AuthorsJournal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation (JETR), accepts articles prepared according to the guidelines prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE (“Requirements for articles submitted to biomedical journals”, available as PDF at and COPE (https:/ / Authors are recommended to read these rules.
The scientific content of the articles and their compliance with ethical rules are the responsibility of the author(s). Manuscripts that have received Ethics Committee approval and comply with the Declaration of Helsinki are accepted into the journal. If the "Animal" cases are used in the study, the author(s) state in the "Method" section of the article that they protect animal rights in their studies in line with the principles of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( and must state that they have received approval from the ethics committees of their institutions.
For studies conducted with the "Human" cases, the author(s) must upload the relevant Ethics Committee approval document along with the article. For case reports, the Ethics Committee approval document must obtained from the Clinical Research Ethics Committee uploaded to the system. When Ethics Committee approval is not required, the Ethics Committee exemption certificate obtained from the Clinical Research Ethics Committee must be uploaded to the system together with the case report. Authors must indicate in the submitted article that written informed consent has been obtained from the individuals participating in the research and must document the consent forms when necessary.
In order for the evaluation process to begin, articles must be submitted with the Copyright Transfer Form signed by all authors.
Authors are responsible for disclosing all personal and financial relationships related to the study. It is necessary to clearly declare whether there is any conflict of interest related to the application and/or evaluation of the article.
The corresponding author bears responsibility for the final version of the article on behalf of all authors.
Reviewers are obliged to keep information regarding the manuscript confidential. Reviewers must notify journal boards in case of conflict of interest.
Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation (JETR) editors and field editors have fundamental ethical duties and responsibilities published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) on the “COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" guides.
Editors are responsible for publishing every article published in the journal in accordance with the journal publication policies and international standards. Editors are responsible for implementing the "Blind Review and Evaluation Process" policies included in the journal's publication policies. In this context, editors ensure that the evaluation process of each work is completed in a fair, impartial and timely manner.
Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation (JETR), research with case studies in English and Turkish in the fields of exercise physiology, nutrition and child development, as well as physiotherapy and rehabilitation, sport and exercise, and other health disciplines including audiology, speech therapy, occupational therapy. and publishes review articles. The Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation (JETR) is published three times a year, in April, August and December. The average article evaluation period is three months. No fee is charged during the article publication process.
The article evaluation process in JETR journal is carried out on the principle of double-blind reviewing process. Reviewers cannot contact the authors directly, evaluations and comments are transmitted through the journal management system. In this process, evaluation forms and reviewer comments on full texts are forwarded to the author(s) through the editor.