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Electric Energy Potential that can be Produced Using Cattle Manure in the Isparta Region

Year 2021, , 310 - 322, 15.09.2021


Today, in order to meet the increasing energy needs, sustainable and renewable energy production methods are needed in addition to the existing energy sources. Especially taking into consideration the husbandry potential of our country, biogas and energy production through the use of animal waste have emerged as an efficient alternative of production. In this study, the amount of electrical energy that can be produced using cattle manure in the Isparta region was calculated. The husbandry data used in these calculations were obtained from the database of the Turkish Statistical Institute. The potential amount of manure that can be obtained from all of the cattle in the Isparta region was determined as 1,117,002.08 tons. The amount of existing potential manure that can be collected and used for electricity generation was determined as 558,501.03 tons. The amount of biogas to be obtained as a result of the use of animal manure in biogas plants was determined as 12,815,682.93 m3. The amount of electrical energy that can be produced by using the obtained biogas was calculated as 60,233.71 MW. This electrical energy, obtained as a result of the calculations, will be able to meet 6.00% of the electricity needs of Isparta Province annually.


  • Anonim (2014). Biogas workshop final report. Adıyaman University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Adıyaman. (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Anonim (2018). Biomass, waste heat and pyrolytic oil power plants. Energy Atlas. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Anonim (2021a). Political map of Isparta province. Isparta Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism, Isparta. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Anonim (2021b). Biogas yield. Solae Energy Joint Stock Company, Istanbul. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Anonymous (2006). Ohio livestock manure management guide. Ohio State University Extension, Ohio. Retrieved from
  • Anonymous (2016). Generally accepted agricultural and management practices for manure management and utilization. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Michigan. Retrieved from
  • Ar, F. F. (2018). Energy from grass and garbage. Journal of the World of Energy and Environment, 143, 22-25. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Ardebili, S. M. S. (2020). Green electricity generation potential from biogas produced by anaerobic digestion of farm animal waste and agriculture residues in Iran. Renewable Energy, 154 (2020) 29-37. Doi:
  • Aslan, F., Ozgen, İ. and Esen, H., (2016). The opportunities for utilization from biogas and microalgae in energy planning and the potential of Eastern Anatolia Region. International Conference on Natural Science and Engineering, March 19-20, Kilis.
  • Atilgan, A., Saltuk, B., Ertop, H. and Aksoy, E. (2021). Determination of the Potential Biogas Energy Value of Animal Wastes: Case of Antalya. European Journal of Science and Technology, Special Issue, (22): 263-272. Doi:
  • Aybek, A., Üçok, S., İspir, M.A. and Bilgili, M.E. (2015). Determining the biogas and energy potential of usable animal manure and grain straw wastes in Turkey and creating digital maps. Journal of Tekirdag Faculty of Agriculture; 12(3); 109-120. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Bugutekin, A. (2007). Investigation of biogas production from tics. Marmara University Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul. 157p. (in Turkish).
  • Celikkaya, H. (2016). Biogas. Fırat Development Agency, Malatya, 8-14. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Dagtekin, M., Aybek, A. and Bilgili M. E. (2019). Determination of the biogas and electricity production potential of manure formed in broiler poultry houses in Adana and Mersin. Journal of Çukurova University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 34(2): 9-22. (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Dalpaz, R., Konrad, O., Cyrneb, C. C. S., Barzotto, H. P., Hasan, C. and Filho, M. G. (2020). Using biogas for energy cogeneration: an analysis of electric and thermal energy generation from agro-industrial waste. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 40 (2020) 100774. Doi:
  • DIE (1999). Turkey statistical yearbook. T.R. Prime Ministry State Institute of Statistics, Ankara. (in Turkish).
  • EBA (2018). Annual statistical report. European Biogas Association. 18p. Retrieved from
  • Ekinci, K., Kulcu, R., Kaya, D., Yaldiz, O., Ertekin, C. and Ozturk, H. H. (2010). The prospective of potential biogas plants that can utilize animal manure in Turkey. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 28(3):187-206. Doi:
  • EPDK (2019). Monthly electricity consumption amounts of Isparta province. T.R. Energy Market Regulatory Authority, Ankara. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • HGM (2021). Mediterranean Region political map. General Directorate of Mapping, Ankara. (in Turkish).
  • Khalil, M., Berawi, M. A., Heryanto, R. and Rizalie, A. (2019). Waste to energy technology: The potential of sustainable biogas production from animal waste in Indonesia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 105 (2019) 323 – 331. Doi:
  • Kulcu R. (2002). Determination of optimum environmental conditions in the composting of some agricultural wastes. Akdeniz University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, 108p. (in Turkish).
  • Meyer, A. K. P., Ehimen, E. A. and Holm-Nielsen, J. B. (2018). Future european biogas: Animal Manure, Straw and Grass Potentials for a Sustainable European Biogas Production. Biomass and Bioenergy, 111 (2018) 154-164.
  • MWPS (2004). Manure characteristics. MidWest Plan Service, Iowa State University, Iowa. Retrieved from
  • Salihoglu, N. K., Teksoy, A., Altan, K. (2019). Determination of biogas production potential from bovine and ovine waste: Balikesir province example. Ömer Halisdemir University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 8(1):31-47. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Sturmer, B., Leiers, D., Anspach, V., Brugging, E., Scharfy, D. and Wissel, T. (2021). Agricultural biogas production: a regional comparison of technical parameters. Renewable Energy, 164 (2021) 171-182. Doi:
  • Senol, H., Elibol, E. A., Acıkel, Ü. and Senol, M. (2017). Major biomass sources for biogas production in Turkey. Bulent Ecevit University Journal of Science, 6(2): 81-92. (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Tolay, M., Yamankaradeniz, H., Yardımcı, S. and Reiter, R. (2008). Biogas production from animal waste. VII. National Clean Energy Symposium, UTES’2008, 17-19 Aralık, İstanbul, 259-264. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Tuncez, F. D. (2018). Determination of the biogas potential of Ereğli district. National Environmental Science Research Journal, 1(1):1-7. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • TUIK (2019). Animal production statistics. Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Yagli, H. and Koc, Y. (2019). Determination of biogas production potential from animal manure: A sample calculation for Adana province. Journal of Çukurova University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 34(3):35-48. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Yetis, A. D., Gazigil, L., Yetis, R. and Celikezen, B. (2019). Determination of biogas production potential from animal manure: A sample calculation for Adana province. Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Science 7(1): 74-78. (in Turkish). Doi:

Electric Energy Potential that can be Produced Using Cattle Manure in the Isparta Region

Year 2021, , 310 - 322, 15.09.2021


Today, in order to meet the increasing energy needs, sustainable and renewable energy production methods are needed in addition to the existing energy sources. Especially taking into consideration the husbandry potential of our country, biogas and energy production through the use of animal waste have emerged as an efficient alternative of production. In this study, the amount of electrical energy that can be produced using cattle manure in the Isparta region was calculated. The husbandry data used in these calculations were obtained from the database of the Turkish Statistical Institute. The potential amount of manure that can be obtained from all of the cattle in the Isparta region was determined as 1,117,002.08 tons. The amount of existing potential manure that can be collected and used for electricity generation was determined as 558,501.03 tons. The amount of biogas to be obtained as a result of the use of animal manure in biogas plants was determined as 12,815,682.93 m3. The amount of electrical energy that can be produced by using the obtained biogas was calculated as 60,233.71 MW. This electrical energy, obtained as a result of the calculations, will be able to meet 6.00% of the electricity needs of Isparta Province annually.


  • Anonim (2014). Biogas workshop final report. Adıyaman University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Adıyaman. (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Anonim (2018). Biomass, waste heat and pyrolytic oil power plants. Energy Atlas. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Anonim (2021a). Political map of Isparta province. Isparta Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism, Isparta. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Anonim (2021b). Biogas yield. Solae Energy Joint Stock Company, Istanbul. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Anonymous (2006). Ohio livestock manure management guide. Ohio State University Extension, Ohio. Retrieved from
  • Anonymous (2016). Generally accepted agricultural and management practices for manure management and utilization. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Michigan. Retrieved from
  • Ar, F. F. (2018). Energy from grass and garbage. Journal of the World of Energy and Environment, 143, 22-25. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Ardebili, S. M. S. (2020). Green electricity generation potential from biogas produced by anaerobic digestion of farm animal waste and agriculture residues in Iran. Renewable Energy, 154 (2020) 29-37. Doi:
  • Aslan, F., Ozgen, İ. and Esen, H., (2016). The opportunities for utilization from biogas and microalgae in energy planning and the potential of Eastern Anatolia Region. International Conference on Natural Science and Engineering, March 19-20, Kilis.
  • Atilgan, A., Saltuk, B., Ertop, H. and Aksoy, E. (2021). Determination of the Potential Biogas Energy Value of Animal Wastes: Case of Antalya. European Journal of Science and Technology, Special Issue, (22): 263-272. Doi:
  • Aybek, A., Üçok, S., İspir, M.A. and Bilgili, M.E. (2015). Determining the biogas and energy potential of usable animal manure and grain straw wastes in Turkey and creating digital maps. Journal of Tekirdag Faculty of Agriculture; 12(3); 109-120. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Bugutekin, A. (2007). Investigation of biogas production from tics. Marmara University Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul. 157p. (in Turkish).
  • Celikkaya, H. (2016). Biogas. Fırat Development Agency, Malatya, 8-14. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Dagtekin, M., Aybek, A. and Bilgili M. E. (2019). Determination of the biogas and electricity production potential of manure formed in broiler poultry houses in Adana and Mersin. Journal of Çukurova University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 34(2): 9-22. (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Dalpaz, R., Konrad, O., Cyrneb, C. C. S., Barzotto, H. P., Hasan, C. and Filho, M. G. (2020). Using biogas for energy cogeneration: an analysis of electric and thermal energy generation from agro-industrial waste. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 40 (2020) 100774. Doi:
  • DIE (1999). Turkey statistical yearbook. T.R. Prime Ministry State Institute of Statistics, Ankara. (in Turkish).
  • EBA (2018). Annual statistical report. European Biogas Association. 18p. Retrieved from
  • Ekinci, K., Kulcu, R., Kaya, D., Yaldiz, O., Ertekin, C. and Ozturk, H. H. (2010). The prospective of potential biogas plants that can utilize animal manure in Turkey. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 28(3):187-206. Doi:
  • EPDK (2019). Monthly electricity consumption amounts of Isparta province. T.R. Energy Market Regulatory Authority, Ankara. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • HGM (2021). Mediterranean Region political map. General Directorate of Mapping, Ankara. (in Turkish).
  • Khalil, M., Berawi, M. A., Heryanto, R. and Rizalie, A. (2019). Waste to energy technology: The potential of sustainable biogas production from animal waste in Indonesia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 105 (2019) 323 – 331. Doi:
  • Kulcu R. (2002). Determination of optimum environmental conditions in the composting of some agricultural wastes. Akdeniz University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, 108p. (in Turkish).
  • Meyer, A. K. P., Ehimen, E. A. and Holm-Nielsen, J. B. (2018). Future european biogas: Animal Manure, Straw and Grass Potentials for a Sustainable European Biogas Production. Biomass and Bioenergy, 111 (2018) 154-164.
  • MWPS (2004). Manure characteristics. MidWest Plan Service, Iowa State University, Iowa. Retrieved from
  • Salihoglu, N. K., Teksoy, A., Altan, K. (2019). Determination of biogas production potential from bovine and ovine waste: Balikesir province example. Ömer Halisdemir University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 8(1):31-47. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Sturmer, B., Leiers, D., Anspach, V., Brugging, E., Scharfy, D. and Wissel, T. (2021). Agricultural biogas production: a regional comparison of technical parameters. Renewable Energy, 164 (2021) 171-182. Doi:
  • Senol, H., Elibol, E. A., Acıkel, Ü. and Senol, M. (2017). Major biomass sources for biogas production in Turkey. Bulent Ecevit University Journal of Science, 6(2): 81-92. (in Turkish). Doi:
  • Tolay, M., Yamankaradeniz, H., Yardımcı, S. and Reiter, R. (2008). Biogas production from animal waste. VII. National Clean Energy Symposium, UTES’2008, 17-19 Aralık, İstanbul, 259-264. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Tuncez, F. D. (2018). Determination of the biogas potential of Ereğli district. National Environmental Science Research Journal, 1(1):1-7. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • TUIK (2019). Animal production statistics. Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Yagli, H. and Koc, Y. (2019). Determination of biogas production potential from animal manure: A sample calculation for Adana province. Journal of Çukurova University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 34(3):35-48. (in Turkish). Retrieved from
  • Yetis, A. D., Gazigil, L., Yetis, R. and Celikezen, B. (2019). Determination of biogas production potential from animal manure: A sample calculation for Adana province. Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Science 7(1): 74-78. (in Turkish). Doi:
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Halil İbrahim Yılmaz 0000-0002-5427-3608

Yalçın Gönbe 0000-0001-8185-5032

Publication Date September 15, 2021
Submission Date March 31, 2021
Acceptance Date June 20, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Yılmaz, H. İ., & Gönbe, Y. (2021). Electric Energy Potential that can be Produced Using Cattle Manure in the Isparta Region. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 5(3), 310-322.

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