1. Turkish and English articles accepted for publication in the journal must be formatted by the author(s) in the format specified below.
2. It is requested that the electronic copy of the study be written in Microsoft Word program, using Bookman Old Style font. Body text 11 point; abstract and footnotes 9 point; Graph, figure, table titles and references should be in 10 point font.
3. The article title should be written in 14-point font, bold and left-aligned, with the first letters of the words capitalized in the article's own language. If the article is in Turkish, the English title should be added under the Turkish title in 12-point font, italic and left-aligned.
4. The submitted article must be at least 4,000 and at most 12,000 words (excluding bibliography). Line spacing should be 1.0.
5. Page layout: Page size should be A4 (21x29.7 cm). The text layout should be arranged in two columns on the page, justified on both sides.
6. Page margins should be set narrowly (top:1.27cm; bottom:1.27cm; left:1.27cm; right:1.27cm). The gap between two columns should be 1.25cm.
7. Submitted Turkish studies must have both Turkish and English abstracts. Turkish abstracts are not required for English studies. The summary text should be at least 150 and at most 250 words. There should be keywords (maximum 5) under the abstracts. Preferably, GEL codes can be used. Abstract, keywords and JEL codes should be written in Bookman Old Style 9 point font. Summary text should be in italics.
8. In-text first level headings should be written in 12 point bold, second level headings should be 11 point bold, third level headings should be written in 11 point italic and the first letter of each word should be capitalized. Headings should be displayed as 1., 1.1, 1.1.2.
9. There should be an 8nk space after each paragraph in the text. Paragraphs should start left aligned.
10. Tables and figures used should be numbered with their titles, and the titles should be shown on the figures and tables as Table 1. Table Name, Figure 1. Figure Name. The source should be stated immediately below the table and figure titles. Relevant tables and figures should be referenced in the text.
11. In-text parentheses should be used when citing sources. The bibliography should be prepared in accordance with the 6th version of APA style. For bibliography writing style, you should refer to the sample article template.