Writing Rules

Journal writing rules are presented below.

Click for sample text (Please prepare your article in this template).

English and Turkish articles are accepted in the journal. Authors whose articles are accepted must sign a copyright transfer form and send it to the editorial board. Authors take responsibility for all statements in the work they submit to the journal for publication. The studies to be sent to the journal should be prepared as follows:
1. Font
All text should be written in Times New Romans font, 12 points and 1.5 line spacing. The "tab" key should not be used at the beginning of the paragraph.
2. Page Layout
The works should be prepared on one side of the A4 size paper, leaving 2.5 cm margins from the top, bottom, right and left sides. In addition, the number of pages, including the abstract and the bibliography, should not exceed 40 and the page numbers should be in the lower right corner of the page.
3. Author Information
The names of the author/authors should be given just below the title of the study, adjacent to the right. In addition, the title, institution, e-mail address and ORCID ID of the author should be indicated in the footnote at the bottom of the page in the form of an asterisk (*).
4. Title and Essence
The following table should be considered according to the working language. Abstracts in the study should not exceed 250 words each. The aim, scope, method information and basic findings of the study should be briefly mentioned in the abstract. At least 3 and at most 5 keywords should be given under the abstract.
Working Language

Queue English Turkish
Article Title 1. English title (13.5pt)
2. Turkish title (12pt) (optional)
2. English title (12pt) 1. Turkish title (13.5pt)
2. English title (12pt)
Abstract 1. English abstract (9pt)
2. Turkish abstract (9pt) (optional)
2. English abstract (9pt) 1. Turkish abstract (9pt)
2. English abstract (9pt)

5. Main Text
Basically, the title(s), abstract(s) and keywords, main text sections, bibliography and if necessary appendices should be included in the studies. For articles whose working language is Turkish, an English Extended Abstract should be added to the text.

6. Tables and Figures
All images, graphs and figures should be named "Figure" and tables should be named "Table". Tables and figures should be numbered and presented with an explanatory title. The titles of the tables should be at the top and the titles of the figures should be at the bottom.
Examples: Table 1: Demographic Characteristics / Figure 1: Conceptual Model

Figures should be in high resolution and black and white colors should be used in the figures. Vertical lines should not be used in tables. Horizontal lines should only be used to separate subheadings in the table. The size of tables and figures should not exceed the page limits. Decimal numbers used in tables should be given with two digits after the comma.
7. Appendices
Appendices should be given at the end of the text after the bibliography.
8. Citations and Citations
Authors should use version 6 of the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style for in-text citation and citation. References should be indicated in the text by writing the surnames of the authors and the date of publication in parentheses. If more than one source is to be cited in the text, the (;) sign should be used between the references.

Authors should make sure that in-text citations are shown in the references section, the cited dates and author names should be the same in the text and in the references section.

Examples of in-text citations are as follows:
Zimmerman (1983)
(Bloomfield & Anderson, 2010)
Chen et al. (2010: 122)
(Gneezy, Niederle, & Rustichini, 2003; Gneezy & Rustichini, 2004).
(Post et al., 2008)
9. References
For references in articles, version 6 of the APA (American Psychological Association) reference style should be followed (https://apastyle.apa.org/). References should be given in the bibliography section in alphabetical order and in 11 font size. If more than one study by the same author is cited, these studies should be listed from oldest to newest. If the name of the author is not known, the name of the scientific study should be written instead of the author's name. The second and subsequent lines of the reference section should be adjusted to start 1 cm inside.
The following is an example of the notation in the references section:
Almeida, H., Campello, M., & Weisbach, M. S. (2004). The cash flow sensitivity of cash. Journal of Finance, 59(4), 1777–1804.
Bao, D., Chan, K. C., & Zhang, W. (2012). Asymmetric cash flow sensitivity of cash holdings. Journal of Corporate Finance, 18, 690–700. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2012.05.003.
Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Chen, D., Gan. C., Hu, B. (2013). An empirical study of mutual funds performance in China. Retrieved fro

Last Update Time: 1/6/25, 12:02:09 PM