80 and 89% germination. The same treatments stimulated seedling emergence from 57% to 84-88%, 25 to 69-76%, 71 to 85-87% under drought, salt and high temperature stress, respectively. Seedling criteria, seedling height, fresh weight, dry weight and root fresh weight were also higher with these treatments in all stress conditions. Catalase activity of treated seeds was higher for seaweed (0.400 EUg-1seed) and seaweed karrikinolide (0.411 EUg-1seed) treated seeds than for both controls (non-primed: 0.299, distilled water: 0.239 EUg-1seed). Biostimulants have potential as seed priming agents to enhance seed quality in carrots.


We thank Prof J. Van Staden of Kawazulu Natal University/South Africa for generously donating karrinolide. The free supply of vermicompost leach from Aybasol fertilizer company, Polatlı, Ankara was appreciated.


  • Abdulbak.Aa, & Anderson, J. D. (1973). Vigor Determination in Soybean Seed by Multiple Criteria. Crop Science, 13(6), 630-633. Doi:
  • Abedi, T., & Pakniyat, H. (2010). Antioxidant Enzyme Changes in Response to Drought Stress in Ten Cultivars of Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.). Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 46(1), 27-34. Doi:
  • Akbari, G., Sanavy, S., & Yousefzadeh, S. (2007). Effect of Auxin and salt stress (NaCl) on seed germination of wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum). Pakistan Journal of Botany,10 (15), 2557-2561. Doi:
  • Arancon, N. Q., Pant, A., Radovich, T., Hue, N. V., Potter, J. K., & Converse, C. E. (2012). Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Tomato and Lettuce as Affected by Vermicompost Water Extracts (Teas). Hortscience, 47(12), 1722-1728. Doi:
  • Atia, A., Debez, A., Rabhi, M., Athar, H. U. R., & Abdelly, C. (2006). Alleviation of salt-induced seed dormancy in the perennial halophyte Crithmum maritimum L. (Apiaceae). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 38(5), 1367-1372. Retrieved from
  • Balakrishnan, C. P., Kumar, V., Mohan, V. R., & Athiperumalsami, T. (2007). Study on the effect of crude seaweed extracts on seedling growth and biochemical parameters in Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) taub. Plant Archives, 7(2), 563-567. Retrieved from
  • Basra, S. M. A., Farooq, M., Tabassam, R., & Ahmad, N. (2005). Physiological and biochemical aspects of pre-sowing seed treatments in fine rice (Oryza sativa L.). Seed Science and Technology, 33(3), 623-628. Doi:
  • Bittencourt, M. L. C., Dias, D. C. F. S., Dias, L. A. S., & Araujo, E. F. (2004). Effects of priming on asparagus seed germination and vigour under water and temperature stress. Seed Science and Technology, 32(2), 607-616. Doi:
  • Cao, M. J., Wang, Z., Zhao, Q., Mao, J. L., Speiser, A., Wirtz, M., . . . Xiang, C. B. (2014). Sulfate availability affects ABA levels and germination response to ABA and salt stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal, 77(4), 604-615. Doi:
  • Demir, I., & Mavi, K. (2008). Effect of Salt and Osmotic Stresses on the Germination of Pepper Seeds of Different Maturation Stages. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 51(5), 897-902. Doi:
  • Demir, I., Ozden, E., Yildirim, K. C., Sahin, O., & Van Staden, J. (2018). Priming with smoke-derived karrikinolide enhances germination and transplant quality of immature and mature pepper seed lots. South African Journal of Botany, 115, 264-268. Doi:
  • Demir, N., Dural, B., Yıldırım, Y. (2006). Effect of seaweed suspension on seed germination of tomato, pepper and aubergine. Journal of Biological Science, 6 (6), 1130-1133. Doi:
  • Demir, I., & Oztokat, C. (2003). Effect of salt priming on germination and seedling growth at low temperatures in watermelon seeds during development. Seed Science and Technology, 31(3), 765-770. Doi:
  • Elena, D., & Lagunovschi, V.L. (2015). Germination and vigour of primed Daucus carota L. seeds under saline stress conditions. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 20 (5). Retrieved from
  • Fetri, M., Ahmad, D., & Rajabi, M. (2014). Effect of drought and salinity tensions on germination and seedling growth of Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) in laboratory conditions. International Journal of Advance Biological and Biomedical Research, 2(2), 383-391. Retrieved from
  • Godlewska, K., Michalak, I., Tuhy, L., & Chojnacka, K. (2016). Plant Growth Biostimulants Based on Different Methods of Seaweed Extraction with Water. Biomed Research International, 2016. Doi: 597376010.1155/2016/5973760
  • Goraya, G. K., Kaur, B., Asthir, B., Bala, S., Kaur, G., & Farooq, M. (2017). Rapid Injuries of High Temperature in Plants. Journal of Plant Biology, 60(4), 298-305. Doi:
  • Kalaivanan, C., & Venkatesalu, V. (2012). Utilization of seaweed Sargassum myriocystum extracts as a stimulant of seedlings of Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(2), 466-470. Doi:
  • Kayacetin, F., Efeoglu, B., & Alızadeh, B. (2018). Effect of NaCl and PEG-induced osmotic stress on germination and seedling growth properties in wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.). Anadolu Journal of Aegean Agriculture Research Instıtute, 28 (1), 62 – 68. Retrieved from
  • Kozarewa, I., Cantliffe, D. J., Nagata, R. T., & Stoffella, P. J. (2006). High maturation temperature of lettuce seeds during development increased ethylene production and germination at elevated temperatures. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 131(4), 564-570. Doi:
  • Kulkarni, M. G., Light, M. E., & Van Staden, J. (2011). Plant-derived smoke: Old technology with possibilities for economic applications in agriculture and horticulture. South African Journal of Botany, 77(4), 972-979. Doi:
  • Lutts, S., Benincasa, P., Wojtyla L., Kubala S.S., Pace R., Lechowska K., Quinet M., & Garnczarska M. (2016). Seed Priming: New Comprehensive Approaches for an Old Empirical Technique, New Challenges in Seed Biology - Basic and Translational Research Driving Seed Technology, Susana Araujo and Alma Balestrazzi, IntechOpen, Doi:
  • Masondo, N. A., Kulkarni, M. G., Finnie, J. F., & Van Staden, J. (2018). Influence of biostimulants-seed-priming on Ceratotheca triloba germination and seedling growth under low temperatures, low osmotic potential and salinity stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 147, 43-48. Doi:
  • Mavi, K., Light, M. E., Demir, I., van Staden, J., & Yasar, F. (2010). Positive effect of smoke-derived butenolide priming on melon seedling emergence and growth. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 38(2), 147-155. Doi:
  • Mc Donald, M.B. (2000). Seed priming. In: Black M, Bewley J.D, editors. Seed Technology and its Biological Basis. Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, UK.
  • Mertens D. (2005). AOAC official method 922.02. In: Horwitz, W., Latimer, G.W. (Eds.), Plants Preparation of Laboratory Sample. Official Methods of Analysis, 18th ed. AOAC-International Suite, Gaitherburg, MD, USA.
  • Muhie, S. H., Yildirim, E., Memis, N., & Demir, I. (2020). Vermicompost priming stimulated germination and seedling emergence of onion seeds against abiotic stresses. Seed Science and Technology, 48(2), 153-157. Doi:
  • Muhie, S , Özdamar, C , Gökdaş, Z , Njie, E , Memiş, N , & Demir, İ . (2020). Effect of Solid Matrix Priming With Seaweed Extract on Germination and Seedling Performance of Onion Seeds under Abiotic Stress Conditions . Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 3 (4) , 233-238. Retrieved from
  • Muscolo, A., Sidari, M., Anastasi, U., Santonoceto, C., & Maggio, A. (2014). Effect of PEG-induced drought stress on seed germination of four lentil genotypes. Journal of Plant Interactions, 9(1), 354-363. Doi:
  • Nascimento, W.M., & Aragao, F.A.S. (2004). Muskmelon seed priming in relation to seed vigor. Scientia Agricola, 61, 114-117. Doi: 
  • Nascimento, W. M., & Pereira, R. S. (2007). Preventing thermo-inhibition in carrot by seed priming. Seed Science and Technology, 35(2), 504-507. Doi:
  • Paparella, S., Araujo, S. S., Rossi, G., Wijayasinghe, M., Carbonera, D., & Balestrazzi, A. (2015). Seed priming: state of the art and new perspectives. Plant Cell Reports, 34(8), 1281-1293. Doi:
  • Pereira, M. D., Dias, D. C. F. D., Dias, L. A. D., & Araujo, E. F. (2009). Primed Carrot Seeds Performance under Water and Temperature Stress. Scientia Agricola, 66(2), 174-179. Doi:
  • Plazek, A., Dubert, F., Kopec, P., Dziurka, M., Kalandyk, A., Pastuszak, J., & Wolko, B. (2018). Seed Hydropriming and Smoke Water Significantly Improve Low-Temperature Germination of Lupinus angustifolius L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(4). Doi: 99210.3390/ijms19040992
  • Rekha, G. S., Kaleena, P. K., Elumalai, D., Srikumaran, M. P., & Maheswari, V. N. (2018). Effects of vermicompost and plant growth enhancers on the exo-morphological features of Capsicum annum (Linn.) Hepper. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 7(1), 83-88. Doi:
  • Sayar, R., Bchini, H., Mosbahi, M., & Ezzine, M. (2010). Effects of salt and drought stresses on germination, emergence and seedling growth of Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(15), 2008-2016. Doi:
  • Shahbazi, F., Seyyed nejad, M., Salimi, A., & Gilani, A. (2015). Effect of seaweed extracts on the growth and biochemical constituents of wheat. International Journal of Agricultural Crop Science, 8 (3),283-287.
  • Sivasankari, S., Venkatesalu, V., Anantharaj, M., & Chandrasekaran, M. (2006). Effect of seaweed extracts on the growth and biochemical constituents of Vigna sinensis. Bioresource Technology, 97(14), 1745-1751. Doi:
  • Svozil, J., & Baerenfaller, K. (2017). Proteomic in biology. Methods in enzymology, Edited by Arun K. Shukla. 585, 113-114
  • Wang, W. X., Vinocur, B., & Altman, A. (2003). Plant responses to drought, salinity and extreme temperatures: towards genetic engineering for stress tolerance. Planta, 218(1), 1-14. Doi:
  • Yadav, P.Y., Kumari, M., & Ahmed, Z. (2011). Chemical seed priming as a simple technique to impart cold and salt stress tolerance in capsicum. Journal of Crop Improvement, 25 (5), 497-503. Doi:
Year 2021, , 352 - 359, 15.09.2021



  • Abdulbak.Aa, & Anderson, J. D. (1973). Vigor Determination in Soybean Seed by Multiple Criteria. Crop Science, 13(6), 630-633. Doi:
  • Abedi, T., & Pakniyat, H. (2010). Antioxidant Enzyme Changes in Response to Drought Stress in Ten Cultivars of Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.). Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 46(1), 27-34. Doi:
  • Akbari, G., Sanavy, S., & Yousefzadeh, S. (2007). Effect of Auxin and salt stress (NaCl) on seed germination of wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum). Pakistan Journal of Botany,10 (15), 2557-2561. Doi:
  • Arancon, N. Q., Pant, A., Radovich, T., Hue, N. V., Potter, J. K., & Converse, C. E. (2012). Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Tomato and Lettuce as Affected by Vermicompost Water Extracts (Teas). Hortscience, 47(12), 1722-1728. Doi:
  • Atia, A., Debez, A., Rabhi, M., Athar, H. U. R., & Abdelly, C. (2006). Alleviation of salt-induced seed dormancy in the perennial halophyte Crithmum maritimum L. (Apiaceae). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 38(5), 1367-1372. Retrieved from
  • Balakrishnan, C. P., Kumar, V., Mohan, V. R., & Athiperumalsami, T. (2007). Study on the effect of crude seaweed extracts on seedling growth and biochemical parameters in Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) taub. Plant Archives, 7(2), 563-567. Retrieved from
  • Basra, S. M. A., Farooq, M., Tabassam, R., & Ahmad, N. (2005). Physiological and biochemical aspects of pre-sowing seed treatments in fine rice (Oryza sativa L.). Seed Science and Technology, 33(3), 623-628. Doi:
  • Bittencourt, M. L. C., Dias, D. C. F. S., Dias, L. A. S., & Araujo, E. F. (2004). Effects of priming on asparagus seed germination and vigour under water and temperature stress. Seed Science and Technology, 32(2), 607-616. Doi:
  • Cao, M. J., Wang, Z., Zhao, Q., Mao, J. L., Speiser, A., Wirtz, M., . . . Xiang, C. B. (2014). Sulfate availability affects ABA levels and germination response to ABA and salt stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal, 77(4), 604-615. Doi:
  • Demir, I., & Mavi, K. (2008). Effect of Salt and Osmotic Stresses on the Germination of Pepper Seeds of Different Maturation Stages. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 51(5), 897-902. Doi:
  • Demir, I., Ozden, E., Yildirim, K. C., Sahin, O., & Van Staden, J. (2018). Priming with smoke-derived karrikinolide enhances germination and transplant quality of immature and mature pepper seed lots. South African Journal of Botany, 115, 264-268. Doi:
  • Demir, N., Dural, B., Yıldırım, Y. (2006). Effect of seaweed suspension on seed germination of tomato, pepper and aubergine. Journal of Biological Science, 6 (6), 1130-1133. Doi:
  • Demir, I., & Oztokat, C. (2003). Effect of salt priming on germination and seedling growth at low temperatures in watermelon seeds during development. Seed Science and Technology, 31(3), 765-770. Doi:
  • Elena, D., & Lagunovschi, V.L. (2015). Germination and vigour of primed Daucus carota L. seeds under saline stress conditions. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 20 (5). Retrieved from
  • Fetri, M., Ahmad, D., & Rajabi, M. (2014). Effect of drought and salinity tensions on germination and seedling growth of Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) in laboratory conditions. International Journal of Advance Biological and Biomedical Research, 2(2), 383-391. Retrieved from
  • Godlewska, K., Michalak, I., Tuhy, L., & Chojnacka, K. (2016). Plant Growth Biostimulants Based on Different Methods of Seaweed Extraction with Water. Biomed Research International, 2016. Doi: 597376010.1155/2016/5973760
  • Goraya, G. K., Kaur, B., Asthir, B., Bala, S., Kaur, G., & Farooq, M. (2017). Rapid Injuries of High Temperature in Plants. Journal of Plant Biology, 60(4), 298-305. Doi:
  • Kalaivanan, C., & Venkatesalu, V. (2012). Utilization of seaweed Sargassum myriocystum extracts as a stimulant of seedlings of Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(2), 466-470. Doi:
  • Kayacetin, F., Efeoglu, B., & Alızadeh, B. (2018). Effect of NaCl and PEG-induced osmotic stress on germination and seedling growth properties in wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.). Anadolu Journal of Aegean Agriculture Research Instıtute, 28 (1), 62 – 68. Retrieved from
  • Kozarewa, I., Cantliffe, D. J., Nagata, R. T., & Stoffella, P. J. (2006). High maturation temperature of lettuce seeds during development increased ethylene production and germination at elevated temperatures. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 131(4), 564-570. Doi:
  • Kulkarni, M. G., Light, M. E., & Van Staden, J. (2011). Plant-derived smoke: Old technology with possibilities for economic applications in agriculture and horticulture. South African Journal of Botany, 77(4), 972-979. Doi:
  • Lutts, S., Benincasa, P., Wojtyla L., Kubala S.S., Pace R., Lechowska K., Quinet M., & Garnczarska M. (2016). Seed Priming: New Comprehensive Approaches for an Old Empirical Technique, New Challenges in Seed Biology - Basic and Translational Research Driving Seed Technology, Susana Araujo and Alma Balestrazzi, IntechOpen, Doi:
  • Masondo, N. A., Kulkarni, M. G., Finnie, J. F., & Van Staden, J. (2018). Influence of biostimulants-seed-priming on Ceratotheca triloba germination and seedling growth under low temperatures, low osmotic potential and salinity stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 147, 43-48. Doi:
  • Mavi, K., Light, M. E., Demir, I., van Staden, J., & Yasar, F. (2010). Positive effect of smoke-derived butenolide priming on melon seedling emergence and growth. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 38(2), 147-155. Doi:
  • Mc Donald, M.B. (2000). Seed priming. In: Black M, Bewley J.D, editors. Seed Technology and its Biological Basis. Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, UK.
  • Mertens D. (2005). AOAC official method 922.02. In: Horwitz, W., Latimer, G.W. (Eds.), Plants Preparation of Laboratory Sample. Official Methods of Analysis, 18th ed. AOAC-International Suite, Gaitherburg, MD, USA.
  • Muhie, S. H., Yildirim, E., Memis, N., & Demir, I. (2020). Vermicompost priming stimulated germination and seedling emergence of onion seeds against abiotic stresses. Seed Science and Technology, 48(2), 153-157. Doi:
  • Muhie, S , Özdamar, C , Gökdaş, Z , Njie, E , Memiş, N , & Demir, İ . (2020). Effect of Solid Matrix Priming With Seaweed Extract on Germination and Seedling Performance of Onion Seeds under Abiotic Stress Conditions . Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 3 (4) , 233-238. Retrieved from
  • Muscolo, A., Sidari, M., Anastasi, U., Santonoceto, C., & Maggio, A. (2014). Effect of PEG-induced drought stress on seed germination of four lentil genotypes. Journal of Plant Interactions, 9(1), 354-363. Doi:
  • Nascimento, W.M., & Aragao, F.A.S. (2004). Muskmelon seed priming in relation to seed vigor. Scientia Agricola, 61, 114-117. Doi: 
  • Nascimento, W. M., & Pereira, R. S. (2007). Preventing thermo-inhibition in carrot by seed priming. Seed Science and Technology, 35(2), 504-507. Doi:
  • Paparella, S., Araujo, S. S., Rossi, G., Wijayasinghe, M., Carbonera, D., & Balestrazzi, A. (2015). Seed priming: state of the art and new perspectives. Plant Cell Reports, 34(8), 1281-1293. Doi:
  • Pereira, M. D., Dias, D. C. F. D., Dias, L. A. D., & Araujo, E. F. (2009). Primed Carrot Seeds Performance under Water and Temperature Stress. Scientia Agricola, 66(2), 174-179. Doi:
  • Plazek, A., Dubert, F., Kopec, P., Dziurka, M., Kalandyk, A., Pastuszak, J., & Wolko, B. (2018). Seed Hydropriming and Smoke Water Significantly Improve Low-Temperature Germination of Lupinus angustifolius L. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(4). Doi: 99210.3390/ijms19040992
  • Rekha, G. S., Kaleena, P. K., Elumalai, D., Srikumaran, M. P., & Maheswari, V. N. (2018). Effects of vermicompost and plant growth enhancers on the exo-morphological features of Capsicum annum (Linn.) Hepper. International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, 7(1), 83-88. Doi:
  • Sayar, R., Bchini, H., Mosbahi, M., & Ezzine, M. (2010). Effects of salt and drought stresses on germination, emergence and seedling growth of Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(15), 2008-2016. Doi:
  • Shahbazi, F., Seyyed nejad, M., Salimi, A., & Gilani, A. (2015). Effect of seaweed extracts on the growth and biochemical constituents of wheat. International Journal of Agricultural Crop Science, 8 (3),283-287.
  • Sivasankari, S., Venkatesalu, V., Anantharaj, M., & Chandrasekaran, M. (2006). Effect of seaweed extracts on the growth and biochemical constituents of Vigna sinensis. Bioresource Technology, 97(14), 1745-1751. Doi:
  • Svozil, J., & Baerenfaller, K. (2017). Proteomic in biology. Methods in enzymology, Edited by Arun K. Shukla. 585, 113-114
  • Wang, W. X., Vinocur, B., & Altman, A. (2003). Plant responses to drought, salinity and extreme temperatures: towards genetic engineering for stress tolerance. Planta, 218(1), 1-14. Doi:
  • Yadav, P.Y., Kumari, M., & Ahmed, Z. (2011). Chemical seed priming as a simple technique to impart cold and salt stress tolerance in capsicum. Journal of Crop Improvement, 25 (5), 497-503. Doi:
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences, Horticultural Production
Journal Section Research Articles

Seid Muhie 0000-0002-1144-5668

Nurcan Memiş 0000-0002-8767-1186

Cihat Özdamar 0000-0003-2083-3467

Zeynep Gökdaş 0000-0003-0788-1771

İbrahim Demir 0000-0003-4515-0689

Publication Date September 15, 2021
Submission Date September 14, 2020
Acceptance Date June 28, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Muhie, S., Memiş, N., Özdamar, C., Gökdaş, Z., et al. (2021). Biostimulant priming for germination and seedling quality of carrot seeds under drought, salt and high temperature stress conditions. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 5(3), 352-359.

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