Journal Boards

Advisory Board

Graduated in International Relations from the University of Minho. Master in Sociology from the University of Coimbra. PhD in Sociology from the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom.
She is an Associate Professor at the University of Minho (institutional affiliation), teaching in the Department of Political Science at the School of Economics and Management.
Throughout his academic career he has taught in the areas of Political Science, International Relations and Political Sociology. As a researcher, she is an integrated researcher at the Center for Research in Political Science (institutional affiliation), placing her work at the intersection between Politics and Sociology, with emphasis on Citizenship and Democracy.
He has written about the political inclusion of immigrants in Portugal, about the structures of political opportunities and forms of political expression of immigrants and citizens of migrant origin.
She is the author and editor of books, book chapters, reports and scientific articles, and is a member of several international and national organizations in the field of Sociology and Political Science.
Between 2019 and 2024 she was a member of the European Parliament for the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats.
More recently, she has directed her academic research to critical feminism and gender citizenship, the decline of liberal democracies and the rise of autocratic populisms, and the political consequences of the abandonment of rural geographies.

Migration, Gender and Politics, Citizenship, European Studies
Dr. Nenad STEKİć Institute of International Politics and Economics Serbia

Nenad Stekić has been working at the Institute of International Politics and Economics since July 2018, and as of January 2020 within the Regional Centre “Belt and Road”. His academic interests include the People’s Republic of China’s security strategy, regional security dynamics of Southeast Asia, and the effects of interstate armed conflicts on contemporary defence arrangements and political regimes.

He obtained the PhD title from the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Security Studies, where he defended his dissertation “Military Interventions and Post-Conflict State Building in the Unipolar Era: The Cases of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq”. He worked as a teaching aide in the courses of International Relations and Political System throughout his MA studies at the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Security Studies. As of 2021 he serves as an external consultant for the Varieties of Democracy Institute (University of Gothenburg), where he evaluates the quality of political regimes for the V-Dem Data project.

He authored the monograph “A Hesitant Hegemon: Layers of China’s Contemporary Security Policy”, published by the IIPE. In addition, Nenad is the co-editor of several thematic proceedings and has authored over thirty scientific articles and book reviews in academic journals. He has presented the results of his research within several national and international academic conferences, in addition to numerous seminars and study trainings which he attended.

Within the IIPE’s Regional Centre “Belt and Road” he is engaged in organising annual international academic conference under the format “Dialogues on China”.

As of January 2023, he got appointed as the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal “The Review of International Affairs” – RIA, and as of June 2024, he serves as the Editor-in-Chief of this journal.

Dr. Stekić appears regularly in the global media outlets (CGTN, Xinhua, SCMP, AlJazeera…) in a capacity of analyst of Chinese foreign policy and on Sino-Serbian relations.
He is fluent in English and is actively learning Chinese language.

Regional Studies, International Security, International Relations (Other)
International Relations (Other), International Logistics
Prof. Dr. Goran ILİK University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Bitola Macedonia

Dr. Goran Ilik is a full professor and Vice-Rector for Science at the University St. Kliment Ohridski in Bitola (North Macedonia). From 2012 to 2016, he served as a Senator in the Senate of the University St. Kliment Ohridski in Bitola, and from 2013 to 2017, he held the position of Vice-Dean for Science and International Cooperation at the Faculty of Law - Kicevo. In 2017, Prof. Dr. sc Goran Ilik was elected Dean of the Faculty of Law - Kicevo for the first time, while on January 15, 2021, he was re-elected as Dean of the Faculty of Law - Kicevo for the second time. The academic background includes BA in Law, MA in Political Science, and PhD in Political Science. The publication list contains papers, chapters, and monographs emphasizing the role of the European Union in international relations, the institutional architecture of its foreign policy, the EU's constitutional law and constitutionalism, the EU's axiological performances, and its political power. Also, many papers treat the EU's role in the new international context concerning the contemporary challenges of the liberal world order and the EU’s role and place in it. He is the author of the books: “Europe at the Crossroads: The Treaty of Lisbon as a Basis of European Union International Identity”, “EUtopia: The International Political Power of the EU in the Process of Ideeologization of the Post-American World”, and “International Relations and the European Union: Values before Power”. Prof. Dr. sc. Goran Ilik is a lecturer/trainer at the State Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors “Pavel Shatev” – Skopje (North Macedonia). Also, Prof. Dr. sc. Goran Ilik is co-founder of the Institute for Research and European Studies – Bitola and Editor-in-Chief of the international academic journals "Journal of Liberty and International Affairs" ( and "Journal of Legal and Political Education" ( Since October 2019, Prof. Dr. sc. Goran Ilik has been engaged as an expert in the project ANETREC, which is focused on academic cooperation and post-conflict reconciliation in the Western Balkans region. He is a member of ISCOMET – Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies (Maribor, Slovenia). He also completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the “Mediterranea” International Centre for Human Rights Research in Italy (2020-2021). In August 2021, Prof. Dr. sc. Ilik became a coordinator of the sub-thematic area “International Public Law” at the post-doctoral program in "New Technologies and Law", organized by the “Mediterranea” International Centre for Human Rights Research at the University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria (Italy). Prof. Dr. sc. Goran Ilik has been engaged as an expert by the Institute for Global Analytics in Sofia (Bulgaria), which is an independent, nonpartisan, and nonprofit organization. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. sc. Goran Ilik has been appointed as an expert for the "Cross-Border Complex Floods and Forest Fires: Prevention and Management - SOLVE" project within the framework of the Interreg IPA CBC "Greece and North Macedonia" program 2014-2023. Additionally, he brings extensive experience from his involvement in international projects and those supported by the European Union.

European Union Law, European Union
Prof. Dr. Acar KUTAY Molde University College Norway
Constitutional and Political Theories, European Union
Prof. Dr. Barış ÖZDAL Uludağ Üniversitesi Türkiye
European Union-Turkiye Relations, Turkish Foreign Policy, International Migration, International Security, Political History, European Political History, Early Modern European History
International Politics, Political History
Prof. Dr. Tanja MİLOSEVSKA Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute for Security, defense and peace Macedonia
Peace Studies, Security Studies, War Studies
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zlatan BAJRAMOVİC University of Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. dr. Zlatan Bajramović is born in 1977 in Split (Republic of Croatia). He graduated on the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo (Department of Defense and Security) in 2001. In 2003. he completed the second cycle of studies at the University of Hamburg, FR Germany, and in 2009. completed his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo. Doctoral dissertation on “Human Resources Management in Security Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina” at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo was successfully defended in 2014.

He is employee at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Security and Peace Studies since 2005. Position of associate professor has been accomplished in May 2019, and is engaged in the following subjects: Management in Security Systems, Planning in the security sector, Civil protection, Leadership in the field of security and defense, and Protection and Rescue. Since 2024./2025. is also engaged at the Faculty of Criminal Justice, Criminology and Security Studies on subject Crisis Management

Security Studies
Dr. Rafael TAUİL University of São Paulo Brazil

Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Political Science at USP. PhD in Political Science from UFSCAR, with a sandwich period at the University of Bristol (UK), Master in Social Sciences from UNIFESP and a degree in Sociology and Politics from FESPSP. I currently work as a professor of political theory at the Department of International Relations at USJT and am a member of the research team at the Laboratory of Politics and Government (FCLAR - UNESP), the research group Thought and Politics in Brazil (DCP - USP) and the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). I have dedicated myself to researching topics related to political theory such as political thought and populism, focusing on the theoretical and conceptual formulations of authors such as Francisco Weffort, Ernesto Laclau, Cas Mudde and Pierre Rosanvallon.

Political Movement, International Relations (Other)

Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
Name Aleksandar Pavleski
Address [address]
Telephone (+389) 78247758
Nationality Macedonian
Date of birth October 10, 1980
Gender Male

ORCID 0009-0007-0102-5321

Еmployment/Occupational field
Assistant professor/peace and development (peace-building, conflict analysis and resolution, etiology of threats, integral security)

Name and address of employer
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Faculty of Philosophy
Blvd. Goce Delchev 9A
1000 Skopje

Work experience
Dates Assistant professor (2022 - present);
ECTS coordinator of study programs: (1) International relations: conflict resolution, diplomacy and human rights; (2) Intercultural studies; (3) Security, defense and peace; and (4) Private and corporative security (2016-2022). Provided technical data and information and collaborated with students on indicated study programs.
Administrator/secretary of the UNESCO Center for Intercultural Studies and Research at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (2013-2016). Communication and management of all necessary activities for the functioning of the Center.
Research assistant (2005-2014), Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute for Security, Defense and Peace. Participation in the implementation of certain teaching contents.

Education and training

2009-2014 - PhD Degree in Peace and Development. Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute for Security, Defense and Peace

Personal skills and competencies
Principal language Macedonian language
Other language English languages spoken/understood, Serbian language spoken/understood
Social skills Social awareness, communication, conflict resolution, empathy, cooperation Organizational skills Planning and goal setting, time management, responsibility, enforceability, problem-solving
Technical skills Data analysis and processing
Computer skills Proficiency in Windows operating system, processing Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Google Docs.

Member of international scientific and organizing committee

- 2024 - present, Deputy Editor of Security Dialogues Journal

- New Fronties of Conflict and Security Policy, September, 17-20, Dojran, N.Macedonia
- Temporary Security Ripples or a New World Security Architecture, September, 4-7, Dojran, N. Macedonia
- 2022 - present, Technical Secretary of Security Dialogues Journal


- Rajkovchevski, R., Pavleski, A. (2024). Croatia’s Support for Macedonia’s EU Integration: Between Opportunities and Expectations. Croatia’s Accession to the Eurozone and Schengen Area Potential Impact on South East Europe 45th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group“Regional Stability in South East Europe”. Republic of Austria / Federal Ministry of Defence. National Defence Academy Command. Vienna, March 2024.ISBN 978-3-903359-86-4
- Pavleski, A. (2023). The nexus between human security and human rights. Rocznik Admninistraciji Publicznej (9). Institute of Law and Economics Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland.
- Pavleski, A. & Dimitriev, E. (2023). Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation – strategic aspects. Security Dialogues, Vol.14, No.1.
- Pavleski, A. & Rajkovcevski, R. (2023). A Human rights issue through conflict transformation – the Macedonian approach. Studia Securitatis Journal, No.2.
- Pavleski, A. (2023). The concept of peace in theory of International Relations. Annuaire, Vol.76, Skopje: Faculty of Philosophy.
- Basri, K, Pavleski, A., Spasov, N. (2023). Cyber-security as an issue of the contemporary security agenda. Security horizons, Vol.8, No.1. University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola, Faculty of Security.
- Pavleski, A. (2023). Risk perception and risk management – conceptual understandings and dilemmas. Security horizons, Vol.8, No.1. University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola, Faculty of Security.
- Pavleski, A. (2023). Nexus between environmental change and security: dimensions, priorities and challenges. Proceedings of the International scientific conference: How to deal with uncertainties in increasingly complex environment?, held in Caftat-Dubrovnik, September, 27-29, 2022.
- Pavleski, A. (2022). Rethinking security through the prism of the security studies approach. Security horizons, Vol.6, No.1. University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola, Faculty of Security.
- Basri, K., Pavleski, A., Spasov, N. (2022). Thinking about security in the contemporary world. Security horizons, Vol.6, No.1. University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola, Faculty of Security.
- Pavleski, A. (2022). International dimensions of the religious conflicts. Religious Dialogue and Cooperation, No.3, Vol. III. Centre for Intercultural Studies and Research.
- Pavleski, A. & Rajkovcevski, R. (2022). Peacebuilding and Higher Education: An interdisciplinary approach in the context of Macedonian society. Cross-Border Review Yearbook 2022. Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives, ISSN 2064-6704, Budapest, Hungary.
- Pavleski, A. (2022). Conflicts over various values – the role of identity in conflict. Annuaire, Vol.75, Skopje: Faculty of Philosophy.
- Pavleski, A. (2022). The societal security understanding through the contemporary risks and threats. Annals of Disaster Risk Science, Vol.5, No.1-2, University of Applied Science Velika Gorica, Croatia.
- Pavleski, A. (2021). Re-thinking security – Corona virus pandemic impact on security agenda. Security Dialogues, Vol.12, No.2.
- Pavleski, A. (2021). Non-military instruments of preventive diplomacy: the role of economic sanctions. Contemporary Macedonian Defence, Vol.21, No.40.
- Pavleski, A. (2021). Pandemic security – etiological aspects. Contemporary Macedonian Defence, Vol.21, No.41.
- Pavleski, A. (2021). Macedonian approach to the nature protection: standings and challenges. In Albrecht, Palekhov, Kramm, Mileski (eds.) Transposition of the Acquis Communautaire: Environment and Migration. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac.
- Zendelovski, G. & Pavleski, A. (2021). R.N.Macedonia and the CFSP of the European Union: achievements and challenges. Annuaire,Vol.72, Faculty of Philosophy.
- Cvetkovski, S., Pavleski, A., Spasov, N. (2021). Understanding and managing risks caused by Covid-19 pandemic. Security Horizons, Vol.2, No.4.

Project assistant in International Project: Visegrad University Student Grant No.61300005 Theory of International Relations and Conflict Resolution. Faculty of Philosophy - Skopje and Visegrad Fund.


- New Fronties of Conflict and Security Policy, 17-20 September, 2024, Dojran, N. Macedonia

- Contemporary Security Challenges and strengthening the resilience of the countries of Southeast Europe, 23-24 September, 2024, Ohrid, N. Macedonia

- Temporary security ripples or new World architecture of security, 04-07.2023, Dojran, N. Macedonia.

- The Strategic and Security Concept for the Countries of Southeast Europe, 27-29 September, 2023, Struga, N. Macedonia.
- Crimen, Forensis, Securitas - 30 Godina u Bosni i Hercegovini, 04-05.10.2023, Saraevo, BiH.
- "Human Security. Theoretical Approaches and Practical Applications", 27.10.2023, Sibiu, Romania.
- 15th International and scientific conference: Crisis Management Days. University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica, 26-27.10.2022 Velika Gorica, Croatia.
- How to deal with uncertainties in increasingly complex environment? September 27-29, 2022. Caftat-Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- 13th International Scientific Conference: 45 Years Higher Education in the Area of Security – Educational Challenges and Security Perspectives, 26-28.09.2022 Struga, N.Macedonia.
- Rethinking Mechanisms for Security, Peace and Development, 04-07.2022. Dojran, N. Macedonia.
- The International Conference on the Future of Peace - The Role of the Academic Community in the Promotion of Peace, organized by: Croatian Association Club of Rome, University of Zagreb and Inter University Centre Dubrovnik. 31.07-06.08.2022 Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- “Second European Conference for Religious Dialogue and Cooperation”, 13-16.06.2022, Struga, N. Macedonia.

Peace Studies, Conflict Resolution in International Relations, Security Studies

Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Murat Necip ARMAN Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi, Uluslarası İlişkiler Bölümü Türkiye
International Relations, European Union, Regional Studies
Dr. Esra VARDAR TUTAN It is not affiliated with an institution Türkiye
European Union, European Union-Turkiye Relations, International Migration, Politics in International Relations
Last Update Time: 2/18/25, 12:42:30 PM