General writing rules
The text of the manuscript should be 11 pt, Times New Roman and 1 line spacing. The study should be written using the 3rd individual / plural pronouns. |
The text should be a single column. |
Page Structure
Paragraph Structure
In the indents section of the paragraph tab; before and after the field should be 6 nk, line spacing should be 1 |
First Page
Title |
The title should be written in 16-point, the first letter of words should be capitalized, centered and bold. |
Author Names |
Names of the author (s) should be written in 11 pt, surname in capital letters and centered, and if the author is more than one, the names should be written side by side according to their contribution to the study |
The city, country and e-mail address and ORCID numbers of the author (s) must be specified in the footnote. All information in footnotes must be 9 pt. If the study is presented as a paper in any scientific activity, the title, place and date of the activity should be stated in footnote. If the study is supported by any research institution or fund, the name of the organization providing the support, the project number and completion date should be stated in footnote. If the study is produced from post-graduate theses, the name of the thesis and the date of completion should be stated in footnote. |
Abstract content should reflect briefly the purpose, method and results of the article. Abstract should be 10 point Times New Roman, single line spacing and up to 250 words. The abstract should not be cited within the text. The abstract should contain 3-5 key words describing work. Keywords should be separated by a comma (,) sign and should be written in lower case. There should be 1 line of space between the abstract and the keywords and between the input and the keywords. |
Main Text
The main text of the manuscript should be written on separate pages. |
The main text should consist of Introduction, Method, Findings, Discussion and Interpretation, Conclusions and Recommendations, References and Attachments. Each section should follow each other. The text should be 11-point Times New Roman, justified, and 1 line spacing. |
Main section headings
It should be left-justified, 11-point bold and capitalized without numbering. The text below the title should not be made per paragraph. |
Second level headings
It should be separated from the preceding paragraph by a space. |
Third-level headings
Left based, 11 pt, italic and only the first letter of the first letter should be capitalized. It should be separated from the preceding paragraph by a space. |
Fourth level headings
Left based, 11 pt and italic. Paragraph must continue at the level of the title. It should not be separated from the preceding paragraph by the line spacing. |
In-text and in references, representations should use the APA style. For more information: |
Figure, Graphics and pictures
Table, Picture, Graphic, etc. elements should be included in the text. |
Tables should be numbered and the title of the table should be placed on top of the table. The initials of the words should be capitalized, left-justified and written in 11 font size. |
The first letters of the table name must be capitalized. Intra-table values should be 9 pt. No spaces should be left between the table title and the table. Tables should be specified by giving the number of tables in the text. Tables should be located on the page that they are used in the text or on the following page. Related notes and references should be indicated at the bottom of the table after the words Note or Source. The space between the text and the table must be 1 line before and after the table. Tables should be placed in the same page as possible. |
Figure, Graphics and pictures
Must be numbered with numbers. In the tables and figures, you should use the Times New Roman font with 9 font size. |
Each Attachments must be given on separate pages after the references. |