Research Article
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Pollen characteristics of some grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.)

Year 2021, , 279 - 286, 15.09.2021


Pollen morphology is an important parameter. In this study, the pollen morphology of selected in 10 grape cultivars were examined by SEM (scanning electron microscopy). The pollen surface features were observed, such as length, width, and P/E ratio of pollen. The pollen differed in some microstructural characteristic. Pollen width exhibited significant according to the varieties (10.12-22.44 µm). Smilarly, the statistical difference occurred among the ten Vitis genotypes in terms of mean pollen length (16.26-29.91 µm). P/E ratio determined to the varieties (1.08-2.55 µm) and, grape varieties have the longest pollen, in general. The without furrows are surrounded in exine were determined in cultivars of “Alicante Boushet”, “Cardinal”, “Syrah”. Areolat pollen was determined in among other cultivars. Depending on the cultivars there was a statistical difference from the point of pore diameter. Pollen viability was determined between 11.75 % and 84.25 % in TTC tests. The present research is a contribution to amore detailed analysis of grapevine cultivars.


  • Ahmedullah, M. (1983). Morphology of pollen from selected Vitis cultivars. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 108: 201-206.
  • Ben Slimane, M., Askri, F. (1990). La taille des grains de pollen comme moyen d’identification de souches de vignes Tunnisiennes. Bull Organ Int Vigne Vin 63: 899–909.
  • Cabello, F., S Santa Maria, P de Luis Villota, Tortosa Tortola M.E. (1994). Palynological study of the pollen grain of Vitis vinifera L. cultivars. Some aspects of sculpturing and pollination. Vitis, 33(2): 57-61. Doi:
  • Caporali, E., Spada, A., Marziani, G., Failla, O., Scienza, A. (2003). The arrest of development of abortive reproductive organs in the unisexual flower of Vitis vinifera ssp. silvestris. Sex Plant Reprod. 15: 291–300. Doi:
  • Eichhorn, K.W., Lorenz, H. (1977). Phaenologische entwicklungstadien der rebe. Nachrichtenblatt des deutschen pflanzenschutzdienstes (Braunschweig). 29, 119-120. Faegri K. Iversen J. 1989. Textbook of Pollen Analysis. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester. 328 pp.
  • Erdtman, G.E. (1952). Pollen Morphology and Plant Taxonomy. Angiosperms. (An Introduction to Palynology I.). Almquist and Wiksell (Stockholm), USA. 539 pp.
  • Faegri, K., Iversen, J. (1989). Textbook of Pollen Analysis. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester. 328 pp.
  • Gallardo, A., R Ocete, R., Ángeles López, M., Lara, M., Rivera, D. (2009). Assessment of pollen dimorphism in populations of Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi in Spain. Vitis, 48(2): 59–62.
  • Gökbayrak, Z., Engin, H. (2016). Micromorphology of pollen grains of some grape cultivars. VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2016”. Book of Proceedings. 176-180.
  • Hyde, H.A., Adams, K.F. (1958). An Atlas of Airborne Pollen Grains. Macmillan & Co., Ltd., London. 116 pp.
  • Jovanovic-Cvetkovic, T., Micic, N., Djuric, G., Miljan Cvetkovic, M. (2016). Pollen Morphology and Germination of Indigenous Grapevine Cultivars Žilavka and Blatina (Vitis vinifera L.). AgroLife Scientific Journal, 5(1): 105-109.
  • Kelen, M., Demirtaş, İ. (2003). Pollen viability, germination capability and pollen production level of some grape varieties (Vitis vinifera L.). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 25(3): 229-233. Doi:
  • Kharitonashvili, L.A, Ramishyili, R.M., Kipliani, M.G. (1989). Study of the pollen in various types on Vitis vinifera L. flowers using a scanning electron microscope. Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 136: 653-656.
  • La-Serna Ramos, I. E. (1996). Pollen characters of Canary Resedaceae with special reference to endemic taxa. Grana 35: 16-23. Doi: 10.1080/00173139609430496
  • Lombardo, G., Cargnello, G., Bassi, M., Gerola, F., Carraro, L. (1978). Pollen ultrastructure in different vine cultivars with low productivity. Vitis, 17: 221–228.
  • Lombardi, J.A. (2007). Systematic of Vitaceae in South America. Canadian Journal of Botany, 85: 712- 721. Doi:
  • Marasalı, B. , Pınar, M., Büyükkartal, N. (2005). Palynological Study on the Pollen Grains of Selected Turkish Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Cultivars. Turk J Agric For., 29: 75-81.
  • Martens, M.H.R, Reisch, B.I., Mauaro, M.C. (1989). Pollen size variability within genotypes of Vitis. HortScience, 24: 659-662.
  • Norton, Y.D, (1966). Testing of plum pollen viability with tetrazolium salts. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 89: 132-134.
  • Reille, M. (1966). Contribution a I'etude palynologique de la famille de Vitaceae. Memoire Diplome Etudes Supereures. Montpellier. 88 pp.
  • Roytchev, V.,Terziisky, D., Dimova, D., Karageorgiey, S. (1994). Scanning electron microscopy study of pollen morphology in seedless grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars. Vitis, 33: 105-108.
  • Roytchev V. (1995). Palynobiometric studies in vines (Vitis vinifera L.). Vitis, 34: 197-200.
  • Roytchev, V. (1997). Palynological Classification of Seedless Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Cultivars. Am. J. Enol. Vitic., 48(2): 207-213.
  • Storey, W.B. (1975). Figs. In: Editors Janick J and Moore JN. Advances in fruit breeding. 568-589.
  • Tanaka, N., Uehara, K., Murata, J. (2004). Correlation between pollen morphology and pollination mechanisms in the Hydro charitaceae. J Plant Res. 117, 265–276. Doi:
  • Uzun, H.I, Ilter, E. (1987). Studies on Vitis pollen using scanning electron microscopy. Doğa, Türk Tarim Ormancılık Derg., 11, 457-460.
  • Wang, G., Chen, J., Li, Z.B., Zhang, F.P., Yang, D.R. (2014). Has pollination mode shaped the evolution of Ficus pollen? PLoS ONE 9(1): e86231. Doi: journal.pone.0086231.
  • Wodehouse, R.P. (1935). Pollen Grains, Their Structure, Identification and Significance in Science and Medicine. McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York and London. 574 pp.
Year 2021, , 279 - 286, 15.09.2021



  • Ahmedullah, M. (1983). Morphology of pollen from selected Vitis cultivars. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 108: 201-206.
  • Ben Slimane, M., Askri, F. (1990). La taille des grains de pollen comme moyen d’identification de souches de vignes Tunnisiennes. Bull Organ Int Vigne Vin 63: 899–909.
  • Cabello, F., S Santa Maria, P de Luis Villota, Tortosa Tortola M.E. (1994). Palynological study of the pollen grain of Vitis vinifera L. cultivars. Some aspects of sculpturing and pollination. Vitis, 33(2): 57-61. Doi:
  • Caporali, E., Spada, A., Marziani, G., Failla, O., Scienza, A. (2003). The arrest of development of abortive reproductive organs in the unisexual flower of Vitis vinifera ssp. silvestris. Sex Plant Reprod. 15: 291–300. Doi:
  • Eichhorn, K.W., Lorenz, H. (1977). Phaenologische entwicklungstadien der rebe. Nachrichtenblatt des deutschen pflanzenschutzdienstes (Braunschweig). 29, 119-120. Faegri K. Iversen J. 1989. Textbook of Pollen Analysis. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester. 328 pp.
  • Erdtman, G.E. (1952). Pollen Morphology and Plant Taxonomy. Angiosperms. (An Introduction to Palynology I.). Almquist and Wiksell (Stockholm), USA. 539 pp.
  • Faegri, K., Iversen, J. (1989). Textbook of Pollen Analysis. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester. 328 pp.
  • Gallardo, A., R Ocete, R., Ángeles López, M., Lara, M., Rivera, D. (2009). Assessment of pollen dimorphism in populations of Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi in Spain. Vitis, 48(2): 59–62.
  • Gökbayrak, Z., Engin, H. (2016). Micromorphology of pollen grains of some grape cultivars. VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2016”. Book of Proceedings. 176-180.
  • Hyde, H.A., Adams, K.F. (1958). An Atlas of Airborne Pollen Grains. Macmillan & Co., Ltd., London. 116 pp.
  • Jovanovic-Cvetkovic, T., Micic, N., Djuric, G., Miljan Cvetkovic, M. (2016). Pollen Morphology and Germination of Indigenous Grapevine Cultivars Žilavka and Blatina (Vitis vinifera L.). AgroLife Scientific Journal, 5(1): 105-109.
  • Kelen, M., Demirtaş, İ. (2003). Pollen viability, germination capability and pollen production level of some grape varieties (Vitis vinifera L.). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 25(3): 229-233. Doi:
  • Kharitonashvili, L.A, Ramishyili, R.M., Kipliani, M.G. (1989). Study of the pollen in various types on Vitis vinifera L. flowers using a scanning electron microscope. Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 136: 653-656.
  • La-Serna Ramos, I. E. (1996). Pollen characters of Canary Resedaceae with special reference to endemic taxa. Grana 35: 16-23. Doi: 10.1080/00173139609430496
  • Lombardo, G., Cargnello, G., Bassi, M., Gerola, F., Carraro, L. (1978). Pollen ultrastructure in different vine cultivars with low productivity. Vitis, 17: 221–228.
  • Lombardi, J.A. (2007). Systematic of Vitaceae in South America. Canadian Journal of Botany, 85: 712- 721. Doi:
  • Marasalı, B. , Pınar, M., Büyükkartal, N. (2005). Palynological Study on the Pollen Grains of Selected Turkish Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Cultivars. Turk J Agric For., 29: 75-81.
  • Martens, M.H.R, Reisch, B.I., Mauaro, M.C. (1989). Pollen size variability within genotypes of Vitis. HortScience, 24: 659-662.
  • Norton, Y.D, (1966). Testing of plum pollen viability with tetrazolium salts. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 89: 132-134.
  • Reille, M. (1966). Contribution a I'etude palynologique de la famille de Vitaceae. Memoire Diplome Etudes Supereures. Montpellier. 88 pp.
  • Roytchev, V.,Terziisky, D., Dimova, D., Karageorgiey, S. (1994). Scanning electron microscopy study of pollen morphology in seedless grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars. Vitis, 33: 105-108.
  • Roytchev V. (1995). Palynobiometric studies in vines (Vitis vinifera L.). Vitis, 34: 197-200.
  • Roytchev, V. (1997). Palynological Classification of Seedless Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Cultivars. Am. J. Enol. Vitic., 48(2): 207-213.
  • Storey, W.B. (1975). Figs. In: Editors Janick J and Moore JN. Advances in fruit breeding. 568-589.
  • Tanaka, N., Uehara, K., Murata, J. (2004). Correlation between pollen morphology and pollination mechanisms in the Hydro charitaceae. J Plant Res. 117, 265–276. Doi:
  • Uzun, H.I, Ilter, E. (1987). Studies on Vitis pollen using scanning electron microscopy. Doğa, Türk Tarim Ormancılık Derg., 11, 457-460.
  • Wang, G., Chen, J., Li, Z.B., Zhang, F.P., Yang, D.R. (2014). Has pollination mode shaped the evolution of Ficus pollen? PLoS ONE 9(1): e86231. Doi: journal.pone.0086231.
  • Wodehouse, R.P. (1935). Pollen Grains, Their Structure, Identification and Significance in Science and Medicine. McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York and London. 574 pp.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Horticultural Production
Journal Section Research Articles

Burçak İşçi 0000-0002-6542-0271

Publication Date September 15, 2021
Submission Date February 11, 2021
Acceptance Date May 19, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA İşçi, B. (2021). Pollen characteristics of some grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.). International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 5(3), 279-286.

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