The Eurasian Journal of English Language and Literature (EJELL), published by the Department of Western Languages and Literatures , Karabuk University, Türkiye, is an academic, biannual periodical dedicated to advancing scholarly research and fostering intellectual discourse in the fields of English language, linguistics, and literature. The journal aims to:
- Promote disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and encourage the integration of linguistic, literary, and cultural studies to address diverse issues related to English language and literature.
- Provide a platform for academics, researchers, and practitioners from Eurasia and beyond to share innovative ideas, theories, and findings.
- Highlight the role of English language and literature in bridging cultural differences and promoting global dialogue.
- Create opportunities for experienced and early-career researchers to contribute to academic discussions and gain recognition in their respective fields.
- Encourage the diverse perspectives in literary research and publish high-quality research that reflects a wide range of theoretical approaches, methodologies, and perspectives in the study of English language and literature.
- Reach the highest standards of scholarly ethics, ensuring rigorous peer-review and adherence to publication best practices.
EJELL strives to be an inclusive and authoritative source of academic knowledge, contributing significantly to the study and teaching of English language and literature in a rapidly evolving global context.
The Eurasian Journal of English Language and Literature (EJELL) is a biannual academic journal that publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed research across a broad spectrum of topics in English language and literature. The journal’s scope encompasses, but is not limited to, the following areas:
English Language Studies:
-Applied linguistics
-Second language acquisition
-Language teaching methodologies
-Sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics
-Corpus linguistics
-Discourse analysis
-Literary Studies
Analysis of English and world literature:
-Comparative literature studies
-Literary theory and criticism
-Cultural and postcolonial studies
-Interdisciplinary approaches to literature
-Translation and Interpretation
Theories and practices of translation:
-Comparative studies in translation
-Language and culture in translation
-Cross-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Studies
The role of English in global and local contexts:
Literature as a medium for cultural exchange
Intersections of language, literature, and media
Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Contemporary trends in English studies
The journal welcomes submissions from scholars, researchers, and practitioners worldwide, emphasizing originality, rigor, and relevance to the field. EJELL aspires to contribute to the academic community by promoting diverse perspectives and fostering meaningful dialogue on English language and literature in the Eurasian region and beyond.